Title: Castle of Glass

Disclaimer: No money is made off this work of fiction. Naruto is not mine. If it was, I would be rich and I wouldn't be writing this, now would I?

Summary: As the Raikage and Kazekage leave Konoha, they reminisce on a time when the flame between the Hokage and his wife burned bright. And how the flame still burns, if the two idiots would just open their eyes to see it. Sequel to Glass Towers

Pairing: KakaNaru

Note: Remember my one-shot called Glass Towers? Yep. It's a sequel! And may I say? Killer B is really hard to write. Why can't he just talk like a normal person?!

Please bear with me. These will be short chapters.

Chapter 1

All of Konoha knew about the relationship between the Hokage and his wife. One would have to be deaf and blind to have never realized that Hatake Kakashi would never have touched the position if it wasn't for Naruto. Kakashi had only ever intended to be a placeholder until his wife took over, but complications in the births of Rin and Itachi had put back the plans. And then Naruto simply seemed to loose her spirit after the birth of her son. Her spirit was sapped, her light smothered, and motivating her... It was difficult. And so Kakashi stayed Hokage, and everyone could see his heart and spirit breaking under the weight. And Naruto was blind to it.

Sakura touched the swell of her pregnant belly as Sasuke wrapped his arms around her shoulders thoughtfully as she looked out the window of the Uchiha Main House toward the Hokage Palace.

"I miss how things used to be," she whispered. "I heard from Gaara that things have gotten cooler between them."

"I know," Sasuke replied, "Ino told me that her view of your pregnancies has changed. You've become a baby factory pumping out an endless stream of Uchiha Spawn apparently."

"What?!" She twisted in his grasp to stare at her husband in dismay, "But... She knows that we planned for one every other year until we turn thirty!"

"That's not what she's seeing now," Sasuke said. "Her view of the world has become very cynical."

"Post-Partum Depression," Sakura snapped, "That's what this is. If she would just get help!"

"You can't help someone who does't want to be helped," Sasuke sighed, "and you know it."

"We need to get her out of that palace," Sakura decided, "A change of pace. Then she'll start to see how much she's hurting everyone, Kakashi-Sensei most especially."

"My darling wife has the best plans," Sasuke murmured, ducking his face into the crook of her neck, "But that sort of thing will take time."

"Time is something we have plenty of," Sakura replied resolutely.

"I'll let Chouji know and he can spread the word," Sasuke said agreeably. "You rest."

Sakura grinned, "Maybe later. You need to get me to the hospital now."

Sasuke lifted his head. "Your water broke?"

"My water broke," Sakura agreed.

"Right. Hospital now, plotting later."