(Well you have all waited long enough for it. Broken Promises part 3 begins. Just to all my faithful readers know I have now removed Part one of the story and created my first book titled:

The Deepest Shade of Blue

It's currently free on K.I.N.D.L.E so please do go and grab yourself a copy. As it's my own story I have created my own characters for the title, magician Laurent Quinn and waitress Gabrielle Rose. So please feel free to leave a review of it. Thank you.)

Broken Promises: The Heart of Darkness


I remember it the same every time Victorian London, eighteen eighty eight. Mia and I had come to London after deciding the wild west wasn't for us. We lost too much in the west. There was too much death in the west. London seemed to be beyond that for a while till the killing started.

I can still recall the newspaper report on the first victim Mary Ann Nicholis found in an alleyway. It seemed the job I had been looking for had found me. Being immortal certainly has a few perks and one of them was not being afraid of a killer on the loose. Once I told Mia the idea of becoming private investigators and looking into this killer the papers dubbed Jack the Ripper she was more than happy to put and end to this predators killing spree.

We started making enquires and found she was not the first victim, Martha Tabram was. She had died almost a full month earlier and even though Scotland yard had not matched the murders Mia and I knew he was trying to perfect his kills. Homing his skills some thought, He was a sadistic butcher with no regards to human life.

It wasn't to long before we had made good progress through back alley talks and questioning. We did what the law couldn't and found some answers then. It lead us down to the White chapel area of East London and I took it upon myself to question some of the girls working the streets. While Mia was checking with the corner reports. I didn't want Mia on the street making her a target for the killer or another making her for a woman of the night.

I had only questioned three ladies when and gave them some money to stay off the streets. Even if only till this mad man was caught then I spoke to Annie Chapman. She was such a lovely girl who had fallen on hard times and had to do what she had to survive. She was helpful and I gave her enough money to keep her off the streets for a few weeks. I felt my stomach turn when two days later she had become the third victim of The Ripper.

To think I had spoke to her the day before. She should not of been on the streets that night. Why did she not listen to me? I didn't take it well and left Mia to go drinking in a local bar. Mia had her head buried in the reports anyway, she wasn't going to miss me. I lost track of how much I had to drink and vaguely remember a red haired woman coming over to me.

I must of blacked out after drinking so much as my next feeling was the cold hard stone on my bare skin. My head was pounding due to the ale and as I opened my eyes I could see I was in a low lit room. The gas lamp hanging from the wall offering the only light source.

Feeling the throbbing of my temple my reflex is to reach up for it. It's only when I tried I found my hands shackled to the wall above my head. Looking down at myself I'm completely naked in an unknown room pinned to the wall. I was certain then that my questioning had drawn the killer out and now I would be his first male victim.

Well I'm sure he could damn well try and kill me. I would be happy to see the shock on his face when he tried.

My eyes start scanning the room for anything I can use to help myself escape. There are no windows and the stones are both cold and damp with a smell that could only come from the streets of London. There appears to be a door on the far side of the room which is closed as I see light coming from beneath the frame. There are some steps which leads me to believe I'm being held in a swallow basement.

There is a large metal cage in the corner big enough for a large dog. Yet no blanket or bowl of food. As my eyes adjust i see more pairs of shackles at different heights and ones with leg shackles too. This place seems more like a prison that a killers workshop. There is one wall that is to far away from the light to see what is there even as my eyes have now adjusted.

I'm amazed and eternally grateful when out from the shadows steps a beautiful woman with flowing red hair over her shoulders. I would of expected a maid but her clothing seems more of a refined woman of leisure. Her black and red corset with dress seemingly helping her blend into the shadows. There was no way this woman was the cause of these murders.

"Please Madam, help me get free." I say.

Her eyes gazing over me as her mouth curls slowly into a smile. It's not a polite smile of a lady or even a friendly smile, It's a dark and tauting smile.

"Help you be free. Why when you are my slave." Her soft feminine voice giving an air of danger.

That is when I see what she is holding in her hands. It's a belt, my belt in fact and her eyes seen to light up as I spot it.

She steps forward towards me pushing herself against me as her hand trails up my bare thigh. I turn my head away only for her hand to climb up my body. Her nails digging against my chest almost deep enough to draw blood then along my neck and into my hair. Gripping it tightly she turns my head to face her.

"You will look at me slave." She both breathes the words out and yet it feels like a command.

My eyes lock on hers. I have no idea what she plans to do with me.

Stepping back from my body she pulls the belt back and swings it quickly against my chest. The pain is a shock to the system as I cry out. She pulls it back striking me again and again. As both the leather and metal buckle tear into my skin. I cry out with each strike as she doesn't seem to care laughing out into the dark room. Elena was the demon while I slept. She became my nightmare in the day.

(Now I will be putting Chapter one on a little later today just trying to make it sure I'm happy with it. Please feel free to review this prologue or add any thoughts about this story I would love to hear. Thank you. SJamesW.)