A/N: *gasps dramatically* What is this?! Two updates in a span of two days?! That's completely unheard of! It's usually just an update per millennia but I'm feeling very generous 3 right now so here's an update from a story I literally have not updated for more than a year. I'll be surprised is someone is even still reading this, to be honest.

But anyway, here goes the update!

While our main protagonists get zapped away to somewhere due to the lack of respect and a very irritable witch, in another dimension, at the exact same place and the same time, walked out six familiar, yet strikingly different people from a cave, their faces with smiles as they waved from a very kind witch with whom they had an interview with. "Take care and be good!" The very kind and forgiving witch of universes called out, before retreating back from her cave, stepping over a simple, yet neat and new looking blue mat that had said 'Welcome!'.

"Wow, she's really nice, isn't she?" Flora questioned with a pleasant smile as she, the Winx, and the Specialists walked back to their ship. Everyone's cheeks were starting to hurt due to their constant grinning, and they felt overwhelming love and pride in their chests, but then again, who wouldn't feel such a way after their mission was a success?

Apparently, they were sent here by the two headmasters of two schools to ask some questions about the Witch of Universes, it wasn't really that serious of a mission, but they did it anyway, as long as they did it with the love of their lives. Speaking of which...

"I know, right?" Bloom said with a smile, her arm linked with her beloved boyfriend's, Prince Sky. "I never thought this mission would be so easy, I thought maybe she would lash out and send us to another universe, but, no, thankfully. Also, her cookies were great!" Not only was the Witch of Universes very nice, but she also prepared refreshments for the twelve fairies and Specialists, mainly cookies and tea, as they asked their questions. So, not only did they feel happy and accomplished, but their stomachs were also pleased with the visit.

Once everyone got into the Owl, Stella thought about something as the ship's engines were rumbling to life. "Hey, since this mission was a success after all..." She murmured suggestively to everyone, a sly smile appearing in her beautiful features. Brandon paled but didn't say anything, not wanting to upset his sunshine. "How about-"

"No shopping," Musa told her flatly. Riven snorted as they both high-fived. The Savage Couple, as they've been infamously dubbed for throughout the three schools of Magix. "Stella, not everything calls for shopping, don't be so materialis-'

"Hey, wasn't the new The Murderers'* album released today?" Stella loudly wondered in a lingering tone, tapping her chin. "I heard there are only a few copies left at the local music store in that one mall-"

Musa narrowed her eyes at the blonde, "Fine," She said after clicking her tongue, "I'm in, I guess, but I'm going home as soon as I buy the album."

Stella cheered, nearly jumping and pumping her fist in the air. She turned to the others, "What about you guys?"

Nearly everyone shrugged, feeling neutral over the idea, "I did have this comic I had my eye on for a while now," Nabu shrugged, Layla raised a brow at him and he chuckled at her in a sheepish manner. "What? Detergent* is really cool, you know!"

"I guess we can go to the mall," Bloom pondered, before shrugging. "But first, we need to tell Faragonda that the mission is a success, and after that, we'll go to the mall using Wind Riders, how does that sound?" She turned to Sky and the rest of the Specialists.

Sky took his eyes off of the road, or rather, sky for a quick moment to smile at Bloom. "Sounds like a plan."


The first thing she felt was a throbbing pain. Her head hurt badly and the same applied to the rest of her body, especially her shoulder blade and the rest of her side that rested on the cold, hard ground. A ringing noise also felt her ears as she found it very hard to open her eyes. What was going on?

Groggily, she sat up, rubbing her temple in an attempt to soothe the throbbing pain in her head. The ringing in her ears started to gradually disappear and her hearing was as clear as can be again. The room she was in was quiet as if she was the only person in there, but outside she heard several beeping by machines, people chattering, and some pop song playing. Though the sounds were distant, she can hear them, and she was very confused. Where was she?

She opened her eyes and saw the room was dark, with only small lines of light coming from a slightly ajar door her only source of light. The room was full of boxes, some opened, others were sealed close. She squinted her eyes as she shakily stood up and wobbled over one of the boxes, opening it and looking at one of the contents. A music album CD. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she dug the box deeper, there was nothing but album CDs.

Where was she? What happened?

She pursed her lips as she slowly approached the ajar door with slight caution, not knowing what lies out there. She slightly cringed when the door creaked while she opened it, but she kept going anyway, poking her head through it just in case.

Her eyes had to adjust to the sudden change of lighting. She blinked for a few moments, before looking around.

She was in a music store. How did she know? Well, many instruments were strung against the walls and the aisles were full of music CDs. Not only that, but the store has this uncanny resemblance to her local music store in the mall. Or was this the exact same store?

She took a look around once more and realized it was indeed her local music store. Her eyes widened, why was she here? Out of all places, she could have woken up from, why here? She shook her head, whatever reason she was here for, she still needed to find her friends and find out what was going on, sure she knew that the cruel and irritable Witch of Universes had sent her and her friends in another dimension or something, but why was she in her local music store instead?

Quickly, she got out of what appeared to be the storage room without anyone, especially any employees, noticing. She whistled smoothly as she walked around, checking some random album she had already bought every time an employee or customer passed by. For some reason, everyone who passed by her looked very baffled, as if they had seen a ghost, but she didn't pay it much to mind.

Finally, she saw the exit. Smiling internally, she walked faster towards it in an empty aisle, barely noticing the eerily similar head of midnight blue hair just right in the next aisle.

"Took you long enough," A slightly rough voice said as she exited the store. Musa gasped as she turned to the source of the voice. Riven frowned at her reaction, yet his expression turned into a sympathetic one as he looked at her empty hands. "Was the album sold out or something? That's a real bummer,"

Musa stood there, stunned at the magenta-haired Specialist. But her shock was soon turned into anger as she recalled the previous events. It was all Riven and the Specialists' fault that the Witch of Universes got pissed, it was his fault that their mission was a failure, it was his fault that-

"Muse, are you okay?" Riven appeared to be concerned by her sudden slightly hostile mood.


A/N: I hope the second part isn't too confusing. Is it too confusing? Can you guys get what's even going on in this chapter? I hope so. Am I rushing things? I hope not.

*- The Killers parody, lol. Kind of a fan and really excited for their new album.

Anyway, there's not much to say. I'd say I'll probably update something tomorrow too, but I really, really don't want to jinx myself so let's just say I won't update tomorow *wink wink*.

I hope you enjoyed reading!