Chapter 25

Lee sat with his feet on the coffee table savoring the quiet. The last 48 hours have been hectic. He had his revenge on Admiral Johnson when he placed the 0300 call to him. He wished he could have seen the admiral's expression upon hearing "what the hell do you mean calling me at this hour" when the ONI director discovered it was Lee on the phone. The manuscript and bottle of wine where now safely with the scientists that would analyze the sample and decode the professor's message. To Lee's eyes, some of them appeared to be a formula. Others would read the pages to determine if any underlined letters have been missed.

He had also contacted Helga in Germany. He could hear the relief in her voice as he explained the reason for the call.

"Herr Crane, I didn't know what to do when you were missing. I try to reason with Herr Professor but his mind was too affected by his illness. He was a genius. How could I, a housekeeper, tell him to turn over the discovery right away?"

"Where was he keeping it safe? He was overly concerned with being watched and the house searched."

"The experiment was completed over a year ago, and the small sample was safely placed in the bottle at that time. He simply kept it among all the other wines in the cellar."

Lee shook his head in amazement. It was in the house at the time of his visit and von Kempner hadn't said a word. It is fortunate he hadn't, concerning what had happened to Lee.

"He truly was writing his memoirs and used it as a means to let me know about the compound."

"He told me there are some meaningless letters thrown in," Helga warned Lee. "Herr von Kempner said with the material in hand, the incorrect ones could be easily spotted. I think he enjoyed playing spy. He told all he talked to how his last work was a failure and his illness prevented any further work."

"About the bottle…"

"Ach, that was easy. My brother Franz has been blowing glass as a hobby most of his life. He got a mold of the wine bottle the professor's cousin used and simply blew into it, creating the special bottle with a couple of changes, as you discovered. The heavier bottom and deeper punt allowed the opening to be made. The cylinder was placed inside and sealed. I visit my brother once a week, so no one thought it was strange to see me taking a basket of bakery items to him." Helga sounded very pleased with her role in the caper.

Lee smile, recalling his friend's love of spy novels. Still, he was puzzled over all the chances that were taken by such a cautious man.

"Frau Müeller, I can't believe the risks he took."

"The doctor explained it to me. He was still brilliant, however at times he reasoned as a child. The part of his brain affected controlled his common sense."

"This means he had no understanding how something so easily could have gone wrong.

Danke, Helga, for all you did. I know Herr Professor thought highly of you. If there is ever anything I can help you with, please contact me."

Her voice was growing thicker. "Danke, Herr Crane. He was a great man and will be missed by many."

Lee sent off a message to Admiral Johnson, who had been demanding all nine bottles in case they contained other items of interest. Now with Helga's confirmation of only one bottle, Johnson should get off his back.

Chuckling as he poured another coffee and sat down on a patio chair, he thought to himself, so much for a relaxing first week back. He should grab a towel and spend the late afternoon down by the water. That should pacify both doctors. Unfortunately, the picnic table still needed staining, and he had some diving gear that needed repairs; there were many items on the to-do list still unchecked.

Okay, Crane. Compromise. The staining, then the swim. Tomorrow you should radio Seaview to let Admiral Nelson and Chip know about the latest events. Better to hear it from me rather than Johnson.

He could imagine Chip's frown at the thought of anyone from ONI talking to Lee. He had made a promise and he would keep it. There was no further need for him to be involved in the case. Humming to himself, he opened the can of redwood stain and started to work.

The rest of the month passed quickly and mostly uneventfully. A short article appeared in several scientific journals of Professor's von Kempner last discovery. Not many details were given except to say all research papers were in the hands of the American government. Admiral Johnson and others in the intelligence world figured the notice would draw any attention away from Frau Müeller and Lee, thinking it might be possible that Decker would try something. It wasn't a lie, part of the code was a password, allowing them access to his work.

Lee was growing anxious for the return of Seaview. Radio messages had zoomed back and forth, most of Chip's were complaining how dull the mission was, likening it to the seal count they were required to do last year. A snide comment about no mermaids sighted brought a threat of revealing some X-rated material concerning a certain blonde Ensign and a stripper.

The work at the Institute was similarly boring, as paperwork tended to be. One bright spot was a proposal Lee had read and would strenuously recommend for acceptance, and not only because it called for numerous dives off St. Thomas.

Communication had received confirmation for Seaview's arrival at 0300. Lee had planned to be at the dock to meet the boat; instead, he'd received a message containing in order from Admiral Nelson that he expected Commander Crane for breakfast at 0900 at his bungalow and did not require his presence any earlier. Disappointed, but realizing the wisdom of the order, he stayed away. The officers would be busy and the welcome, while appreciated, would lengthen the debarking. Lee felt like he did at Christmas Eve, tossing and turning in bed and having a hard time sleeping knowing what was in store in the morning.

He followed Nelson's orders to the letter and showed up precisely at 0900. Nelson opened the door and motioned him inside. The table was already set for two and the food was being kept warm in the oven. Housekeeping was in top form as usual. He was slightly surprised Chip had not been invited.

"0900 on the dot. What time did you show up at the dock?" The admiral teased his captain, knowing him very well.

Lee's eyes were still shining bright from the sight of his gray lady. He grinned and admitted to 0815.

"I didn't go on board. The rates were busy unloading gear and performing maintenance. I assume everything went smoothly."

"Chip wouldn't have it any other way. It was a tedious but necessary job of checking Hartford Corporation's equipment. We need to ensure there's no issues when we receive their yearly payment for the work."

The admiral wanted to be brought up to speed but also needed to be reassured Lee was safe and not involved.

"I was told that if the tests produce the same results the professor obtained, it would result in personal body armor with double the protection and half the weight. He had even played around with applying it to boots to lessen foot and ankle injuries and resulting amputations. Further, his lawyer contacted the government to say that on von Kempner's orders, he had applied for patents now that the discovery was no longer a secret. He wanted it to be available to all and not allow one or two companies to benefit."

"You won't be involved in any way with the project?" Nelson wore a worried look; he had just gotten Lee back, whole and healthy.

"No, I washed my hands of that when I turned over the items. Admiral-" he momentarily stopped speaking at Nelson's stern look, then his lips twitched and continued. "Sorry, I mean Harry, you might hear a rumor from the Security guys that I was acting crazy. In my defense, I had no idea what von Kempner was involved in. You know of his work with missiles, and I was concerned that its discovery could be used as a weapon. Care had to be taken to protect the secret. So I went a bit overboard." Lee was afraid the admiral might believe he wasn't ready to resume command.

"I don't imagine anyone would question your actions. You, more than most, know what length some would go through to obtain such information." He spoke rapidly to assure the young man.

He did not tell Lee how Dr. Anderson cautioned the other three men Lee might be overly concerned people would judge his actions. The behavior wouldn't last long, once the men under him started to obey his orders. He needed validation of the others to prove his deeds were correct. Nelson would make sure he got all the encouragement possible.

"The chief is making sure your cabin will be spic and span ready for you."

Lee loyally defended his friend. "I can't imagine Chip leaving a mess."

"I heard rumblings about cookie crumbs in the bunk."

Lee burst out laughing, followed by a low chuckle from Nelson. "Poor Chip, we do pick on him. We're meeting for dinner tonight."

"I sometimes think he does things just to make you laugh. Are you finished pushing your food around? I'll walk with you to the office. By the way, did you come across any interesting proposals?"

Lee was very animated as he walked, describing the one request requiring lots of diving. The admiral was content to listen and smile. He had a son back.

Lee stuck his head in to say hello to Chip and had a short visit. Confirming 1900 for dinner, he left for his meeting, leaving Chip to finish the reports. Later in the day, he stopped by Sick Bay knowing Jamie would be searching him out before the day was over.

He sat down on the corner of the desk, snatching a cookie off the plate. "Good afternoon, Dr. Jamieson. I heard your trip was uneventful since that trouble magnet captain wasn't on board."

The doctor pointed to the coffee pot. "Help yourself, but keep your mitts off my cookies. I should've known the peacefulness wouldn't last. Please tell me this is a social visit." Jamie moved his chair and placed his feet up on the desk.

"Mostly social. Anything I need to be aware of regarding the crew?"

"No, two splinters removed and one minor burn on Cookie's thumb. What about you, anything I should know?"

"If I give my standard answer, would you believe me?" Lee got up and wandered around the office. He stopped and pretended to be fascinated by an open book on the side table.

"For once, yes, I would." Gesturing towards the book Jamie, added, "I didn't know you were interested in the treatment for ringworm."

Lee looked up in a hurry. "Ringworm! Don't tell me one of the crew…."

Jeannie interrupted before he could become troubled. "I told you, the crew was in good shape. Baxley called this morning, his son was sent home; he wanted a second opinion."

Lee had a sheepish grin as he apologized, which Jamie brushed off. "I believe we were discussing your health."

"I'm fine, doctor, well rested and not a black and blue mark in sight. Before you ask, I had breakfast with the admiral, made dinner plans with Chip, and have now had coffee and cookies with you. And no, I'm not involved with the professor's discovery. Satisfied?"

The playful banter was back between the two officers. The doctor hoped it would continue throughout the next trip. Rinsing out his cup, Lee left with a promise to stop by for a drink after work tomorrow.

Returning to his office, Lee picked up his phone, then was surprised to see Chip standing in the doorway. Checking the time, he looked at his friend with a question on his face.

"What's up, it's 1715, do you need to cancel dinner?"

"Just the opposite, the rest of the report can wait until tomorrow. I need some fresh air. Why don't we get an outside table at Appleton's Grill and have a couple beers before dinner?"

Lee was becoming used to this behavior. He understood what Chip was doing; they needed to talk.

"I've got a better idea. I'll stop and get some steaks while you go home and change. There's salad fixings in the fridge and potatoes we can toss on the grill. I put in a 12 pack of beer yesterday, all chilled and ready to be drunk."

Chip was relieved Lee wasn't ticked off over being checked up on. Except for a brief visit earlier, he'd managed to keep away, controlling his mother hen instincts.

"Sounds like a plan, let get out of here." They walked out the building side-by-side, one blonde, one dark-haired, brothers just the same.

Over the first beers, Chip described how tiring the cruise was. The most excitement they had was when Cookie's hand slipped taking out a tray of biscuits, burning his finger. Dropping the bread, he'd let out a string of curse words that have the galley crew applauding.

"When I asked about the unusual use of profanity, he became embarrassed and admitted he was upset because he just chewed out a rate yesterday morning for doing the same thing."

"Definitely a boring trip, Chip. To be honest, I hope the next one dealing with the Jonas grant is the same."

Lee picked at the label on his bottle, ill at ease at confessing his lack of confidence. This was an alien feeling for him, and he was unsure how to handle it.

Chip had been smiling when he told the story; now he was serious, knowing how important his response would be to Lee.

"Don't start second-guessing yourself. Dr. Anderson said you were ready and so do I. There isn't a man aboard that doesn't respect and trust in you. You have an intuition for when there is danger. They know you would do everything to protect them and Seaview. I'll be standing right by your side, until you find your way again." Chip leaned forward and placed his hand on Lee's knee. "I'm deadly serious. The men will follow you anywhere and so will I. Your instincts will guide you, just stick to them."

Lee couldn't answer, his throat was too tight. He settled for a grin and a handshake.

After several minutes, Chip broke the silence.

"I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry. Why don't you start the grill and get us another beer?"

It was going to be a quick turnaround of one week. Without any fanfare, Chip moved back into his old cabin. The temporary XO, Tom Pierce, had been engaged to act as liaison officer for the Jonas group. As promised, Sharkey had a crew in first thing and made sure the captain's cabin was spic and span.

Lee elected to come on board the night before, wanting to keep his presence as low-key as possible. He casually greeted those he met on watch, and they answered in kind. It was real, he was finally getting HIS boat back. Gazing out of the Herculean observation windows, his hand touching the frame as if to confirm it wasn't a dream, Lee was momentarily saddened he had chosen the dark of night for his first visit. Soon, however, in the morning light he would better be able to observe the sea before him. Satisfied with his quick trip around the control room he scrambled up the circular staircase, entering officer territory and his cabin.

Standing in the middle of the room, he did a 360, confident everything was as he'd left it. The only items Chip had reluctantly ordered removed were Lee's clothes, and tomorrow he'd bring them back aboard. Going to the desk, he sat down and swiveled in his chair. Yep!

Squeak was still there. He bet the noise had been driving Chip crazy. Lee moved his hand around the edge of the desk, grinning when his finger located the nick produced by a bullet fired during a struggle. His cabin hadn't escaped being the scene for a fight or two. Neither had the control room; he thought back to the 'warm welcome' he'd received from his unorthodox access when he initially came on board. Later, Kowalski had arrived with his bags, explaining Seaview was different. It took the entire mission for the crew to get over their soreness of the security check. Ski's jaw still had a faded black and blue mark when the boat docked.

That time when he entered the cabin, there was the cold military institutional feeling one received at a new billet.The feeling was gone now. After moving the desk lamp a centimeter to the left, Lee stood up and took a last look around. He had been correct in his assumption; the room was unchanged, only the man occupying it was different. A little older, a little wiser, and a little sadder, he would resume command of the greatest submarine in the world.

This is it! Lee adjusted his tie for the eighth time and brushed off a nonexistent string from his uniform jacket as he exited the car. He'd been surprised at being stopped at the last securitybooth, usually it was a brief glance for verification and then he was waved through. Perhaps it was because one guard was on the phone and the new man being overcautious. Never mind, he was moments away from retaking his objective of the last several months, command of Seaview.

He walked down the ramp and noticed an unusual amount of activity on Seaview's deck. With a flush darkening on his skin, he realized that the entire crew was pouring out of the hatches and lining up topside. Looking up, he saw Admiral Nelson and Chip appear on the bridge, faces wreathed in smiles.

Squaring his shoulders, Lee crossed slowly over the brow as Chief Sharkey placed a bosun's pipe to his lips. One of the other chiefs shouted "Captain, arriving!" As the shrill pipe began its trill, the crew came to attention and saluted.

Lee raised his right hand and started forward. He stopped sharply at the end of the brow, turned and addressed the ensign, and then stepped aboard. He was home.

Captain Crane went up to the bridge and in a firm and steady voice gave the orders to get underway. The crew scattered, jumping to obey that long wished for order, not bothering to hide the smiles from their faces. They had their skipper back.

Nelson gave Chip a 'well-done' smack on the back, both grinning like the cats who ate the canaries. Lee had the widest smile of them all. He had his crew and gray lady back. Together they would explore the marvelously exciting wonders of the seas.

The road is long, with many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where, who knows where
But I'm strong, strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy - he's my brother

So on we go, his welfare is my concern
No burden is he to bear, we'll get there

Writer(s): B. Russell, B. Scott
Copyright: Music Sales Corporation, Music Sales Corp.