Enemies can hide for a long time, as patience is often their forte. This story takes place after Patrick and Teresa become man and wife. Teresa is working until her maternity leave begins, and Patrick is busy finishing up the cabin. This is a peaceful time in their lives, much to their mutual enjoyment. Stress and rampant evil have finally left the Jane family alone. Or has it? Rated M I think!

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to the Mentalist. If I did we would be anticipating season 8 and a baby!

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Chapter 1 Flying Blind

(Happening now…)

The roar of the jet engines in flight was deafening. Muffled voices were drowned out by the constant rumble of the aircraft droning along. Patrick sat slumped over in a seat at the rear of the jet. There were only two other passengers flying with him, one right beside Patrick's lifeless body, and the other across the aisle, keeping a close watch on him. All other seats on the sleek private jet were empty. The sky outside the windows showed the sun starting its' descent for the day, as dusk overtook the world below.

Patrick's head lolled to one side, a burlap sack covering his head and face. His hands were zip-tied together in his lap, his seat belt very firmly holding his arms down so he could not manage an escape. He was unaware of his current situation, so deep was his drug induced sleep. All sensations and any sense of his precarious position were yet to assault him. An innocent trip to his favourite tea shop and a rendezvous with his lovely wife would have been the highlight of his day. But it was not meant to be. Meticulous planning and the workings of an outsized ego by an enemy Patrick did not know he had, aimed at bringing Jane to his knees. This careful planning was now paying dividends. The prize in this little exercise was deeply drugged and, for the moment, blissfully unaware of how tenuous his hold on life had suddenly become.

(That morning….)

Teresa had arrived at work right on time, as usual. All pleading and romantic overtures by her beautiful husband had failed to convince her to stay at home, or even arrive a little later than her normal punctual routine.

"Wifey, you are killing me here!" Patrick whined. "We only have a few weeks left with just the two of us, then I will be sharing you with our little boy. Stay home and play house with me!' he playfully pleaded, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Much as that sounds irresistible, I still have a commitment to the FBI until the end of the week. Once I get all my case files organized and coach my maternity leave replacement, I can play 'house' with you all day long" she replied, smiling at his theatrical look of heartbreak. She took a long approving look at her husband. While she still loved to see him in one of his well-tailored 3 piece suits, she was enjoying seeing Patrick these days in jeans and a tight t-shirt, or chino's and a pale blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his muscular arms.

Patrick had known all along that Teresa would not stay home yet, such was her loyalty to her team at the FBI office in Austin. She did look forward to sleeping in for a few last weeks before their much loved and much anticipated son arrived. Just a few more days and she and Patrick could be snugged up in bed until noon if they liked.

"Will you drop by the office later this morning for a visit Patrick?" she asked as she headed for the door.

"Absolutely! I am missing my couch. Must lay claim to it once more before some other agent dares to sit on it and ruin its' aura" he grinned.

"Your couch has an aura? Really? You're going with that lame premise?" Teresa teased.

"Oh yes, the Force is strong in that couch Teresa, as if you didn't remember some of our more powerful moments spent on it…" Patrick leered.

Teresa blushed and grinned. "You are incorrigible Mr. Jane. I would hope you were coming to visit me at the very least!"

Patrick swept Teresa up into his arms and kissed her softly. Hugging her for a few moments, he broke away from her and looked deeply into her eyes.

"I will always come for you my love".

Teresa beamed, awash in the love they could finally express without reservation.

"I really have to get going. I'll wait to have lunch with you OK?"

"I'll be there. I just have to go to the tea shop first to stock up on some of my favourite blends before I'm up all night with Jane Jr. here" he smiled, gently stroking Teresa's large belly.

"Ok, bye. Don't be late! I am hungry all the time now, so lunch will be hard to wait for!" Teresa called as she sailed out the door. Patrick stood on the porch of their cabin watching as Teresa drove away, giving him a final wave goodbye.

Patrick turned and went back inside. He had a full morning of tinkering around the cabin to do, small bits of carpentry and painting. By the time their son arrived, he hoped the cabin would be completely finished. Humming to himself, Patrick started to clear away the breakfast dishes before he started his first project.

Time flew for Patrick as he had become completely immersed in his latest job, painting the nursery. Checking the time, he realized he was in danger of being late for his lunch with a very pregnant and very hungry wife. He quickly rinsed off his hands and resealed the paint can, and wrapped up his paint roller to use again later in the day. Whistling an old carny tune, he ran out to the odd little Citroen that he so dearly loved to drive and headed into downtown Austin. With luck he could pick up his tea and still make it to the office before Teresa started to eat lunch without him.

Patrick parked across the road from the tea shop that had become one of his favourite places in Austin. The staff at the shop knew him well by now and often had his favourite teas ready for him as he sauntered in. They were also keen to suggest new blends for him to try, knowing that he appreciated discovering new and exotic flavours.

Helene was his favourite "tea lady" and he looked forward to chatting with her for a few minutes before he had to get over to the FBI building. Patrick strolled into the shop and looked around, inhaling deeply, savouring the riotous scents of aromatic teas from around the world. Helene was not in her usual position behind the counter today. Standing in her place was a dark haired young woman of about 25 years old, a new face. Smiling broadly at Patrick, she seemed eager to help him.

"Good morning!" she chirped, taking in Patrick's handsome face with pleasure. "How can I help you today?"

"Good morning. Is Helene not working today?" asked Patrick with disappointment.

"Helene will be in later today, but I am new and in training, so I am afraid you will have to put up with me sir" the new girl explained. "I'm Silvia."

"Pleased to meet you Silvia!" smiled Patrick, fishing around in his pocket for a list he had made of the teas he wanted to buy. Finding it, he handed it to Silvia and asked her to package those loose teas up for him.

"Be glad to sir. While you are waiting, would you like to sample a new Tibetan Oolong blend that just arrived? I can give you a cup to try" beamed Silvia.

"Thank you, yes! That would be lovely" agreed Patrick, already liking this girl. She disappeared into the back of the shop and reappeared minutes later with a steaming cup of tea.

Patrick wandered around the shop sipping his tea while Silvia bagged his tea order. She wasn't as fast as Helene, but Patrick was forgiving since she was just learning the inventory of the shop. After sipping his tea for a few minutes, he found he was feeling a bit tired. Odd that he was tired so early in the day. 'Old man' he thought to himself as he peered out the front window of the little shop. Five minutes had passed and Silvia had disappeared into the back of the shop leaving Patrick alone. He noticed his toes were tingling, an odd numbness creeping into his feet. He moved to sit down at one of the small tables in the store, expecting the odd sensation to run its' course and soon end. He drank more of his tea and became aware of a lack of feeling in his fingers holding the teacup. He struggled to put it safely back into the saucer as his hands shook uncontrollably. He began to sweat and felt his legs losing feeling and strength. He tried to call out to Silvia, but found his voice was soft and weak. Feeling something akin to minor panic, Patrick tried to stand up to make his way back to the safety of his car, where his cellphone sat on the front seat. He managed to take one step before his legs collapsed under his own weight and he crashed into one of the small bistro tables, bashing his forehead against the edge of the table before hitting the floor. With a pounding heart, he looked up and around the shop, searching for Silvia to come and call for help, but she had disappeared. He could tell he had hurt his head but it was curiously devoid of the sharp pain he should be feeling. Numbness was rapidly overtaking his whole body and he found himself growing drowsier. Just as he felt himself slipping away into unconsciousness, he heard the tinkling of the bell on the front door of the shop as someone came in.

"Help me…." Patrick thought, as he slipped away into a drug-induced coma.

Two large men in dark suits stepped inside and locked the door. Wordlessly, they surveyed the room and moved over to where Patrick lay. Pushing the table and chairs away from his inert body, they turned him over and bent down to check on him. Patrick was out cold, eyes firmly shut and in no pain from the nasty cut on his forehead. His body was totally relaxed and would offer no resistance. Pleased with what they saw, they grabbed Patrick around the upper body and by his ankles and manhandled him through the shop and out the back door, where a large black van was waiting with the engine running. Silvia stood beside the van smoking a cigarette and watched as Patrick's body was unceremoniously dumped into the back of the van. A black hood was forced over his head and his hands and feet were secured with zip ties.

"What a shame... " she thought to herself ruthlessly, stubbing out her cigarette with her toe. "He was kinda cute…"

At a signal from the men in the van, she re-entered the shop, put a "Closed" sign in the window and came back out and climbed into the van. Nodding her signal that it was time to go, the van pulled away quietly and joined the general noon hour rush in downtown Austin.

(Noon hour…)

Teresa sat at her desk, staring at the clock on her laptop. Stomach growling furiously, she typed up one last report all the while muttering under her breath. Patrick was never late for one of their lunches together. He loved coming in to visit the old gang. He and Cho would discuss new cases with Patrick pretending not to be interested, but always willing to give Cho a new insight into the trajectory of the investigation. Then he would sweep Teresa out of the department with a flourish to surprise her with lunch in a newly discovered restaurant.

"Any time now Patrick!" Teresa thought for the hundredth time as the elevator doors did not slide open to reveal his silly grinning face. 20 minutes past the time Patrick said he would be there, Cho came out of his office with a case file in his hand.

"Patrick decide not to come in today?"

Teresa turned to look up at Cho and shook her head.

"No. Not that I know of. I was expecting him a while ago."

Cho nodded and started to turn back to his office.

"Well if he comes in, send him my way. I've got an interesting angle to my latest case he might want to discuss."

"Sure thing. See you later Cho" Teresa agreed. Picking up her cell phone, Teresa dialled Patrick's number. It rang and rang, but eventually went to voice mail.

"That's odd" she thought. Maybe he got talking to one of the regulars in the tea shop? Maybe he's stuck in traffic? But he would have called…. Suddenly a new thought occurred to Teresa. Maybe he is planning some elaborate prank and is waiting for her to fall into his trap unawares?

"Well if that is the case" she thought, "I'll just sit here until he gets so tired of waiting for me he gives up his silly game and comes up to the bullpen."

She was satisfied with this idea and so went back to her paperwork. One hour, two cups of coffee and a vending machine sandwich later, she was still at her desk working when Wylie got up from his desk and put on his jacket.

"See you tomorrow Teresa. I'm heading out early today. Still no Jane?"

"Nope. I'm just waiting him out. I think he was planning some stunt. But I can outlast him!" she grinned.

"Well good luck with that!" Wylie called as he headed for the elevator. "Let me know tomorrow what he came up with this time!"

Teresa nodded at Wylie and with a sigh shut down her laptop. Jane was taking too long. This wasn't fun anymore. She was giving up.

"Come on Jane!" she muttered to herself, getting her jacket and bag as she headed to the elevator. Taking out her phone, she called his number again. This time the line was dead. She couldn't even leave him a message to chew him out. She was feeling confused and uneasy, but pushed those feelings aside. Maybe he didn't plan anything at all. Perhaps he just got busy back at the cabin and didn't realize his phone had died. She got into her car and pulled away. Whatever had delayed Patrick, she was sure he would have a good story to tell her when she finally got home.

Well the summer is pretty much over and it was time I started to write again. Welcome back readers, and hello to any new readers out there. If you are new, check out my other story "And Their World Came Tumbling Down". Patrick doesn't know yet what is happening, but his blissful state is soon going to change. Teresa and the rest of the FBI will have to work fast to find Patrick and his captor before it is too late. Time is short! Next chapter soon I hope.