Oddly unusual days usually start in oddly unusual ways. But that's not always true.

If she had to guess that morning, Katie would have said that nothing out of the ordinary would happen on that particular day. Even when the stray thought of her doing something incredibly embarrassing at that job interview she had later that day, lurked around the darkest corners of her mind like a hungry vulture.

To say that her prediction was accurate would be an understatement.

First thing she did that morning was wake up to the beautiful sound of heavy metal music, courtesy of Katie's outdated smartphone that sat innocently on the night table. Needless to say, Katie was two seconds away from throwing the phone out of the window.

She did that once.

A businessman in his squeaky clean suit and tie got hit in the head, despite the astronomical odds. The morning was filled with curses, an egg breakfast sandwich, and threats of bringing the issue to court.

Fun right?

Getting ready for the day always left Katie in a zombie like trance. With a combined force of grogginess, and a general dislike of mornings, it was difficult to remember the details from the sleepy haze that covered Katie's eyes as she went about her business.

That didn't mean that Katie wasn't wide awake by the time she had her hand on the door knob, ready to leave the safety of her beautiful tiny home.

No matter what day it was, she always had to make sure to avoid the Reed's residence. There was this pesky kid, Taylor Reed, who would constantly throw shoes at Katie. Everything from baby boots to high heels, It didn't matter. It usually ended up in Katie's hair.

Don't ask her why, the brat had a one-track mind when it came to antagonizing her.

It wasn't like his parents were any better. The brat's mom always gave out unnecessary comments about how Katie wasn't 'lady like', and the dad was still pissed about this incident involving his truck, a can of tuna, and a flamethrower... But why would anyone want to hear that story?

After stealthily walking down three flights of stairs (The Reeds lived right next to the elevator and there was no way Katie was going to use it for obvious reasons.) she would then hop on over to the nearest coffee shop.

Five blocks down the street, take a left, walk (or run) three more blocks, then the coffee shop was on the corner of Wheeler Street.

As a rule, Katie tried to avoid drinking coffee. But she might actually be able to get this job, and then weeks of searching for a decent living would be over! And more importantly, no more working at McDonalds for a minimum wage.

It's a hopeless dream, but a dream nonetheless. And that little cup of Chai Tea Latte was going to help Katie achieve it. You know, eventually. In the long run.

As soon as she payed the exhausted cashier an ungodly amount of money that she really shouldn't have been spending at a time like that, Katie casually walked out of the cafe.

Then she realized that she only had ten minutes to make it to the interview.


Katie wondered offhandedly how she must have looked to those passing by her in a swirl of colours. Probably like some crazy person from some cheesy chick flick who was always running late to everything.

The running late part was true, but there was absolutely no way that she would just 'trip' over thin air and then land in the arms of a hot guy.

The one time she tried it, she ended up breaking her leg when she fell down the that huge flight of stairs when the dude casually stepped to the side without even looking up from his phone.

Ten minutes of some of the most intensive running she had ever done, Katie had arrived at the huge office building where her interview was to take place on the eleventh floor.

Panting and out of breath, Katie straightened herself out and chucked the now empty cup into a nearby trash can. From there, she took a deep breath and headed in.

Tragedy struck when Katie was only a few measly steps away from the door that lead to her potential employer's office.

She didn't know why, nor did she know how, but for some odd reason she felt her whole body sizes up right then and there. Instead of opening the door in a sophisticated way in order to make a good impression, her hands shot upward with her palms flat and fingers spread out. Her legs suddenly snapped together at the same time.

"Miss. Whitefield? Is there something the matter?" The soft spoken secretary who had taken upon herself to escort Katie directly to the head boss's office, asked in confusion. Katie tried to yank her hands down, but ultimately failed. They wouldn't budge from their I-will-give-you-a-giant-bear-hug-whether-you-like-it-or-not pose.

"Uh... give me a sec." Katie mumbled, fully aware that she was gaining unwanted attention from various people in various cubicles that dotted the office space. She tried to regain control of her body in a fresh wave of embarrassed panic. Katie wiggled, kicked, squirmed, and attempted to do the tango, but nothing she did even broke the stance that she was in.

Isn't that wonderful? Stuck in a stupid yoga pose in the middle of an office filled with overly-serious people who probably won't be co-workers any time in the near future.

Katie would have widened her eye, you know if she could even move her eyelids, when the door in front of her swung wide open.

"Whitefield," A bald man with a rather annoyed expression on his face appeared in the doorway. Great, now Katie was embarrassing herself in front of her interviewer.

"Uh-huh." She muttered in reply. Katie would have probably gone of an talked the man's ears off with excuses and apologies like she would any other time, but since she couldn't move her mouth from its partly open position no matter how hard she struggled, mumbled replies was all she could manage.

"Would you care to explain to everyone what you're doing right now?" He asked as he leaned against the doorframe, and crossed his arms. The man also tilted his head up so it would look like he was staring down at Katie despite being the same height.

Katie tried one last time to move her body to see if her dignity was even salvageable anymore. She failed. Again. And failure to move her body to her own will caused her to let out what sounded like and annoyed cat noise.

"Have no excuse... Stupidhead limbs are stupid" She finally spit out through clenched teeth. Though, it sounded more like a whole bunch of gibberish.

And that was all the prompting the man needed before he launched into an overbearing lecture on proper etiquette.

Naturally, Katie tuned him out. If she wanted to be lectured on how she was supposed to act, then she would break into the Reed's place and set herself up in their kitchen with a bowl of ramen, and listen to Mrs. Reed screech on like a baby harpy.

That was probably why Katie didn't notice everything start to disappear. The changes around her were subtle. It was like a giant invisible hand started tearing off pieces of reality. First the boring, grey cubicles went, then the office space, then the faces around here were gently ripped away.

She didn't even realize that everything around her was slowly turning white until her interviewer's face suddenly start to fade out of existence. All Katie could do was stand there with her feet pointing in opposite directions and her arms up high as the human before her was blown away, as if he was made of dust.

Katie attempted yet again to move, or at least to move her eyes.




Katie blinked.

She was screwed beyond belief.

This realization caused a fountain of yummy cusses to pour out of the twenty-four year old woman's mouth. And an epic battle for control over her body ensued, with Katie being even more desperate than before. Needless to say, Katie lost just like every other time that.

It might have been a few minutes, or a few days, or even a whole year before Katie stopped struggling. And it took even longer for the panic that came with realizing that she was floating in a pure white wasteland, and the adrenaline to subside.

Then the fear of the unknown settled in.

Humans were funny that way. They weren't afraid to go to leave the plant and land on a foreign celestial body, but they were afraid that the new neighbors from another country would infect the other wise perfect neighborhood with their strange ways.

Katie was generalizing here, but it was hard to think of a good comparison when every fiber of her very being was busy buzzing with terror.

There was no up, there was no down, nor was there a right, or a left. There was just white, white, white, white, white, white white whitewhitewhitewhite. What the hell was going on? Why was this happening? Was this a glitch in the matrix? Was some otherworldly creature doing this to her for its own sick entertainment?

If so, Katie hoped that the creature would step on a Lego. Bare foot.

See if it likes that.

Katie wasn't even sure that she still had her body.

Of course she could feel the strain as she tried to move her useless limbs, but it wasn't like she could look down, or up, or anywhere for that matter to confirm that all of her body parts were in place.

Katie felt a cold snake slither up to her heart and start squeeze the life out of it.

She was horrified, terrified, scared, you name it. One second she was living out what was possibly one of the most embarrassing and not to mention costly moments of her life, and then the next she couldn't move and was completely surrounded in by that stupidly stupid blank colour.

If she could, Katie would have give off a loud scream of defeat. But unfortunately, it seemed as though all functions of her voice box had ceased to work.

So now all Katie could do was wait until something changed.

Turns out that being stuck floating in a never ending abyss of whiteness while in a weird yoga pose (that is, if she still had a physical form at that point) was boring. Literally, nothing to do but sing the alphabet in really bad accents in order to pass the time. In her head of course.

Katie was right in the middle of singing twinkle twinkle little star in her head, with an awful Swedish accent when she felt something touch her foot.

She screamed like the devil was after her. At least tried to, but the heavy inhales and exhales got the point across pretty well.

Oh what Katie would give in order to simple look down to see what the holy fudge cakes was on her but she couldn't because some stupid deity decided that it was too much trouble to allow her to even move her head. Well, she assumed that it was some deity that was screwing things over since more than one law of logic and reality had been thoroughly broken.

And then suddenly, sparkles and a whole lot of rainbows.

No, Katy lied.

There was just a torrential down pour of something brown. (Probably dirt... At least she hoped that was dirt. It would haut Katie till her dying breath if it wasn't.)

Finally, after what seemed like a life time, Katie was able to just barely make out vague outlines. It started out small, but black, paper thin lines began appearing in Katie's line of vision.

The sight of something other than that dastardly colour made her spirits soar to new heights. And it didn't stop there.

Water coloured like splatters began taking shape, started filling in the shapes that the various lines had created.

It was like watching someone paint a beautiful scene from a romance novel. Tall trees towered under the pale blue skies. Clouds making abstract shapes as a gentle wind blew them about. Vibrant green leaves that made little roaring noises when they rustled. It was calm, it was peaceful.

It was enough to make salty balls of liquid roll down her metaphysical cheeks in shear joy.

Then Katie realized that she was tiny. Seriously tiny, like that green stuff that was around her must have been at least the size of a bus.

"Small ones, small ones. The sprouts are popping out."

"Look at them go! They're doing it!"

"They can't reach the sun."

"Of course they can't they're too small."

"Our own leaves shelter them from danger, and yet they also shelter them from the food."

"Feed them."

"Food food food for everyone!"

Unintelligent mumbles became more and more clear until Katie could somewhat understand the conversations that were going on around her.

Before she could even clear her head of the sudden haze that had settled on her mind, she felt a rush of... something. Power maybe? Something akin to adrenaline shooting through her veins, but not quite. Either way, it gave her strength that she never thought she would have. Katie felt like she could run for miles.

"Look at them, they're all so cute!"

"A pity most of them won't survive."

"Don't be so pessimistic."

"I've been here for hundreds of years, I can be as pessimistic as I want to."

"Oh! Over here! This one's leaves are just starting to bud!"

Still high off of the sudden energy that had poured through her, Katie struggled to understand just what the whispers were saying. And then, like a bullet train, it hit her.

To be quite honest, the impact of such a rash and unbelievable idea surfacing in her mind actually cause a dull headache to consume her mind.

Katie desperately searched around, in an attempt to dispel her growing theory as to what was going on.

That green stuff in front of her wasn't just ordinary green stuff, they were blades of grass. Those giant black things that were the size of cars? Beatles. The humongous brown creature the size of the empire state building? A squirrel.

With all of this information made possible to her, the theory, despite being absolutely ridiculous, seemed more plausible. Katie didn't know why this idea had suddenly been thrown upon her overactive imagination, but it was. Frustration and hopelessness bubbled up inside her until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Why the hell am I a tree?!" She yelled into the never ending sky. The whispers around her were abruptly silenced. The only thing Katie could hear was the wind gently breezing by the area. And then:

"Oooh ho ho! This hasn't happened in years!" One of the whispers cackled in sadistic glee. "Let the fun begin."

Author's Note:

Edit 8/31/15: I found some spelling mistakes, so I fixed those.

I shouldn't be starting a new story. I really shouldn't. But this idea wouldn't leave me alone, and after reading my fair share of well written self-inserts, I couldn't help it.

The end result is a start of a long series of stories that I'm going to call 'Unorthodox'. It's basically going to be a bunch of Naruto OC self-inserts but with outright strange twists that no one else has explored.

... At least I think no one has.

I don't think that anyone has written a self-insert where the main character gets turned into a tree in Konoha. There isn't any particular direction this is going to take, and the chapters are going to be more like snapshots, but I hope you enjoy it.

P.S. Sorry if there are any grammar errors, spelling errors, or general plot holes. I have no beta to check it over.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Never have, never will.