Sarah had awoken before John like normal she saw Cameron stood at the motel window at least she took her job of protecting John seriously although she supposed that Cameron had no choice in the matter really.

After having a shower and putting on some fresh cloths Sarah sat on the next to John and watched her son sleep, she resisted the urge to reach out and run her hand across his face like she used to do when John was a baby.

Sarah saw Cameron move slightly in the corner of her vision and turned her head fully to look at the Terminator, she loathed that future John had sent back Cameron she had questions and since John was asleep she might as well ask them "Why did the General send you?" she asked as she shifted on the bed.

"I was the only unit available."

Sarah felt her left eye twitch "Come on, you honestly can't expect me to believe that." She watched Cameron as the machine turned to look at her.

"When I was sent back the war was nearing an end Sarah but it had come at great cost. I know you don't trust me and I honestly don't expect you to but you'll have your answers today. I ask that you be patient until then."

Sarah glared at the machine before she turned to look at John that was still sleeping soundly, she would never admit this to anyone but she was tired she always believed that the future wasn't set in stone yet machines kept appearing in their lives all after john in some way, when she was pregnant and her emotions were scrambled she had actually considered terminating her unborn baby.

What type of life had he lived moving from place to place unable to form any attachments for the first time in years Sarah let the wall she had built around her to fall and she hated what she had done so she swallowed her pride and nodded "For John." She said as the soldier within her emerged again and she glanced back at the terminator.

"Thank you Sarah." Cameron said simply as she turned back to the window and resumed her search.

John sat in the passenger seat of the black truck next to Cameron who had driven them through L.A to one of the many industrial, this morning Cameron had left John in the care of his mother and had bought a new black truck for them to use.

She had then driven them to where they were currently parked "Cameron what is this place?" he asked as he noticed his mother lean forward slightly as she looked around and gripped the pistol she had in her hand.

"This is one of our many storage units set up by the V.I.P."

John could see his mother ground her teeth as her fingers gripped the pistol more tightly, he knew that the bullets in the pistol would do little to hurt Cameron and he had to question his mother's thoughts on the matter so far Cameron had done nothing to harm or hurt them.

"Come." Cameron said simply as she jumped out the truck and walked towards the plain metal door.

John looked back at his mother who glared at him before he shrugged and followed after Cameron, he looked around him as he walked towards Cameron it was nothing special he was surrounded by around 40 plus storage units each equally spread apart with enough space for either large vans or trucks.

He followed Cameron into the now opened storage unit into a small corridor of sorts with a plain steel door at the other end of the storage unit, he followed Cameron as she walked down the corridor and easily pushed open the no doubt heavy door and waved john inside. He was slightly disappointed to find the room beyond filled with plain brown cardboard boxes that looked to be filled with paper if he would of looked closely he would have noticed that a few of the boxes were filled with paperwork from Zeira Corp.

He watched as his mother stalked forward and pushed past him as she looked around the room before she turned to look at Cameron as she slipped the pistol free from behind her back.

"What the fuck is this tinny? There is nothing useful here."

John watched as Cameron seemed to look around the room before walking towards one of the only walls in the room with a small space between two of the shelves, he watched as he shifted a box slightly to the side and placed her hand on the wall.

For a few seconds nothing happened and john was slightly worried that Cameron had developed a fault in her systems when the wall suddenly separated revealing an open elevator, he and Sarah followed Cameron into the elevator which groaned slightly with the added weight of Cameron's metal body.

The doors closed automatically and he felt his stomach lurch as the elevator descended, the doors opened a few moments later and john felt his jaw drop at the sight that greeted him as lights slowly switched themselves on, rows upon rows filled with weapons were staked in front of him there was five metal rows spread evenly throughout the room and on the left hand side of the room was a table that was filled with computer equipment and even mobile phones.

He ignored the weapons as his feet guided him to the table and he looked at four silver laptops that he could already see were extremely expensive and no doubt top of the range, on the other side of the room was a large steel table that had a number of medical equipment around it including a fridge that looked like it contained blood packets.

Deciding to look at the weapons he walked down one of the rows and he felt his jaw drop at the sight, there on one of the selves was a Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle with a grunt he lifted the heavy rifle and raised the scope to his eye, the scope lit the room up with a green glow no doubt from a night vision attachment with a pull of the trigger he felt the rifle click.

"Barrett M82A1 50. calibre sniper rifle with enhanced night vision scope." Cameron said as she came beside him and took the rifle away from him with her right hand and placed it back on the shelf with ease.

John nodded dumbly as he continued to look at the weapons staked on the shelves "Wow." Was all he could say as he looked at a variety of machine guns each with different enhancements on them, he had always thought the weapon stashes his mother had done were impressive but this was a whole other world.

The sight of a jet black mini gun caught his attention and a sad smile formed on his face as he remembered uncle bob lifting up a similar weapon and offering him a small smile "that's definitely you." He whispered to himself as he ran his hand over the gun.

After a moment he turned away and saw his mother looking over the shotguns even she looked blown away by the amount of weapons here.

"John Could you please help me a moment." Cameron said as she stripped off her black coat and removed her purple jumper leaving her in nothing more than a red bra.

He walked back to the table and almost tripped over his own feet at the sight before he swallowed hard "What the hell Cameron?" he sputtered as he glanced away from the beautiful terminator. He heard the metal table groan which made him look back just as Cameron got on the table and lay down.

"Take his scalpel and place it directly between my breast plateā€¦here." She said as she held out the cutting tool in one hand while her other pointed to the spot between her breasts.

He reached out and took the scalpel and walked towards the table and with a shaky hand placed the tip of the blade against her skin.

"Good john, now gently apply pressure and cut downwards a few inches."

John looked over his shoulder at his mother who was holding a police issue shotgun and was glaring daggers at both of them, he turned away and steadied his nerves and gently pushed the blade into Cameron's skin until he hit resistance and cut downwards.

"Excellent you're doing great now cut vertically across and once done fold the skin to the side."

He looked at Cameron who offered him a small smile before he did as he was told and cut across the smooth skin once down he got a piece of tissue and whipped the blood away before he folded the loose skin to the side revealing the chrome exoskeleton underneath.

He then watched as Cameron pushed at her exoskeleton before he heard the tiniest hiss and a small opening popped open and a piece of metal slowly raised up about an inch.

"Slowly and carefully pull out the nuclear power source."

John felt his eyes widen as he looked up at Cameron "Nuclear power source." He felt his hand shake as he reached out and touched the cool power cell before he gently started to lift it out.

"John stop now." His mother said as she cocked the shotgun and nudged him out the way.

He felt his heart stop briefly at the noise and he almost had to take a few deep breaths "Cameron?" he asked as he pulled his hand away and took a step backwards.

"It's perfectly safe John."

He took a deep breath and reached out and wrapped his fingers around the cool metal and started to pull the power cell out until with a slight clang of metal on metal the power cell was pulled free.

He studied the power cell he was blown away that the small device that fit in his hand was basically a nuclear reactor, he slowly placed it on the table near Cameron's leg and looked back to wear the power cell had come from.

"Pull free the portable device you see."

There inside he saw a small black stick that was about 2inches long he reached inside and using two of his fingers pulled the device free and placed it in the palm of his other hand, he moved out the way as Cameron placed her power core back and pushed it back into place before she used a staple gun and stitched up the wound on her chest.

Once she was done she directed him to one of the laptops and switched it on, she fiddled with the menu for a few moments before she held out her hand.

"Give me the device John."

He handed it over and watched as she plugged it into the laptop and waited for it to load before she pushed the space bar and turned to look at him and his mother that still clutched the shotgun.

"What you are about to see is a message from future John."

John was stunned and sat in the chair that was next to the table he swallowed before he nodded not trusting his voice at the moment as Cameron started the message and stepped away from the laptop.

He watched the laptop screen flicker as an image of a room if it could truly be called that was shown it was obvious immediately that the device used to record this was damaged, he waited a few seconds until he saw the body of a person move around before sitting on something out of view.

John gasped as he saw his future self the man had messy greasy tangled hair a face covered in dirt and grim, three long scars covered the length of the left side of his face it was his eyes though that John found himself staring at unable to look away they were dull and lifeless and the man had obviously seen and done things no one should have to do and endure.

"Hello John." The voice said in a rough voice "Mother if you are seeing this then it means Cameron has found you. What I have to tell you now will be hard to deal with but you have to know what's at stake." The man when he spoke had little to no teeth left.

John honestly didn't know how to feel the man on screen was clearly him yet he could tell the man was broken beyond repair and seemed almost like a machine.

"I sent this back near the end of the war. We had nearly won and destroyed Skynet for good yet in the process humanity had lost too." The man on screen leaned forward and using hands that hadn't healed properly from being broken rubbed at his face "the earth had become a nuclear waste land little to no food could actually grow and so humans had resorted to eating each other in a vain attempt to starve of hunger."

"Even I have had to do disgusting things to survive that will haunt me forever."

John turned away briefly as he felt bile rising in his throat and caught sight of his mother who looked to be having a similar problem before he turned back to the screen.

"With the three billion we lost in the nuclear fires and the long war with Skynet and its machines added with the radiation humanity had lost, there are too few of us left." The man shifted slightly "My machines predicted that in twenty to thirty years humans would simply die out, so I sent back everything I could that I thought could help you prepare and if possible stop the war before it ever begins."

"I'm sure by now you've met some of the Resistance fighters but you have to know they were sent back because quite frankly they were useless to me, there are others I have sent back that should you be unable to stop judgement day will have hidden supplies and resources in nuclear bunkers that we know are not being used."

"Cameron will know who they are and what skills you should learn from them but most importantly of all I struck a bargain with an independent machine to aid you, I do not know what identity it has taken but I implore you John to uphold the bargain I struck it. If you find the machine I'm sure it can tell you more."

"Sarah if you're listening I wanted to say thank you for raising me it was not an ideal life like I wanted but I'm grateful none the less. I will say this though Cameron has been sent back to help and she will not let you interfere with that. I hope you can live with this if not then trust me when I say you will lose your john."

"Now John this is my message to you, you will have good days and bad and days when you feel life isn't worth living especially if judgement day happens. I'm not going to tell you everything will be alright instead I'll say take strength from those around you. I hope john you find some happiness though, good luck john."

With that the recording ended Sarah looked at John who sat staring at the laptop and she felt her heart break at the sight yet the soldier in her refused to offer any soft words instead she watched as Cameron walked towards john and placed a hand on his shoulder.

She felt an odd emotion rise in her chest at the sight it seemed that she needed to speak to the resistance people they had met as she had many questions "Come on John we should gather some supplies while we are here." With that she grabbed a black bag and to fill it with ammo and guns.

still need a beta reader come on guys and gals cant anyone help... had this chapter waiting now for three weeks in end decided to publish it as it is but I need help. anyway let me know what you think.