AN: I'm still alive...sort of. I know I dropped off the radar for a LONG time but between my computer crashing and taking with it all my notes for the stories I had going and getting a new job, going back to college for a bit, being a mom and wife and adulting in general life got in the way of just sitting down and being in the frame of mind necessary to create something worthwhile. It is my hope to get back into writing and finishing the stories that are close to ending before working on the ones that are at or close to climax point and carrying them through to their end. I have to re-read all of my stuff to put me back in "the zone" because all my notes were lost and it has been so long I can't even remember the direction I wanted to take the stories and characters. To get me into the mood of writing once more I decided to start with a small short or two just to get into the flow of things again.

The last chapter of Wildlife is almost done, just need to do some clean up and hope to post either on Tuesday or wednesday.

Love, Setsuna

Domestic Bliss

Asami never thought this would be his life. It wasn't like he grew up hoping for a nice home with a nice wife and two point five children. He never expected to be one of those men who got a sweet and still-sleepy kiss from their significant other at ungodly hours of the morning before departing to a day of busy office work. Never hoped to be one of those lucky men who had someone waiting for him to return home with a smile and a kiss on the lips, sweet words of love, and dinner set on the table.

He never saw himself as one of those men, never expected to be one.

Yet here he was, coming home after a long day to be received by his lover. The new condo felt more like a home than the last one ever had. He did not deny it had to do with looking for it and choosing it with Akihito, choosing decorations together to make it more theirs than just his. He would not deny it, but neither would he point it out or mention it out loud.

There was a welcome home. There was a kiss, though it was more like he trapped Akihito against the wall to forcibly claim it than Akihito awaiting eagerly to gift him one. There was sweet words exchanged, though it was mainly him whispering filthy things in Akihito's ear while his lover pretended he was not as hard as the words had made him and throwing words back at him they both knew meant something else entirely.

There was dinner set on the table, places set for two, and his favorite drink awaiting his pleasure.

Occasionally there was children, though actually it was just Akihito's friend's child. Asami enjoyed that at the end of the day the child went home to its parents. It thrilled him how sweetly and needily Akihito gave himself over at night after watching him hold a child for a few hours. Akihito had a thing about him holding a child, he would try to pretend he didn't, but Asami knew better.

He was not married, had no wife, but was as committed as he could ever be to someone else and that someone else was just as committed to him in return. Asami thought that was more than enough.

His "office job" wasn't as simple as such. It wasn't as common as the average office job. He leave at ungodly hours of the morning and did get a sweet sleepy kiss goodbye, often it was accompanied by the endearment the word "bastard" had become in his relationship.

He never expected any of those things most men dream of their lives being. Never wanted them, to be honest.

Asami didn't exactly have the domestic bliss most men desired.

But what he had was close enough that it did not matter.

He didn't have what other men thought was a perfect life and truly did not care.

Because what he did have was perfect for him.