
Shu: Hi, whats up? This is my very first fanfic.. also my first Yuri fic.. (even though the yuri won't be here for a while) so please. GO EASY ON ME! Read, enjoy, and please review.. flames and all!

Disclaimer: No I don't own DBZ/GT.. (even though im sure we all wish we do.)

text goes here = This type of talking are thoughts

text goes here = This type of talking.. is just normal talking

(text goes here) = This type of talking.. is just me butting in to make a little note.

Ages: Pan 18/ Bra 17/ Trunks 31/ Goten 30 No one else really matters.

Since none of you have read this yet.. Im not going to dedicate this at all to anyone except for ONE person. she has great fics 1 really great fic right now.. and I don't know if she plans on writing more. but because of her I started writing this fic. so this one is for you (My Angelic Twin! HAHAHA!)

Chapter One - Rescued!

Pan was at the club with her boyfriend, Bob, and they had been dancing for about 3 hours. She had gone to the bathroom to quickly freshen up before she decided to leave and she remembered the day 4 years ago, when she met him on accident. She was throwing up from eating something and ran into the wrong bathroom, and she saw him there washing his hands. He was nice enough to help her and they started talking (In the bathroom I might add). They became friends quite quickly and from then on told each other everything. Two years later, Pan told Bob how she felt about him, and he felt the same way. From then on they were inseparable.

"Hey Bob, im getting pretty tired. Can we go now?" Pan said. Bob started throwing his arms around and spilling his beer everywhere said, "SURE! LETS GO!" He fell over and landed onto Pan's shoulder.

Pan dragged him out of the club Ragnarok. She started walking to his car and put him in the back seat. He fell down and passed out. She drove back to his place and opened the door. She flew up the stairs and into his room and put him in his bed. She knelt down next to him and kissed him goodnight.

"Where ya goin?" He slurred. Pan saw that he was holding her hand. Quite roughly too.

"It's late.. I should go.. I don't want me parents to be angry at me." She tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her.

"Stay awhile.. it'll be fun." He pulled her and forced her down onto the bed. He got on top of her and had his hands holding her arms down. His legs were right around hers. He looked down at her and licked his lips. She had a look of fear in her eyes.

"Bob please.. let me go. I told you, im not ready yet for this yet." He wouldn't move.. he held her down tightly and gave her a smirk that would put fear in Vegeta's eyes.

"but im ready.. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Just enjoy it. I'm sure you want this." She tried to squirm but couldn't because of his weight. She got ready to blow him away and flared her ki, but he predicted this and quickly used his hand to rub her tail spot. Her ki instantly dropped and she moaned outloud. He then quickly kissed her and kept rubbing her tail spot. She tried to get him off of her but her ki wouldn't gather. He tore her shirt in half and pulled off her bra and started to lick her breasts. She slapped him hard across the face. He turned his head and looked down at her. He pulled up his hand and slapped her, leaving a red bruise on her face. He looked down and saw that her nipples were hard and decided to have some fun with her. He bit on one of her hard nipples and pulled on it. Tears came to her eyes and she screamed and yelled at him to stop, but he wouldn't. She again tried to flare her ki, but his fingers never left her tail spot.

He pulled down his pants and his boxers and pulled down her skirt and panties. "This might hurt a bit." He moved his hardened member towards her entrance and pulled her legs apart. He moved his legs to the inside of hers so that she couldn't move them back.

"No! Please stop!" She yelled at him, but he wouldn't listen. He pushed his hard cock towards her entrance and touched it lightly. Then a blur of blue hair came and He was ripped away from her and thrown against the wall. Out of nowhere Bra had come in and forced him into the wall. She flew at him with anger and punched him in the gut several times, making him throw up blood each time. She kicked him in the groin, and he bent down to hold his precious cock (OUCH!). She then pulled up her knee right into his jaw, breaking it with a sickening crunching sound. She wrapped both her hands around his neck and slowly started to choke him. Pan started to whimper and Bra let go of him. She charged up her ki and sent him flying through the wall and into the street below, only to have him hit by an oncoming car. The Man got out of the car and checked to see if he was okay. When he smelled the alcohol on him, he knew that he was drunk. So he pulled him over the road, stole his wallet, and drove off.

Bra looked down at him and saw that he was still alive. She thought that she'd let the police take care of him. She moved back towards Pan who was breathing deeply with tears in her eyes. She didn't move. Bra moved over to her and Pan looked away. She didn't want Bra to see her. "Pan.. are you okay?"

Pan rolled over on her side and looked away from Bra. Bra moved to the side of the bed and hugged her friend. Pan put her arms around Bra and hugged her friend tightly, not caring that she still had her clothes torn. She cried her eyes out and Bra tried to comfort her. She held Pan tightly and flew back to her room at Capsule Corporation. She went through the window and laid Pan down. She had cried herself to sleep. Bra knelt down and kissed Pan on her lips. Pan squirmed a bit and rolled over but didn't wake up. Bra sat next to Pan and put her head in her lap. She moved her hand through pan's long hair. I wonder how long it's been, since I've felt this way about Pan. Probably since she became 16. She began to dress differently than those loose jeans and that shirt and that stupid bandanna. She started wearing tight shirts and skirts, and sometimes even went out low cut shirts which showed off a lot of cleavage. She became taller, and much cuter, and she stopped acting like such a tom-boy since then. She still trained a lot though. Damn Bob. I knew he was no good for her. I should have killed him. She laid down next to Pan and pulled up the covers to cover Pan's body (which could be seen through the torn clothes). She put her arms around Pan and gently dozed off into sleep, only to see Pan in her dreams.

Shu: Well, that's it for Chapter one.. I don't really know if its long or not.. but tell me what you think.. For those of you who have played the game Max Payne, yes I did steal the name of the club from that game. I'm sorry about that, but it sounds cool. I'll update again real soon, after I get some reviews from some people, maybe about 5. Remember, if you think I should change something, or if you wanna suggest something go ahead. See ya!