As requested by LilaJ a third and final chapter. This final chapter is rated R for sex.

Enjoy, all mistakes are my own, since I write on my phone.

Andy was nervously getting ready to take Sharon out for their ninth date tonight on New Years Eve. He had the reservations made a few days after their fifth date. As he checked himself out for the eight time and was satisfied on how he looked. He did one final look through around his house making sure the white rose petals that were scattered across his carpet in the bedroom and one is bed, to the electric candles on his dresser and shelves that were set on a timer, that would go off a few minutes before they arrived.

Even if they didn't make love tonight he would hope she would stay the night and in the morning they could make his famous New York style french toast along with her homemade hot chocolate.

He hasn't been this nervous for a date, since high school when he asked out Melinda Ellis. And here his is now walking out his front door and locking it, and heading towards his car. Starting his ignition and placing his car in reverse and headed to her place. Turning on the radio and listening to jazz music, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, taking a few deep breaths in as he entered her condos garage, and pulling into the visitor parking spot.

Stepping off the elevator, walking towards her front door, before knocking, fixing his tie and looking down to make sure there were no wrinkles, and then adjusted his jacket. Doing some deep breathing exercises, he finally mustered the courage to knock on her door.

Sharon sat on her bed looking at what dress she should wear tonight. It's been a long time since she's had a man in her life specially on New Years Eve, where they would be kissing and hopefully take their relationship to the next level and making love tonight. As she groaned and fell back on her bed looking up at the ceiling frustrated with herself. Looking over at her nightstand and saw the time was 9:45, groaning again Andy will be here in twenty five minutes. Sitting up she looked at her three dresses and finally decided on the sapphire blue dress with her black pumps.

Finally putting on the finishing touches to her hair and make up, she did one last turn around, she was pleased at what she saw and smiled. She jumped when she heard the knock on her front door, looking at the clock on her wall, as usual Andy was five minutes early. Smiling to herself, she headed towards the door shaking her head, finally a man that was punctually and didn't make her wait.

Her front door opened slowly, as Andy saw Sharon for the first time today his eyes traveled down her body clad in a sapphire blue dress with her black heels, his eyes moved back up to her grinning face, her eyes shinning bright as she watched his eyes travel along her body in amazement.

Sharon enjoyed the way Andy's eyes moved along her body, his mouth open and his right hand rubbing his right ear, his eyes darkened with desire. The way he was looking at her made her feel sexy, her heart beating fiercely in her chest. When his eyes landed on hers she couldn't stop the grin on her face as the way he made her feel desired.

She gestured him to come in, after Andy was in, she closed the door and walked around her condo to make sure everything was off. Once she was checked she stood in front of Andy, Leander forward a placed a kiss on his lips, then pulled away with a smiled.

"Alright I'm ready." As she put on her charcoal grey jacket and then grabbed her black clutch.

"Well then let's get out of here, I hope you are hungry?" He asked as he extended his arm.

She looped her arm in his with a huge smile on her face. "Oh I'm famished, so where are you taking me?" As they walked out her front door. She let go of his arm to lock it, she turned around and placed her arm back into his elbow, both walking towards the elevator.

He lend over and whispered in her ear, as they waited for the elevator. "You'll see, it's a surprise Sharon." Placed a small kiss on her temple, smiled as she hummed and leaned her head on his jaw. Lifting her head off shoulder, they walked in the elevator.

"A surprise huh?" As she turned her and looked at him.

He grinned down at her then mouthed yes.

She turned her body towards him with a grin on her lips and started to play with his tie. "So do I get any hints?" As she soothed her palm down along his tie.

He swallowed hard as he tried to concentrate, but it was hard with her being this close to him, smelling like jasmine, having her fingers playing with his tie, and talking seductively to me along with her puppy dog eyes staring up at me.

He mustered the strength to concentrate, moving a hand in her hair to one side he smiled at her. "No Sharon, that would ruin the surprise." He laughed as she pouted but continued to play with his tie.

She wrapped her fingers around his tie and yanked him forwards kissing him, her tongue slowly traced the outline of his lips and smiled as he moaned, opening his mouth and letting her tongue in. They both moaned as he pushed her against the wall as one of his hands moved into her hair as the other stayed in her hip. Her hand still clutching his tie while her other hand moved to his back. Both being lost in the moment, didn't hear the elevator doors open and seeing the younger couple walk in. They both smile at their partner then walked in the elevator.

The young woman whispered in her partners ear. "I hope to find love like that when I am at their age."

Her boyfriend smiled and nodded his head in agreement, as they held hands and just waited to get the garage. A few seconds later the elevator dinged, indicating they are at the parking garage as Sharon and Andy pulled apart. Both gasping as they saw the younger couple looking at them with smiles. Sharon face was red as an apple as Andy just grinned like a fool.

As they all walked out, the younger couple stopped them turned around and looked at them. "It's amazing to see two people so madly in love, you two have a wonderful night." The female said, as they slowly turned around.

Sharon and Andy both glanced at one another smiling as they watched the young couple turning around. Andy thanked them and told them to also have a great night. Andy took ahold of Sharon's hand as they walked to his car, opening the passenger door for her and waited till she was fully seated and ready he close the door. Walking behind his car and opening his door, sitting down and put on his seatbelt and then started the car and headed towards the restaurant.

She tightened her hand around Andy's as her eyes lighted up as they pulled into the parking lot of Simply Fondue. "Ohhh Andy, I've always wanted to come here." She says excitedly.

He parked the car, then looked over at her happy smiling face. He grinned as he gave her hand a lite squeeze back. "I'm glad you approve. I wanted.." Clearing his throat looking into her eyes and blushing. "I wanted tonight to be special Sharon."

Sharon's smile grew bigger as she watched Andy face get a little red, then she moved her free hand to his face and cupped his chin, running her thumb along his bottom lip. "Oh Andy, this is perfect, thank you." She said softly looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

With her thumb gliding across his bottom lip, sending sparks throughout his body and making his manhood twitch. He took a deep breath in and moved his face closer to hers softly touching her lips, both smiling into their kiss.

Andy let go of her hand and opened his door, slowly adjusting his pants as he walked behind his car counting to ten backwards trying to lose the hard on that was growing. Pleased that by the time he made it to her door his manhood corporated, smiling as he held his hand out and kissed her cheek once she stood up straight. Sharon place her hand around his elbow as they walked into the restaurant.

They were greeted by a cheerful hostess Claudia. "Hello and welcome to Simply Fondue, what's the reservation name under?" As she smiled at us.

"Hello Claudia, it's under Andrew Flynn." As he smiled at the hostess then looked around he place, finally setting his eyes on Sharon. Her facial features glowed as she looked around the place, her hand never leaving his.

"Ah yes Mr. Flynn follow me and I'll lead you two to your table." As she grabbed two menus, we followed her while we walked around in this beautiful place with ruby red walls with painting hanging on the walls that were for sale, and pictures of patrons with the owner and celebrities that would stop by.

Claudia opened the heavy cherry oak wood door that was carved with orchids and cherubs. The room had a medium rectangular table in the middle with painting of angels and demons in gold thick frames, along the the sky blue walls with dark blue trim, small tables with different color orchids with white roses. Sharon squeezed his a hand and looked over at Andy with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh Andy this is beautiful."

"You are worth it Sharon, you really are." Pulling her closer to him he kissed her, both getting lost in the moment forgot about Claudia, till she cleared her throat and blushed.

"Sorry, um here are the menus. Special today is fresh gator as well and fresh quail. Your server will be Erin." Looking at the embarrass couple she smiled at them. "You two have a lovely night and Happy New Years."

"Thank you Claudia." Said Sharon as her open hand patted his chest. "You have a good New Years too." Smiling back at their hostess as she walked out. Her eyes moved back to Andy's, her arms wrapping around his neck while his went to her waist. Both swaying side to side to the music playing in the room. Her cheek rested against his, there breathing as one. She slowly moved her lips along the side of his, until he moved his head and they shared a slow kiss.

"I love you Andy." She murmured into the kiss as her nails played with hairs on the back of his neck, eliciting a deep moan from his throat.

"I love you too, Sharon." Mumbling in their kiss.

His hands held her tightly as he heard her words, one of his hands move into her hair and deepened the kiss. They pulled apart to get oxygen in their lungs, he rested his forehead on her both taking deep breaths, their eyes finally opened both looking into each other's eyes.

He moved both of his hands to cup her face holding her still, looking into sparkling green eyes and smiled. "I love you Sharon." He said breathlessly as he moved his thumbs softly over her cheeks.

"Yeah?" She asked in a flirty tone, playing with his red tie.

He moved his hands down her arm and moved around her waist to her back, pulling her closer with a lopsided grin on his lips. "Yeah, I do."

She hummed and moved closer to him, kissing him again then putting her hands to her side and moved away towards the table. He was soon behind her pulling out her chair with a smile and scooted her chair in. Taking the seat across from her. He held out his hand and waited as she took ahold of his. Both grinning at one another, then they looked around the room to admire all the paintings.

The cherry oak door opened to a tall woman with dirty blonde hair with dark brown eyes. She smiled warmly as she walked up to them.

"Hello, my name is Erin, I'll be your server for this evening. Is this your first time here?"

"Yes, it's our first time." Smiled Andy.

"Welcome to Simply Fondue, may I interest you two to try our Chefs Special, that includes appetizers with a cheese of your choice, main course with your choice of three meats or a vegetable platter with your choice of either cajun or vegetable broth, and dessert with your choice of chocolate?" Smiling as they looked at her as if she had three heads.

They both looked at other then agreed to get the Chefs Special.

"I'll have bacon wrapped chicken, peppered steak, and quail please." Smiled Sharon.

Erin nodded her head then looked over at Andy.

"Can I have the vegetable platter please."

"Of course, what would you two like to drink?"

"Can I have a sweat tea please." Asked Sharon.

Andy leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Sharon you can drink wine tonight, if you want to." Pulling away from her smiling.

Sharon shook her head no and looked back up at Erin. She didn't want to drink tonight, tonight was hopefully going to be specially and she didn't want to be more intoxicated then she already was by him. It wouldn't be fair to him smell the alcohol on her breath, let alone taste in their kiss.

"I'll have a cranberry soda please." Asked Andy with a smile, squeezing Sharon's hand lightly.

"Alright I'll be back shortly with your drinks and put your order in." Smiling as she walked away, opening then closing the door.

He wait till they were along, he looked over at Sharon. "You know you can drink in front of me, I don't mind." As he smiled at her.

She grinned at him and softly ran her thumb along his knuckles. "I know that Andy, I just don't want to drink tonight that's all."

He grinned back at her, looking down at their hands. "Alright."

"Andy, just being around you makes me happy."

He raised his left brow, the grin on his face growing wider. "Oh yeah?"

She snort laughed then used her other hand to cover her mouth. He laughed as he watched her face turned red and her eyes grow bigger, from being embarrass.

"That's quite the sound coming from The Wicked Witch." He grinned.

Sharon just glared at him, removing her hand from his to smack him arm. "Sometimes I don't know what I see in you Andrew Flynn."

"My manly charm, my lovely smile, my hotheadedness you love so much, oh I know my sweet kisses." Raising his brows up and down.

She leaned over the table with her hand under her chin, grinning at him. "Oh yes, all those qualities I adore so much about you, but I do love your sweet kisses." As she winked at him.

He leaned forward too. "Yeah, I love when you hum when I kiss you." Just staring into eyes.

She blushed making her eyes shin. "What can I say your a excellent kisser."

Putting his hand on his chest and raised both eyebrows. "Stop my ego can't take anymore, but you too are an amazing kisser Sharon."

Sharon snorted again and used both hands to cover her face. Andy leaned forward moving her hands away from her face. With her flushed face and a huge smile on her lips she was breathtaking.

"Don't hide your face from me when you snort laugh, it's beautiful and makes your face lite up." As he held her hands.

"Andy, if someone told me you were this sweet and romantic, I would have told them they were crazy." Grinning over at him while she ran her thumb along his knuckles.

"Yeah I would too, but if someone told me I would be having such an amazing time and that I would be in love with Sharon Raydor I would have punched them in the face."

They both chuckled and turned their heads towards the door as Erin walked in with their drinks. With two other servers pushing a cart, coming over to their table and turned on the burner placing the silver pot down. Watching as they poured vegetable broth then added extra sharp cheddar cheese, beer, garlic, Worcestershire, and spices. Erin came over and started stirring the cheese and waiting till the others were done placing their appetizers down.

Erin pointed to the various fruits, breads, and vegetables. "So you just stake what piece you want then dip it into the cheese twirl it slowly them blow to cool off and then eat it. Alright, you two enjoy and I'll be back shortly." Smiling at them, then turned and walked away.

Sharon grabbed a piece of bread, while Andy took an apple, both staking it then dipping into the cheese. They took a bite at the same time, both closing their eyes and hummed as the flavors explode in their mouth. Andy stood up as Sharon watched his walk around the table and sat down next to her. He looked over at her and smiled.

"You are to far away from me." As he moved forward and kissed her lips.

She smiled into the kiss and hummed again. Both pulling apart and continued to dip their appetizers in the cheese. Andy took the last piece of bread abs dipped in the cheese. Sharon watched as he twirled it slowly then brought it to her lips with a grin on his lips as she took the offered item into her mouth.

She opened her eyes as he laughed, she felt his hand cup her chin, then felt his warm thumb run along the corner of her mouth to wipe away the stand of cheese. She grinned as she watched him place this thumb in his mouth to suck off the cheese that was once on her face.

"Thank you Andy." While blushing, not that she was embarrass but because he was making her hot. The looks he's giver her, the way he touches her body gently and let's it linger, to the smell of his cologne invading her senses.

"You're welcome Sharon." Winked at her then staked a piece of broccoli and placed it in the cheese.

Erin came back in pushing another tray with refills of their drinks, another silver pot, assortment of dipping saucers and Sharon's meats and Andy's vegetable platter. Erin put on gloves and picked up the empty pot that was filled with cheese, then placed the other silver pot that was filled with vegetable broth.

After a few seconds she placed Sharon's selections in front of her then Andy's vegetable platter in front of hi, then placed dipping sauces between them. She pointed towards the sauces. "Okay the yellow one is spicy brown mustard with garlic, the one in the middle is cranberry mint barbecue, it goes great with steak and chicken, and the last one is just plain ranch." Looking over at Andy and smiled when he smiled back at her.

Pointing to Sharon's dish. "This is stuffed mushroom with cream cheese, cilantro, and mozzarella cheese." Erin pointed to the round ball on their dish. "That is a cheddar ball with basil and various spices. With those two items or any items you want to bread." Pouting towards the little round bowl with batter. "Make sure you cover your item all the way and stick it in the broth for 5 minutes. Now with meats you cook those for 12-15 minutes and vegetables take 10. You both also have a three cheese ravioli, just place in the broth and when it floats up its done." She waited for any questions but just reviewer nodded and smiles.

"Alright I'll leave you two alone, enjoy and be back later." Walking away and open then closes the door.

"Thank you." Said Sharon and Andy together, both grinning at each other.

Sharon ran her hand over her belly, closers get her eyes and exhaled loudly. "Oh my, I'm so full, I don't know if I have room for dessert."

Andy chuckled before he took a bite of his cauliflower, chewing his cleaned his mouth then looked over at Sharon, still rubbing her belly. "I'm almost right there with you. I can't believe you ate everything."

"Why, because I'm a woman?" She glared at him then rolled her eyes.

"Well kind of, uh you have a small frame, so I assumed.." Sharon cut him off.

"See, that's where you went wrong Andrew Flynn, you assumed because I'm a woman I don't eat as much. I do appreciate you saying I have a small frame but boy your in the dog house now." She was grinning as Andy's facial features fell from happiness to pure sadness. "But, you can make it up to me." She laughed as a smile returned to his face.

Clearing his throat and moved his arm behind her chair, his fingers playing with her hair, leaving forward. "So, how do I make it up to you?" As he raise an eyebrow.

She hummed as his fingers played with her hair, her body leaning into his, she looked into brown eyes. "Hmmm a foot massage."

He put his free hand on her thigh with his warm breath tickling her neck, he was grinning as he watched her body shiver. "That's it? A foot massage?" As he ran hid thumb on her thigh.

Two can play this game, she placed her hand on his thigh and moved it up a little bit, smiling as his breath hitched and heard him swallow hard. She moved her lips across his jaw and spoke seductively into his ear. "Yes Andy, I'm easy to please."

Swallowing hard again as his hand tightened his grip on her thigh. "Oh I doubt that Sharon."

She moved her head back a little, looking into his eyes that smiled back at him. "You have no idea." As she covered his lips with hers. Their kiss was gentle as he moaned in her mouth as her tongue slipped into his mouth, he groaned as their tongues touched, doing their own dance of love.

They pulled apart when they heard the door open as Erin entered with another cart. This time a gold pot with red roses engraved on the sides. Along with bowls with a variety of chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, butterscotch chips. Erin stopped next to the table taking there plates and placed a glove on and removed the hot pot off the burner, then taking a rag and wiping off the surface for them. She squatted down and turned down the burner.

"Have you two decided on what chocolate you would like?"

Andy looked over at Sharon then looked over at Erin. "Yes, we've decided on raspberry cabernet please."

Erin smiled then turned towards the cart and placed the gold pot on the burner, then started placing their chocolate in the gold pot along with two shots of cabernet. Erin placed their dessert platter in front of them. From brownie bits, marshmallows, cheesecake bits, strawberries, bananas, snickerdoodles balls, and sugar cookie balls. Once she was finished and the chocolate was melting, she sprinkled little drops of alcohol on top the grabbed a lighter.

Sharon and Andy watched in amazement as the flames engulfed the chocolate and then started to diminish. "Well enjoy and I'll be back later."

Sharon placed a strawberry, a banana, then a piece of sugar cookie dough on her stake then placed it in the chocolate. Andy watched as she twirled it around then moved closer to his mouth. He grinned as he opened his mouth for her to place the heavenly treat into his mouth. His eyes closed as he chewed then moaned as he swallowed.

"Oh man this is amazing, now it's your turn." As he placed a strawberry, a pineapple, and a snickerdoodle dough ball on his stake and brought it to her mouth.

Sharon smiled before she opened her mouth to his offered items. She moaned as the chocolate melted in her mouth as she chewed, closing her eyes at this wonderful experience she was have with Andy. When she opened her eyes, he was just staring at her with a grin on his face.

"You are beautiful." He whispered.

She blushed them licked her lips, making Andy moan as he watched her tongue glide across her lips. Her eyes moving from his eyes to his lips, moving forward she kissed him. Pulling away they finished with their dessert and waited for Erin to return with their check, so he could take her back to his place to hang out or maybe just maybe make love tonight, if not just to hold her until morning time.

Erin came in the the check and started taking the their empty drunk glasses along with their empty tray, putting on gloves she removed the gold pot from the burner and then turned it off. She turned back and smiled at the couple thanking them as she took back the check and left to run his card.

Andy was thinking of how tonight would turn out, hold in and kissing her more in the comfort of his own home. Sharon was watching him with a smile on her lips, as his grin grew bigger on his face. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

"What are you thinking about Andy?" As her lips touched the shell of his earlobe.

He didn't dare move, he loved hearing her breathing into his ear, he swallowed hard. "I was thinking about you and taking you back to my place so I can kiss and hold you."

She seductively hummed in his ear as her tongue grazed the bottom of his earlobe then moved up and placed a kiss on his ear. "Mmmmm, I like that idea Andy, will your hands be all over my body? Hmmmm." Sucking on his earlobe.

He coughed as he found himself struggling to breath as she sucked on his earlobe. He tightened his hand on the table trying to control his breathing. Sharon hummed again as she slowly moved her head away from his, she was grinning back at him with her forest green eyes sparking back at him.

"You Sharon Raydor are a wicked woman."

She grinned as she ran her palm over he rapidly beating heart. "Well they don't call me The Wicked Witch for no reason, huh Flynn?" As she raised her right brow smirking at him.

He groaned. "I'm going to be paying for that for a long time huh?" As he started pouting his bottom lip.

She placed her hand on his cheek, running her thumb over his day old stubble. "Oh my dear Andrew, yes you will." Her eyes twinkled more as she moved her hand and padded his noise with her index finger. "But I promise to be gentle, since you are older than me." She had the most seductive but evilish grin on her lips as she put her hand back on the table.

He glared at her when she called him old, he placed his hand on her upper thigh and slowly ran his hand up, until she folder her legs, trapping his hand between her thighs, he laughed then moved his face closer to hers, his other hand moved her hair to the side as he ran his index finger along her pulse point grinning as she shivered. "Oh I'll show you just how not old I really am, I'll have you screaming my name in no time."

Sharon leaned her head against his and moaned loudly as Andy's index finger kept tickling her pulse point, shooting electricity throughout her body. They moved away quickly from each other when the door opened and Erin walked in with their check. She walked over and handed Andy his credit card and receipt and took their empty glasses.

Sharon was getting her stuff ready as she watched Andy fill out the receipt to give Erin a fifty dollar tip. Andy stood up and pulled Sharon's chair out, extending his arm out to her. Sharon thanked him then wrapped her finger around his elbow. Both grinning as they walked towards Erin, he handed her the receipt and thanked her for a lovely experience.

Erin looked at the bill and gasped as she saw how much he left her. "Thank you sir, so much, you two have a lovely evening Happy New Years!" She said excitedly.

They both turned around before they arrived at the huge cherry oak door, smiling at Erin. "Thank you Erin, and you have a wonderful New Years."

Erin nodded her head as she watched the lovely couple walk out the door with the look of pure love casting from their eyes.

On the way over to Andy's house, holding hands over the center console, her thumb running across his knuckles, while he lightly squeeze her hand. Sharon couldn't stop grinning like a fool as she watched Andy's free hand tap on the steering wheel at every red light. It's good to know that she wasn't the only one nervous about where things were heading tonight.

Andy sensing her staring at him, he swallowed hard and looked over at her gorgeous smile, beaming at him. He couldn't help but smile back at her, his heart skipping a few beats, taking a few deep breaths in so he wouldn't pass out. She was driving him crazy with just a single touch of her hand, by her various hums, and the small noises that came out of her mouth, to the look her emerald green eyes give off, that I can so easily get lost in as she casts off of how much she loves and wants me, but my favorite is that smile, that is so contagious, you can't help but smile back.

Pulling into my driveway and shutting off the engine, I exit my my car and move around the the back, fixing my tie while I walk to her side, opening her door and smiled as her warm hand takes ahold of mine as I help her out.

I didn't let go of her hand as we walk up my porch, hoping that my timer worked and the candles are lite and the radio is playing soft jazz. As I nervously unlock my door and push my front door open slowly. We stopped suddenly as Sharon's fingers tighten around by hand as I hear her gasp, the tea lights lighting up my place, casting a warm yellowish glow in his entire house.

Her other hand moved to his upper arm, her face glowing with a huge smile on her lips. "Oh Andrew Flynn, this is beautiful." Her eyes shining brightly back as she leans in and softly touches her lips with his.

They pulled away slowly just smiling at each other, his hand cupped her cheek. "Yeah? It isn't to much?"

She moved her head more into his hand, grinning up at him. She placed a hand over his heart and spoke softly. "No, this is perfect, thank you Andy."

He ran thumb along her lower lip that was soft under his callous thumb. "Yeah?" He asked again.

She closed her eyes as his thumb glided across her bottom lip, sending electricity throughout her body. She opened her eyes as she heard Andy say "yeah". How could this man be so confidant at work, but be so unsure of himself around her. What he did here was the most romantic thing any man has ever done for her. Her eyes stared back into his, as she grabbed ahold of his tie and pulled him fully against her. Crashing her lips upon his in a passionate kiss, he moaned in her mouth giving her enough room to slide her tongue into his warm mouth.

His tongue dancing with hers in harmony, both swallowing each other's moans as the kiss deepens, their hands roaming their bodies. His hand moved into her hair as she tilts her head to the side and deepens the kiss, her tongue gliding across his teeth then nipped at his lower lip, making her smile as he groaned then hummed as her tongue soothed the flesh she bit.

His hand tighten on her butt as he pulled them towards his bedroom.

As they made this way to his bedroom removing and kicking off their shoes, Andy forgetting about the rose petals on his hardwood floor. His heel stepped on one of the petals and he lost his footing making them fall backwards on his bed. As they landed on his bed. Sharon was straddling his hips with her dress riding up and his hands on her hips. While her hands were around his neck with her face in his neck, both laughing as they held each other.

Andy moved one of his hands up her back, rubbing up and down then spoke softly in her ear. "Well that wasn't smooth at all, are you alright Sharon?"

Sharon laughed and lifted up her head up, her eyes gazing into his, moving her right hand up she cupped his chin running her thumb along the corner of his mouth. Smiling as spoke to him. "No, but I'm glad we landed on your bed."

His other hand that was on her hip staying put but his thumb gliding across the material on her dress. Sharon hummed as she lowered her head and kissed him. During the kiss she spread her legs around his hips, making her dress ride up even more. His hand moved lower and under her dress grabbing her butt eliciting a moan from her.

Her hands worked on the buttons of his dress shirt as his hands massaged her buttocks. Removing his hands from her butt, so he could help her take off his dress along with his white under shirt. He moaned and then his hands went back on her butt as her fingers gliding over his chest hair, she grinned as his thick chest hairs tickled.

His hand moved up to the zipper on her dress, slowly pulling it down her back, as the zipper stopped he lowered his other to the bottom of her dress and slowly pulled it up and over her body. Her hands resuming to their recent task roaming his chest then one moved to the back of his neck, kissing him.

His hand moved to the back of her head deepening the kiss, as his other hand cupped her butt.

She moaned in his mouth as she rocked her hips against his and he bit her lip as his shaft grew harder as she rocked against him again.

"Sharon...Beautiful." Saying between heated kisses.

Her hands lowered to his belt and unbuckled it then pulled it off of him. He smiled in their passionate kiss as she worked on his pants. His fingers moved along her back and onto her bra, undoing it and throwing it behind her somewhere. She moved off his lap and moved her fingers to his waist band of his pants pulling them down along with his boxers.

She grinned as she stood up in front of him in only her black panties as his hard shaft saluting her. He swallowed hard as he watched her lick her lips as she sat on her knees and took ahold of his shaft in her hand. She brought her mouth to his head, placing a kiss on the tip of his shaft than put him in her mouth.

"Awww Sharon." He exhaled loudly.

She twirled her tongue around his shaft, taking it deeper in her throat. Humming as he thrusted his hips in her face.

"Ohhhhh shit Sharon, fuck that feels soooo good." He panted, closing his eyes.

She took ahold of his balls, pulling, massaging, then lightly scratching his balls eliciting a animalistic growl from deep within his throat. As she continued to suck and kick his shaft pumping with her hand as the other massaged his balls, she was starting to taste his salty precum and slowed her pace, then with a pop she stopped pulled away from his shaft.

His eyes opened slowly as he watched her stand up, taking off her black panties and threw them at Andy. He caught them with his mouth and she grinned at him as she laughed.

She straddles his hips as his hand moved to position his shaft along her slick curly folds. She moaned and her head fell back and her breast in his face as he ran his head along her opening. She pushed down slowly letting herself adjust to his girth and rode him slowly. His hand moved to her back when he was fully sheathed inside her. Both moaning as he felt her tight walls surround him. His shaft fitted perfectly inside her, touching the spot that felt heavenly.

They moved together in unison as they rocked hips, both panting as they road their oblivions together. She moved off of him and turned around with her ass facing him, he growled as she sank down on his shaft riding him. She looked over her shoulder smirking at Andy.

"Spank me." She said seductively.

He looked at her for a second, then grinned as he brought his hand to her butt, soothing it before he slapped her butt.

"Mmmmmmm again Andy, płease." As she road his shaft harder.

He slapped her butt again and than again but harder each time, grinning as she moaned his name.

"Ohhhhh yesss Andy, like that's." She panted, sitting up and then arching her back.

"Fuck Sharon, I want to watch you as you come." He said breathlessly.

She stopped then moved off him, on her knees she moved next to him as he moved on his knees facing her. He cupped her face, gazing in her eyes.

"Beautiful." As his lips claimed hers, pushing her back on his bed. Her legs spreading around him giving him room to thrust his shaft deep inside her center, both swallowing the deep moans that escaped their throats.

Her nails digging in his back as he moved her legs up on his shoulder thrusting deeper inside her making her moan. God he felt good being buried deep inside her, she felt her release coming soon and it was going to be glorious.

He moved lower with her knees touching her chest as thrusted deeper into her, grunting as he felt her walls collapsing around his shaft, sucking him in deep within her making him want to come right then.

He moved her legs down letting her wrap them around his waist as her nails dug into back, leaving marks. She moaned in the kiss as she felt her release coming.

"Ohhhhhh god Andy, I'm almost there." Moaning loudly in his ear.

"Damn Sharon, you feel so damn good, I'm so close too." Kissing her lips.

Moving her legs higher up along his waist, his shaft hitting her spot, her nails moving along his back as she screamed loudly in the bedroom as she came hard in his arms.

"ANNNNNDDDYYYYY FUCKKKK!" She screamed as he continued to thrust in her.

He grunted then groaned her name as he shot his load inside her. She pulled him down on top of her, not caring that she couldn't breath properly. Her hand buried in his hair and the other soothing his burning back from her scratching.

His head resting next to hers, both panting heavily in each other's ear. He pulled his face up looking down at her, his hands move to her face moving hair off her sweaty face, smiling down at her sweaty, flushed, but very sexually satisfied face grinning back up at him.

"Damn Sharon, that was amazing." Between heavy breathing and flipping them over as he laid on his back and she laid her head on his chest.

"Andy that was amazing." As she listened to his heart slowly beating back to normal.

"Happy New Years Sharon." He panted.

"You too Andy." She replied.

He hummed and kissed the top of her head, both falling asleep from exhaustion.

Sharon woke up to a warm body pressed against her back along with his morning wood poking and twitching against her butt. She grinning then groan as she moved her body a little, her body aching from being out of practice with love making.

Andy tightens his arm around her waist as he felt her move and heard her groan, then moving his shaft against her butt. He hummed then placed a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Morning Sharon." He mumbled on her shoulder.

"Morning Andy." She said in a sleepy voice.

His hand moving up and cupping her breast, his palm gliding across her erect nipple making Sharon hummed as his hand lowered to her stomach tracing designs, leaving goosebumps on her flesh as his hand moved down between her legs. His fingers moving along her pubic hairs as she spread her legs for him. He bit her shoulder as his fingers spread her folds apart, gliding his index finger between her moist folds. Both moaning as she pushed her butt into his shaft, her hand grabbing a fist full of sheets as his placed a second finger inside her.

"Mmmmmm Andy." She moaned.

Keeping his fingers inside her, he positioned his body over hers, kissing her hard then trailed wet kisses along her jawline, down her throat, along her collar bone nipping at her flesh. To her breast taking her nipple in his mouth swirling his tongue. Smirking as he heard her moan his name as her nipple harden. Her fingers in his hair as he moved to her other nipple taking it in his mouth.

"Ohhhhhh Andy." She moaned loudly.

He hummed as he trailed more wet kisses as he moved down he body and grinned as she spread her legs for him. His fingers thrusting in and out of her still, bringing his tongue out, he started licking her folds grinning as she moaned his name again thrusting her hips up.

He growled as her juices coaxed his tastebuds and down his throat, he continued to lap up her juices as he licked her clit harder, she started to squirm under his ministrations as she felt her climax arriving soon. The next thing she knew she was seeing stars and thrashing uncontrollably as Andy continued to slowly lap up her juices moaning at how sweet she tasted.

"Ohhhh Andy, damn that was ahhhhhh." As he swirled his tongue around her clit then licked her one finally time applying a lot of pressure, sending her over the end again.

He moved up her body grinning as she opened her hooded eyes slowly, her breathing erratic, looking up at his chocolate brown eyes full of love. His hands intertwined with hers as he pushed his shaft inside her. Both moaning as the mixture of the taste her juices in their kiss and the way they sexually fitted together, like it was fate.

"Ohhhh Andy." She whimpered.

"God Sharon." He panted in her ear, as he thrusted in her.

Both picking up the pace, panting harder as they both grew closer to their release, with one final thrust they came together both moaning each other's names as they kissed. Being sober he laid next to her holding her hand as they tied to control their breathing. He looked over at her smiling, she scooted over, placing her head on his chest.

"So are you hungry?" He asked playing with her hair. "For real food I mean?"

She smiled up at him, moving her hand along his hairy chest. "Yes I am."

"Good I'm going to make you my famous Andy's French Toast." As he lowered his lips and kissed her slowly, she moaned as she tastes herself in their passionate kiss.

"Did you want me to make my hot chocolate?" Running her thumb along his bottom lip.

"Sure, if you don't mind?"

"Not at all, but can we shower first?" Tilting her head.

"Of course." Moving of off her and helping her up and off the bed they both took showers taking turns washing each other and making out.

He wore navy blue boxers, as she wore his lilac dress shirt that was way to big for her. He came over rolling up his sleeves and help button it leaving 3 unbuttoned showing him her cleavage. Walking out of his room, he smacked her butt and grinned as turned around and placed her hand on her hips.

Rolling her eyes she turned around and went into his kitchen. They stood next to each other to the kitchen as he made french toast and she made hot chocolate. Once they were done making breakfast, they sat down next to each other eating and watching Super Troopers.

"That was delicious Andy, thank you." Wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Thank you, so was your hot chocolate." Moving some hair behind her ear. "Since we are off what would you like to do today?"

She hummed then looked deeply into his eyes smirking. "Well you do owe me a foot massage." Ghosting her lips over his. "But right now I just want you." Her soft lips touching his, as she guided him backwards onto his couch.

"Mmmm Sharon, you are a sexy woman and damn horny too." Smiling against her lips.

She hummed. "What can I say, it's been way to long."

He pulled her on top of him as he sat in his couch. "Not anymore, come here let Big Daddy Andy take care of all your sexual needs."

"Big Daddy Andy? I like the sound of that." She purred and kissed him passionately.

The End