AU: Tris is starting her second year of college dead set on maintaining a 4.0 average and learning everything that she can in order to progress with her plan to become a Criminal Profiler. Though her biggest challenge of the semester will come in the form of a course and professor most try to avoid. Ethics with Professor Coulter.

In this story Tris took time off in order to work and save up money for college so she is 21 and Eric is 25. If you don't like the content or the idea of student falling for the professor or a professor falling for their student don't read. As always if you do read please review and let me know what you think! And no I have no forgotten about 'Hey Bartender' but this idea hit me and I just needed to let it flow.

To Eric the first day was always the best, even if this was only his second year of teach at the University. It was a sophomore level Ethics class so by the second year that most were in school they were starting to get their shit together. The first day however was the day he got to put the fear of god into his classes.

Dressed in a long sleeve button up shirt to cover up most of his tattoos and a pair of black slacks he stood in front of board looking out at the lecture hall. He remembered being a student at this same University, all tattooed and pierced up with one hell of a bad attitude. The piercings were gone and the attitude had mainly been curbed due to the need to be professional but it still remained since it was part of his personality.

"My name is Professor Coulter and if you're in this class that means you actually want to learn something. On the tables before you are syllabi for the semester, take one and no we are not going to verbally go over them in class I assume if you've made it to an institute of higher learning that you can in fact read." He paused waiting for everyone to grab the papers in front of them, "This is not an entry level course which means I will not be treating you like children, come to class, don't come to class, that's your choice. What I will tell you is if you decide that class is a little too boring for you and you'll just come for the exams, you will more than likely fail out of this course."

Moving to sit on the edge of the desk he looked out at the crowd of about thirty wondering how many would remain by the time the final exam rolled around. "At the end of the first week of class you will be given the chance to drop the course without any repercussions. By that point a fourth of you will be gone, by the time the mid-term rolls around there will be even less of you. This is not an easy course and I am not an easy professor. There is no extra credit nor is there turning anything in late. If you miss the day an assignment is due e-mail it to me, if you don't I mark it against you."

Pushing off the desk he grabbed the required text and held it in his hand for them to see, "This book is sixty percent of your life line for this class, if you don't have it yet I would suggest getting it before next class since we will be discussing it and participation is a portion of your grade. The rest of what you'll need to pass will be a part of lecture and examples given in class so I would suggest making an effort to be here. Seeing as it's the first day I'm required to take role, if anyone is not on my roster or if you somehow managed to stumble into the wrong lecture hall please make your exit now by following any of the exit signs." He said point to the large double doors on one side of the room with a red 'EXIT' sign above it.

Every year there was one poor student who wondered into the wrong class, his eyes fell on the dark haired girl who quickly grabbed her things and left the hall with a bright red blush. "There's always one on the first. He said with a good natured smile putting everyone at ease. Alright when I call your name don't just raise your hand or say here, that's boring. Tell me why you're in this class even if it's just 'It's a requirement for my major' it honestly won't hurt my feelings."

Grabbing the list of names he began reading it off before raising a brow Uriah, "And if you're looking for an exam of how not to be please look to Uriah Pedrad who is taking this course for a third time. At this point I would have picked another Professor Uriah."

A smirk came over the kid's face, "Oh come on Professor C, you know you enjoy our quality time together my passing would disrupt that." Eric couldn't help but shake his head as he tried not to chuckle. Most of the responses to why they were in his class were rather boring, it was a requirement or they liked the idea of Ethics or they just need another class to take.

"Beatrice Prior." He said after making quick work of the list so far his eyes trailing over those seated in the room trying to pick her out before she stood up and spoke. However he was shocked when a pretty girl with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes stood up from the front row of seating.

"It's it unethical to put students on the spot as you did with Uriah? Or is that just considered cruel?" Her questions caught him off guard for a moment before he smirked.

Slowly clapping he pointed to Beatrice as he marked her off the list, "That was your first test everyone and just so you're aware everyone before Beatrice failed. I set up a very clear ethical dilemma before you all and none of you said anything. Was I right? Was I wrong? Points to you Miss Prior and Uriah isn't a student in this class. Thank you for your help." He said looking to Uriah who grinned before taking a bow and leaving the class room.

Looking back over at Beatrice she was blushing at having been put on the spot, "It's Tris actually and my reason for taking this class is I'm studying to a criminal profiler so knowing the ethical and moral fiber of a person helps with that." As she took her seat he continued with role everything far less entertaining since Miss Prior seemed to be the only one in his class who was eager to get started.

"There's assigned reading on the syllabus for next class. I also want you all to bring in an article about an ethical dilemma going on in current media or pop culture. I don't care what it is just making it entertaining. And as you go through the rest of your day look at those around and what's happening. None of you seemed to think twice about a Professor bullying his student, it makes me wonder what sort of ethics you hold." He paused allowing that to sink in, "You're all dismissed, my office hours and office number are listed on the syllabus along with my e-mail should any of you need to contact me or have any questions."

Everyone began gathering their things and leaving the lecture hall but Eric always waited until everyone else was out in order to leave not wanted to become stuck in the crowd fighting their way out. "Well that was an interesting first test Professor Coulter." Turning with a raised brow his silvery-blue eyes landed on the brave girl from before.

"I don't like to waste time on the first day. I wanted to see if any of you had a clue what you were in for but it seems that you Miss Prior were either the only one brave enough to speak out or the only one who understood." She was even prettier up close which was not something he should be noticing about her.

"My brother told me you were a tough Professor but he also said he didn't think he would have learned as much for anyone else." As the young woman spoke he took a moment to think of his past classes and tried to connect the last name to that of another student.

After a moment realization came to his face, "You're Caleb Prior's sister. Smart kid he ranked second at the end of the course. He always had good questions but he was never as brave or vocal as you were today, especially for it being your first day." If this hadn't been the first semester he had tried that little trick he might had thought that Caleb had shared a trick or two with his sister. "Hopefully you'll be able to rank top of your course since you already seen to be ahead of the curve."

A bright and proud smile spread across her face and he was already struck by the differences between Beatrice and Caleb. She may have told him she liked to be called Tris but he liked to keep a professional air about things. "Well thank you Mr. Coulter, I hope to live up to your expectations."

For a moment his brain just stopped working on a professional platform, there were a lot of ways she could live up to his expectations. Mentally shaking himself he refused to think of a student like that, "It's Professor Coulter." He said before allowing her to leave the room before him as he headed to his office trying to figure out when his ability to be professional left him and the answer seemed to be the moment Beatrice Prior opened her mouth. She was a pretty little thing with a sharp tongue but she wasn't worth losing his job over.