A/N: I've been busy and super unmotivated for sooo long. So I'm so so so sorry about how long it took to publish this. BUT LOOK AT HOW LONG IT IS! Hope you enjoy. Hold onto the happiness for as long as possible ;) hehe (Evie's Dress: . And Shoes: . )

I re-wrote the ending, forgetting I actually finished this chapter... :/ But I like this ending a little better... IDK (15/3/16)- Wishingmywayhome

It had been a month since the kidnapping, since the first nightmare, since the first training sessions with S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Everything was changing - Evie had gotten stronger and better at fighting. She had beaten Bobbi multiple times now - without her help. Hunter had helped a few times and got his butt kicked a few times - he was sneaky though, something she wanted to improve on.

Evie was sat on the table reflecting on the past month or so while she poked at the food in front of her. "Hey Kiddo."

She jumped down from the table. "Hey Buck." She smiled, putting the bowl down.

He smiled back at her, "You ready for the party?" He asked, grabbing a drink and leaning next to her.

She shook her head, "Don't think any sane person is? Thor coming?"

He nodded his head, "Only way me and Steve can get drunk." He laughed bitterly shaking his head. "Only way Tony will black out." He laughed a little.

She smirked, "Don't get too drunk - can't have two crazy super soldiers, a crazy crazy billionaire or a… whatever Thor is running around. Don't think anyone's ready for that." She laughed.

He joined in laughing. "You are probably not wrong - but nothing wrong with a little fun." He smirked, "Anyway - I got to go... Steve's helping me with what to wear, apparently I can't just wear this?" He gestured to himself.

She shrugged, "Might need a little classing up there Barnes." She laughed, "Don't think sweatpants fit in…" She smirked as he exited the room. She hopped back onto the table before realising she too probably should find something to wear.

Evie was stood in front of her wardrobe, her arms leaning against one door and her head leaning on it. "There is nothing here Wanda." She mumbled to the red head laid on her bed.

"You could borrow one of mine." She said, playing with a glass deer from Evie's room.

"I couldn't Wanda - Red really isn't my colour." She turned to face her. "And I'm pretty sure we're different sizes…" She shrugged. Evie flopped beside Wanda, "Oh well can't go." She smirked at the other.

"Ok. No. You must go. You need to go." Wanda pleaded.

"Why must I go?" turning to quiz her.

She shook her head, "I-...I-I'd be lonely otherwise." She stuttered out, smirking. "Come on - we have like three hours. I'm sure you can bug Tony to give you money for a dress… or bug Natasha for a dress?"

"I am not wearing a body tight dress!" She laughed, sitting up. "Let's just go shopping." She shook her head at her, "Can't believe you."

She stared at Wanda like she was mad. "No. I will not wear that." She shook her head. "Nu-uh."

"Oh come on! It will look great on you - trust me?" Wanda waved the dress in front of her. "Try it on at least."

Evie reached out and ran her fingers through the fabric. "Yeah, no." She shook her head again, "It's nice… I jus-"

Wanda rolled her eyes, "You are Evie Stark - just get them to send the bill to you later… or to Tony." She shrugged, looking at her nails.

She shook her head, "That's unfair Wanda." Again the other shrugged. "I'll try it on if you stop being moody."

"I'm not being moody - I'm just saying. You'd look hot in it plus I can tell you want it." She held it out to her again.

Evie rolled her eyes taking the dress to the changing rooms. "If I don't look good in it will you drop it?"

"Of course. But you'll look amazing!" Wanda said, following her and waiting for her outside. "You done yet?" Wanda called, after a few mins.

"U-uh… Yeah."

"Can I see it?"

Evie opened the curtain and stood awkwardly in the frame. "It's a little… different?" She bit her lip a little.

"You can wear a blazer over the top or a jacket… cardigan. Something or other. You will look fine!" Wanda smiled.

Evie sighed leaning on the door frame. I like it… but like…"

"There is nothing to say but about." Wanda threw her hands in the air. "I'm going to wait for you outside - if you buy the dress we can go home. If not we carry on shopping."

Once Wanda had left and Evie had changed back into her jeans and hoodie she sighed, "If this means I can go home… I'm buying you." She muttered to the material.

Not a moment later she was next to Wanda - "Let's go please." She said, leaning her head on her shoulder. "I have a dres-"

Wanda squealed, "YAY!" She smiled at Evie broadly, "Let's go back and get ready - we only have an hour till Five!" She squealed again dashing off.

Wanda, Natasha and Evie were stood in front of the mirror in the young Stark's room. Natasha and Wanda had bought jewelry and accessories for Evie to try on to glam out her outfit. Honestly though she wanted out of it and even more so out of the heels Natasha gave her to wear.

However, she ended up wearing a necklace her great grandfather (James) had given her mother. It was a thin gold circle no bigger than a 2p coin - on one side engraved was the quote "How long is forever?" on one side and on the other was the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. There was another half which her mother had that read "Sometimes just one second." and similarly to her one it had the rabbit on the other side. She sighed as she rubbed her thumb over the quote - Alice in Wonderland was a book James had read to her as a small child. Before he passed he gave both to her mother and she always said that when she turned 18 they'd both wear it together… to bring them closer… but just before her mother passed she gave her half - saying that she wanted to keep the other half. To keep them close forever.

"Evie?" Natasha called.

"Hmm?" She turned to face her.

"There was a knock on the door." She pointed to it.

"Oh… Sorry - was in another world." She laughed a little before walking over to the door carefully - she was still new to the whole high heels thing. She pulled the door open to find Pietro stood their in a shirt. She smirked at him. "You look… rather dapper?" She questioned, her smirk widening to a grin.

He took a moment to take her in, sighing slightly "You don't do too bad yourself." They both started laughing.

"You just look so awkward in a tie." She leaning a hand on his shoulder as she laughed harder.

"Says you in heels! But you must admit. I look pretty amazing." He smirked, resting a hand on top of hers.

She smirked. "Fine. Only if you admit I'm looking pretty hot myself." She gestured to herself, blushing lightly.

Pietro nodded, redness rising up "Pretty hot yah…"

Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned to face Natasha, "We'll see you at the party?" She said, tapping her wrist as she looped her arm with Wanda's as they both smirked at the two of them.

"Sure yeah - see you in there." She smiled, stepping to the side to allow the two to leave.

"Have fun!" Natasha mumbled to Evie, winking as she left.

Wanda quickly hugged her brother and whispered something to him as she followed. Once gone Evie pushed her door open further. "You gunna stand in my hallway or going to come in?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "I don't know - this hallway is quite nice?" He smirked, running a hand on the wall. "Pretty colours." He commented as she pulled him into her room closing the door behind him. "Getting ballsy are we?"

"Oh shut up." She rolled her eyes, smiling and blushing. "Here's the thing by the way." She held out a simple box. "It should monitor your speed and clock it to the computer system. That way you can train to be faster." She smiled, sitting on her table.

He took the box and opened it, "Brilliant!" He commented while he speedily strapped it to his wrist. "And it works like a watch would?"

She nodded, "Yup - and has comms in it, just in case."

"That is amazing!" He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her. "You're amazing!" He hugged her tightly.


"Just hug me back you fool."

She rolled her eyes as she patted him. "Happy?"

"With you… of course." She smiled as he loosened his grip on her. "So… I was wondering."

Evie raised an eyebrow at him. "Mmm?"

He ran a hand through his hair, backing away to sit on her bed.

"Everything okay?" She asked, concerned as she walked over to him.

"Yeah…" He nodded, looking up at her. "... God sometimes you make me so nervous." He commented.

Evie blushed, frowning slightly. "I'm sor-"

"Ahh no It's me…" He paused, standing up and bumping his head with hers.

"What do you mean?' Evie asked, running her fingers through her hair nervously. She felt her heart pick up pace as Piretro stepped slightly closer to her, his hand running through her hair and taking her hand.

"I've wanted… to ask you this..." He paused, tugging them both towards the bed. "...For a long time… I-I mean…" He laughed nervously. "I like you."

"And so do I." She replied as they sat side by side on the bed.

"No-No... I don't think I'm c-"

"You like me and I like you." She ran her fingertips down his jawline, smiling. "I know what you mean."

"Y-You do?" He stuttered out.

"Of course… dude I've been flirting with you since like… day two."

"Only day two?" He laughed, fake gasping.

She laughed, "Look we're going to be late." She said, not moving.

"True… But they'll wait. It's your party after all?" He smirked.

"Dude." She laughed again, leaning forward.

He leaned forward - mimicking her movements.

Evie's breath became rigid as Pietro's hand grazed up her arm and across to her back where he proceeded to pull her towards him. His face closed in until she felt his warm breath on her face. Her heart was beating faster and faster… almost like at any moment it would beat out of her chest. It was only when his lips finally met hers that everything stopped. Her heart stopped thumping, her hands stopped shaking, the very world seemed to stop turning as she moved her hand to tangle in his hair, deepening the kiss.

Miss. Evie, the Party has started and and Mr. Rogers request your presence.

Evie groaned, pulling away. Piretro caught her for a kiss, resting his forehead on hers. "We will continue this."

She smirked, "Sure thing speedy… accompany me to this fancy thing?"

He nodded, standing up and offering her his arm - showing his trademark smirk. "M'Lady?"

"Sir." She smirked taking his arm.

"Evie!" Hunter called her over, he was sat at the bar with Melinda May.

"Hey guys!" She smiled, "Didn't know you guys where still here?"

"Tony invited us." May said, finishing her drink, shrugging. "It's an open bar… who's really complaining?"

"Me!" Evie joked, "Still too young." She sighed, leaning on the bar. "Don't you guys wanna… go out there and mingle?" She joked, "Know how you just get along with people Hunter... Truly beautiful."

"Oi! Cheeky." He laughed, "Nah, I'm leaving that to Bobbi," He turned around, watching her chat to the other members of the party, most of which none of the three knew.

"What a gentleman you are." May joked, tapping him on the arm. "I'm off to find Colson… I'll follow the drool... probs around Cap" She laughed, wondering off.

Evie took May's place on the bar stool and after a moment of silence Hunter turned to face her. "So, you gunna join us?" He asked, "Always looking for new recruits."

Evie shrugged, "I'm just human?"

"What do you think I am love?" He laughed

"A fully trained agent… who's a little bat shit crazy?" She laughed taking a sip of her drink.

"Yes, but so will you be. Well… the fully trained agent at least." He laughed. "Nothing stopping you right?"

"Must I remind you I'm still legally a child?"

"Only for another year though - I'm sure Tony will give you permission to join anyway!" He took a drink, "He's Iron Man after all - all arguments for you not to go can be used for him not to be Iron Man." He said proudly and slightly drunk.

Evie rolled her eyes. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Like… two of… This." He pushed his glass to her.

"Did Thor give you this?" She asked slowly, laughing while talking.

"Maybe…" He shrugged, "I told him I couldn't get drunk!"

"And I bet he said if you drunk a few glasses and wasn't drunk he'd…"

"Let me try and lift Mew-mee-mee. Ya know. His hammer." He laughed, "I'm off to go bug him about it!" He said, standing up and walking boldly off to find him.

Evie carried on laughing while she watched Hunter waddle over to Thor. She felt a hand on her shoulder "Miss. Evie."

She raised a hand to her chest. "Jesus Vision… give a girl a warning will you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, you just were sat alone. Thought you'd like the company, humans are social creatures afterall."

Evie laughed "You are an odd creature…. You having fun at the party Vision?" She smiled up at him.

He nodded, "I think so - I've seen Tony dance some… questionable dances with Pepper. Though she seems to be equally intoxicated as he is."

She laughed, "Glad I missed that."

"Wish I did too." He smiled at her. "It was… something to witness."

"Ey! Eyyyy!" He laughed at his own story and the amused reactions, turning away he faced Evie. "Hey! You hear the story? It was brilliant."

Evie shook her head, laughing slightly. "It's not that funny Rhodey." She rolled her eyes, "I was just bringing you the drink Dad said you should drink… slowly mind you"

"Hey! You called him Dad!" He may have been slightly drunk as he draped an arm around her. "Gimmie the drink."

"Okay… but I think you should sit down… it's strong." She lead him to a chair near Steve and Bucky who were joking around with each other. "It's turned those two into blubbering idiots." She shook her head a little as she laughed

"Hey I'll be good - I've had good ol' Tony Stark as a drinking buddy for most of my twenties. I can hold my drinks." He flopped onto the seat as Evie handed him the drink. "The stories I could tell." He laughed, downing his drink.

"I don't think I wanna know." She shook her head, pulling a face of disgust as she sat opposite him.

"I do!" Steve sat forward.

"I second that." Bucky smirked, "I need dirt on Tony… and no one else will dish up."

Piretro speeded in, joining Evie on her chair - wrapping an arm around her. "Drunk stories about Tony?" He smirked at Evie then at the others. "Tell me more."

Soon Rhody had most of the avengers around him, sat listening to outrageous stories as Evie cringed every time some revealing escapade was re-lived between Tony and he. Steve and Bucky ended up retelling stories of Steve being a hero in Brooklyn, but getting beaten up every time with Bucky there to save the day - 'again' as Buck put it.

By the end of the evening everyone was telling childhood stories and embarrassing memories - most drunk on Thor's 'special' drink. Evie, Vision, Wanda, Bruce and Pietro the only sober one's sat around the chair. Pietro on his phone noting down all these stories to retell when everyone was sober while Evie was repeating any details that he missed - together they were a force to be reckoned with.

"YaGotta share your stories Evie." Natasha slurred, "I mean - it can't as horrific as mine… or as tragic as Tony's."

"Tony's was sad." Steve muttered.

"Alright… Don't wub it in." Tony slurred, pointing his drink at him.

Steve chuckled a little, rolling his eyes. "Alright guys. Chill." She sucked a breath in through her teeth. "Uh… How about you just ask questions?" She shrugged.

"Who's your mum?" Clint blurted out before anyone else had a chance.

"Janice Maleficent Falsworth." She answered curtly.

"What age did Tony knock her up?" Bucky asked, tentatively.

"Twenty. Thought this was about me not my mother and dad's… escapades."

"Alright, where'd you grow up poshie?" Pietro chimed in.

Evie threw a pillow at him but answered; "Kent, England." She said in her poshest accent.

"Oh!" Steve paused, remembering "You're a Falsworth. Remember James Falsworth - chatty british guy, Buck? He was your grandad?"

"He was my great granddad - he brought me up with my mum."

"What happened to your grandad?" Tony asked, wondering. "Why isn't he around?"

"Disclaimed my mother for her relations with you." She shrugged picking at her sleeve.

Tony's mouth dropped slightly. "Moving onto a different thought… Ok, when did you move to the USA?"

"2012, Moved here for Mum's treatment."

"You were here for the whole… GRR thing?" Bruce pretended to hulk out, the others moved away slightly while Bruce laughed.

"Yeah.. the whole alien invasion thing was kind a cruel welcoming party." She shrugged, "Threw a brick at one who was trying to break in."

"That'S MY GIRL!" Tony screamed, fist pumping the air.

Everyone laughed, "There's fight in you." Natasha muttered, "You will be an amazing agent." She raised her glass.

"When they finally ask you!" Clint commented, downing his drink.

"Ask me?" Evie frowned.

"Oh… Don't worry yet sweetie." The former assassin petted Evie's hand.

Evie frowned and nudged Piretro, "Note that down… I will ask you again 'Tasha."

"This is boring." Thor commented. "Not that your life is Miss. Evie."

Evie laughed, "It's alright Thor - I'm nothing remarkable compared to you lot…" She shrugged, "Gods, Super Soldiers and Super Humans… Assassins and a billionaire genius. What's to compare.."

"Evie, you are a remarkable human considering your circumstances." Vison said, smiling from the other side of Wanda.

"Ok look this isn't a pity party. Let's do something else." She waved her hand in the air, thinking - but everyone else had recalled their childhood stories or were passed out on the couch. "We could go to bed?" She suggested as a few yawned.

"Noo! That'll ruin the fun!" Tony whined.

"Such a child." Natasha rolled her eyes affectionately.

"Well I'm sure Piretro will note down anything embarrassing and I'll hear about it in the morning?" She stood up and walked around the chair she and Pietro was sharing. "Night Earth's Mightiest Heroes and others." She gestured to the sleeping agents and friends before kissing Piretro on the forehead and turning to leave.

A blue flash rushed past her and made her stop short of the door; "Call that a kiss?" He teased.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever Speedy." She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her lips on his, he pushed her back a little - making her stumble but he took her wait in his arm.

"ALright. Alright! Let go now." Tony shouted from the couch. "That's my daughter."

Piretro pulled away and kissed her cheek. "Night Draga."

She shook her head a little before entering the elevator, waving goodbye to the avengers for another night.