Luke's POV

I feel the ground violently shake when I see another Octuptarra tumble to the ground, both Artoo and I jumped once it impacted in. A smile formed on my lips when I realize that my dad had done his part in destroying the Separatists reinforcements. "Nice job, dad." Artoo bwooped in excitement bobbing back and forth. It probably would have gone a lot faster if I was there with him. My head quickly darts up when I see a transport shuttle fly up over my head. That must have been our reinforcements, I couldn't believe it. I didn't think that anyone would come. "Come on, Artoo." I call before I run off to where the shuttle had landed. My father and Master Kenobi were already making their way to the ship.

"Are you sure that it's a good idea to bring a Padawan learner into all of this?"

"Hey." I glare up to my smirking father. "What about me?"

"You're different." Dad replies. "You're probably older than this padawan."

"Probably has more experience in the field then me." I mutter under my breath. "And you still want me to be your student?"

"Of course I do." Dad smiles to me. "The council is bound to let me be your mentor."

"I told you that putting in a request for one was a good idea." Master Kenobi smirked, looking pleased with his idea. "And to think you thought that one would slow you down."

"Hey! Again I'm right here!"

"Again, you're different." Dad tightly grips my shoulder. My parents always wondered if I would be force sensitive when I was born along with my sister. It wasn't until I was four that the Jedi Council discovered that I was strong with the force. Since then my father and his Master have been closely monitoring me until I could be assigned to a proper mentor. "Besides you'd be better than any other possible student that they'd stick me with." Now I knew that he was right about that. I couldn't think of a better teacher for me then him. The three of us stop once the door to the shuttle begins to lower. And I couldn't believe what I was seeing….. a young, beautiful Torgruta girl walked proudly out of the ship. Her orange skin shimmered in the sun, her head tails were short, her face markings were stunning and her eyes made my knees feel weak, they reminded me of the blue waters on Naboo near my family's summer house.

"Heeelllooo, who are you?" I ask her dreamily, not taking my eyes of the stunning creature. She only gave me a look that indicated that she didn't like the way I asked my question. My dad only nudges my arm which meant that he didn't like it either.

Master Kenobi only shakes his head at me. "She appears to be a youngling."

"And who are you suppose to be?" My father asked which was probably how I should have asked my previous question.

"I'm Ahsoka. Master Yoda sent me. I was told to tell you both that you must get back to the Jedi Temple immediately. There's an emergency."

"What kind of emergency?" I ask anxiously. Hoping that this may be the opportunity I need to see some action and get in on it. Dad unfortunately interrupts before she can answer me.

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here."

"Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable but we've been calling for help."

"Yeah I do hate when I can't fix anything mechanical." I groan.

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent me to deliver the message."

"Oh, great. They don't even know we're in trouble."

"If only we could get a clear signal through." I suggest looking around for anything I could use that I hadn't already to try and get the communications working again.

"Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruiser that just dropped me off." Ahsoka suggests. All three of us look at one another then back to her.

"Brilliant." I grin shifting over to the com table and begin to work. My lighting was blocked for a moment when I noticed the youngling looking over my shoulder, her hands on her knees.

"Did I drop something?" I ask looking at her confused as to what she was doing.

"No….but you might need this." She beams then hands me a torque wrench. I stare at the wrench for a moment then look up to her.

"Thanks." I grin as I take the tool from her. "Do you know much about this stuff?"

"Not really…just a few little tricks."

"Well I'm glad that you knew about this one." I twirl the wrench in my fingers. I pick up the pliers neck to me and reach inside the side panel of the communication table, digging for what I needed

"What's your name?" She finally asked me when I clipped two wires from inside the panel. I once again look up at her and out stretch my hand to hers.

"Luke Skywalker." Her eyes widened once I told her this.

"The….the son of the chosen one?" She stutters at first.

I just give her a crooked smile. "Would it be weird to tell you that titles kinda freak me out?" She gives me curious look then shakes her head. "You can just call me Luke."

"Alright Luke." She once again beams as she shakes my hand. "Call me Ahsoka." Something abut her just made my heart race. I wasn't yet sure of what that was but I had to admit that I was excited to figure it out.