Hey guys! This is my third Yugioh fanfiction, and my first one with Fems! So if I screw it up, sorry. Also, this one won't have any betrayal! Hooray for that. Okay now that that's out of the way...

Onto the Chapter!

Chapter 1

Atem and Yami sat in the throne room listening to all the chatter. In all honesty, Yami didn't have to be there, he was just supporting his brother in this dire time.

The council had decided it was time for the future pharoh to marry and was deciding the time to announce it to the public. Because it was about him, Atem had to be there. But he had no say in the matter. Though he did want to know the date so he could prepare himself for the hordes of women.

"What about tomorrow." Yami said. His brother looked at him, surprised.

"It will get everything out of the way, and the process of finding someone will speed up." Yami explained.

Atem had to admit. His brother made sense. The sooner it was dealt with, the sooner it was over.

Like him, the council also seemed to agree.

"Alright, then." Isis said. "We will reveal it tomarrow."

"Meeting adjourned." Everyone left the room.

When Atem and Yami came out, their friends came up to them.

Bakura and Marik were former theives who had attempted to rob from the royal family four times before they were caught. Because of their young age, the pharoh took pity on them, and adopted them. Despite all the worry when they were around, the two were now accepted by everyone in the casle and the kingdom. Their talents also helped them. They rose in ranks and were Captain of the Guards. However, the two were single and because of that and their good looks, they sometimes had to deal with greedy women who wanted power and wealth. They had yet to meet the ones that they loved.

Seto was a priest and had been at the meeting, but didn't say much. He had spoken in Atem's stead, but mostly left it to Isis and Mahodo.

"So when is it?" Bakura asked.

"Tomorrow." Atem said. "Then the women."

"Sorry,Atem. I can't help you." Marik said.

"Can you help me fend off unwanted girls?"


"Then you can help." Atem said.

And that's it! Hope you enjoyed it. Leave a review on your way out!