Marvel At My Miko

Summary: In which the Marvel Universe has it out for Higurashi, Kagome and she has no say in the matter. A prompt-esque series. Encompasses as much of the Marvel Universe as I can.

Disclaimer: In no way do I own the great works that the Marvel Companies crank out on an hourly basis, or the epic story that was InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale. They are owned by their creators, Stan Lee and Rumiko Takahashi respectfully.

Prompt: You send me ideas and I'll crank them out as fast as I can. Some may be drabbles, other multi-page one-shots, others two-three-or-four-shots.

Pairings: You decide! Give me a Universe to work with, who to pair Kagome up with and I'll let my imagination run wild!

Rating: Again, tell me what you all want! K to NSFW, from fluffle-puff adorable-ness to Hardcore, kinky tie-you-up-with-a-blindfold-and-have-my-naughty-way-with-you deep, to character death, to gore, to whatever you're wicked minds come up with!

Settings: Has to stay in the Marvel Universe, and Kagome will defiantly be older (early-to-mid-twenties) and have gone through the whole well, but I'll change the IY canon as I (you) see fit!

HBWD's Corner: So, I have a few already done, and I'll post them in a timely manner… But this is to get my mojo running again, to get my mind back on writing and to get new ideas to lay upon (torture) our favorite loud-mouthed priestess with! Please, fill me up with your ideas! MY FINGERS AND BODY AND MIND ARE READY! *flails*