Chapter 2

For a long moment, we all just stood in a stunned silence, each of us taking in the similarities between our brother and this boy, until we all exploded at once.

My yell of, "Why the shell didn't Leo tell us?!" was drowned out by Donnie's nerdy tones asking, "Are you a clone? A test tube turtle? I didn't think it would be possible to- oh! Unless there's another one like us?" and Mikey's cheer of "I'm an Uncle!"

We all froze and stared at one another, taking in what each had said before turning as one to the child.

"Start at the beginning." I ordered, crossing my arms across my shell, "Who are you?"

The kid stepped lightly past us and hopped into the pit, taking a seat facing us. He bowed and I was surprised to hear that after all of our shouting, his voice was calm.

"My name is Yoshi Feng Hamato. I was not a lab creation- I was brought up by my real mother and father." At the mention of another, we swapped looks again, me and Donnie looking confused, yet Mikey jumped up and flopped down next to the boy.

"Leo got a girlfriend!" His smile reaching his bandana, "Tell me everything!"

But at his words, Yoshi shook his head sadly,

"I do not remember much about my mother," he admitted quietly, "for she was captured when I was young. Father told me that he had tried to rescue her on several occasions, yet there were too many enemies for him to go alone. He said he needed help."

Donnie moved from my side and sat next to Yoshi. I remained standing.

"So do you need us to help Leo save your mother?" he asked gently, but this received a vicious shake of the child's head.

"No. My mother was moved when the enemy left camp- that was several years ago. My father couldn't follow as he had promised mother that I would always be his first priority, so we stayed in order for me to train. Grandfather Splinter came out every couple of years to help." I shot a look to Donnie at the mention of our master- we knew he had started to leave the lair in order to help other students in the past years, yet we had never really asked who the students were. The child was unaware of our silent exchange and continued, "Yet a month ago, the enemy returned in larger numbers- me and my father tried to fight them off, but there were too many." Yoshi's head sank lower, "He was taken down and I was wounded. I managed to escape and since then I've been looking throughout New York, trying to find my father's most trusted allies to help me get him back." He looked up at us with a serious in his face which I instantly recognised as the one Leo used, "I am only ten," he explained fiercely, "and that was my first real battle. I wasn't strong enough to save my father, but now, with your help- I am sure together, we can find him."

Mikey jumped up, one hand in the air.

"I, your awesome Uncle Michelangelo, swear upon the ooze- I will not rest until we find your father." He paused for a moment, looking confused before adding in a slightly less heroic tone, "Also known as our brother."

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the pit, giving my baby brother a slap across the head.

"No one's going anywhere until we sort this out." I stated- probably a bit too harshly, "I'm speaking with Splinter for a moment- Don- find out from the kid where Leo is and Mikey-" the orange banded turtle looked up, "Don't freak the kid out."

I shot Yoshi a look before storming off to the dojo- hearing Donnie begin to apologise on my behalf. I pushed open the door and saw Splinter's ears prick up. He was listening.

"Yoshi Feng Hamato." I said in a monotone voice. Splinter opened his eyes.

"That is not my name." he replied with a small smile.

"I know. He's just come into our lair telling us that he's Leo's son." At this, Sensei rose to his feet and drifted towards me.

"He's here?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow, "What about Leonardo?"

I shrugged, "That's the whole point, Sensei- Yoshi said that Leo's been captured by some weirdos who took his mother-" the rest of my explanation was cut off as Splinter ran from the dojo- his calm aura vanishing.

I ran after him.

"Yoshi!" I heard him say and as I turned the corner, I saw our master embracing the smallest turtle, "You have grown- young one- not just in size, yet in courage." The child nodded and opened his mouth to speak- but Splinter cut above him. "Raphael told me what you said. So they have returned for sure?" the mini turtle nodded, "They are the same ones as before?" another nod, "Now Yoshi- I must ask you- do you believe your mother is alive?" There was a pause before Yoshi spoke.

"Yes. Father believes so, therefore- so do I." Splinter nodded and stroked his beard.

"Then, my sons- and grandson-" he added fondly on the end, "Leonardo is in grave danger. He and Karai are both in the hands of a dangerous force-" he paused when he realised we- as in my brothers and I- were looking at him blankly.

"Karai?" I managed to splutter out.

"Isn't she our sister?" Mikey pointed out.

"Not by blood- genius-" Donnie sighed, "But Sensei- you said she was-"

"Gone. Yes I did." He smiled slightly. "After Leonardo had completed his training he found Karai in a very bad way. He sent me a message telling me as much and that he was staying out for a while longer to look after her."

Mikey nudged Donnie, "She defiantly did that, am I right?!" he wiggled his eyebrows- well the area where some should be- and inclined his head towards Yoshi. He received two slaps for that.

Ignoring our brother- Splinter continued,

"The next I heard from him, he had asked me to come over to Japan to see Yoshi, and there he told me about the enemy known as the Foot who had taken Karai. After that meeting I went over every couple of years to help train Yoshi."

I looked at Splinter, about to interrupt when Donnie got there first.

"Hang on- I thought we had defeated the Foot?"

Splinter nodded.

"Here you did- yet the Shredder raised an army in his native country as well. They also worked with the Kraang so know about the various experiments which have gone on in the last decades."

I was the next to speak up,

"So what are we gonna do next?"

Splinter looked at us and stated grimly,

"We go to Japan, defeat the foot and save Leonardo and Karai."

Mikey shrugged sarcastically,

"Well that doesn't sound too hard!"


Who would've guessed?!

Review with your thoughts/ requests all that jazz- and don't stop fighting for your dreams!