Chapter 9: I Love My Readers So Here's A Happy Ending
Dipper's POV
I woke up in a daze. My eyes hurt from a blinding light. My body ached and felt like if I moved, my muscles would tear apart.
"Ugmm…" I muttered to the pain.
I tried to remember what happened to me…but it seemed all fuzzy.
"mmm…who calls?" I answered.
I slowly opened my eyes. The bright light of the hospital room kept me from noticing who was at my side until my eyes finally adjusted.
"Hi Bro-bro!" Mabel said as I found her beside me with tears in her eyes.
I gave her a smile as she jumped on top of me in her excitement. I felt pain of course. But I started to remember everything that had happened.
I banished Bill… I'm alive…
I held my twin sister in my arms. I didn't care about the pain and soreness of my body. It had been so long since I had her in my arms. So long since we had been together like this.
Mabel nuzzled her face into my chest to wipe away her tears.
"You've changed a lot Mabel over these past four years… And yet… You haven't either." I said as she raised her head up towards me, while laying on my chest.
"You've grown so big. You've developed like every girl should. At first I could hardly recognize you. But your personality… You are still the caring, fun-loving, energy ball that I had grown up with."
"Of course I am Dippin Dots! Why wouldn't I be?" Mabel sniffled
"I was afraid that me going away would have changed you…" I admitted.
"That's because I knew you would come back… And I promised myself that I would act like nothing had changed from the day you left…" Mabel said.
I smiled at her and moved her hair away from her face.
"You dum-dum. You can't stop yourself from growing up" I teased.
"Maybe physically, but mentally I will always be your loving alpha twin!" stated Mabel.
She got off me and stood at the edge of the bed.
"But if anyone has changed, it's definitely you Dipper!" Mabel chuckled
"You've definitely grown taller than me. Your arms aren't noodles anymore. I'm pretty sure you're still a big nerd. But your hair has gotten darker and thicker. Your head isn't disproportionate to your body. And above everything else, you've become a hunk!" Mabel teased.
"I'll take your word for it." I laughed
"Take my word for it? Haven't you met any exotic and talented girls on your travels around the world? There had to be somebody?" Mabel said
"I was kinda occupied at the time if you haven't heard for the past four years." Not that I didn't make any friends! I just told them I had a girl back in Gravity Falls. Which was a lie I know, but I had no business with them." I said
"Oh Really?! Well I guess that's good news for some people. But it doesn't have to be a lie." Mabel smiled
"What are you talking about Mabel?"
"What I'm talking about is that you already have two prime candidates listening in at the doorway who would gladly be your girlfriend!"
I shifted myself to see behind Mabel and look at the doorway.
I saw Pacifica's and Wendy's head slowly popping around the corner of the doorway peeking in.
When they noticed that I noticed their presence, they walked in as if they weren't just eaves dropping.
"Dipper, it's good to see you awake!" Wendy said
"Are you feeling ok?" Pacifica asked
"Oh ya! All I did was fight and banish a demon while slicing and gutting myself like a thanksgiving turkey. I should be back to normal in no time!" I teased giving the girls a hard time.
"But… It's nice to see the two of you when I'm not fighting for my life." I said
Wendy and Pacifica smiled.
"Now about picking your girlfriend!" Mabel interjected
"Please Mabel, not now…" I begged
"Dipper you've lost four years of your life! You have so much to catch up on and so many experiences to have! The amount of movies to watch and stories to tell alone is going to take forever! Now that you're back, it's my job to get you situated as if you had never left! And my first order of business is to get you a girlfriend!"
I watched the girls talk and nag at each other stating their opinions on the matter. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, but I enjoyed their company. This familiar feeling of being surrounded by people who loved you. It was a feeling I had missed these past four years. And though Mabel was excited to get my life back in order, I now had the rest of my life to settle down and be with the people I cared about. I've seen the world and learned many things. But nothing can compare to the little town of Gravity Falls and the memories I made here in the past… and soon to be… the future.
Writer Notes: When I started this story, I wanted to write it because of all the action scenes I picture when I listen to my music at night in bed. but I never expected the story to have so much emotion and love when I finished it. This is definitely one of my unexpected favorites I've made. And I hope you all will continue to read my stories in the future. It is your support that inspires me to keep writing. I only hope that I can continue to fill your expectations with my stories.