John Connor sat beside his mother Sarah Connor as she drove through the desert glancing around to double check they were not being followed, he looked out the window at the desert sand going past the window and let his mind wonder, before he was born a computer program from the future sent a killer robot a terminator through time to kill his mother his future self in return sent back one of his best soldiers a man called Kyle Reese he told his mother all about judgement day and the war against the machines and how a man by the name of John Connor led the last of the human race in a battle for survival against Skynet a program that was created to protect people before it gained sentience and rebelled against the human race, together they defeated the terminator but at the cost of Kyle's life, when he was old enough his mother had explained that Kyle and her had slept together which resulted in him being born nine months later.

At the age of twelve Skynet again sent a terminator back in time to kill him this one was made from liquid metal and able to form stabbing objects with its fingers or turn its hand into one long sword, the Resistance which was made up of every abled body including woman led by his future self was able to send a T-800 back a machine that not only helped free his mother from a mental hospital but also destroyed an entire office building that had been studying the arm and chip from the Terminator that tried to kill his mother before he was born, which he called "uncle Bob" defeated the liquid terminator by throwing it into a vat of burning liquid steel uncle Bob then sacrificed himself so that no one could use any of his parts and bring about Judgement day all the quicker even though Uncle Bob was learning to find his humanity John would never forget his words as the stood above the burning vat of steel "I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do." Uncle Bob said it as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

He thought that would be it they could finally settle down that mother wouldn't make him go through a rigorous military training regime, no more target practice or gun maintenance, no more military tactics, no more need for him to be the great "General John Connor" maybe now he could try and be a normal kid.

He also thought about the life he was just forced to leave Charlie was a good decent man that was the second father he had ever known other than uncle bob, Charlie had taught him all about the ins and outs of fixing motor bikes and cars and even added although unknowingly to his knowledge on medical matters, they never would of left if his mother hadn't gotten scared when Charlie had proposed and been her usual paranoid self.

So he now found himself in the ass end of nowhere going to a small hick town to start fresh again he glanced at his mother "how long now till we reach this town?" he looked at the clock inside the car to find that it was 5.30 in the morning he had been so lost in his memories of uncle Bob and his sacrifice that he missed the entire night, shaking his head he looked out the window but could see nothing but endless desert.

"Still got a few hours to go, why don't we play a game?"

He turned to his mother and sneered at her "What am I five? No don't answer that you probably don't know" he watched the hurt flash across his mother's face "look I'm sorry ok just wake me up when we get there." With that he leaned the seat back as far as it can go before he turned away from his mother and closed his eyes and tried to sleep but it proved elusive all he could picture was a devastated Charlie, he never had many friends being who he was and the nature of what he knew being John Connor was very lonely though he would never admit that, his mother was hard enough on him as it was he didn't need any more shit off her of how selfish such thoughts were and unbecoming of the future leader of mankind.

At his age he felt and acted far older he was treated like a child one minute while the next he was reminded of his destiny and all the deaths that would happen as Skynet assumed control, including all the resistance soldiers that would one day die for him on his orders, how all of humanity would turn to him for leadership he had to win against Skynet failure wasn't an option he wasn't fighting for just himself he was fighting for the entire human race including those not even born yet, sometimes when he thought about it he could almost feel himself drowning in all the blood and on them nights he would stagger to the toilet and throw up again and again until he had nothing left to expel but he still heaved until blood coated the toilet pan, other times he would have horrible panic filled nightmares that left him tear stricken and terrified to sleep and on occasion left him terrified of the dark and what hid in the shadows of his bedroom.

He could never have a normal life he could never meet a girl have fun hell even getting a girlfriend was off limits because of his mother and the way his life was run by other people and not himself, he could never admit to anyone just how fucked up he was only uncle Bob seemed to understand he could still remember waking up terrified and shaking with a sob in the old garage hiding from the T-1000 as his mother slept in the back of their stolen car to find uncle Bob holding his shoulder with a look of understanding no words were spoken as the machine offered him silent comfort.

He would never say it but while he was glad he had at least one parent in his life it was shadowed by the fact he just couldn't love his mother like normal kids could, he was never allowed a life he wasn't allowed to interact with kids his age growing up or even simple things like going to the park was out the question, instead he was controlled by his mother and reminded time and again of his destiny which would make him ill all over again with a growl he forced his mind to clear and fell into a light silently hoping that he would have no nightmares.

Cameron Philips sat in the truck that had been provided for her Future John had ensured that when she was sent back to this time she had everything available for her a small two bedroom house that was stocked with cloths and a few different types of weapons for her use as well as identity papers and a forged driving licence, she was hidden behind the sign that announced the town was one mile ahead luckily this was the only road in and out of the small town that didn't involve dirt roads, she and her other Resistance contact had been here every hour available waiting for young John Connor to arrive, Future John had told her that his younger self would be coming to stay in the town to lay low with Sarah Connor but due to all the stress of the war and having the entire fate of humanity on his shoulders he couldn't remember the exact date to give to her.

Cameron checked her HUD as her CPU pulled up the calendar the information provided told her she had been waiting in the small town now for 71 days, she had been here far too long if it was up to her she would go to the nearest government facility to search their records thanks to future John she knew every false name the man had possessed in his life before Judgement day but she had orders from future John that said Sarah Connor would bring Young John to this town within an eighty day period so she stayed for now.

A warning flashed across her HUD indicating that she had two hours before it was time for school she started up the pick-up truck and selected first gear as she did so her enhanced hearing picked up the sound of a car coming her way fast, she turned her head to look at the road and activated scanning mode and waited for the car to go past.

A minute later a brown estate car sped past she watched the car as it went past her sensors scanned the car and its occupants before the car went over a small rise and disappeared, she brought up the footage and watched it through her HUD as it played she slowed the footage down until the car and the people in it could be seen clearly, her HUD automatically scanned the face of a young man that seemed to be sleeping in the passenger side of the car within seconds her HUD flashed.

Primary target: John Connor…..Confirmed.

Mission: Protect John Connor.

Cameron looked at the face of the future leader of mankind that was still displayed on her HUD before the image disappeared and her programming commanded her to follow the car, she slammed the truck into gear and sped after the car containing John Connor once she could see the car ahead she slowed slightly to avoid suspicion, she watched as her HUD displayed various routes to empty and available houses in the town.

Cameron followed them for a few minutes even when Sarah stopped at an unassuming house she pulled up a few meters away from the car and watched as Sarah and the unnamed woman talked for a minute or two before Sarah was handed a set of keys and a brown envelope, she watched as Sarah returned to the car and drove away Cameron waited a moment or two before following slowly her CPU calculated her heading and narrowed down the number of houses on the small map that was displayed in the left hand corner of her HUD.

After a few minutes of following her CPU again calculated there heading and displayed the only house available in this section of the town Cameron glanced at the car carrying John before she turned a corner and took a slightly longer drive to the house in question.

Sarah Connor watched as the blue and white truck followed them she contemplated the situation was the car following them or am I just being paranoid she thought to herself she was about to change gear when the truck turned a corner and disappeared, Sarah let out a breath and shook her thoughts away she was in a new town it would be a fresh start for them both for now until she could gather enough cash to again change their identities.

She glanced at her son her face falling into sadness as she did so she knew she was a horrible mother but she had to get her son ready for his destiny she had promised Kyle that much once she found out she was pregnant with his child, she turned back to the road the sad look being replaced by a look of determination she would make Kyle proud and when the time came John would walk out the ashes of Judgement day as the leader humanity needed even if her son hated her for it, she glanced at the envelope her contact had given her it contained the necessary papers for John to start school and it also held a few thousand dollars of hard cash for her to use not as much as she would like it was not enough to change their names but it would do for now.

She drove to the house and parked up outside by now the sun had risen well into the sky she glanced at the clock it was nearly time for school to start but for now John could stay at home he could start school tomorrow, she glanced around the area the house was small but it would serve their needs it had plenty of escape routes in case the worst should happen the only down side to that was there was little cover to hide behind or to mask their escape, she got out the car and stretched glancing at the other houses around her for threats before she walked to the passenger side of the car and tapped the window "John were here come on help me unpack." She watched as her son looked around briefly before shaking his head.

"What a shithole."

Sarah walked to the house door and using the keys opened it she walked back to help John pick up the boxes and started to take them inside neither of them noticed the young girl with brown flowing hair standing rigid watching them with unblinking eyes before she turned from the scene and walked away.

Cameron watched the Connors unpack the car before they entered the house turning on her threat scanner she scanned the area twice before she turned and walked back to her truck. It took about fifteen minutes before she was at her safe house as she walked in she saw her contact leaning against the table cleaning the stash of weapons, once the door behind her closed she looked around to make sure they were alone then spoke "I found him." She watched as the man looked up surprised.

"Finally, so remember the plan you are to make contact and convince Sarah and John to Jump to 2007 by that time our other contact should have set everything up for you."

Cameron nodded humans seemed to go over plans again and again in truth she didn't even need to be told as it was programmed into her CPU but she let the man speak and answered accordingly "yes I am to find and contact Derek Reese." She watched as the man finished cleaning his rifle before pulling out a bag and started to pack the weapons away.

"Correct you are also to help Sarah Connor in her fight against Skynet she believes she can stop it and won't be convinced otherwise, the best we can hope for is to slow Skynet down in the mean time I will contact our fighters in the Military when Judgement day arrives General Connor will have command of the entire human military almost as soon as possible."

Cameron slowly walked to one of the windows and looked out at the vast deserts it had taken General Connor ten years before assuming control of the resistance in that time hundreds of thousands of humans had been killed in needless battles against Skynet and its Terminators, Cameron turned over her shoulder and looked at her contact "What about my other objectives."

"You are to prepare and train young Connor until you receive the Message from the Generals VIP she will have everything ready by then."

Cameron nodded and looked back out at the vast desert she would make sure this John was ready she had promised Future John that she would and she would never break that promise, she turned away from the window and walked to the table and picked up a pistol and rifle and with a nod at the man she left the house and got in the truck and started the engine before she heard a quiet.

"Good luck Cameron."

hello first time doing a terminator story not sure if I have what it takes but I can only try so please review and please be kind, I am only trying this because I didn't like the way FOX ended things with John and Cameron throughout the series you could see there was something there but it was never explored it will be in my story.

also please red JasonVUK its amazing.