Ayako sat glaring at me as the doctors and specialists spoke to Mai.

"You may as well get it over with," I muttered, not looking up from my book.

"What over with?" she retorted.

"Whatever it is you are dying to say."

Her glare intensified. I turned a page of my book.

"You better not abandon Mai," she hissed.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Because you have a habit of telling people useless to you to get lost," she continued in the same tone. "And I won't let you do that to Mai."

"Mai is not useless to me," I said. "I don't know why you would think that, or are you prejudiced towards those with disabilities?"

That, thankfully, shut her up.

The peace did not last for long though, as the rest of the idiots turned up a few minutes later and immediately started to ask questions. I let Ayako deal with them. Only Lin sought me out.

"We closed the case successfully," he muttered. "When will she be released?"

"They're taking the bandages off now," I replied. "Nothing can be done for her eyes realistically. Assuming there are no complications with the surrounding skin, she could be released today with a reference to her local doctor for further guidance."

"How is she taking it?"

"It's Mai, how do you think she's taking it?" I asked back. "She's more concerned about everything and everyone other than herself."

Lin nodded in understanding and took the seat next to me. The others were all rabbling a few metres away.

Ten minutes later, a nurse appeared in Mai's doorway.

"She'd like to see you all now," the nurse said.

"Yes, I'm sure she would," I muttered pointedly. The nurse gasped in realisation as I strode past, the others following in my wake. No sooner than I was through the door, Ayako and Bou-san pushed passed me and rushed to Mai's side.

The doctors had removed her bandages. The skin around her eyes was pink and appeared delicate. Her eyes looked – there was no other word for it – ethereal. They were still brown, but it they were not the same.

They were soon badgering her with questions and I watched as she dealt with each one in turn. I kept an eye out for any signs of Mai feeling overwhelmed, but she handled the situation well.

Her eyes looked around as every new person spoke, I wondered briefly if she was searching to see anything. It would be like Mai never to give up the hope of regaining her vision.

"Dr Davis, might I have a word?"

I turned to see one of the doctors and nodded. I did not look around at the others, who I knew were following me with their eyes. The doctor led me to their office and went through the paperwork with me.

After that, she began going through how I, as Mai's employer, could adapt my workplace to be inclusive of Mai's new disability. As if I hadn't been reading all morning on how to assist Mai best.

It was hard to refrain from rolling my eyes.

Eventually, I was released from the grips of this doctor, and she then agreed to allow us to take Mai home. Sometime while I had been trapped in the office, someone had been round and given Mai a white stick. My SPR co-workers were helping her practice as I arrived.

"We're leaving," I stated. Mai's head spun around at the sound of my voice and she began tapping the stick in my direction as she tentatively made her way over. I did not speak as the others watched her progress.

The stick hit my shoes. I smirked.

"Ow," I said pointedly. Mai almost dropped her stick as her hands rushed to her mouth.

"I'm sorry!" she gushed.

"He's fine," Ayako grumbled. "He just likes seeing you worry." I glared at her.

"What?" Mai asked innocently. "Naru?" Realisation dawned over her face as a fresh smirk worked its way over mine. "You jerk!"

"Glad to see you are up and about," I muttered.

"If," Mai began in what I'm sure she thought was a threatening tone and with a finger pointed in my vague direction, " you even so much as think as saying the word 'tea', I will-"

"Do something absolutely terrifying I am sure," I interrupted. "Are you ready to go?"

I watched her eyebrows furrow as if she was going to glare at me. Not that I would admit it, I was glad to see that she was still herself.

After a lot of faffing, everyone from SPR was ready to go. I told the others that Mai would be joining Lin and me in the van. Ayako immediately began to protest, but Mai assured her it would be okay.

I had a feeling that she wanted some time without everyone.

It turned out I was right, I heard her audibly sigh as Lin pulled away. Within minutes, she had commandeered my shoulder as a pillow and thought I knew she was not asleep, I knew she did not want to talk for once.

I appreciated the unusual silence.

Everything was calm until we were on the outskirts of Tokyo. Mai sat up suddenly and stared out of the passenger window.

"Stop the van," she demanded.


"Stop the van," she repeated.

Lin complied as soon as was safe. Mai stumbled out, forgetting her stick.

"Mai, what are…" I gave up asking the question as I followed. Mai was walking blinding down the path. I rushed after her and grabbed her hand. "What are you doing?"

"Walk me that way," she pointed.

"Explain," I commanded. But she ignored me and tried to keep walking. Scowling, I began to guide her. "How far this way do I have to take you?"

"Just…" Her sightless eyes were searching. "What's that?"

I followed the line of her arm.

"A graveyard," I told her. "Why?"

"It's glowing," she mumbled.


"It's glowing, kind of orange colour," she described. "There are lots of orange pulsing lumps… No, orange is wrong. Terracotta. It's terracotta."

I was genuinely speechless.

"Is that all you can see?"

She nodded.

My mind was already racing with possibilities. Somehow, I did not think this was her usual vision returning.

"Sorry," she mumbled. I ignored her apology.

"Come on," I muttered as I guided her back to the van. Once we were both inside, I turned to Lin. "Where is the next nearest graveyard?"

He frowned at me before searching on the SatNav.

"Five minutes away," he told me.

"Take us there."

"Naru? What…?" Mai asked quietly. "I was probably just imagining it."

Yet when we arrived outside the next graveyard, I saw her react to seeing something.

"Is it the same?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied. Her voice sounded almost scared by it. "What is it…?"

I did not want to admit I did not know.

"Take us home."

"Naru? Why could I see things? The doctors said I shouldn't be able to see anything," Mai rambled. "Everything else is… Well, not black exactly. But there's just nothing. Why was-"

"Describe what it looked like, in detail," I interrupted her scared muttering.

"It was just like I said; orange glowing pulses in rows."

"What shape were they?"

"Um, rectangular? Sort of? But the pulsing bit was stronger at one end."

I began pacing in front of Mai, not that she could see.

"Interesting," I muttered.

"Naru, can we eat now?" she asked timidly.

"Of course." Her question threw me off momentarily. I had forgotten about food. After helping Mai to the kitchen, I set about cooking. My hands cut vegetables and stirred things in a pot without conscious thought.

My brain was elsewhere.

Rows of glowing orange rectangles at a graveyard. Bodies.

But why could she see them?

And what else would she be able to see?

Author's note: Apologies that this is a little short! But I have been super busy! Fourth year (Masters student) is hectic...


As part of my degree, I am doing a Japanese course (yay) and as part of that I have to write a dossier. Long story short, I convinced my teachers that writing fanfiction in Japanese was a good idea. As I know a few of you are also learning Japanese, I am going to try and keep everything simple!

My first chapter is going to correspond to the grammar and vocab (with some obvious additions) from Genki I. This is my textbook and I know a few other people use it too! If you use another textbook, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me because I'd love to know what grammar points is in what chapters so I can let people know. I'm going to need you guys to check out my attempt at Japanese fanfiction and tell me if it's helpful and stuff (as part of the write up of my dossier!). I hope to get it up in the next few days!

Please review :)