Legal notice: some of the characters found in this story and this universe does not belong to me, but are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling. Any original characters in this story are my intellectual property.


Summary for Part I: Hogwarts needs a new professor. Harry Potter needs a new profession. Draco Malfoy needs closure.

WARNINGS: attempts at humor; non-epilogue compliant; slash; a bit of femslash; foul language; alcohol use; underage sex; incest (cousins only, so should I call it cousincest?); mentions of dark & blood magic; a bit of violence; adventure (sort of); discrimination; hurt/comfort; some OOCness; frequent changes of the point of view (usually foretold with the 'xXxXx' thing); graphic descriptions of sex, if you are sensible just ask me and I'll put a warning before I put it.




"Dad?" Draco Malfoy heard the voice and took his eyes away from the dangerous content in James Sirius Potter's cauldron.

"Scorpius, what are you doing here?" Draco asked, surprised. His son never came looking for him during his classes.

The ten-years-old fidgeted a bit, everyone in the classroom was staring at him.

"Mrs. McGonagall wants to see you at her office now," the boy finally said. "She says it's urgent."

Draco sighed.

"I want you all to make reports about why your potions failed, due to next class," he said, "class dismissed."

"But I didn't do anything wrong!" he heard a girl muttering and stopped on his tracks.

"Miss Zabini," he sighed, "you stirred it counter-clockwise when the instructions say clearly to stir it clockwise"

The girl blushed with embarrassment. James Potter snickered.

Draco left the dungeons with Scorpius by his side, but his son soon left him to go find Neville Longbottom.

When Draco reached the Headmistress' office, Minerva smiled at him and told him to sit down and wait for Longbottom.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Longbottom," she said when Longbottom sat on the chair next to Draco's, "I have a favour to ask from you both," she paused, looking at them to see if they had anything to say, "the Defence Against the Dark Arts' professor, Mr. Kim, is severely injured from his last Auror mission and cannot teach anymore," she sighed, "I haven't found anyone to replace him yet, so I want to ask if you both could relay in teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts to the students, at least until I find a suitable professor"

"Of course," Longbottom answered promptly, then frowned slightly, contemplating something.

"Sure," Draco said, then looked at Longbottom, "later we discuss how we are going to divide the periods and years"

Longbottom nodded, then looked warily at Draco before turning to face Minerva.

"I have a suggestion," he said, "he doesn't teach in a long time, so he might be a bit rusty, but he is very dedicated and he will probably be much better in coaching the quidditch team than I am," he admitted and Draco stifled a chuckle, "he was an Auror, and he..."

"Who is it, Neville?" Minerva asked impatiently.

"Er," Longbottom sighed, "Harry Potter"


James Sirius Potter was on his way to the Owlery, planning to send the letters he just wrote for his father and his mother. He was very excited with everything at Hogwarts, it was his first year, everything was wonderful, and he, Fred Weasley, Fabian Higgs, Thomas Finnigan and Frank Longbottom – his roommates – were already friends and liked to play pranks in the Hogwarts population.

James was so busy plotting his new trick that he did not even notice that there was already someone in Owlery, and ended up bumping on the ten-years-old boy and dropping the boy's glasses.

"Sorry," he muttered and bent down to pick up the boy's glasses.

"Thanks," the blond boy smiled shyly at him and put the glasses back on, returning his attention to the letter.

James studied the boy for a second. He knew the boy in question was Scorpius Malfoy, son of the potions master. He knew some stories about Draco Malfoy from his parents and uncles, and he knew that he was some kind of second cousin of Teddy.

"You weren't wearing glasses the last time I saw you," James said while attaching one of his letters to his owl's leg, then petting her before letting her go.

"I only use them to read," Malfoy answered and attached a letter to his owl's leg, smiling softly at the animal.

"James Sirius Potter," James said matter-of-factly when the blond boy gave him his undivided attention. James held out his hand.

"I know," Malfoy said and took James' hand, shaking it. "Nice to meet you," he said as he let go of James' hand "I am Scorpius Malfoy"

"I know," James stated and the boys stared at each other for a few seconds before breaking in bursts of laughter, "nice to meet you too"

They left the Owlery in silence, both wanting to talk but not knowing how to initiate a conversation.

"How old are you?" James asked.

"Ten," Scorpius answered, "I turn eleven in January, and next year I'll start my studies," he stated happily, "officially at least"

"Which house do you want to go?"

Scorpius looked up to the sky, rubbing his hands together because of the cold.

"Slytherin?" James asked, staring at the boy that was almost as tall as him, "I know your father was in Slytherin"

"I actually want to go to Ravenclaw, I even entered their common room sometimes" Scorpius said with a smile, "but I like all houses"

"Oh Merlin," James sighed exasperatedly. "You are such a nerd!" He grunted in mock annoyance, Scorpius chuckled.

"My father actually says the same thing," the blond boy said.

"Do you think he will care if you don't go to Slytherin?" James asked.

"No, I already talked to him about it. He said any house fine as long as I'm happy," Scorpius grimaced, "although I don't think he would be okay if I were to end up in Gryffindor"

James snorted.

"Dad actually likes you, you know," Scorpius said matter-of-factly and James stared at him with wide eyes, "he does say that you have inherited your father's unskilfulness in potions, but he says you're rather good in DADA and that you at least put effort in Potions."

"Wow," James was flabbergasted; he would never guess Professor Malfoy, of all people, liked him.

Scorpius gave him an amused look.

"Don't ever mention it, though," the blond boy said, "unless you want the Malfoy lineage to end abruptly, of course."

James cackled and Scorpius grinned, happy to have made a friendship with someone who was not at least thirty years older than he was.


It was the third week of teaching DADA for Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom and they were reaching their limits.

"What did Potter said?" Draco asked with a tired voice, sighing and waving his wand so that the essays he had to score appeared in front of him.

"Harry is coming here tomorrow to talk to Minerva," Longbottom said, sounding tired too. "Hopefully he will start next week."

"Oh, good," Draco sighed, "I never thought I would be willing to see Potter, but apparently I was wrong"

Longbottom laughed and Draco smiled wryly before returning to his work.

He was going to see Potter again.

Harry fucking Potter, the man whom he vowed to hate since he was eleven.

Also the man for whom he fell in love when he was fourteen.

He tried to ignore the weird thoughts he was having and focus on the essays in front of him. When he couldn't pay attention anymore, he rose from his seat, wished good night to Longbottom and left the Staffroom, heading to his quarters.

"What is this?" he heard the enthusiastic voice of James Sirius Potter inside his quarters and frowned.

"It's my father's Hand of Glory," he heard Scorpius's calm voice, "I don't like it very much, it's creepy"

Draco entered his quarters silently, looked at the two boys who were sitting on the sofa near the fireplace, James looking amazed with the things he could see on Draco's cabinet. Draco cleared his throat loudly. James froze and stared at him, scared. Scorpius just looked at him and smiled.

"Hey, dad" he greeted.

"Hello, Scorpius, Mr. Potter," he said sternly, James fidgeted and Draco fought the urge to laugh at the boy.

"Sorry, sir" he got up and Draco kept staring at him pointedly. "I will be going then?" he asked sheepishly.

"It's okay, boy," Draco laughed elegantly and looked at the clock, "it's already past curfew, I can transfigurate a bed for you so you won't have to wander alone in the castle at this hour"

James looked up at him in a grateful manner.

"Thanks, sir!"

"Don't think this will happen again," Draco said, "This time I won't give you detention or take points from Gryffindor house because it's the first time I caught you out of bed at this hour," he looked at his son, "besides, Scorpius should have known better," he said firmly and Scorpius swallowed.

Draco transfigurated the sofa into a comfortable bed, then went to his room while Scorpius went to his.

Draco really tried to keep his thoughts away from untamed black hair, sparkly green eyes, glasses, calloused hands, strong arms, broad shoulders…

After twenty-two years, it would be only fair if Draco had moved on.

Apparently, Draco thought ruefully, life is not fucking fair.


This first chapter was written under the influence of tears and emotions, which means I was not being me because ~me~ is not frequently in the same picture as tears and emotions {me is having an existencial crisis right now}

This fic is supposed to have two to three parts, but do not fear, my fellow slashers, it won't be too long. The first part is quite short, actually, and I think it will have five to ten chapters, only.

The first part will be focused on the Drarry part, but then there will be some time skips and there will be other couples, such as Albus S. Potter & Scorpius Malfoy, Louis Weasley & Lorcan Scamander (one of my favourites), Lily L. Potter & Hugo Weasley, etc.

The second part (probably last, because the third would be the epilogue) will be quite longer because it will have more couples and I really want to develop them all, specially Louis & Lorcan because IT'S SO DAMN CUTE (in my mind, at least).

The name of the fic is More Than Words because I bloody love this song and it makes me remember Harry Potter (specially James & Lily's love).

SOOOOOOOOOO, I wanted to post this a long time ago and after some tears and pizza and Coca-Cola and overthinking, HERE IT IS

Hope you enjoyed it, sorry about my rambling, xoxo, Raykk~