I don't hesitate, "Yes, I still want to be with you. Why wouldn't I? You're still you, aren't you?"

"I've… I've done some bad things, I'm not a good man. But I do lo- care about you, a lot."

"I love you too, or at least I'm falling in love with you. Is it strange because we haven't known each other for long or is it not and it's just a vampire thing?"

"I think that it is an us thing, but we can talk more about it later. Your pain meds are about to kick in and you won't be lucid enough for this conversation."

"I'll give you that, I'm getting sleepy."

"That's okay, just lay back and go to sleep, I'll call your dad and sister and tell them where you're at, okay?"

Just before I was lost to sleep I asked, "Where am I?"

Jasper looked smug, "You're in my room." It was the last thing I heard for hours.

Jasper POV

"Hello, Chief Swan, this is Jasper Hale, Lily's boyfriend."

"Yes, I know who you are. Why are you calling me during my work hours?"

"I was calling to inform you that Lily shattered her hand, she fell in the parking lot at school and accidently slammed her hand against my brother's Jeep. My father wasn't working today so I took to my house and she is resting now. My siblings are still at school and they will inform Bella of what has happened."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line but then I hear him laugh in disbelief. "I'm honestly surprised that this is not about Bella, she's my clumsy one. Um… thank you for taking care of my daughter, Bella or myself can come by and pick her up."

"I or my family can take her home when she wakes up and when someone is home so they can watch her. She's on pain medication that my father gave her to help, but she is sleeping now and y'all don't need to come all the way out here if y'all don't need to. Just if you want."

"Thank you, I appreciate all you and your family have done for Lily and I would be grateful for you to bring her home. I have to get back to work, thank you again. Goodbye."

Two Hours Later

Lily's POV

I was waking up my eyes were blurry but started to clear. I was in a room with two gray walls, one wall was a window, and the other was floor to ceiling bookshelves. There was a desk with a computer and other school supplies and sitting in the computer chair was Jasper putting down the book he was reading.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper leaned forward awaiting my answer.

"My hand hurts," I whimpered.

"Come here," Jasper came to sit on the bed and I crawled on his lap, he took a hold of my hand with both of his and the coolness of his skin felt fantastic on my hand. "I got to take you home soon or your dad will come here and get you."

"Okay, are we good? I'm worried that our relationship will be changed badly because I know that you all are vampires."

"Oh, Honey, it just means that we don't have to hide ourselves around you. You know you can't tell people about us, not even your sister?"

"I know, besides they'll think I'm crazy and lock me up if I was in town saying you and your family are vampires. But I won't lie to Bella."

"I'd kidnap you before they locked you up, and I'm not asking you to lie to Bella just don't come out and tell her, please? Edward doesn't want her to know."

"Edward can go fuck himself, I don't give a damn what he wants. I care about what you and the non-dick family members of yours want." I'm still furious at Edward and it is not going away until he makes up with Bella and me.

"I know, Darlin', but next time I'll punch him for you so you don't get hurt. Now, let's get you home so your dad doesn't ban me from seeing you."

As I gathered my backpack and shoes, we made it downstairs and the only ones there were Esme and Carlisle, who were sitting on the couch together watching the news. We hit the bottom step and they stood up and turned to face us. Esme was walking towards us at a speed faster than normal, I guess they want to help me adjust. I was wrapped in Esme's arms and she told me, "You can always visit, even if Jasper isn't here. And remember that I like to cook so you coming over is helping me perfect dishes, just tell me what you want. So, come back soon, okay?"

"I'll come back soon, Esme, thank you," She let me go. As we were walking out the door I hear Carlisle say, "Lily, I hope to start seeing you when you don't need my medical expertise."

I blushed and told him, "I hope the same, thank you." We made it to a huge garage, filled with cars. Jasper grabbed the keys to the Mustang, then held the door open for me to get in. I slid in and he softly closed the door behind me, then he was next to me laughing because I jumped. "That wasn't nice, you almost gave me a heart attack," I pouted.

Jasper stopped laughing to place a soft kiss on my lips, "Sorry Darlin', guess I need to warn ya next time."

"That would be nice, yes." Jasper just laughed again.

We made it back to my house in record time, Jasper parked on the side of the road and got out to open my door and walk me to the door. Bella's truck was in the driveway and her curtain moved suddenly, so I knew she was watching. Jasper gave me the pain medication and a list of instructions on when to take them. I didn't want him to leave but I knew he had to.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"You'll see me tomorrow, but I'll miss you until I see you again," then he gave me another kiss and made sure I was in the house before leaving. Now to make it through tomorrow.