Chapter two! Yay! I would say that I'm sorry about that last cliffhanger, but I'm really not... Here is the next chapter!

"Sir, sir please can you tell us what happened?" The receptionist tried to ask Carlos but he was too wound up to be able to form coherent sentences.

"I don't know! He hit his head and started bleeding so I went upstairs to get my keys and some clothes for the hospital but when I came down stairs he was on the floor and he wasn't responding and I didn't know what to do so I grabbed him and came here and he looks really pale and-" Carlos was still holding his husband in his arms.

"Ok, it's ok, sir. We will get a room for him and a doctor will be in to look at his head. For now we need you to fill out some forms for us. Ok?" Carlos nodded as the receptionist lead him into a small room.

Carlos sat next to his husband, stroking his hair. They were in their room at the hospital, waiting for the doctor to come back. She had already looked at Jay's head and gotten him on an IV, seeing as how he lost so much blood. They had put so many bandages around his head, that when Carlos looked at him he was reminded of Jafar's turban.

"Carlos?" Jay croaked, "what happened?" Jay started to sit up but thought better of it. He reached up to touch his head and felt the turban. A look of horror crossed his face, whether because of his injury or because of his father, Carlos did not know.

"You hit your head on a picture frame, you started bleeding a lot. I went upstairs to get the keys and some things for the hospital and when I came back down you were on the floor. You have a mild concussion and have lost a lot of blood, but the doctors say you will be ok." Carlos puts his hand on Jay's cheek. "How do you feel, sweetie?"

"I'm feeling better now, thank you, Carlos. I don't know what I'd do with out you," Jay reassures him.

"Without me? You'd be….." Carlos trails off, not even wanting to finish that thought. "Anyway, the doctor said you could come home today as long as I wake you up every few hours tonight." Jay smiled from his bed as Carlos packed up their stuff. He had brought extra clothes for the both of them, thinking they would have had to stay longer.

"Hey Carlos, did they say when I could take this- this…turban off? It just reminds me too much of…him.." Jay said, trailing off. Carlos moved to sit on the bed next to his husband. He put his arm around the taller mans bare shoulders and kissed his temple.

"Before we check out they will take it off for you." Carlos informed him. " But I do have to warn you, the cut was so bad you had to get stitches, and they, well they had to cut some of your hair, well, shave really." At hearing this, the look on Jay's face becomes one of fear.

Reaching up to the back of his head, Jay starts shouting. "They did what! Carlos de Vil you let them shave my head!" Carlos starts cracking up when he sees his husbands reaction. "Why are you laughing? This isn't funny, Carlos, this is my hair we are talking about."

"Jay, I was kidding. They didn't have to cut your hair. I just wanted to see the look on your face."

"Oh you evil little bastard." Before Jay can try to attack him, Carlos sweeps in and gives him a quick, chaste kiss. Carlos starts laughing, but stops abruptly when he sees a confused look on the tourney players face.

"Jay, honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just….never mind," he says distractedly. "Hey, we should talk to Evie, you know, about the whole surrogate thing."

Carlos's jaw drops. The doctors said this could happen, but it was very unlikely. He couldn't believe that Jay, his Jay. His strong, smart, beautiful Jay had forgotten that they were going to be parents, that they had a baby on the way, that they had already asked Evie, and that she said yes.

Well? Thoughts? Questions? Want to yell and scream at me? Leave a review!