To my readers,

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on "The Love Fairy's Apprentice". It's been a while since I've been able to actually finish a story I set out to write, and it's a feeling equal parts joy, relief and a slight sadness over parting. However, while this marks the end of Tiffany's current story, let's just say that events are far from concluded.

In the meantime, if you're a Pokemon fan, you might have a look at my supernatural dystopian, "Redemption's Fall", which explores how eternal life isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when your pokemon still die… Also be sure to check out these HuniePop authors and their fun forays into the dating world:

-Anything by Maxaro and StaticChannel – masters of the short vignette!

-CrystalMoonlightII – "Problems" series. Lots of unique insights into the characters, classic love triangle conflicts and great romantic development. A must-read!

-Femlove – "YuriPop". Needs serious proof-reading but damn, Femlove really knows how to build up that slow, burning tease of seduction! This lesbian love story is the literary equivalent of a striptease and you will be begging for more!

-Shiro Kuro Kami Chan – "Mother Knows Best". A very balanced portrayal of Jessie and Tiffany's falling apart, finding the positives in both their lifestyles and choices. Also, "Inner World", which puts a fabulous spin on the dating game – this time Kyu's hopeless Casanova-in-training is Nikki!

-The Fanfic Phantom – "HPo: Honey Pop". Just a short opening so far, but has some very tantalizing characterization of Audrey. I really want to see where this story is going! Send in your reviews and see if we can revive this ghost!

While Beli might be my favorite HuniePop girl (I saved her for 'last' in my first playthrough), I've grown fond of and intrigued by the trio of Tiffany, Nikki and Audrey – three best friends in spite of their different personalities, passions and ages – and found them a delight to explore and write about. So much so, that I'm announcing the beginning of a series – TrioPop – that will explore the bonds between these three girls as they encounter the more fantastic elements of the HuniePop universe.

What to expect? Here's a sneak peak:

**Mission Log 1547:

I realize the irregularity in recording at such a critical point in the mission, but I require some activity to refocus my thoughts. Even now my attention drifts to the blue planet projected on my view-screens, a sapphire crowned with polar ice and robed in swirling clouds. The resemblance is uncanny.

Tendricide. My home.

But this is no time to reminisce on a lost past. I must steel my thoughts. "Success arrives in waves of three."

How odd that I find comfort in this morbid Iosian proverb. It refers to their people's sixty-six percent rate of infant mortality, but I repeat it rhythmically, transforming their wry lament to a grieving mother into a warrior's mantra.

Rondarr. On my first attempt to apprehend the poacher I was overconfident. I had captured his ship in a tractor beam and flattered myself with the efficiency of the hunt.

Then Rondarr accelerated his vessel into the beam, ramming my ship. His escape cost me a Galactic month worth of docking and repair fees.

The second time our paths crossed I was overcautious. My strategy, to disrupt and disable his ship through long-range ion lasers. The Slovarian detected my attack with time to spare and fled the system.

Times have changed. I have grown in experience and Rondarr's bounty has sufficiently inflated to warrant my attention once more. The stipulation added to his posting provides me a visceral thrill: "Wanted Dead or Alive".

His actions are predictable: it is standard practice for smugglers and poachers, after loading their shipments, to make a hyperspace jump to a dead system in order to throw off pursuit. According to Rondarr's contacts – who valued their remaining limbs over their business ventures – the Slovarian will use my present star system as his waypoint: Sol on the galactic maps.

Arriving first, my scanners found little of importance: several gas giants, a collection of dead and atmosphere-less inner planets, an asteroid belt and a wayward dwarf.

But this blue planet… This mirror image…

No. I must not dwell on a life now long past. I must mediate on this third and final pursuit, and the differences that will ensure my success.

This time I need not spare Rondarr. This time I am not so naïve as to attempt boarding and negotiations, nor so uncertain as to attempt long-range disablement. This time, my weapon tubes are loaded with Shi-Bessen Incinerator-class torpedoes, and I will make no further mistakes.

This time, I will be decisive.

Until my quarry breaks from hyperspace, I will remain here – in orbit among the blue world's craterous satellite. My weapon consoles are primed and my senses stand at full attention. I will strike, I will collect my bounty and I will forget this lone, lost world and the poisonous memories it conjures.

I am satisfied with my life, I am content in my solitude, and all fantasies otherwise are a child's foolishness.

There is no one down there for me.

Tiffany and her friends will return in

TrioPop - Book II:

The Bounty Hunter's Escort