A/N: Hello! Yes ZeroOneEl here.. Aye, I'm still alive.. Aye, I know I've neglected my writers.. Aye, I'm very very sorry.. I've just found it a tinsy winsy bit difficult to focus lately.. I've moved, got a job.. Sorry, two jobs.. I'll have to update my profile at some point ._. Anyway, life is currently keeping me extremely busy..

Now as soon as I've gotten my inspiration back, I'll return to my other stories.. I do want to finish the first book in my planned 'tales of origins' series as I've put so much into them.. I promise that you will see more of Y'Fran and Alstar.. They're not lost.. Just hiding..

Anywoo~ I'm obviously here now.. And I've been watching Log Horizon for about two weeks now.. And well, it's amazing isn't it? Aye-aye, I had a feeling you'd agree with me.. I agree with you too..

So I was looking for a SYOC Fic so I could just put forward some OC's and my LH hunger would have been sated.. However, I couldn't find one!..

So.. I'm hoping this will help me slightly.. But with everything going on I doubt I'll be able to update this very often.. So? Shall we start?..

No.. No no no no no.. This can't be happening.. I.. I'm just dreaming.. Yeah.. Yeah! I'm dreaming.. I'll wake up..Any minute now.. .. ..

"Hmm.. Well, this could be problematic.." A sudden fear dawns on me as I pinch my arm, the sharp painful feeling made me realise that what I hoped was a dream, could, possibly have become reality?

"Ha, listen to me.. O-Of course I'm not really here.. Maybe I passed out while playing.. Heh.. The number of times I've done that mid-dungeon.. But wait.. If it was in the middle of a d-.."

And as if answering my unasked question a foul roar echoed towards me. "Oh.. Shit.." Barrel rolling to my right, I barely avoid the giant as it comes hurtling past me.

"Well.. I guess if this is a dream.. I'm screwed.. Either my party will have kicked me, due to passing out.. Oh god, I hope I'm not snoring on voice chat or anything embarrassing.. Failing that I'm even more screwed.. Oh god.. What if I'm actually here and this isn't a dr-" My mumblings were cut short as I felt my body impact with something very hard.

I let out a cry of pain as I get sent flying through the air. It was a few moments before I stopped.. It was a rather abrupt, and painful stop, like when you emergency break and your seatbelt locks but your body keeps on moving.. Oh.. What's that?

I got my answer as the large club came into focus as it bounded towards me.

As the large.. Tree-looking, no seriously.. It looks like the big guy just uprooted a tree and thought he'd play tennis with my body.

Once more I was sent flying through the air, this time, however, I crashed through a few pillars.. Man that hurt..

"Freya! Look out!" Yells a familiar voice from an unknown direction. "Oi! Over here! C'mon you smell worse than a Dung Slime"

A dung slime is a low level monster that spawns in fields when they are fertilised too much. Okay, more pressing matters to take priority please.. Now if this is the game then..

Reaching my hand around to my back, my fingers grace the soft leather hilt of a weapon, a weapon that I was all too familiar with.


The blade, that is currently, strapped to my back was and will likely forever be my most prized possession. It took me six raids, seventeen boss fights, four million gold and I had to find the broken blade of Dracanis before I could even start and that was just the materials for it. Then there was the forging, oh boy, didn't that take some serious time.

"FREYA!" Cried out that voice once more, breaking me free from my mind, even if for just a second.

Who the hell is Freya anyway?.. And why does the name ring some bel-.. … Oh..

Thinking on it my in-game-name was Freya.. Oh, how rude of me.. I haven't introduced myself.. Ahem.

My name is Francesca.. Yeah I know.. What a horrible name, right? I-I mean no offence if that's your name and you like but.. I hate my name.. Anyway, I'm seventeen, currently studying psychology, maths and business studies at a college.. What a bore.. As such I'm not really seen by anyone.. Both my parents travel with their work, and since I turned sixteen I've been pretty much living by myself.. I don't really mind, you see kids taking advantage of their parents all the time, but when they aren't around you can truly appreciate the time you get to spend with them. I love anything Japanese, their whole culture is so different.. I wish I lived there, maybe then I would have some real friends.. Instead of just some in-game friends.. But unfortunately I live in the UK.. And well.. Most people aren't open gamers in my college.. It's full of rich kids that get what they want.. There's a few I suspect that are what I call 'closet gamers'..

"For the sake of god! Freya! Wake up!" Shouts the voice again.

Doesn't that person know it's rude to interrupt someone when they are talking.. Well I guess I'm not really talking, but it is rude all the same!

Well as I'm sure you've gathered I'm what most people would call a veteran player of a game called Elder Tale. The game is extraordinary, the setting for the game was Earth, except it was half the size, thanks to the Half-Gaia project.. And the world had more of a post-apocalyptic feel to it with the remnants of the old world; buildings and the like, all being covered in lush green vegetation.

"Freya! Get your god-damned head outta your ass and help us!" Yells a new voice, this one, however, I recognised.

Slowly I picked myself up off the ground, everything feels so real, I begin before my lungs force me to breath. Half coughing and half chocking, I stumble towards the voices.

"Freya! For god's sa!.. Ah you decide t' join us a'last? C'mon, get some aggro on that fine ass o' yers!" Howls another voice.

I could feel a pressure build up in my head at the pervert's mention of my backside, instead of replying I simply turned to another person.

"Athelstan" I yell catching one man's attention, the guy in question turns to face me and smiled, it wasn't a happy smile on his behalf, more of an attempt at a reassuring smile.

"Sorry Freya, I've not got a clue right now.. Shall we deal with our current problem first?.. It would appear to be much harder to fight when we're not just watching from the other side of a computer screen" States Athelstan as he turns around opening his menu and selecting a spell.

The spell erupted from his staff and exploded on the ground splashing molten slag over everything.

"Watch where you're throwing them things man" Sighs the voice of another member as he pats out the flames on his armour before being smashed into the ground by a giant.

"Freya, you're up! Get in there and send out a holy rite!" Yells Calico as his eyes dart through the stats of his party.

"Aye!" I yell as I jump into the frey, Dragnipur already in my grasp. Hitting the ground and running towards the giants that were hammering down on one of our members.

As I get close I let out as roar that resounds throughout the great hall, attracting the attention of everything in the room. "What the hell.. I haven't used a skill yet?" I cry as I turn around and run the other way. "Crap crap crap crap!"

Hello again!.. So this is going to be a SYOC story and underneath is everything you'll need to know about everything (I think)

SYOC form!

I'll pop it on my profile so you can copy and paste it too ^-^

Name: Insert your In-game/IRL name.

Gender: Insert your In-game/IRL gender.

Race: Pick your Race.

Age: Insert your age.

Level: (Max level 50 for OC's so they have a chance to develop)

Guild: Select a guild, fly solo or join one later.

Main Class: Select as main class (You cannot change this)

Sub-Class: Select Sub-Class (You can always change this later)

Secondary Sub-Class: [Locked]

Appearance: Choose your appearance

Personality: How do you act around others

Sexuality: Boys? Girls? Both? Relationships, Smaitionships!(Not open to relationships)

Equipment: [Main weapon, Secondary weapon, Head, Body, Hands/Arms, Belt, Legs, Feet, 3x Accessories (Wrists, Rings, necklaces)] (nothing game breaking please)

Attributes: You have 20 Attribute points to assign. Strength, Endurance, Defence, Agility, Perception, Intelligence, Mind, Piety, Charm, Luck. For explanations look below.

Play style:

Strengths: What do you excel in?

Weaknesses: What can't you do quite so well?

Here's an example for Freya.

Name In-game/IRL: Freya/Francesca

Gender In-game/IRL: Female/Female

Race: Half-Alv

Age: 17

Level: 67

Guild: None

Main Class: Paladin

Sub-Class: Dancer

Secondary Sub-Class: Avenger

Appearance: Freya is nearly a like for like copy of Francesca, the only things that are different are her hair and eye colour. She is average height, with a petite frame. She has golden eyes in game (Blue IRL) and has long flowing blood-red hair that reaches down to her backside (Brown and shoulder length IRL). She has a pale and smooth complexion, she has two black sigil-tattoos on her hands.

Personality: Freya was a very bubbly girl always wanting to try new challenges with her 'friends', she was a morale booster to the team as she would always cheer everyone up. Although she is completely different IRL and is a loner who keeps to herself.

Sexuality: Freya has been caught RP'ing with other girls when ET was a game, but at the same time she's been seen RP'ing with guys too. As such Freya is just looking for the right person for her, she doesn't care if they are a boy or a girl.

Equipment: Freya has the legendary great-sword, Dragnipur. Which absorbs light which it then uses to power it's strikes with burning flames of light.

Freya's secondary weapon is a set of throwing axes that cause a two-second stun. Freya wears a warrior's tiara that gives a boost to any healing spell that is cast on her.

She has a full plate chest plate that gives a good bonus to Endurance and Defence.

She has arm guards that stop at her wrists to leave her sigils exposed, the arm guards have the same effect as the chest plate, but the sigils significantly increase her strength when she is wielding a 2handed weapon.

She has the belt of the titan that she gained from a raid, it boosts her damage output as she takes more damage, when she falls below 75%HP her attacks deal 1.25 Damage, at 50% it boosts to 1.5x, 25% 1.75x and at 5% HP her attacks deal 2x damage.

Covering her lower half, if you could say covering, is her Valkyrie Skirt, it is a very very short skirt, but the boosts it provides make the skimpiness of the attire worth it. The Valkyrie skirt is part of the Valkyrie set, and provides Holy Aura, which is a passive effect that multiplies her HP battle-regeneration by 2.5, and also damages any unholy/evil being within a 20m radius as well as emitting Holy Light which Dragnipur can absorb. The set has bonuses when worn together but she currently only has the skirt.

She wears the boots of the titan, that boost her damage output the same way her belt does.

She has two blood rings and a blood necklace that together increase her Endurance by 6, in turn increasing her HP.

Attributes: 8 STR, 7 END, 5 DEF

Play style: When it was a game Freya would rush into the battle, since it became reality.. Well she's not really changed much.

Strengths: High damage output, keeps aggro easily.

Weaknesses: Can accidentally pull too many mobs at times, which gives everyone a hard time.


1 Human

2 Elf

3 Half-Alv

4 Dwarf

5 Werecat

6 Wolfhair

7 Foxtail



A measure of how physically strong a character is. Increases physical attack damage.


A measure of how sturdy a character is. Increases HP.


A measure of how resilient a character is. Decreases damage taken.


A measure of how agile a character is. Increases attack and movement speed, accuracy and evasion.


A measure of how aware a character is. Increases chance to detect traps, hiding enemies and increases critical hit rates.


A measure of a character's understanding of the arcane arts. Increases magic attack damage.


A measure of a character's affinity to magic. Increases MP


A measure of a character's healing capacity. Increases the effectiveness of healing spells.


A measure of a character's social skills. Charm influences prices while trading with NPC's, makes you more approachable in the eyes of NPC's and increases the effectiveness of songs sung by bards.


A measure of a character's luck. Luck increases drop rates for items, and critical hit rates, it also let's you occasionally find high quality items from NPC vendors.

Classes – Main Weapons – Recommended Attributes – Style


1 Guardian – Sword+Shield – Defence, Endurance – Damage Sponge

2 Paladin – 2Handed Sword – Strength, Defence – Aggressive Tank

3 Monk – Knuckles – Agility, Endurance – Dodging Tank


4 Templar – Mace+Shield – Defence, Piety – Pure Healer

5 Druid – Staves – Piety, Mind – Heals over time

6 Exorcist – Tomes – Mind, Intelligence – Damage Interception, De-Buff remover


7 Assassin – Twin Daggers – Agility, Perception – Pure DPS, DoT attacks.

8 Swashbuckler – Cutlass/Flintlock – Strength, Agility – AoE effects

9 Bard – Bows – Secondary has to be a Instrument (lute, harp, flute, etc.) – Charm, Luck – Support Buffs, Offensive De-buffs.


10 Sorcerer – Staves – Intelligence, Mind – Pure Magic DPS - I'm afraid that this class has reached max applicants, sorry!

11 Summoner – Tomes or Staves – Mind – Summon pets to heal and deal damage - I'm afraid that this class has reached max applicants, sorry!

12 Enchanter – Staves – Intelligence, Mind – Buffs, De-buffs and Bindings

Sub-Classes (OC's can select one main sub-class and one secondary sub-class to learn when they reach a certain level)

Production - May create or craft items by combining materials and using tools, or utilize resource and equipment to enhance or repair items and equipment. There are many players who instead of fighting monsters and challenging dungeons, enjoy focusing their effort on crafting items and supporting their comrades using various resources through trading.

1 Artisan - Artisans are able to create intricate jewellery and other decorative items.

2Alchemist - Alchemists can create things such as battle potions and poisons, they can also transmute low quality materials into high quality ones.

3 Blacksmith - Blacksmiths can produce items out of metal including armour and weapons.

4 Brewer - Brewers are able to make alcoholic drinks and seasonings.

5 Counterfeiter - With the right material and a sample, counterfeiters can make fake versions of items.

6 Fuller - Cleans and strengthens materials, so they can be used to make high quality items.

7 Glassblower - This subclass involves the creation of glass items. They can craft anything out of glass ranging from tempered glass to glass blades.

8 Instrument Crafter - Instrument Crafters, as the name suggests, are able to create musical instruments usable by Bards, and are the only subclass that can repair such items.

9 Knife Grinder - Members of this subclass can restore the durability of single handed weapons like short swords and daggers, as well as being the only ones able to make shurikens and throwing knives.

10 Mason - Can create statues and monuments. With assistance from a woodcrafter, you can make bridges or other civil engineering projects out of stone.

11 Chef - The Chef subclass allows the player to create food that can help restore HP and MP over time, as well as offering other buffs, like Exp boosts and increased strength.

12 Mechanic - As its name suggests, this subclass deals with the construction and maintenance of machines.

13 Pharmacist - Pharmacists can mix or create potions from raw ingredients.

14 Potter - The potters main job involves creating ceramic vessels out of natural ingredients, like clay.

14 Scribe - It allows one to create or duplicate scrolls, maps, books, technical manuals, magical instruction manuals, and contracts using paper and ink.

15 Tailor - Tailors create items out of cloth and leather, they focus on lighter sets of armour and are favoured by magic users and damage dealers alike. They can also craft fine clothes and relax-ware.

16 Woodcrafter - This subclass enables players to create a variety of wood items from raw ingredients, joining forces with a Instrument crafter they can make high quality instruments.

Notes on production sub-classes.

The Alchemist subclass has laws to which they must abide by, for example the law of Equivalent Exchange, meaning that an alchemist must lose or destroy something of equal value to that of which they are trying to create. So they would need a large amount of low quality materials to make a single high quality material, however, some materials can only be created through transmutation. Alchemists rely on Scribes to draw out their magic circles.

The Blacksmith subclass allows players to repair and reforge their items that are damaged or broken, however, this is a long process and can require a lot of materials. Blacksmiths are the only subclass that can reforge items.

The Counterfeiter subclass requires players to have a item that is at 100% durability before they can copy it. During the lower levels all items that are counterfeited will have 'Fake' in their name, at slightly higher levels this is hidden within the items flavour text, however once a counterfeiter reaches level 50 they can hide the 'Fake' note from the item entirely. But until they max out their level their counterfeited items can be appraised and found out for the fakes that they are. Counterfeiters also can't copy items that are higher than their level.

The Chef subclass allows the player to create food by picking and combining ingredients via the menu. After doing so, the food item will appear, looking identical to it's real-life counterpart, however, the food will have no taste whatsoever. To create food with actual taste, the player must prepare and cook the ingredients themselves without relying on the menu command system. However, players without the Chef subclass cannot handle ingredients, turning it into a strange purple or grey goo every time they try to cook it.

The Mechanic subclass was once limited to creating simple items like levers, pulleys, wheels and the such. However, now players can create complex machines and moving parts. Mechanics can create servitors that can help them during battle or increase their productivity.

The Pharmacist subclass mainly creates healing potions, but can also make resistance boosting potions. They are very sought after as there is always a very large need for high quantities of potions.

The Potter subclass was never looked at as a serious class, however, people never took into account that every time a Chef creates a dish, a plate of some descript is used. Since the demand for Chefs is likely to rise due to players wanting to eat good food, then the demand for higher quality plates will likewise increase.

The Scribe subclass has the ability to record information on paper in great detail, creating and copying items ranging from maps, documents, drawings, skill guides all the way up to magic tomes. Although cheap ingredients will suffice for creating normal items, high-quality magical tomes require ink with magical properties. To make such ink, a scribe needs to acquire ingredients such as dragon's blood or other rare minerals.

Role-Playing – Sub-classes that focus more on playing a role rather than creating items, typically grant special bonuses or unique skills when playing the game.

1 Accountant - This subclass grants the player a bonus when conducting business transactions or negotiations with other players and NPCs in the game.

2 Animal Trainer - Animal Trainers can tame, domesticate, and take care of various monsters. However, unlike Summoners, the monsters they tame will die when they are killed, and are always by their owner's side. Starts with one tame slot but gains an extra one every tenth level.

3 Apprentice - Able to register another player to be his/her teacher. An Apprentice is able to copy the low- and mid-level skills of his/her teachers' subclass and receives experience bonuses making it easy to level. If an apprentice chooses to take their master's sub-class they get all the experience they earned.

4 Avenger - The abilities of this Slayer-like subclass are revealed after registering a person from your friends list as "the one you avenge". If that Player receives damage or is inflicted with an abnormal status, you have special skills that can help you take revenge on the one who did it.

5 Berserker - In combat, Berserker can attack enemies head-on in a nearly-uncontrollable battle rage, making this subclass good for a purely offensive strategy. Each physical attack restores health by 10% of the damage dealt. Ex. A hit of 1000 damage would heal 100 HP.

6 Border Patrol - Provides strong defence and offence in combat and can take heavy damage from foes, always holding ground as long as possible until victory or defeat.

7 Courier - As its name suggests, the role is that of messenger and deliveryman. He or she can be crucial for communication when telepathy is not possible.

8 Courtesan - Courtesans often act as escorts to nobles and are able to influence them politically or even economically with their silver tongues and charms.

9 Dancer – Dancers use their dances when fighting, fluidly dodging attacks while still attacking at high speeds. Dancers gain a boost to AGI as well as ATK SPD and movement SPD and whenever a bard plays a song they receive double buffs.

10 Farmer – Can grow crops in fields and personal gardens, ranging from veg to ingredients for potions.

11 Fisherman - As the title suggests, a Fisherman's main job is to catch fish for food.

12 Gladiator - As its name suggests, this subclass is designed for PvP combat, it boosts all stats slightly when the user is engaged in PvP battles.

13 Hitman - The hitman's job is to complete the task they were hired to. The employer could be anyone, as long they have the right amount to pay. If not given the money after the job has been completed, the hitman will receive something of equal value from the client. Hitmen get access to hidden quests that others can't accept.

14 Housekeeper - The Housekeeper subclass enables a player to clean a dwelling with relative ease, cleaning zones, arranging items, and managing consumable and storage items. As a result of their cleaning, the upkeep required to maintain a purchasable zone decreases.

15 Hunter - The Hunter's role is to hunt down and kill monsters for crafting materials.

16 Knight – This subclass gains an increase in defence as more player's rally around them.

17 Merchant - Merchants receive a price advantage during negotiations and bargaining.

18 Pathfinder - Pathfinder lets a character earn more loot when monsters are killed and the ability to detect nearby enemies.

19 Physician - Can tend to a person's wounds and ailments with his/her medical abilities and expertise.

20 Sigilmancer - Are capable of engraving special signs on targets. While they are incapable of creating items, they can engrave sigils on existing items to add additional effects. Sigils can be engraved on a person's flesh, the resulting tattoo will enhance and add special abilities to the recipient. However, to prevent the use of tattooed signs in conjunction with powerful equipment, if the area that is tattooed is hidden behind armour, the sigil will have no effect until the armour is removed again.

21 Swordsmith - A variant of the Blacksmith, Swordsmiths specialize in creating bladed weapons. The player restricts him/herself to only creating weapons, making the class harder to level. High-level Swordsmiths are rare, but in great demand due to the amount of sword-using players.

22 Tracker - As the name implies, the Tracker subclass gives players additional skills that allows them to track other players or foes, disappear and move silently.

23 Undead Hunter - The Undead Hunter's role is to hunt down and annihilate the Undead with his/her holy weapons. They gain attack bonuses when fighting undead.

24 Vampire - Vampires are weakened in daylight but are given various buffs during night time. Although they can still travel in daylight, they tend to avoid it. Healing spells do not work on Vampires, and instead inflict damage on them.

25 War Priest - A player with the War Priest subclass can replace some Healing-class skills with Warrior-class skills.

Rare Title Examples(There are more) (OC's are not allowed to select a Title as they will be earned during the story) Sacrifice secondary sub-class when gaining a title.

Sword Saint – Received after defeating the illusive Black Knight in a special once a year raid. Gains a huge attack and defence bonus when using swords.

Dragon Slayer – Received after defeating the Dragon King in a special once a year raid. Gains the permanent effect, Dragon Scale Armour, which doubles the character's base defence.

Demon Slayer – Received after defeating the Light-bringer in the raid 'Michael's decent'. Gains the permanent effect, Eternal Damnation, which doubles the character's base attack.

Royal Raider – Received after completing a set number of raids. While performing raids the character is constantly regaining HP, MP and their gear doesn't become damaged.

Forge Master – Received after crafting a set number (?) of high quality weapons and armour. Both have separate counters which makes this one of the hardest titles to obtain and there is currently only two known players with this title across the whole game. Forge Masters can create master crafted items that are worth hundreds of millions each.

Guilds (OC's can either join one of the following, create their own guilds or be part of each others)

East Indian Trade Co. – A trading guild that is well establish in the UK severs, leading the markets in sales and profits. The guild is run by one man known as John but has a massive playerbase, with 40% of all merchants on the UK server being members or associated to them. EITCo have a large mixture of classes and subclasses, they have a select group within their guild that are designated to protecting caravans and warehouses.

Freemasons – A combat guild that has been around since Elder Tale's beta. The guild is structured like the knights of the templar once were. Although they are one of the most powerful combat guilds on the UK server, they are also one of the smallest, with only thirty-two members. Most members are the Templar class with the War Priest sub-class, the rest are Paladins with the Border Patrol sub-class, both share the Royal Raider title. Their Grand Master, Michael, is a Paladin with the Knight sub-class, and the Demon Slayer title.

The Damned Legion – One of the largest PK guilds on the UK server, they were once a small group of players that stood atop the rankings in the arenas, but after a group used a glitch to beat them they went mad. Very, very sore losers. Instead of taking back their title they turned to PvP battles in the wilds, swapping their fame for infamy. Nothing is known about the leader of the guild.

Moonlight Loners – A guild of solo players that only join forces for raids, other than that they make use of the guild's storage and rooms. Their leader is know as the Silent Swordswoman.

Furry Fury – A guild that consists of only Werecats, Wolfhairs and Foxtails. The guild is very RP orientated.

Part-Time Paragons – The UK server's equivalent to Japan's Debauchery Tea Party. They aren't the strongest or the largest, but their raid history has not a single loss. They were always organised thanks to their Strategists and how well the whole party worked together. Time will tell if they get together and create a guild. Known members; Freya, Athelstan, Magnus, Calico, Fang, Lulu, Titus, Refia, Faris and a few others.. There is limited space for OC's at the moment, as they aren't in a guild so I'll need to work with you to fine tweak your characters so they fit in with everyone else. This group will be the hardest one to get, as it's a lot of work, but we'll see.

Region corresponding to United Kingdom in the real world, The Kingdoms of Ulster.

Cities and Towns

Kingdom of Alba (Scotland)

Eidyn – Capitol

Fortru – Major City (North)

Carventia – Major City (West)

Novant – City (South)

Caledone – Large Town (East)

Selgrove – Town (South)

Kingdom of Britannia (England)

Londenium – Capitol

Dumnonia – Major City (North)

Carvetia – Major City (West)

Epidia – Major City (South)

Brigantia – City (West)

Isailia – City (East)

Coritania – City (East)

Kingdom of Walhs (Wales)

Silures – Capitol

Deceangil – Major City (West)

Ordovice – City (North)

Demetae – Large Town (East)