(Hello I got the idea to write this fic from a friend of mine and since I love the show I thought why not! lol. anyway this is just my first gravity fall's fic since I am just getting my feet wet so to speak. Anyway I hope you enjoy!)

Pacifica's POV

I awoke in the middle of the night sweating. I yawned as I walked over to the window opening it.

"Ugh what the hell is with this heat?" I walked over to my door and grabbed the handle, my hand sizzled from the heat as I cried out in pain pulling my hand away as I wrapped my bath towel around it. "What the fuck?" I turned the knob with my toweled hand and was blown off my feet as fire and smoke poured into the room.

I looked in horror as the smoke began to surround me. I covered my mouth as I pressed into the hall. "MOTHER! FATHER!" I yelled as I ran down the halls of fire watching as all the fancy curtains and paintings turned black. I coughed as I the smoke clouded my eyes, trying to find my mom and dad.

Fear began to take over as the thought that they had just left me filled my head as I looked for some way out. I walked forward and screamed as I fell forward and tumbled down the stairs. I groaned and coughed as I staggered to my feet screaming as I put pressure on my legs falling to the floor again. I coughed as my lungs burned with smoke as I felt a soft cool breeze against my face.

I crawled in its direction hoping for some safety as the main doors came into view. I could see the doors burned down as I looked down another set of stairs. I crawled down them crying out as my leg fell onto every step. Everything began to go black as I crawled out the doors gasping for the bits of fresh air I could get as I rolled down the steps, my nightgown torn and burned away to bits.

I tried to cry out for help but to no avail as I began to lose my vision, the last thing I saw was my whole home in flames as everything went dark and my conscious faded.

I could hear whispers as I my eyes opened, a bright light blinded me before my vision normalized. I was in a hospital room and I could hear all sorts of machines around me as the nurse looked my way.

"Well look who is awake, how are you feeling Pacifica?" I groaned looking around "What happened to me..?"

The nurse frowned looking away "Maybe...its best the doctor explains." And with that she walked out the room. I sat up taking a deep breath as I looked down to see a cast on my legs. "I must have broken it." I thought to myself as the doctor came in.

"Pacifica how are you?" I frowned "How do you think? Were are my parents?" The doctor sighed as he sat down. "Pacifica...I'm sorry but...they didn't make it. The fire fighter's found their body's in their room's. They were trapped by debris."

I sat there shocked and speechless as tears feel down my cheeks "My..Mom...and dad?" The doctor stood up "I will leave you alone to grieve for a bit, I'm very sorry for your lost." I couldn't form words as I just began to sob into my hands. In one night everything in my life had burned away. After a few minuets the doctor walked in "I have some news for you.

Since their are no direct or immediate family for you to stay with we did find some one who could take you in until your older. Your family's lawyer will talk to you tomorrow but for today your well enough to discharge to your new home."

I wiped my eyes as the doctor stepped aside, my they could hear my heart stop for a moment as Mable ran into the room. "GUESS WHO!" Dipper was close behind as he sighed "Real smooth Mable"

I pulled the covers over myself as I blushed "You cant be serious! I can't really be staying with you!" I could see their uncle behind them with a form in his hand "It's official your staying with us, not like you had much choice on account that the whole town hates you and your family.

We were the only ones that offered, for a generous payment from your lawyer might I add." He laughed as he left the room, Mable was poking around at all the equipment as dipper kept close behind her keeping her from sticking all the cotton ball's in her mouth.

"This cant be happening I thought to myself as the doctor came over and helped me into a wheel chair. Mable ran off down the hall as dipper pushed my chair. "I could do this myself you know." I said as I blushed lightly. "What ever Pacifica I'm not any more thrilled about this than you are.

" His words hurt me a bit as he pushed me to his uncles car helping me into the back seat as another larger fellow loaded my chair into the back. I was silent on the drive to their house as they horsed around and sang in the car.

Everything that has happened I just wanted it all to end. After an a few minuets we arrived at their shack of a house. After helping me out of the car and into my chair dipper rolled me in after Mable and their uncle taking me to a large empty and dusty room. "This room was soo's room but he moved in with his mom so it's yours now."

I didn't know what to say to dipper, everything was just playing through my head over and over. He helped me into the bed in the room were I just sat silent. Dipper stood their awkward and sweaty like he is before taking my hand softly.

"I'm...really sorry Pacifica..I...Were all here for you." I blushed lightly as a tear rolled down my cheek as I gently squeezed his hand back. He let go after Mable called for him as he went out to help her. I laid down stareing at the ceiling and before long I found my self asleep.

I woke up some time later looking at the clock seeing it was almost midnight. I sat up and after some difficulty got into my wheel chair and rolled down the hall. I could hear their uncle sleeping loudly as he snored and I rolled past him. I couldn't find the bathroom anywhere and as I looked around some more I saw a light coming from the living room door. I rolled over too it and quietly opened it, my eye's widened as I covered my mouth in shock at what I saw..

(Boom! CLIFFHANGER! lol you'll have to find out what happens next chapter :3. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the start of this fic and if you have any suggestions feel free to pm or leave a REVIEW! lol till next time!)