Two Years Later

"Just remember that I love you both and want you happy," Uncle Edmure said to Robb and Sansa as they stood with him at his car in their new home in Providence, Rhode Island.

"We both do," Aunt Lyssa said and nudged her brother in the side.

Uncle Edmure looked down at his sister warily. "They know that, Lyss."

She shrugged and then looked at Robb and Sansa. "Are you sure that living together is the best idea? What about dating? If you want someone to stay over?"

Sansa leaned into Robb a bit until they bumped shoulders. "It just makes sense to us after all we've been through," Sansa said. "We will work all that out as it comes." That was a lie of course. She wasn't sleeping in the bedroom that Aunt Lyssa had taken during her visit, despite the fact that it appeared she was. She and Robb slept together in his—no, their bed. And there would be no dating of others. She and Robb were together, and here in their new hometown, they were much freer to be seen as being together. Even when a random visit from their aunt and uncle threw things off. To be fair though, this was their first visit since she and Robb had moved in six months ago.

She knew both of them didn't understand their living together, and they struggled with why they had to move out of Winterfell too, but they had also learned they couldn't stop Sansa and Robb from doing what they wanted to do.

Sansa got the sense from Uncle Edmure that he might suspect something "unnatural" was happening, but he didn't seem about to push the issue too much. Sansa just figured her uncle wanted to pretend that everything was normal because it was just easier for him to do so.

As long as they didn't do anything to pull her and Robb apart, Sansa let them think whatever they wanted.

They were happy, finally. Robb had a new job working for the newspaper in Providence that he loved, and Sansa was going to school working toward a degree in psychology. Oddly enough, she wanted to be a grief counselor.

Still, their aunt and uncle looked uncertain, but gave them both hugs anyway and then they were off. Sansa let out a long slow breath as did Robb.

"I felt like I've been holding my breath since they got here," Robb said from beside her.

"Me too," she said. "Let's go inside."

Together they made their trek into their new apartment, a spacious apartment with tons of windows, high ceilings, and a mile walk down to the beach. Sansa loved it, and had decked it out with a definite beach theme.

This was their place, and it felt like their place.

Once the door was closed behind them, Robb pulled Sansa into his arms and the two just held each other for a while, breathing together and shaking off the stress of the visit from their aunt and uncle.

"We got through it," Robb said finally and leaned back to look at her. He smiled and then leaned in and kissed her softly.

"I think Uncle Edmure suspects something."

Robb sighed. "I kind of got that feeling too, but he didn't do anything or say anything and I don't think he will."

Sansa rested her head upon his chest. "I'm glad we're alone now."

Robb kissed the top of her head. "Me too. In fact…" He scooped her up in his arms and Sansa let out a squeal and held onto him as he carried her to their bedroom. He grinned as he lay her down on the bed and then climbed over her. "They were here for a week. I missed you in this bed. Our bed."

Sansa looped her arms around his neck and brought him down for a deep kiss. "I love you," she whispered.

"And I love you," he murmured as he began to undress her. "To the moon and back."

"And back again," Sansa said and the rest of the world faded away.