"Queen of the Lethal Legs Challenge"

Rated T

Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with Total Drama or any of the characters from the show. Total Drama and its characters are owned by FreshTV, Jennifer Pertsch and Tom McGillis. Anyway, it's been way too long since I ever tried a competition fic, so Jeff Hardy Fan VR1 suggested to me that I'd try out a competition fic where 23 of Total Drama's female competitors compete to see which legs are the best in the series. And best of all, Justin is the host instead of Chris McLean. So for those of you anticipating, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Introduction and Rules

There were a studio full of small HD TV screens displaying few images of static all over. Each image featured a pair of long, luscious pair of women's legs. Those kinds of images were enough to get a guy's sex drive going for sure. In addition, the song "Legs" by ZZ Top all began blaring all throughout the set.

Coming through the thousands of TV sets was a muscular-built gentleman with dark brown shaggy hair, well-built jawline, dark yellow-green t-shirt, messy denim pants, and a while pearly smile. His smile had infested the entire female viewership as he began to speak.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the 1st annual Queen of the Lethal Legs Challenge!" Justin exclaimed. "Of course, you all know that my name is Justin, world's most handsome and most requested male model. Did I charm the rest of you ladies with my appearance? Because I know you totally did! Anyway, enough about me, I'll tell you why I'm here. I'm here to host a competition where twenty-three beautiful ladies of the Total Drama series use their legs on Total Drama's unsuspecting guys for a chance to win $1,000,000. What are the rules you ask? Let me show ya."

Right there, Justin approached a huge big screen TV, which displayed the rules of the contest.

"For those of you deaf in the ears or blind in the eyes, I'll explain the rules." Justin reminded the viewers again as he went over the checklist.


1. 23 female contestants from Total Drama compete.

2. It will be a tournament. 23 women will enter, 12 will move on, 6 will be chosen, and only two will remain until there can be only one.

3. The girls can use any type of head-scissoring there is possible, and they will be timed on how long the women will lock in the headscissors either wrapped standing, reverse, on the side, or done in Figure 4 style. The woman who locks in the headscissors much longer will advance. However, the woman who locks in the headscissors in the least amount of time will be eliminated.

4. All of it will be hidden camera, which means the guys don't even know they're being filmed.

5. Our women will choose an outfit, posing as either a teacher, nurse, cop, cheerleader, therapist, etc. Remember, it's anyone's fantasy.

5. The women will be chosen randomly by me through a lottery wheel. Anyone could be chosen.

6. Alejandro, sit down. You're not Kanye West.

"So fans, are we cleared on the rules?" Justin said as the camera nodded. "I'm glad you thought so because I'm ready for this! Let's bring down the roulette wheel right about... NOW!"

For comedic effect, a fanfare played out, shining on a huge lottery wheel full of names similar to the wheel from Wheel of Fortune. Except of numbers, there were only names. And all of those names were as followed: Sierra, Izzy, LeShawna, Katie, Sadie, Heather, Zoey, Dakota, Lindsay, Blaineley, Amy, Sammy, Jo, Eva, Anne Maria, Courtney, Scarlett, Bridgette, Sky, Jasmine, Beth, Gwen, and Sugar.

"Wouldn't you know it? I had to use the rest of my manicure money on this piece of junk." Justin smirked. "Still worth it, though. Now instead of spinning this whole thing, I decided to throw my dart at the name were gonna be choosing. That way, it'll be easy enough and I won't have to wear my magnificent arms out when I spin."

Just to make things more idiotic, Justin decided to use a blindfold for occasion.

"Okay, now that my perfect eyes are blinded, time to reveal the first woman who'll be competing in the first round!" The model exclaimed.

Using picture perfect accuracy and pinpoint acceleration, Justin threw the dart with the great strength...



...as it landed on Total Drama's ruthless Queen Bee, Heather.

"Well, wouldn't you know it? It landed right on the queen bee we hate to love, or love to hate, Heather!" Justin exclaimed. "We're gonna take a break, and then after we come back, we're gonna watch Heather use those long luscious gams in action. Who will be crushed under smooth skin? Find out on... QUEEN OF THE LETHAL LEGS CHALLENGE!"

And then, it all faded to black, indicating a commercial was about to air.

Wow, I can tell that this is gonna be fun! I hope Jeff Hardy Fan VR1 likes this. Of course, Heather's chapter will come very soon, so stay tuned for those of you who love those glamourous gams! Oh, and feedbacks are welcome as well. Once again, this is UltimateWarriorFan4Ever signing off for now!