A/N Hey guys! I was writing a drabble for my 'Short Snapshots' collection when this just flowed right out of me. Please let me know if you like it!
"I will not marry that odious man father" Princess Caroline exclaimed after her father's elaborate proclamation to the public. "He is a tyrant and I will be little more than his chattel"
King William massaged his temples. "Sweetheart you have no choice. He will invade our kingdom if you do not marry him. Then our people will be subject to his rule. Better you become his chattel and then Queen of our kingdom after my death then refuse and have no kingdom to protect"
"What of Lord Niklaus? We have been promised to each other since we were children. You cannot break off our betrothal so easily father" The Princess Caroline was imperious. She would not allow herself to be married off.
"My dear you know that would have been the case had your elder sister not died." King William reasoned. The heir to the throne had been her older sister Helena, who often went by Elena, but she had died from the plague along with Caroline's brother Matthew. "But as things stand you must marry King Damon to protect our kingdom"
Caroline flounced out off the room angrily in her day dress of sky blue and ivory embellished with real threads of silver that matched the diadem that sat atop her head. She would not marry King Damon. Nik was her beloved, her parfait gentile knight not that despotic King Damon. She would marry only her love. This one thought kept her face stern and unbending in contrast to the usual smile that was fixed upon her lips. She made her way to the Mikaelson quarters. They were allowed to live in the palace as their father Duke Mikael was an invaluable advisor to her father despite his abuse towards her Nik. If she were to have her way then he would be thrown out on the streets for his terrible actions towards her beloved and yet her father found him useful so she could not rid herself of him. Their mother Duchess Esther had been the chief lady-in-waiting for her own mother Elizabeth who too perished with the plague alongside her eldest children leaving Caroline bereft of any support against her father.
"Your royal highness" Lady Rebekah curtsied with a giggle. She and Caroline were the same age at 17 and so had grown up like sisters in the same nursery under the care of Lady Flowers. As a result, she often addressed Caroline with her title and a knowing smile as Caroline would always tell her not to bother. This charade was played out near enough every day purely to assure the Duchess Esther that her daughter provided enough respect towards the heir to the throne.
Caroline did not spare a smile. "Lady Rebekah, is Lord Niklaus here?" She asked urgently. Rebekah had not been there for the announcement and so did not know the truth.
"I am here my princess." The Lord Klaus bowed in deference to his love. She looked ever so worried with her lip half chewed. It was very fearsome. "What has happened love?"
Caroline took a breath. "My father is marrying me off to King Damon to protect our kingdom. But I will not do it my dearest Nik. I would rather watch the world burn-"
"Hush love. The King Damon is a tyrant and your father is afeared for this kingdom. Your kingdom." The Lord Klaus understood her father's reasoning though he felt anger igniting deep within his body. "I understand his reasons but you and I are betrothed before God. He cannot break that sacred bond" He leant in to kiss her. He wished to assuage her worries but Rebekah interrupted.
"Your father cannot do that Care" She let out angrily, slipping into her childhood nickname for Caroline. "You and Nik belong together"
"We will fix this Bekah. You needn't fret. I will marry Caroline as I have intended since we were children" He insisted as he took Caroline's hand. She had been fiddling with her betrothal ring, a gold ring set with lapis lazuli and diamonds, which was surety enough of her tension.
Duke Mikael entered with Duchess Esther following. They both bowed to Caroline. "We have been told of the news. It is sad for certes but it will save our kingdom. You must marry King Damon"
A single, glistening tear streamed down Esther's face as she said that with muted anger. Caroline and her son had played together as children and their relationship had been fixed then too. It was unfair to break them apart as they were so obviously God's will. Yet, maybe He had other plans. But, Esther did not want to accept them.
'She will not. She is as good as my wife already and I her husband." Klaus retorted. He quoted from the Bible "Therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." He paused. "We have been betrothed in front of God and therefore are one. Our relationship cannot be broken"
Caroline was deep in thought. If she continued to refuse King Damon's offer of marriage then he would destroy her kingdom and everyone in it. He would eviscerate everyone she loved including Nik and wreak havoc upon every corner of her kingdom. She steeled herself. She must marry him to save the ones she loved. She did not want her kingdom broken like that of King Lockwood. "I will marry him" She said simply interrupting the argument between Nik and his parents. Rebekah merely looked at her with great pain. "I must do so"
"No love. You don't. We will fight him and win, my princess. You cannot" Lord Klaus was shocked beyond belief. Caroline had been his love since she had been 13 and he 15 and their love was unbreakable.
Caroline's eyes welled up. "My dear Nik. I will always love you. And yet a princess must sacrifice everything for her kingdom. She must champion her people and protect them from harm" She paused as her throat became a little choked up. "And I will surrender myself for my people always" Her voice took on that imperial tone that brook no arguments. "I must put the safety of my people and kingdom above my own desires" Her voice rang out as it grew stronger and stronger with her conviction.
Klaus' face turned pale and his eyes were wide. "My love" He said softly as he recognised the truth in her words and hating himself for his acceptance. King William did not have a big enough army to fight King Damon and win. It would result in bloodshed and destruction which could be avoided if his love married Damon. He did not want this and yet he would not tell her what to do. She was a strong woman and he would support her though he hated her decision with a vengeance. But he knew it was right in his heart of hearts. He released her hand.
"Nik" Caroline said wistfully as she watched him distance himself and bow once more. "I wish it could be otherwise"
Klaus was struck by the tone of her voice. It had lost its earlier strength and was now weaker. "So do I" He marched out of the room without a second glance. He could not allow himself to love Caroline. That would weaken her principles and so he must leave her alone. She needed her strength to face Damon.
Rebekah was furious. Her brother was giving up and so was Caroline. They were resigning themselves to a loveless fate. Caroline inched closer to her and tried to apologise. She slapped her. It wasn't hard but her parents instantly pulled her away. "You don't care. You have let your love go to waste. I hate you" She spat as she was pulled away by her mother who yanked her braid in anger.
Caroline could feel her resolve weakening as she heard Rebekah's hateful words. But, she understood. She was breaking her brother's heart and she remembered the anger she had towards Nadia for her cruel use of Matthew. She looked up and saw Mikael still standing in the room.
"You have made the correct decision your highness" He bowed. "Will you inform your father or shall I?" He asked evenly. He did not love Niklaus as he did his other sons but he knew his love for Caroline was true. And it stung his heart as much as it did Niklaus' he suspected.
Caroline was dazed. So much had happened. She snapped out of it. "I will Duke Mikael. Thank you for your consideration" She watched as he absented himself from the room. She knew she had made the right decision but it still hurt nonetheless. She sank down onto the Mikaelson's carved cherrywood chair with gold Oriental symbols. Then, she let out a small cry. Her life was over. She had to marry a man who she did not love. Who she could never love. The emotions became unbearable and flooded out of her in the form of tears which flowed down her face like the river to the sea. She was no longer the imperial Princess Caroline who was always composed, instead she was a girl crying over her first heartbreak sobbing her sorrows away. In a little while, she would compose herself. But for now she took comfort in the freedom of expressing her emotions.
A/N Thank you so much for reading! Let me know if you want more. Kaira x