So this is a little bit different from what else I've written. I find this threeway kind of hot. This is inspired by Savages (if you haven't seen it, you need to, because Aaron Taylor-Johnson is an effin' babe). I haven't decided if I'm going to continue it, but it can stand alone as a oneshot. Let me know what you guys think.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and barely the plot.

One of them made love to her.

One of them fucked her.

One of them cared for her.

One of them needed her.

But both of them were the centre of Clarissa Fray's world, and she was theirs.

God, she loved them both so much.

There was no way in hell she could ever choose between them.

"Faster," she growled, biting down on Sebastian Verlac's shoulder as he pounded into her. They were in the kitchen and she was sitting on the bench with her body curled around Sebastian's. He was thrusting himself forward, his fingers digging into her thighs and the other hand tangled in her hair and pulling at the strands. She could feel that he was getting closer, with the way his hips started snapping up harder into her, and then his hand slid from her thigh to the apex of her leg and he pinched at her clit, sending her over the edge at the same moment he was. For a long few moments, he kept his head buried in the curve of her neck, before he straightened up and framed her face with his hands, roughly pulling her forward and kissing her mouth roughly.

"Love you," he muttered out as he pulled back and reached down to jerk his jeans up, zipping them up.

"Love you too," Clary replied with a smile as she readjusted her bikini top and pulled down her dress. She wasn't wearing underwear—she rarely did. Only if they were going down to the beach or she was going out in a dress that would expose herself. She loved not wearing any panties, and her boys loved it as well. Sebastian walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer, snapping off the lid and taking a long drag from it before offering it to her. Clary licked her lips pointedly, touching her mouth lightly to the rim of the bottle before swallowing back a mouthful of the liquid. Sebastian reached out to grip her chin, tilting it up to his mouth and giving her another kiss before walking out onto the balcony.

"How long before Jace is back?" He asked as he rested his hands on the wooden railing and looking out onto the beach.

"Not long," Clary looked up at the clock on the wall before dancing out to join him on the balcony. "Maybe another hour."

"Your cunt is going to taste like me when he eats you," Sebastian noted with nonchalance as he took another drink from the bottle.

"Good," Clary smirked at him as she knocked one arm off the balcony railing so that she could sit directly in front of him, swinging her legs so that they looped around his waist. "I like it when I taste like both of you," she reached up to ruffle her fingers through his hair.

One of them had tightly cut hair.

One of them wore theirs shaggy.

One of them had scars.

One of them had piercings.

But both of them had tattoo's, and one of them matched.

It was her name, in cursive writing.

Across their upper right arm, over the smooth muscles of their biceps.

"How's my favourite girl?" Jace Wayland called out as he came through the front door and dumped his bags on the floor. Sebastian turned around to look back into their home and Clary let out a squeal, jumping down from the railing and running to meet her other boyfriend. He kissed her long and loud on the mouth, gathering her in his eyes and swinging her around, her legs flying.

"God, it's good to have you back!" Clary cried, looping her legs around his waist and squeezing him with a vice like grip as she dropped kisses all over his cheeks, nose and then settling again for his mouth. "Tell me you don't have to go away for a long time?"

"At least a while," Jace promised her, carrying her out onto the balcony so that they joined Sebastian, and he put her back on the railing. "Hey, man," Jace leaned in toward Sebastian and they hugged tightly, before pulling back. Jace looked out over the railing to the beach that was only a ten minute walk away, white sands and blue waves. "God, it's good to be home," he took in a deep breath of salty air through his nose.

"It's good to have you back," Sebastian noted in his low voice. Jace sent him a devilish smile.

"Well," he reached out and squeezed Clary's leg. "I'm not back properly yet." She grinned at him and jumped down from the railing and gripped his hand, pulling the smiling boy back into the house and toward the stairs that led up to the bedrooms.

Sebastian and Jace had been best friends since they were seven years old. Jace came from a loving house hold—while his parents sometimes argued, it was always resolved without their fists, and they constantly made it clear that they adored him. He always had food on the table or in the fridge, and he always had clothes for the winter and shoes to wear. Sebastian, however, only lived with his mother and never knew his father. His mother was always poor, spending what little she had on clothes and shoes to make herself look pretty to find a man to spend the night with. He would sometimes go to sleep without eating dinner, and would walk to school on icy mornings with bare feet, the cold biting into his toes.

Clary didn't know the full story, she just knew that without Jace, Sebastian wouldn't have survived.

And without Jace or Sebastian, she wouldn't have survived.

She was the poor little rich girl. Her daddy left when she was almost ten, and then her mother had bounced through marriages like a teenager did through hobbies. She seemed to have a new step-father every other year; some of them were nice, some of them weren't. Her mother kept her quiet by giving her a new credit card for each one of her birthdays, and by taking her on trips around the world.

Sounds like every girls dreams.

Except she'd never had any friends, because girls were jealous of her, or nervous of her. She'd never had anyone to talk too, or listen too, or someone to confide in.

She was somewhere in the middle of her seventeenth year in a mess of cocaine and boys and too much alcohol to remember when Sebastian had found her. He had told her that she deserved better than what she was deigning herself too, and had thrown the boys off her and out of the private room she had paid for at the club.

Sebastian had scared her, and turned her on, so she had gone home with him.

By then, he and Jace were already living together.

She had slept on the couch in the lounge, and woken up to a shaggy, blonde haired boy and golden eyes sitting in front of her, worriedly holding a damp cloth to her forehead.

Clary had fallen in love with both of them.

"Where are you going?" Clary asked, rolling over and looking to where Sebastian was pulling on a pair of jeans, blinking quickly and trying to clear her eyes from sleep.

"There's some guys who owe some money," Sebastian told her as he found a shirt and slipped into it. Jace groaned and rolled over, slinging an arm over Clary's waist and pulling her closer to him. His hand reached out a little further and then found cold sheet rather than Sebastian's body, and he lifted his head and looked over to where Sebastian was now pulling a gun out of his top drawer.

"You're going this early?" He asked, wiping a hand over his eyes and pinching at the bridge of his nose.

"Catch them off guard," Sebastian shrugged as he pulled on socks and then looked down at the couple in bed with a slightly longing look in his eyes. Clary bit down on her lower lip and shifted her leg, so that it slipped out from under the blankets and rolled herself onto her side, so that her long, smooth legs were on display and the curve of her ass. Sebastian knew what she was doing, but he just rolled his eyes and came around to the side of the bed. He reached down, running a rough hand over her ass and squeezing firmly, before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. Jace reached up and Sebastian joined their mouths briefly before straightening up.

"Shouldn't be too long," he promised them, before turning on his heel and heading toward the door. Clary chewed down on her lower lip and turned to face the man next to her.

"Is he okay?" Clary whispered against Jace's mouth.

"He's okay," Jace murmured back, his hand skimming up her side and tugging her closer, so that she lifted herself up and rolled on top of him. They were both naked, and she was slick against him as he rolled her hips forward. "He's just angry."

"He's always angry," she breathed and Jace shrugged. "But that's why he has me, and he has you." Jace reached up to press a kiss to her throat, and she felt her body relaxing against him as he ground his hips upward and his cock slid inside her warmth. She let out a sigh as he slowly entered her, one hand sliding down her body and gripping her ass, while the other gripping her neck softly and bringing her down toward him. He left kisses along her jaw bone, his tongue flickering out and licking at her skin. "We're here to look after him," Jace murmured as his teeth tugged on her earlobe and he rolled his hips again. His cock stretched her, despite the fact he and Sebastian had been in her a hundred times before, and Clary let out a guttural moan as the hand on her ass slid between her cheeks and brushed against the tight hole of her ass.

"Fuck," Clary sighed, her body shuddering as he guided her movements with his hand on her ass, and he pushed her down against his pubic bone, so that her clit was being stimulated. "Jace," she mumbled against his mouth as her orgasm came over her slowly, starting at her toes and making her body tense and shake before she was covering Jace's cock with her cum. Jace moaned in response and moved into her a little harder, his lips seeking out hers and capturing them, sliding his tongue inside her mouth and kissing her long and soft.

Jace was a dealer.

Not the skeevy kind that lived in a dank, dusty apartment who only went out at night, or the kind that walked around with golden chains around his neck. He and Sebastian had brought their two storied condo by the beach when they were just twenty, and it was a gorgeous place. All glass and white walls, and open spaces. He sold to the clubs in towns, to the bankers and stock brokers who paid top dollar not to be seen with a known druggie. Jace was smart, he had graduated top of the class at his University, where he had studied business, and his self employment thrived.

Sebastian was the enforcer.

It was simple.

Don't fuck over Jace, you don't see Sebastian.

You see Sebastian, you better drop to your knees and hand over all your earthly belongings.

They were fire and ice, her men, both of them taking care of her in different ways.

"There's blood on your face," Clary said softly, walking over to where Sebastian was standing on the balcony, the only flickering light coming from the fire that they had going inside. She stood in front of him and leaned her body forward, so that he could feel every inch of her soft form moulding against his. He had been out almost all day, and when he had come back, there had been the darkness in his eyes that he both craved and feared.

He liked hurting people.

He liked being in control.

But he hated that he liked it.

"Let me get that," she murmured, reaching up a finger and wiping it over the smear of blood on his cheek. She wiped it off on the blue dress she was wearing, continuing to stare up at him. Sebastian took hold of them hem of the dress, and pulled it over her head, so that she was standing absolutely naked in front of him. He ran his hands appreciatively over her, reaching down to press a kiss to her mouth. There was a rustle behind her, and Clary knew without turning around that Jace was coming closer to them. Sure enough, a moment later he was pressed against her back, his hands reaching around her and bracing themselves on Sebastian's hips.

"Long day?" Jace asked Sebastian quietly, who just gave one short nod, before leaning his head forward so that it was resting on Jace's shoulder, his mouth against Clary's neck. He kissed her tenderly, which was infrequent for Sebastian, and a shiver went through her. His tongue was soft over her lips as it slid into her mouth, and Clary whimpered against him as she felt Jace leave open mouthed kisses over her bare shoulder.

"I want you," Clary managed to sigh as she pulled her mouth away from Sebastian's and leaned it backwards against Jace's chest. The two men looked over at each other, Sebastian's mouth swollen from Clary's attention, and Jace's lips damp from saliva. Clary saw them both lean in, and then they were kissing, and she felt a rush of dampness flood to the centre of her legs as the boys kissed over her. While one of Jace's hand was on her hip, the other tangled through Sebastian's hair. Sebastian was in a similar position, one hand slid around to her ass and the other gripping Jace's neck.

God, she loved her boys.

She let them kiss, watching them while chewing down on her lower lip, before she lifted a hand and ran it down Sebastian's chest. He was still wearing a shirt, but she scratched her fingers through the thin material, her hand slipped beneath the waist band of his shorts and gripping his cock. Sebastian groaned and his mouth parted from Jace's momentarily, before he lunged back forward.

Clary dropped to her knee's, her eyes almost glassy as she looked up to where Sebastian and Jace were furiously kissing, and quickly untied the blonde's shorts, pulling them down before surrounding his cock with her mouth. Jace's hand fell to her hair and tangled through her hair, pulling at it firmly, before letting out a groan as Sebastian grasped his lovers cock and started jerking him off. Clary's mouth was working quickly over Sebastian, letting her teeth scrape against the underside in the way that he liked, that made him back arch.

"Come on, baby," Sebastian managed to bite out, his lips once again leaving Jace's for a moment to stare down at his girlfriend. Jace stared down at her as well, watching the way she pulled back, her lips puckered in an 'O' and they both started down at her in amazement as she licked her lips lewdly and gave them a sultry look. She reached up to squeeze at Jace's sac and was about to engulf Sebastian's cock with her make up again, but then she was being hauled to her feet. "You're so fucking hot," he whispered, lifting her up so that her legs were around his waist and her ass was rubbing against his cock. They sighed together and Jace reached out to pull them inside.

They fell onto the rug in front of the fire place, and Clary twisted in Sebastian's arms so that she was facing Jace. He lay down on the rug, staring up at her with an enraptured expression as she positioned himself over him. Sebastian was tugging down Jace's shorts, and Clary slid herself down on his body, running her fingers down his chest as she lifted herself up and took him into her wet heat.

"Oh, God," Jace sighed as her warmth surrounded him. Her whole body felt like it was on fire as Sebastian breathed over her back and squeezed her thighs. Jace growled as he felt Sebastian's hands trace over his legs and then down the cleft of his ass. There were condoms and lube spread over the whole house, and Jace groaned as he felt a cold gel spread over his ass. Then Sebastian's fingers were inside him and Jace let out a loud moan. Clary grinned down at him, beginning to thrust herself harder on top of him, ignoring the sting as Sebastian began scissoring his fingers.

And then Sebastian was inside Jace.

And Jace was inside Clary.

And Clary was throwing her head backwards so that she could kiss Sebastian.

And it was perfect.

And, fuck; she loved her boys.

Reviews are love, pretty people. Let me know what you think.