AN: It's been a while since I last posted anything to this site because I was deployed to Afghanistan for 23 months and didn't have time to write. I've seen a lot of new stories come up over the last few months and most of them I liked. I do find it strange that quite a few were AU, and for those of you that have read my stuff before, it fits right in with the story I have planned. The one question they never explained was, what allowed Chuck to handle the intersect when no one else could? TPTB said they would explain it in season 5 but all we got was a bad intersect with a virus, a bigger douche bag Morgan and a brain fried Sarah, not much of an explanation there. Here's my take on what could have been the reason in a completely different and very far out way. Keep in mind, "In a universe as vast as this anything is possible."

Chapter One: How it all began.

A man and a woman stood next to a large glass wall overlooking the thousands of people working below. All the workers had several computer screens in front of them, displaying numerous people going about their everyday lives. On the wall across from the couple was a large screen displaying the status of the individual screens from the room below. Every screen had a dot that corresponded to its current condition, green for normal, yellow for pending trouble and red for something went wrong and needed to be fixed. Its current state was solid green, indicating all was well across every dimension. Suddenly, a red dot appeared followed by another in a different location. The couple calmly went into action, each one took a different dot and enlarged it so they could determine what the problem is.

Both screens showed the same thing, a young white male in his mid-twenties was on the ground in a broken twisted mess. The thigh of his left leg was bent at an odd angle, and lower part of his leg was bent in the opposite direction. His left arm was in similar shape bent at weird angle where it should not be. He had blood running out of the corner of his mouth and blood was coming from the large cut on his scalp just below his hair line. The woman touched a pin on her lapel and called into it, "tech 1289465, was the demise of your charge foreseen or is the incident the cause of the alarm?"

"Madam Elder, this event was not foreseen, it was his destiny to attempt to save his world from certain destruction at the hands of its own people. Based on our data he will cease to function in the next 15 minutes using his time. What was foreseen was his demise in how it would have played out. His brain would not have been able to handle what was required of it and he would have died. Sol 3 in this dimension will cease to exist in 10.24 years due to an asteroid strike. Nothing can be done to stop it."

"Thank you tech 1289465" replied the woman. Turning to the man, she notes he's in a state of deep thought but makes the decision to inform him of the situation. He nods his head letting her know he's heard what she had to say and continues his thought process. His tech told him the exact same thing just moments before with one exception, this Sol 3 was not supposed to end at the same time as the other, its end would not come for several billion years. This Sol 3 was going to play a huge part in the advancement of its dimension and the protection of all its free beings.

"Madam Elder", the man began, "The Sol 3 I was looking at is destined for great things and must be preserved at all costs. The man's life is fading as we speak and time is critical. He has suffered major internal injuries, a severely broken left arm and leg, his ribs are also damaged as is his neck. At this time we cannot tell if paralysis has occurred, what is your decision?"

"Over the millions of years we have been doing this, fixing broken time lines is one of the hardest things I have to make a decision on," she said and drew in a deep cleansing breath. "I have made my decision Number 1. Assemble Logan's team and get them to the dimension. Send our top Doc with him to prevent this man from dying until it is all explained to him. If he chooses to accept this mission he will return here to be re-bodied, if not have the Doc euthanize him and let the new time line play out."

"As you wish Madam Elder." The man turned away from her to call Logan and inform him to gather his team and meet him in the dimension transport room with the Doc ASAP. Moments later Logan and his team were on their way.

Stanford, California January, 2002

Chuck Bartowski was heading from his dorm to his first class of day in the manner he normally did, head phones on and playing a video game as he walked along the sidewalk. He was so completely engrossed in his game that he neglected to look at the street as he stepped off the curb. All Chuck would remember from this would be a blinding flash of white then nothing at all.

Within seconds of the car hitting Chuck and throwing him several feet in the air, leaving a broken twisted mess on the pavement, people started screaming and calling for help. Minutes later two men and five women came rushing forward to assist Chuck.

"Doc how bad is it?" questioned the taller of the 2 men.

"It's bad Logan, I can keep him alive until we get back buts that's it. We have to get him to the hospital soon." As he was saying this he was giving Chuck an injection of some kind. "Our biggest problem will getting him to wake up so we can talk to him and see what he decides. What I can tell you is he will never have use or feeling below his neck."

"We better move back, it looks like the healers have arrived. We will ask where he is being taken and follow him there."

It took the EMT's several minutes to prepare Chuck for his trip to the Stanford University Medical Trauma Center.

Ellie and Devon arrived several hours after chuck had entered surgery and were in the waiting room hoping for the best. Ellie's eyes were swollen and red from the crying she had been doing for the last few hours. Her little brother was in surgery fighting for his life and at the moment it was not looking good for him. She reached over and pulled Devon closer and sobbed quietly into his chest. Eight hours later the Doctor came out and addressed them.

"Right now he's stable and holding his own. He suffered major trauma to his abdomen that resulted in the removal of his spleen. His left arm and leg were broken in several places and needed quite a bit of work to repair. He had large lacerations on his head and a severe concussion. Our major concern right now is the damage he suffered to his neck. His spinal cord was damaged. Based on some initial tests he will be paralyzed from the neck down, I'm sorry."

Ellie was crying hysterically now and nothing she was saying made any sense. Devon just held her tighter and thanked the Doctor. It would take Ellie several months before she could accept what had happened to Chuck.

March 2002 SUMTC

"I'm so glad you're finally coherent enough to enjoy my company," Ellie said. She was sitting in a chair next to Chuck's bed holding his hand. "Have the Doctors said anything to you about your tests?"

"Yeah they did," Chuck replied as a tear slowly made its way down his scarred cheek. "The last MRI's just confirmed what the earlier ones showed and all my broken bones are healing nicely. This is as good as it's gonna get for me. On the bright side I can get a chair that operates by using a blow tube."

Ellie could barely control her tears. Her baby brother who she raised almost entirely on her own would be confined to a wheel chair or bed for the rest of his life. She cried for all his dreams he would ever see, the kids he would never have and life he looked forward to after graduation. She paused for a minute before she spoke again. "You're going to come live with me in the apartment. It's on the first floor so we won't have to build any ramps or modify the inside any."

Relief could been seen on chucks face before he began to Talk, "Thanks El, that means the world to me. I just don't want to be a burden on you and Devon."

"You could never be a burden to me, you're the only family I have left." They chatted for a few hours before Ellie had to leave for her shift at the hospital. As she was leaving she ran into a couple of men sitting on some chairs in the hall outside of Chuck's room. The younger of the two men stood up and moved towards her with his hand held out in greeting.

"Ellie Bartowski?" he questioned in a voice that made Ellie's heart skip a beat or two at the sound of his voice. It was soft and seemed to carry a melody as he spoke. Damn he's gorgeous thought Ellie.

She looked and the man standing in front of her and nodded. He was easily as tall as Chuck but that's where the similarities ended. His hair was sandy blonde, almost the color of straw, his eyes were ice blue and his facial features suggested Scandinavian decent. From the neck down he was the perfect example of a man in peak physical condition. His chest was large and the muscles in is arms rippled every time he moved them. His torso tapered down to his waist in the classic V shape.

"My names Logan and this is Doc. We've seen Chuck around campus and wanted to stop by and see how he is doing would that be alright? We don't hear a lot back at school."

"I think he would like the company. I'd like to save him any un-necessary pain as much as I can. His spinal cord was damaged when he was hit and he's paralyzed from the neck down. Please don't bring it up if you can help it."

"I don't think that will be a problem Ellie, and thanks. Come on Doc."

When they entered the room they found Chuck propped up in the bed watching TV.

"Hey Chuck can we talk to you for a few minutes?" asked Doc. They could tell by the dried tear marks on his cheeks he had been crying.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" queried Chuck.

"I'm Logan and this is Doc," answered the blonde haired man. "I have something you need to hear and I'd rather it stay between us. Do you mind if I close the door?"

"Sure go ahead, but trust me there isn't anything you can say that I haven't heard before."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Chuck. I'm sure you've heard of Stephen Hawking and his theory of multiple universes?"

"Of course I have," chuck answered in a snarky tone, "I'd get my nerd card revoked if I hadn't. But what difference does that make? It's never been proven."

"While it's never been proven here, it is indeed true. We would prefer if this stayed between us, but if you feel the need to tell someone feel free. They'll just think it's a dream of a desperate man that wants to walk again." Chuck had to bite back the retort he had on the tip of his tongue so he settled for a slight nod of his head.

"My team and I were sent here to offer you a proposition and a chance to walk again and possibly be better than before. Would you like to hear it?"

"Sure, why not. I don't have anything to lose do I?"

"Not really. The place where I come from is the center of the dimensional universe, all dimensions intersect, for a lack of better terms, there. There is a group of elders assigned to watch over and maintain each dimension in its intended state. Once every million years or so something happens to disrupt that balance. On the day you got hit, in another dimension, a different Chuck was hit the same as you," Logan pauses for a few seconds to see if Chuck has any questions.

"In that dimension the decision was made to let him die." As he finished up that statement he could see Chuck's face start to tighten so he held up a hand to cut him off. "The elders have to make some tough decisions but they never make them without all the facts. That Chuck's world will end in a year or so when a giant asteroid crashes into it. No one will survive. They made the choice to save you, so you can fulfill your destiny. While I can't tell you what it is, I can tell you it will be a wild ride."

"Say I believe you," Chuck said in a questioning tone. "How do you plan to make it happen? It's not like I can go anywhere."

"That's the best part, you don't have to go anywhere. All I need to do is take a few DNA samples and in a few weeks we can fix you right up, you'll never feel or notice a thing. I need to tell you a few things first, when this is over I will be training you on a multitude of things, hand to hand combat, marksmanship and several other things you will need to complete your destiny. In fact I'm gonna recommend a stint in one of your armed services."

"Anyone but the Army, there's not a lot of them but those bastards are crazy as hell."

"Perfect, the Army it is then," Logan said with a laugh. "I'll be coming around every day to chat with you and fill you in more as we go along. The second reason is to get to know Ellie better. You're gonna need some help to complete you destiny so I'll be around a lot. The more I'm around now the easier it will be in the future."

"You had me worried there for a minute, I thought you were planning to hit on my sister. She has a boyfriend right now so that wouldn't be cool."

"No problems Chuck, just let Doc take a couple samples and we'll be on our way for today." Doc pulled some swabs out of his jacket pocket, got the samples and left. Logan followed right behind him. "Doc, don't forget what the Elders said. You need a bit of a tweak so his brain doesn't explode with what's to come." The Doc merely nodded.

True to his word Logan came by his room every day for several hours, most days running into Ellie and sometimes Devon. On one occasion he had the displeasure of meeting one Morgan Grimes. He babbled on incessantly about a whole bunch of nothing, even bragging that he worked at the Buymore because it fell in line with his mad work avoidance skills as he called it. Logan's response to that statement was quite shocking to both Chuck and Ellie, "Morgan, you are nothing but a parasite and blight on the human race. Why don't you get them to fire your sorry ass, go on welfare and the whole nine yards instead of stealing from the company that gave you a chance to better yourself? You make me physically sick." After finishing his tirade he said good bye to Chuck and Ellie and left the room saying he would be back around the same time tomorrow.

"Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Talking to me like that? What is his problem?" Morgan asked.

"I'm sorry Morgan I'm with Logan on this one," stated Ellie. "It's late and I have an early day tomorrow so I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow around the same time, ok?"

"Sure thing El, I look forward to seeing you every day. I love and thanks for everything."

"I love you too Chuck, see you tomorrow."

Within minutes of Ellie's leaving Chuck drifted off to sleep. Two men entered the room silently and approached his bed. Doc gave him another injection ensuring he would stay asleep until morning. Once that was completed he placed a small object on his forehead and waited until the light on it turned blue and removed it. Doc nodded to Logan and they vanished from the room.

The HUB several hours later

Chuck slowly began to wake up and for the first time in several months he felt well rested. Like he did every morning since his accident he tried to stretch, only this time it was different. He felt his arms and legs move slightly and was accompanied by a tremendous amount of pain. His movement stopped and his eyes flew open. Standing above him was a gorgeous woman with jet black hair and deep green eyes.

"Where the heck am I," he screamed. "And what have you done to me?"

"Chuck, you need to relax so I can finish up my work. Names Karen by the way. Let me call Logan so he can explain everything to you. Here this should help," and she gave him a shot of pain killers. The pain he was feeling dropped to manageable level. Several minutes later Logan and Doc came strolling in. Chuck was really starting to freak out, one thing he knew for sure was he wasn't in the same hospital, in fact he didn't appear to be in any hospital at all.

"I told you back there you didn't give him enough juice, but did ya listen, nope."

"Welcome back to the land of the living and mobile. Chuck, how's it feel?" asked Doc.

"I'm in a shitload of pain every time I try to move, but the shot helped. I still want to know what's going on."

"Sorry about that Chuck," answered Doc. "I didn't give enough sedatives to this body and you woke up before we could finish getting you ready to go back. Care to continue Logan?"

"It's a long story but I'll tell you the short version and over time fill in the blanks so don't interrupt ok?" began Logan. "The body you currently reside in is an exact clone of your body back in the hospital at Stanford. We had to match this body to that one so we had to break and repair each bone exactly the same as that one. Everything will now match the one back there including the scars. Karen was just about to start putting on the casts to allow the healing process to finish. Once she's done with that, we'll zip you back and switch you out for the husk laying in your bed."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a minute there, you're just gonna kill my other body? Just like that?" exclaimed Chuck. "I don't care what you call it. That's still me down there you are planning to kill!"

"Calm down Chuck," said Doc. "That body is already dead. There is no higher brain function at all. You're a computer guy right?" Chucks answer was a small nod. "After you fell asleep Logan and I went into your room and performed what you would call a cut and paste on your brain. We removed everything in your brain that was every learned by you and stored it in a special device we have, similar to the external hard drives you are familiar with. Once we returned here we simply reversed the process. Everything that made that body Chuck Bartowski is right here, you. Answer me this, except for the pain, do you feel any different? Are your memories still there?"

"Except for the pain everything feels the same. I remember Ellie, Devon, Morgan all my classes and professors as well," answered Chuck.

"Good. I'm going to give you a shot to knock you out so Karen can finish up with your casts and we can get you back home where you belong," stated Doc.

"Sounds good to me Doc, since I didn't say it before thanks and I believe you now."

When Chuck woke up again sometime later he was back in his room as if he had never left. Just to make sure he didn't dream the events of a few hours ago he tried lifting his arm a bit and sure enough it did. Tears of happiness streamed down his face and rolled off his chin soaking the sheets pulled up around him. At that moment he decided not to tell the staff anything, he would wait until Ellie arrived and surprise his sister.

Ellie came into chucks room the same time she usually did and plopped down in the chair beside his bed.

"How are you doing today Chuck?" she asked.

"Better than I was for the last few months that's for sure. The reason I feel so good is a secret so you'll have to bend down and close your eyes so I can whisper it in your ear ok?"

"Sure Chuck, whatever makes you happy." Ellie put her ear next to Chuck's mouth and closed her eyes. What happened next Ellie would remember for the rest of her life, Chuck's whispering surprise in her ear and the tickling sensation on her ribs. Her eyes flew open as she looked down at her ribs to see Chuck's fingers gently resting there. She looked at his face to see the tears running down his face and the smile that had been missing for so long firmly planted on his face. All Chuck could do was nod his head as the tears fell freely from Ellie's eyes and ran down her face. Ellie wrapped her arms around him in a firm but gentle hug mumbling thank God over and over again into his neck. Unknown to crying and hugging siblings, one of the leads on Chuck's heart monitor had come lose sending an alert to the nurses station that indicated Chuck had flat lined. Within seconds the Code Blue was sounded sending the nurses and doctors on duty into the room, crash carts at the ready, only to be stopped dead in their track by the sight of Chuck and Ellie hugging and crying on the bed Chuck's arms securely wrapped around his sister.