I know what you're thinking, *gasp* "Another new story?" Well don't get used to it but yes, I bring you another story! Once again inspired by the new Barbie movie, Rock'n Royals, which I don't own.

"It's Friday! And you know what that means?" Aubray asked as she skipped into the colorfully decorated living room.

Girls night!" Zia exclaimed sitting down in a purple armchair and slinging her legs over one of the arms.

"Why don't we do this more often?" Courtney asked, her blonde hair flowing freely as she walked into the room. "It's not that hard considering we only have two guys in our band."

"Probably because we're so close," Erika answered her, plopping into an electric blue beanbag, decorated with purple stars. "Plus it's easy to keep them in line when it's six girls verses two boys." They all shared a laugh at this.

"So what's first on our here, agenda?" Rayna asked sitting next to Aubray on a violet sofa.

"Well I say we pour ourselves a cup of soda," Erika started gesturing to the soda machine against the far wall, "and play Truth or Dare."

"Oooo, I love Truth or Dare!" Aubray exclaimed clasping her hands together.

After all the girls got a cup of soda and were reseated, Erika spoke up. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will," Rayna said rising her hand, a slight grin on her face. "Zia truth, or dare?"

"Um… truth." Zia responded.

"True or false. Do you like Marcus?" Rayna asked with a smirk.

"Isn't this a high school girls slumber party question?" Erika asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Rayna," Zia complained, ignoring Erika.

"Wait, you mean they aren't dating?" Courtney asked, causing Zia's face to turn red. "This entire time I thought you and Marcus were together."

"Nope, they aren't. But wouldn't they be cute together?" Rayna said smirking slightly.

Zia sat up slightly and pointed at Rayna. "Let's not forget you and Mike!"

"Ooo, who's Mike?" Aubray asked.

"He's um no one." Rayna lied, fidgeting her hands.

"Wait, was he that guy at Camp Pop who was always hanging out with you?" Courtney asked placing her cup down.

"He sure was," Zia, replied, "he and Rayna are in love."

Rayna just rolled her eyes, causing Courtney to laugh. "So, Rayna likes Mike, Zia like Marcus, Aubray likes Chadwick-"

"No I don't!" Aubray protested, getting a look from Rayna. "Okay, maybe just a little."

"Erika likes Edmu-"

"Nope," Erika interrupted shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Aubray asked as Genevieve raised an eyebrow.

"From what I'm told you two really hit it off." Courtney added.

"He's just not really my type." Erika answered them with a shrug.

"What about you Courtney?" Rayna asked.

"I don't really like anyone right now." The blonde answered, giving them a shrug.

"Understandable," Erika said, taking another sip of her drink.

"That leaves… oh, Genevieve."

"Hm?" Genevieve questioned from her spot on the violet couch, her head resting against one hand, the other holding her drink.

"Who do you like?" Courtney asked.

"No one." The brunette answered quickly, her face turning red.

"If you don't like anyone, then why are you blushing?" Rayna pointed out.

"N-no reason." Genevieve stuttered, taking a sip of her drink to cover her now increasing blush up.

"Ooo, I bet it's that brunette prince from camp." Aubray guessed, smiling at her now pink-faced friend.

"Absolutely not." Genevieve said distinctly.

"Than who is it, honey?" Rayna asked in her country accent.

"It's no one." Genevieve said, lowering her eyes.

Luckily at that time the guys walked into the room.

"Whoa, who died?" Marcus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You guys we're supposed to stay out longer than that." Erika told him, ignoring the question.

"Sorry, but the game ended." The drummer shrugged.

"And we won!" Edmund shouted putting his arms up in the air and then smiling sheepishly. "Sorry."

Genevieve giggled, her mood changing dramatically, the action not going unnoticed by Rayna.

"Well since you're here, why don't we just watch a movie?" Zia suggested, which everyone agreed was a good idea.

Marcus walked over to Zia and took a seat on the floor, resting his back up against the chair that the blue-haired girl was currently seated on. While Edmund made his way towards the couch but stopped at a hot pink beanbag, which was placed near Erika. As he took his seat, Genevieve could help but feel jealousy and she turned away from him, trying to ignore the knotted feeling in her stomach.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Rayna asked, noticing her friend's sudden change in emotions.

"I'm fine." Genevieve lied, forcing a smile.

They all decided on "School of Rock" mainly because the royalty side had never seen it before and it was, as Marcus called it, "a classic." But Rayna couldn't concentrate on the movie, no matter how funny it was. She kept glancing over at Genevieve who seemed all right, but there was defiantly something off about the brunette. Something that Rayna was determined to figure out.