Two hearts and two mind into one.

What if things weren't what everyone thought? About Kagome, What if When Serenity was attack, Her body froze, but her spirit did not, So in that matter, the secret jewel, became attracted to, Serenity's soul, and became apart of Kagome.

It's better, then it sounds, in this story, Sailor Moon is attack, and Serena, finds her spirit inside another. Kagome, travels around with, Inuyasha the half demon, who she befriended, but is it really Kagome, being nice to him, or Serenity, So then, came along others, Sango the Demon slayer, Miroku, the Monk, and Shippbo, and Kirara, the fox demon, and Neko fire cat.

And they all set out to defeat Naraku, When The Ex King wanted to finish the job, in killing any chance of Serenity's return, So it's up to Small lady to save her mother, and bring the sliver crystal, to her mothers host and set her free, read it.

It's going to be good, hope you like it. So let's give it a shot. enjoy.