Notes: This is entirely based on a weird fandom dream I had last night and this was born. I have a vague idea of the direction I want to go with it, and it will be at least one more part (two at most I think). It will have Connor/Kevin of some sort, but not sure how in-depth it will be (don't expect any smut).

Rivers Run

Admittedly, Connor McKinley hadn't known what to expect.

He hadn't had personal contact with Kevin Price since he had left Uganda, which had been the better part of a year before Kevin's own mission would be over. They had all kept in touch through Facebook; Kevin was of course the quintessential preach and bragger, making his life appear to be maddeningly perfect with every status update that he posted.

Heading to work, such a great morning!

New challenges and chances to grow. Pumped for college!

Handing in the last paper of the year, don't wake me tomorrow!

Most updates came with more likes than Connor had friends. In a way it was interesting to see. The guy had never been popular in Uganda, but seeing him in his right element at home did explain a few things about Kevin's character.

Of course Connor knew that no one could be that constantly perfect, not even Kevin, no matter how hard he tried, and it wasn't too difficult to pick up on the subtle hints of truth. For one thing, there were no mentions of church or family. And even though Connor was quite certain that Kevin could have gotten into pretty much any college or university he set his eyes on, he was actually attending community college. The same school as Arnold Cunningham went to, if Connor remembered correctly.

But to be honest, Connor was busy with his own life and his new (progressive Christian) congregation and didn't stop to think much about it. To be completely honest, he didn't even notice when Kevin stopped posting new status updates. It actually took several weeks before he realized why his Facebook page seemed so much… quieter. At first Connor chalked it up to Kevin taking a break from social media. People did that all the time.

It wasn't until almost two months had passed since Kevin's last status update that Connor found out, and then it was only thanks to his cousin's wedding.

Connor may not consider himself a Mormon any longer, but that didn't change the fact that his entire family were devout Latter Day Saints since many, many generations back. Kevin's family was equally large and probably even more devout. Gossip and news did travel within the community.

"…such a tragedy though."

Connor was allowing himself a bit of a time-out to watch the dance floor when he picked up on the conversation nearby. It wasn't intentional eavesdropping as much as the fact that he physically couldn't avoid listening, once his brain had started to filter out the voices.

"It must be so hard for the family."

"I heard he's not making it easier for them by keeping his stance against the church. It is the church, if anything, that could help him through this."

"Well, we all have to follow our own paths. But I do wonder whatever happened in Uganda to make…"

Connor choked on the water he had been sipping on. He coughed once, then managed to stop himself and cleared his throat. This had grown from vague curiosity to personal interest, and he didn't want to miss the rest of the conversation.

"I never thought anyone from the Price family would be excommunicated, to be honest…"

Discomfort was spreading in his abdomen. Perhaps it was dread? Either way, Connor used much of the rest of the night to catch up on this piece of gossip. The details differed from person to person, but one thing was clear.

There had been an accident.

Connor wasn't sure why he hadn't been able to let it go. He hadn't actually talked to Kevin in over two years now. Maybe it was morbid curiosity. Maybe it was concern for someone he had used to call a very good friend. Maybe it was the old crush Connor had been unable to shake off. Whatever the reason, he had tried contacting Kevin directly via both mail and Facebook, and received no reply. Finally, impatiently, he had tried Arnold instead, because he was relatively sure the Kevin and Arnold, at least, still kept in close contact. He was unsure exactly what it was he wanted to say, so had written a very neutral Hey.

Arnold had been online and answered at once.

So not to be rude, Connor kept the conversation pretty standard at first, until he couldn't hold it in any longer.

I heard about Kevin, he wrote.

Even after Arnold had seen the message, he took a long time before answering this time. And when it did, it was simply, Yeah.

How is he?

Ok. There was a pause there, though Connor could see the notification that revealed that Arnold that typing for quite a long time before it stopped without any further text being sent. There was another pause. Connor considered if he should ask for more details when Arnold started writing again and sent it. He's in a rehabilitation center in town.

Oh. That sounded, well, it sounded both good and bad, Connor supposed.

Visiting tomorrow, wanna come?

He only hesitated for a moment.


Connor guessed he might have given the impression that he knew more than he actually did about the accident. He had met up with Arnold the next morning, Arnold who had actually had some sort of late growth spurt and had cut his hair but was still pretty much the same jittery, cheerful guy that Connor remembered. What he gathered was that it had been a car accident, just a freak accident in a rain storm. Aquaplaning and not really the fault of either driver. Kevin had taken the worst hit, though. The other guy had walked away unscathed.

The rehabilitation center looked surprisingly nice, almost homely. It was the sign that occupied most of his thoughts, however, because it said, "Spinal Rehabilitation Center".

So yeah, Connor had gathered some facts, but it had not been enough to prepare him for the sight of Kevin Price in a wheelchair.

He thought that he hid his shock quite well, but it became embarrassingly obvious that Arnold had not prepared Kevin for an extra visitor and Connor got the feeling that Kevin wasn't very happy to see him.

Still, Kevin had smiled politely, greeted him and thanked him for coming. It wasn't as wide as the smiles Connor remembered and his eyes certainly didn't burn with the same ambitious energy the way they used to, but Connor didn't think that he could really fault Kevin for that right now.

Arnold kept up the conversation with cheer that appeared to be only slightly forced and he seemed to be comfortable enough around the facilities to take command of the wheelchair and the direction of where to go as they headed out into the garden. Kevin kept up with the conversation quite well and Connor contributed with information about his own life. Kevin seemed to perk up with interest when Connor mentioned his new congregation, but his expression was hard to read.

After a few moments of general pleasantries, Arnold stood up from the bench where they had settled. "Sorry, gotta find a bathroom."

Kevin waved vaguely in the direction of one of the entrances to the building, and Arnold left Connor and him alone in the garden.

The silence that Arnold left behind was slightly awkward, and Connor took a quiet moment to study his old friend. Kevin was thinner that he remembered, and his right arm was in a cast that was covered in scribbled greetings. He appeared to have made some sort of effort with his hair to prepare for visiting hours, but it obviously needed washing. Connor's stomach clenched as he realized that Kevin possibly, probably required assistance for that sort of thing right now.

"So," Kevin said, almost formally. "How are you, Eld… Connor?"

Connor raised his eyebrows. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

Kevin shrugged with his good shoulder. "I get tired of it. You can imagine."

"Still." It was disconcerting, seeing Kevin act so… mellow.

"How did you find out where I was, anyway?"

"Mormon gossip." Connor smiled, somewhat ruefully. "And then I asked Arnold."

"I thought you said you were Lutheran nowadays." There was a definite edge to Kevin's voice now.

"I like the congregation," Connor said mildly. He was used to questions regarding his religious beliefs. "I'm not specifically into Lutheranism. But yeah, I'm definitely not a Latter Day Saint anymore."

"I see," Kevin said, despite looking like he didn't understand at all.

"You've given up church completely then?" Connor felt that he was on dangerous waters, but it also seemed like a subject Kevin was desperate to discuss. He was the one that had brought it up, after all.

"Yes," Kevin said and looked away.

Figures. With Kevin it was always everything or nothing. He waited for Kevin to elaborate, but he didn't say anything else. Connor used the silence to look around in the garden a bit. His initial impressions had been correct; the place was pleasant. Both the garden and the buildings appeared to be in great condition, and the mood of the place was relaxed and inviting, for being a private hospital.

He glanced at Kevin again and wondered how impolite it would be to ask about his injuries. He settled for a safer subject.

"This is quite a place."

"Yeah," Kevin said. "It's nice, I guess."

"Must be expensive," Connor said before he realized that it might be rude to bring up.

"It is." Kevin smiled at him, so wide that Connor realized that he was actually being sarcastic, which didn't become him at all. "My parents are sparing no expenses."

"Sounds nice," Connor said, keeping his voice neutral. He glanced around for Arnold and was glad to see him finally emerge from the building.

"Yeah…" Arnold stared at the road and for once seemed to think before he talked. "The thing is, he hasn't been on great terms with his family since we got back from Uganda." He slowed down and waited for another car to move so he could switch lanes. Connor had been surprised to find out that Arnold actually had a driver's license. He didn't seem like the type. "And logically, Kevin could be home with them right now, provided his family was willing to help him out with stuff, but, well, I guess they're feeling guilty they're not too keen on that, so they're paying for that place instead."


"Heavy, I know." Arnold gestured with the hand that was not holding the steering wheel. He looked like he wanted to say more about it, but couldn't decide what to say. Eventually he let the hand down to change gears as they could finally speed up.

"Is it…permanent?" Connor said, surprising himself by finally uttering the question he had wanted to ask the entire day.

Thankfully, Arnold seemed to understand what he meant immediately. "The wheelchair? Who knows?" He stared at the road. "I don't know the details, but he says he can't feel his legs at all right now. The doctors say it's difficult to say anything with this type of injury."

Connor nodded and thought about the contrast between the almost plain twenty-one year old in that wheelchair, as compared with the ambitious, high-spirited (and pretty conceited) nineteen year old that he had known in Uganda. Why had he even followed this road of clues to meet Kevin again, like this?

"Maybe you can visit him again though?" Connor looked up to meet Arnold's quick glances between him and the road. "I mean, his family comes along sometimes, but he doesn't really want to meet his groupies from school and I think he's kinda lonely…"

"Sure," Connor said quickly to stop Arnold from rambling. He stopped himself from sighing out loud. "I'd like that."