This story attacked my brain and just would not let go. So I sat down, and over a few days let it flow. It is mostly from my OC's point of view. But her point of view is mostly the brothers. Takes place sometime after they find the bunker.

A few warnings. I know little to nothing about medical anything, so please just go with it. I know there will be grammar mistakes, please don't hold them against me. I promise to post at least one chapter a week, if my muse is happy maybe two. I only own the characters that I created.

If you have a moment, please let me know what you think. Reviews feed my muse.


The last thing Noelle wanted to do was go to her volunteer job at the hospital. Her normal job, had been bad enough. If she told the truth, the entire month had been bad. But, she had made promises, and she tried to always keep her promises. Noelle parked in her regular place, and looked at the building that the small town called its hospital. In truth, it was an old office building that Doc had turned into his offices. Since he was the only doctor in town, it became the hospital. Noelle sighed as she got out of the car, and walked toward the front doors. Thankfully, nothing really big ever happened, in her little town. The worst was when Mr. Foster got his pinky caught in the lawnmower blade, he'd been fixing. Noelle shivered a little at the memory. As always, the first thing she saw, was Estelle, sitting at the front desk, ready to help anyone. Though, unlike Estelle, she didn't greet Noelle with the normal smile.

"I am so glad to see you." She stood rushed over to Noelle pushing her toward the main hallway. "Eve has her hands completely full. A big guy carried in another big guy."

Noelle couldn't help but laugh. "Everyone is big to you Estelle." Estelle wasn't even five foot, but Noelle knew she made up for her lack of height, by being pure ornery. Estelle was one of the many volunteers that helped keep the little hospital open. At almost eighty, Estelle was also one of the oldest volunteers.

"This one is even more so." Estelle was now tugging on Noelle's arm, and gently pushing her down the hall. "Head on back, I'm sure Eve could use your help."

Sighing Noelle did as the older woman said. Deep down, she highly doubted that the head nurse, Eve, would need her help with anything. But, as she came around the corner, she could clearly hear two people in a screaming match.

"You are bleeding." This was clearly Eve's voice.

"I don't care." This was a male voice, deep and strong.

"Well I do. It's kind of in my job description." Eve sounded tired, and a lot annoyed.

"You're not doing anything to me, until I see my brother." The man snapped back.

Noelle finally came to the room where the two were arguing. The first thing she noticed, was that Estelle hadn't been exaggerating on the man's height. Eve stood at least 5'8", and the man was towering over her. Noelle could also see that the man was a mess. He was covered in mud. His pants were torn, and every time he moved she saw a slight grimace.

Eve saw her and let out an exasperated huff. "Maybe you can talk some since into this giant." Eve said storming passed the man, and heading toward Noelle. "Janice kids sick and couldn't come in. I tried calling Karen but we both know that's pointless. And I have no idea where Shawn is. So I need to go help Doc."

She didn't give Noelle a moment to argue, as she pushed passed, and disappeared down the hall. Noelle turned, and found herself now facing the man. He was very handsome, even behind all the mud, and grass stains. He had what might be a split lip, and his shirt was torn showing more blood. Noelle took a step forward, forcing on her best smile.

"What seems to be the problem?"

The man crossed his arms, narrowed his eyes and took an intimidating step toward Noelle. "The only problem here, is that no one will let me see my brother."

Noelle stood her ground, crossing her arms to mirror his stance. "I'm guessing, that your brother is badly injured in some way."

"I wouldn't have brought him here, unless he was badly injured." This time, his voice almost sounded like a growl.

Again Noelle refused to back down. "So, you bring your brother here to get help. How do you think he'll feel, when he wakes up to find his brother dead?" She instantly noticed the man relax slightly. "Now, I'm just guessing here, by the way you are reacting mind you. But, I'm thinking that he would not be happy. That is to find out in saving him, you died."

The man let out a small laugh, Noelle would have sworn she heard the man mumble, 'It wouldn't be the first time.' He turned away from her, pacing around the room a few times. Noelle took this as a good sign. She walked over, and saw that Eve had already prepared everything to clean and bandage his wounds.

"How about, you let me save you, so your brother won't be pissed at me?" Noelle sat down on the small rolling stole. Deep down she really hated them, she always thought they were going to roll out from underneath her.

He glanced at the door, for a moment she feared he was going to bolt for it. Soon though his shoulders relaxed, and he walked over and sat down beside her. Noelle saw him grimace and he stretched the leg with the torn pants leg out in front of him. Even sitting down, his head was above hers.

"I'm fine." His voice was suddenly soft and gentle.

"I'm sure a lot of girls have told you that." As soon as the words were out, Noelle couldn't believe she had said them. She quickly recovered by saying. "So what hurts the most?"

He shrugged, glancing at the door again.

Noelle sighed and stood, moving to stand behind him. Closer up, she saw glass in his hair. "What in heaven's name did you do?"

"I had an argument with a house." He glanced back at her, with a small smile. "Would you believe I won?"

"Not really." She answered, taking ahold of his head and making him face forward again. After pulling on gloves, she went to work picking out the bigger pieces of glass. Once she was satisfied she had gotten the biggest pieces, she started looking for any head wounds. When she found none she said. "You must have one thick skull."

"That's what my brother's always said."

Walking around to stand in front of him, Noelle crossed her arms. "So are you going to take your shirt off, or am I going to need scissors?"

He narrowed his eyes again, but started peeling off his layers. When Noelle saw him grimace slightly, she stepped forward and helped him. Standing as close as she was now, as he removed the last shirt, she could see every muscle. He was very well defined, it was obvious he took very good care of himself. The cause of his pain also became known. He had a rather large gash on his side, and what looked like claw marks going down his back.

"So this house, that attacked you, had claws?" Noelle asked, she pulled the stool over and sat down to get a better look. "You're going to need stitches. I can clean and bandage, but I'll have to get Eve or Doc to stitch you up."

He shook his head, glancing at the little table, holding everything. "I can do it."

Noelle laughed. "You're kidding right?" He looked back at her, and her laugh froze in her throat. "You're not kidding. Okay, but let me at least clean it for you." After a moment of thought, he nodded. She tried to concentrate on just cleaning the large slash, but she couldn't help but notice another scar above it, as long as her hand. "Another house attack?" She asked, running a finger along the scar.

He jerked slightly, shaking his head. "No, that was something else." He looked down and gave her another small smile. "I stitched it up in a motel room."

Sitting back, Noelle looked at him stunned. "You are a strange one. Stubborn, pig headed, handsome, and strange."

He raised one eyebrow, a little twinkle in his eyes. "Interesting choice of words."

Noelle shrugged. "Do you need any help?"

"I might."

Noelle pulled the table closer. He looked over things before picking up the suture kit and ripping it open. As he threaded the needle, she had a thought. "Aren't you going to need pain meds or something? I mean, I got stitches in my knee when I was ten, and I still remember the pain."

He just shrugged, and went to work on the slash. Noelle watched in awe, as the man effortlessly sewed up his wound. His face was emotionless as he pulled the needle through his skin. She only saw him grimace once. Before she knew it he was finished. He sat back closing his eyes, and taking a few deep breaths. Reaching up she put her fingers to his neck, and could feel his heart pounding. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at her.

"I'm not used to doing that, without a shot of whisky."

"The best I can offer, is some water." Noelle said with a shrug. He smiled and nodded, closing his eyes again. Noelle rushed to the small fridge at the nurse's station, and grabbed a bottle of water. When she walked back into the room, she was surprised to find him standing, and trying to look at his back in the mirror.

"It doesn't look as bad as it feels." He said, as she came in.

She handed him the water, and looked at the claw marks. "Sit down so I can clean them. At least they don't look like they're bleeding. Then you'll have to take off your pants."

"Are you trying to get me completely naked?"

"Again, something I'm sure many women have tried to do." What the hell has come over me? She thought. This was totally not like her. She was a librarian after all. Prim, proper, and quiet, little Noelle. Taking a deep breath, she looked up into warm beautiful hazel eyes. "Now sit."

He smiled, and did as she said. "I always know the names of ladies, I get naked for."

The tone of his voice made a chill go down Noelle's back. Shaking her head, she moved to his back. "My name is Noelle."

"Noelle, I like it."

For the first time in her life, Noelle liked her name. Or was it just the way he said it. "So are you going to tell me yours, or do I have to guess?"

He turned slightly and smiled. Noelle found her knees suddenly week. "Sam."

"Nice to meet you, Sam." Noelle quickly cleaned his back. Walking around, to stand in front of him again she said with a small smile. "Okay now the pants."

Sam shook his head. "Sorry those stay on. Besides there's nothing wrong with my leg." He stood, and grimaced again.

Noelle crossed her arms, and glared at him. "Oh really mister, hole in my pants, and grimace through the pain."

Sam smiled. "There was already a hole in my pants. I snagged it on something, which made it worse. As for the grimace it has nothing to do with my leg." Noelle couldn't believe it, when she saw a slight blush creep onto Sam's cheeks. "As for the grimace I…I landed rather hard on my butt, when I was thrown through a window. Second…" His cheeks grew redder. "I'd rather not talk about that. I'd really like to see my brother now."

"First you're going to need to answer a few questions." Noelle turned and smiled at Sheriff Andrews. When she looked back at Sam, she was surprised to see him glaring at the officer.