This was a wild idea I made spur of the moment and I hope you enjoy! If you like, please remember to give me a review or if you don't like this, please tell me how I can improve! Enjoy!

"Wake up Ness! It's your special day!"

My bubbly aunt announced as she sped into my room and pushed back the curtains. I groaned.

"I stopped aging ten years ago. This shouldn't even be a big deal," I mumbled into my pillow. Today was September tenth, my seventeenth birthday. I had thought Aunt Alice would have lost enthusiasm for my birthday parties when I turned seven. It had been the last year I would be growing, that was the year I finally looked seventeen.

"You sound like your mother," Alice scoffed before rushing over to the closet and rummaging through it, "it's a very important day today! Your birthday is something that cannot be overlooked!"

I laughed a little at that. Maybe I was really becoming a teenager. When I was younger I used to love the attention I received from my family, I loved that Jacob practically worshipped the ground I walked on since the day I was born. But recently things had been different. My family was still treating me like a child, like a fragile human. It was like I couldn't do anything of my own free will. I hated it! But, I couldn't disappoint my aunt. As annoying and protective my family was, they were still family.

"Alright. But you better not be announcing my birthday to anyone around town," we had been living in Forks for awhile now, my family couldn't seem to let go of it. So while they had "jobs" in Seattle and Tacoma, I was attending Forks High School like my parents had done.

"It's too late for that! I already told Jessica and Angela for their kids to wish you a happy birthday when you see them at school!" Alice chattered excitedly as she threw an outfit she had found on my lap, "now get ready! It is the first day of school after all, us Cullens need to make an impression!"

I smiled at my aunt and threw back the purple comforter on my bed. After shooing her out so I could have some privacy, I quickly changed into whatever Alice had picked out for me. People might find it funny that I let my aunt pick out my clothes, but she knew what looked best on me and I was thankful for that.

It had been a pretty simple ensemble for today, for that I was grateful. My sophomore year, last year, had a dance and Alice picked out the fluffiest pink dress she could find. Nothing I said could dissuade her from making me wear it that night. It had been embarrassing for sure. Today it was a pair of dark skinny jeans, my favorite, and a mahogany colored sweater. I tried to pull my hair up into a bun like I had seen on television shows, but my hair was too thick and the hair tie and pins could barely hold it up. I sighed and gave up on the endeavor quickly.

Pulling on some gray ballet flats, I ran down the stairs of the household into the kitchen, just in time to see my dad putting an omelet on a plate. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Morning, Dad. How's the cottage?" I joked as I took a seat next to the counter and started to dig into my breakfast. I used to stay in the cottage in the woods nearby with my parents until I grew older and started staying up later. I'm just going to say I didn't really like hearing those sounds from the other room.

My dad rolled his eyes at my comment before replying with a, "fine as usual" and sitting down across from me. I smiled again as a gulped down the eggs in front of me.

"Does Aunt Alice know what's in store for me at school today?" I asked as I stood up to put the finished plate in the sink to clean.

"Be ready for some 'happy birthday' wishes, Ness. There's going to be a lot."

I sighed. There wasn't really anything I could do about that, I supposed. I'll live. It's just a birthday anyway.

"It's a better way to deal with it than your mother on her birthdays," Dad answered my thoughts. I had gotten used to that by now and pretty skilled at evading his gift to get away with things he might not like. It definitely was a benefit after living with him for seventeen years.

Suddenly, my dad smiled and I caught the scent that could only mean one thing.


"Shut up, Seth! You'll wake up everyone within a ten mile radius!"

I smiled hugely and ran into the front foyer to see what I had hoped. My two best friends besides my family, Seth Clearwater and Jacob Black. I walked over to Seth and touched his arm to send a thought to him,

Damn right I am.

Dad's laugh was heard from the kitchen and Seth smiled.

"Happy birthday, Scotland!" Seth announced with his signature grin. With my original nickname being Nessie, Seth had decided it would be even more creative to come up with the nickname Scotland in honor of the original Nessie. I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug before walking over to Jacob and placing a hand on his cheek. I played back the small fraction of my morning so far, threading the thoughts with dread of having to go back to high school into the memories.

"Come on, Nessie. You're making friends and that's important!" Jacob pointed out after I finished showing him the little show. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"But I already know the material! It's boring and if I want to socialize I'll sneak into a club."

"You better not," a feminine voice growled from behind Jacob. He smirked and stepped aside to show my mother standing in the doorway. She had a pair of worn jeans and a cotton t-shirt on, and she looked just like her human self. Without the brown eyes, of course. I put my hands up in mock surrender.

"Sorry Mom!" I said and laughed. She smiled back at me before excusing herself to go find Dad. I looked down at my watch to check the time; 7:15. Homeroom started in fifteen minutes. I frowned but I knew it was too late to get out of not attending school. Grabbing my bag and pacing towards the garage, I turned to say goodbye when I saw Jacob's face.

"Jake? Is everything alright?" I asked, concerned. He had a face of worry and longing. Something I hadn't seen before, especially when looking at me. He looked like he was going to tell me, but then he shook his head.

"I'll tell you after school okay, Ness?"

I pursed my lips but nodded anyway. I hoped it wasn't anything too bad. He was my best friend and I didn't want us to ruin that. I walked out the side door of the house into the giant Cullen garage. I loved my mom's Ferrari, and she would let me ride it occasionally, but I had to remain inconspicuous. I took the keys to my dad's Volvo off the hook and got into the silver vehicle. As I was backing out, I waved one last time to my family watching in the window. They smiled and waved back, but seemed tense. Just before they were out of my sight, I could have sworn I saw Dad yelling at Jacob. But I didn't know why.

I arrived at the school ten minutes later to a packed parking lot. I found a spot farthest from the school, unfortunately, but there wasn't much I could do about that.

"Renesmee!" I heard someone shout from behind me. I turned to see Jessica's son, Jackson, trot toward me. He was a year under me, a sophomore. He was a sweet guy, with light brown hair and green eyes. When we had first met and hit it off, it had been sweet but he began following me everywhere. Because of that, I hadn't kept in contact with him during the summer. I felt bad, so I smiled and replied with a casual, "What's up?"

"It's been awhile! Happy birthday! Come on, Emma has her nose stuck in some book so we need to get her attention," Jackson spoke quickly before he grabbed me by the arm and towed me along; I followed him a little more eagerly. Emma was a great person and I loved having her around. She was Angela's kid, and she and her mother shared a lot of traits. I rushed over to the picnic table where the brunette was sitting. She had chocolate brown eyes like me and shoulder-length dark hair. The one thing I loved most about her was her obsession with the supernatural. It was easy to talk to her about stuff in my world without it sounding suspicious.

"Emma! What are you reading?" Jackson asked as he tried to pry the book out of her hands. Emma shot him a dirty look.

"You don't grab at other people's property, Jackson," she responded a bit annoyed. She looked up to see me and smiled.

"Renesmee! Happy birthday! I have to tell you about this book I'm reading," she glared at Jackson for a moment, to which he shrugged innocently, "it's about these mysteries in England. There's this great one about witches!"

I nodded eagerly and listened. Her passion showed through her words into everything she did, her art, her writing, even the books she read. Reading the words in the book, she continued,

"One of the strangest mysteries of Anglo-Saxon England was the report of a woman's suicide. She had been found by a villager hanging above her bed with a piece of parchment left on the mattress which had two words: Burn them."

I winced. When we had first learned about the Witch Scare in England I had felt close to tears. All those people were innocent and they were killed! Emma seemed too involved in her story to notice my reaction as she read on,

"There aren't any other reports of what happened in this village, or who 'them' was. After months of no word from the village it was found empty with ashes everywhere and two stakes with the rope mysteriously untied. It became a common story then, to tell about how there were actual witches who had escaped burning, and that they were out for revenge to this day."

Emma shut the book in satisfaction. She looked at me with delight in her dark hues. I nodded and told her,

"That's one hell of a story. Maybe they're still out after people today."

"Wouldn't that be so cool? I mean, immortal witches. I would shake if they were real!" Emma gushed. Jackson cleared his throat. I had forgotten he was there.

"Cool story and whatever but we're going to be late if we don't get to class now."

I shrugged as I grabbed my bag and walked with Emma to our homeroom. I had been lucky; I had her for three of my classes. We quickly waved to Jackson as he walked to him homeroom and started into the building. Just as we're about to walk inside, we turn at the sound of the purr of an engine. A jet black sports car had just made its way into the lot, and it stood out.

"Must be some new kid," Emma murmured before she pulled me into class.

The morning seemed to drone on forever until the bell for lunch rang. I grabbed my bag and gracefully pranced over to where Emma's Spanish class was just ending. I hadn't seen the new student yet, just familiar faces I had known for the last three years. As I waited outside the classroom, I tuned in on the murmurs of the students passing by. It sounded like quite a lot of them had seen the new student. Excuse me, new students.

"They don't look that much alike."

"Did you see that boy? He's probably the hottest person I've ever seen!"

"What about their eyes? I haven't seen anyone with that shade before."

"Maybe they have a disease. That's why they're so pale and have such strange eyes."

After hearing the four different students I tuned out. Were they talking about… vampires? They couldn't be. Alice would have seen if there were new vampires in the area. Emma came out of the room then, breaking me out of my reverie.

"Did you see the new kids, Ness?" Emma asked softly as we stood in line for lunch.

"Not yet. I've heard talk though. You?" I asked and to which Emma nodded aggressively.

"Yeah. They were gorgeous. Not that I would want to date the guy, I have Stephen, but wow," she sounded mesmerized by this couple that had walked in. I began to worry that maybe they were vampires. No! A voice in my head screamed. Aunt Alice would have known! "You've got to see them when they show up in the lunchroom. A boy and a girl. I think they're siblings, though."

I nodded, convinced that it couldn't be a vampire visiting. Why had I thought that in the first place? Aunt Alice could obviously see vampires and Jacob hadn't caught any new scents. They were just different, that's all.

Emma and I got our food and sat down at a table with some students I was barely acquainted with. I knew one was Eric's kid, but the others I had just never bothered talking to. So much for socializing. The chatter between everyone went on for a few minutes before Emma tapped me on the shoulder. She was looking behind me, and it looked like everyone else in the cafeteria was too. Leaning in, she whispered, "There are your new kids."

But I felt frozen. I didn't want to look. If they had been human I would have heard their heartbeat. Right now, I heard nothing. Emma gave me a look as to say, you gotta see this! But I felt sick. Finally, I turned around to see something I had feared ever since the confrontation. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out as I saw them.

Alec and Jane Volturi.

They had violet colored eyes, and I knew it must have been color contacts. They moved gracefully, and almost as one body. It reminded me a bit of Zafrina and her sisters when they would visit every few years. They didn't look much different from the last time I saw them; pale, with delicate features and dark clothes. Jane was about my height with her blonde hair in its usual strict bun, and Alec was a few inches taller, with dark, sexy hair and gorgeous lips-

Wait, what? I sucked in a breath from the shocking thought I just had and I saw the twins snap their heads in my direction. They smiled in a mock-innocent way and it gave me shivers. One of the girls who were sitting next to me hit me on the arm and whispered, "Do you know them or something?"

I looked at her wide-eyed and shook my head. They couldn't know how evil they were. I would get myself killed if I opened my mouth and ruined their reputation in front of ignorant humans. The two of them sat down at a table far away from the rest of the students. They didn't have any food in front of them, which didn't really help their human disguise. Their lips moved quickly, but even my ears couldn't catch the words they were forming. I almost blushed as I watched Alec's lips move, how perfect they were…

I shook my head as if that would get rid of the thoughts. He was a part of the Volturi! He had attempted to kill me! I turned back to face my table again, realizing that the chatter had begun again. Emma was watching me with a questioning look, and Jackson seemed to be glaring at the twins. I shook my head slightly at Emma to tell her it was nothing. She looked at me oddly, but didn't question it. If I had been even slightly listening to the conversations earlier, I definitely wasn't now. Should I tell my parents? What if I slip up in front of my dad and he sees my thoughts that I'm having? Did they know? Were they just going to let the twins stay here?

I bit my lip as I contemplated all these questions with a heartbeat racing more than usual. I snuck a peek at the back table and my heart stuttered.

He was watching me.

His lips twitched up into a mysterious and unsettling smile and I knew he had heard my pulse. I just hoped he thought it was because I was afraid. Which I very much was but, those cheekbones… and hair…. No wonder everyone was talking about him and his sister. They could give Aunt Rose a run for her money. I tore myself away from the boy's gaze and attempted to make conversation about a different subject. I listened to the girl who had tapped my shoulder earlier speak; I think her name was Catherine, and I realize they were probably going to be the talk of the school for the next week.

"Just look at his hair! It's gorgeous," she gushed quietly to a few of the girls at the table, "I can just imagine what it would feel like to run my fingers through his hair, my body pressed against his…" I tuned out of Catherine's conversation again. This time brushing off what totally wasn't jealousy. I turned to Emma instead.

"So about those scary stories…" I began. She cut me off, hastily looking over to the far table and then back to me.

"There's something off with them. I didn't notice it before, but there's something wrong," She shook her head swiftly, concern written all over her face.

How I wished I could tell her! Tell her about me, about my family and why no one has seen them in years, about Jacob, about the Volturi, everything. But there wasn't anything I could do. I won't be able to do anything about this. Not with the witch twins so close. Instead all I did was whisper back,

"You don't need to tell me twice."

When the cafeteria finally started clearing out, I jumped up with relief. I couldn't take one more minute of this tension I felt pressing down on me. Picking up my bag, I regrettably left Emma behind to get to my next class. I really needed to leave school entirely. Walking swiftly with my head down, I stopped abruptly when I came to my Global History class. Get it together, Renesmee, the voice in my head screamed at me, you're in a public place! I walked as calmly as I could muster into the classroom, they aren't going to hurt you, I sat down in my desk towards the back, and they aren't even in your class!

Unfortunately, I spoke much too soon. With a stride ever so graceful, he stepped into the room and gave a smile that could make anyone's heart melt to the teacher. The teacher seemed affected by it, too. That's a vampire for you, always getting what they want. I used my hearing to listen to their conversation,

"This is not a class for those who aren't ready to work, and you need to come prepared for that. Many kids have failed this class but I still expect a star student out of you," Ms. Hammond told Alec. I tried to not react. This was my second time taking this class. The school hadn't had a more advanced program and had just assigned me Global History for the sake of it. I didn't like having to re-learn material, but it seemed that's all school was for me.

"Of course. History is my favorite subject," Alec replied and I almost melted at the sound of his silvery voice. It was the first time I had ever heard him speak. I felt myself blush and I looked down at my desk to keep from showing I was listening.

"Good. Then I hope you can do well and stay in this class," Miss Hammond replied. Her voice sounded so grating compared to Alec's, "I'm going to need you to introduce yourself to the class so stay up here please."

Suddenly I was very alert. I felt hopeful to learn something about him. I wanted to know everything about him. Mainly, I wanted him entirely. My heart began to beat erractically again and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks since I knew he could hear it. Ms. Hammond turned to address the class.

"Boys and girls, we have a new student here today in our class. A transfer from Italy! Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Alec took a step forward and used that smile again. I wasn't the only one who was about to have cardiac arrest. It wasn't just his smile, either, his clothing just made him all the sexier. He wore a pair of dark jeans, brand new it looked like, and a loose fitting black sweater. He looked so casual yet so perfect it made me want to go and take him right now.

"My name is Alec and I have a twin sister, as you may have noticed, named Jane," Alec told the class. Ms. Hammond nodded.

"And what brought you to Forks, Alec?"

His eyes darted to me and he smiled with elegance.

"Oh, the scenery," he replied, not taking his eyes off me. My heart thumped loudly in my chest. Does he mean me? I flushed at that thought and ducked my head, breaking eye contact with the boy in front.

Oh, this was going to be a long year.

So, what did you think? I'm getting a little taste of what writing a romance would be like and I felt this would be a good start! Thank you so much for reading and if you could give me some reviews while I work on the next chapter I will be forever grateful! Thank you!