So Hey! Firstly I would like to apologize, i have not updated in forever and left you guys without any updates for months. Im so so so sorry for that. School took up most of my time as well as dance classes, I'm a month into summer at the moment however the first month was taken up by summer school-it sucks shit so study hard for whoever is in school! I am back, I'm currently writing a chapter for Still Breathing and Hells Gate because those stories have gone the longest without an update so i am prioritizing those two at the moment (that doesn't mean that i will forget about my other stories however).

It was kind of sad going through my email and seeing just how many updates I've missed for FanFiction, I am soooo behind on everything on here and again I want to apologize for that, life got in the way. I have read each and every single one of your reviews and I would like to thank everyone who has left me one, you kept me thinking for my next updates! Thank you so much for that.

Expect an update soon Guys.

Hope you all are doing well!
