Disclaimer: I do not own The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, or any characters associated with them; They belong to their rightful owner J.R.R. Tolkien. We just borrow them to play.
My Elvish sucks. Tolkien forgive me. *sobs*

A/N: This was so meant to be updated last month... Sorry about the delay, time just got away from me. But here's the epilogue to wrap things up and let you all know about Thranduil's fate. Remember, this is short, sorry I couldn't come up with any better epilogue than this.


In S.A. 3441, Sauron was defeated. Gil-galad had been among those that had felled him, but he too, along with many others, died in the War of the Last Alliance. But he had spoken the truth to the young Legolas, and they had won. Sauron was defeated. And Thranduil, Legolas, and the remaining of their people returned at last to Greenwood the Great.

The trees sang the most beautiful songs that day, songs that would forever be cherished by the young Wood-elf and all those that had fought and survived in the War of the Last Alliance.

Thranduil's wounds, for the most part, had indeed healed. Elrond's skills had both saved the Sinda's life and saved him from his entire body scarring. A few burn scars littered the left half of his ribcage and around his collarbone, but they were light in comparison to the wound inflicted to his face.

That wound, as everyone feared, had not mended beyond the exposed flesh closing. The scar was horribly disfiguring, and it caused a deep anger to boil deep inside Thranduil. He loathed it, loathed how his once beautiful face was now left in ruins. For a long time after they returned, he did not leave his bedchambers.

Legolas had grown increasingly worried for his father, as the older elf refused to see him. He went days, weeks without seeing his father after they returned. He knocked on his father's door every day, asking to see him. Each time he was refused, and each time Legolas would simply tell his father he loved him before walking away.

After weeks of being secluded inside his bedchambers, the Sinda stepped out of his chambers for the first time since returning from the war as Legolas was about to knock for the day. The younger elf was shocked to see the face he had remembered from before the dragonfire had spread on the battlefield. Flawless, beautiful, both his eyes a deep, blue-grey shade that shined with a sharpness known only to the Eldar.

It had taken Legolas by surprise, but his father revealed it was sadly only a concealment spell he had been perfecting until then. Even the light scars across his ribs and collarbone were seemingly gone, his flawless skin once more without imperfections. It was only a mask, but it lightened Legolas' heart to see his father as he once was.

No one at all dared mention the king's old scars. It was as if they never existed to begin with, and only those present of the time it happened now knew of it's existence, so close was the secret kept.

Still, Thranduil knew. He always knew better than anyone. He stood in his bathroom today, many years later, peering at himself in the mirror with a sneer on his face as he looked at the horrible scar left by dragonfire so many years earlier. He would let the concealing magic down once in a while to remind himself. And his anger never faded.

He was now known quite well for his ill temperament.

As he tilted his head to the side, he ran his fingers along what little skin remained over the left half of his face. Frustrated, he grabbed the nearest thing to him -an elaborately decorated goblet- and tossed it. The goblet bounced onto the floor with a clatter and he turned away from the mirror, taking in a deep breath. A knock at his bedchamber door made him jerk his head toward his bathroom entrance. "Who is it?!" He yelled, fists clenching. He was in no mood to entertain guests.

"It is me, Adar." Legolas called from the other side.

His face softening, he turned away from the entrance of his bathroom and pulled a robe on to cover himself. "Minno, ion nín."He said, a little more forgiving on being so harsh with his son than he would have been had it been anyone else.

Legolas made his way into the room, closing the door behind himself and glancing around. He then went to the bathroom, and he was not surprised to see his father with his back to him. "Look at me?" He asked, reaching out and placing his hand on his father's shoulder. "Ada, iesten."

Sighing, Thranduil turned and met his son's gaze. The scar was not concealed. It still hurt Legolas to see his father's ruined face, but he would not look away. He loved his father regardless of what injuries or scars he had, even one so disfiguring as this one. He reached up with his free hand and ran his long fingers along Thranduil's right cheek. "Le melin, Ada."

Legolas was the only person in all of Arda Thranduil allowed to see his true face. And Legolas never made him regret surviving these wounds. He was here today because of his son, and he would continue to live for his son and people.

He reached up and gripped Legolas' hand in his own. "You did not come here simply to tell me you love me." He said, and in an instant his face was flawless again as the scar was again concealed with his magic. Legolas' expression did not change in the least at the difference, and Thranduil's mood lightened a little at that.

Pulling his hand free, Legolas nodded. "You are right. I came to inform you I will be leaving with Tauriel and a number of our warriors to hunt. Spiders have nested near."

"I ordered Tauriel to destroy the nests near my kingdom not two moons past. Did she not?" His sharp eyes narrowed in anger as his temper flared back to life.

Legolas nodded. "She did, Adar. But I am told it needs destroyed again. I am going with her this time and will make sure all the foul creatures and their nest near the palace are destroyed. It will be done." He bowed his head and then turned to leave.

"Legolas," Thranduil called his son, making the younger elf pause and glance over his shoulder at his father. "Be careful, ion nín." His gaze softened at his son. Legolas had grown to be a fierce warrior after the war, but it did not serve to ease Thranduil's heart on his son's well being when he was out hunting.

"Am I not always?" Legolas replied with a smirk, glancing at his father before he left his bedchambers to leave with Tauriel and the other Mirkwood warriors to hunt for spiders.

But Thranduil still worried. And he knew of something coming. Whispers had reached his keen ears of a quest. He had a feeling that dragonfire would once again spread afar, if this quest did not succeed. He would wait, and see how it would turn out, though. But his scar seemed to burn with the memory, and he knew what dragonfire could wrought.

Thorin and Company did not know what they were getting themselves into, but Thranduil knew well of the Wrath and Ruin of dragonfire.


A/N: Aaaaand that's a wrap! I said the final chapter/epilogue was short, and I know I could have just added it to the end of the last chapter, but I still wanted to separate it from the second half of the story. Thanks for reading, hope you all enjoyed! Drop a review to give me your thoughts, constructive criticism is welcomed. :)

If my Sindarin is wrong, do not be rude about it. Please either politely correct me, or kindly tell me what does not exist and I will replace it with English/edit the scene. Thanks

Adar: "Father"

Minno: "Come in/Enter"

Ion nín: "My son"

Ada: "Dad/Daddy"

Iesten: "Please"

Le melin: "I love you"