Authors Note/Disclaimer: Is harem a thing for Naruto? I assume a year ago when I created this chapter harem was an actual option. So, a little background on this chapter. Just like my other Naruto work it too was created about a year ago. Finally decided to get off my ass and publish it but still too lazy to change anything so this is an artifact, a fossil. I assure you though I only got as far the first chapter so the second chap. will be more modern, suave, up-to-date (just kidding.) Don't own Naruto and this chapter has not gone through a beta reader.

Enjoy and see you guys at the bottom.

- Hots For Teacher Aid -

"Oh, shit!"

Springing up from his futon, the worried adolescent teen rushes out of his sheets leaving behind his leisure break spent sleeping in. Rushing from room to room he assesses he needed a shower thanks to his stank odor and dry hair, but ponders if he has the time to do so. Thinking fast on his feet he strips himself naked leaving his dirty clothes behind as he entered the shower; cold water running he dances in place blaming himself for such a horrendous morning. This left a frown on his face.

Running out of the shower with a towel locked loosely around his waist his body drenched by huge droplets of water from his yet to be dried hair. He pops into his kitchen pulling a cup out of the boards over his head, milk and bread from his freezer, in his fast pace he readies himself toast and warm microwaved milk while he darts out into his room changing into his uniform. Looking himself in the vertical mirror behind his door he wraps his tie around his collar happy he fixed it the night before.

The only good thing to come so far.

A distant ring has his eyes spring into action as he grabs his coat by the collar.

Pulling the cup of warm milk out of the microwave he gulps it down and grabs his toast biting down as he steps out the door leaving behind the wreckage of a late awakening.

He smiles seeing the day shine and pulls out his keys to lock up. Slipping into his coat he pulls on his sleeves to check his wrist watch. Seeing the time he throws on his backpack and hurries down the steps of his apartment. Turning at the last step he spots his locked bike ready to be taken through traffic and street lights just to make it in time for class. Seeing no students walking the streets he had a sinking feeling he was the only one running late.

There in the distance hit by the rising sun his high school deserted of students who are already in homeroom. Though at the time he was coming in, first class probably already started.

Throwing his bike against the rack he quickly locks it and runs through the doors, thankfully no security. He paces to his locker and exchanges his shoes as he makes his final run through the halls. Grabbing onto the corners he catapults himself around the corner spotting his beloved senior teacher waiting for him by the door arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face. As always she is dressed in business clothes too tight for her destroying the fantasies of boys who dared stare at her chest and caught in the act.

At this point she knew about her bust and the affect it had on the men around her, especially around school, and she didn't blame them.

It would only add to her self-esteem.

With a black skirt reaching below her knees and a simple white collared shirt with the buttons screaming for release her chest looked as if it were about to explode gasping for air. It was her bust that made it seem her clothes were suffocating her figure even if she hid it like usual; arms crossed over, she always left the top buttons unbutton. Either that was her limit or she was toying with him. He always assumed the latter though the rumors about her only made her attractive and a dangerous combo he knew could be explosive.

"Hehe…" He stops in front of her catching his breath. "Good morning Senju-sempai-" she finally ticks.

"Don't bother with formalities, Naruto. Late again? This I expect from a freshman." He forces a laugh, "won't happen again."

Wanting to end his little lecture early he walks into the door only to be met with her arm blocking the doorway, his pathway from this confrontation. She gives him a cold glare, a single strand of her blond hair falls, the beginning of her cute disguise was beginning to falter. "It better not, Naruto. This is your final year. Don't begin messing up now or your doomed to repeat a year."

"I got it."

He slides under her arm easily irritating her as she blushes in anger; the boy seems to get to her. "Go take your seat." She mutters under her breath.

Naruto takes his steps into his new class taking in the whole classroom spotting the familiar faces chatting it up. He could see most good seats were already taken, especially the back ones. Spotting his best friend he smiles upon noticing each other and makes his way towards the convenient open seat next to him.

They bump fist as he takes his seat next to Uchiha, Sasuke; a friend from his childhood. The noise in the class dims down as they give attention to their English teacher. Tsunade walks to the front of her class arms still crossed as she eyes Naruto shaking her head in disagreement of his choice of seat. She closes her eyes sighing intently and clears her throat; only to the hawk eye student could they catch her breast jiggle.

"Ahem, today I would love to present the class our new mentor. She will be aiding me in teaching you brats," her eyes land on Naruto slowing taking shape into a glare, "so she'll be with us for the full year. Welcome her with open arms, Katō, Shizune." She gestures towards the figure seated behind the class room. Everyone's neck turn in sync as the woman stood from her seat and walks pass by the students to stand next to her senpai. She clutches the clipboard whatever size her breast are being pushed up.

"Good morning, everyone! I hope our year is full of fun, learning, and excitement. Please watch over me." She blushes weakly and smiles at the dozens of eyes glued on her.


Is that even Shizune's last name? Decided to go with a very generic anime opening "I'm late to class! Grab the toast and run!" Because this is set in a modern alternate universe. And one more thing I apologize in advance about my knowledge of Japanese high schools. I know they have three years of education, some details about class and layouts, but nothing of schedules or events, test and exams so this will be a bit off.

These chapters will be short so there updates may be frequent but not rhythmically. At first I wanted to go First POV and still thinking about it so this may change. Fortunately I have the other chapters fleshed out so you'll continue to see more of this story (sadly no ending yet.)

Oh, and one more thing; this will be a harem.

See ya guys next time.