This two-shot is dedicated to shwetz2002. Happy birthday 13th birthday!

This is also the sequel to How ya doin'. It's set 15 years into the future. Musa and Riven are 33.

Harmony is Riven and Musa's daughter. She had dark blue hair with magenta highlights and violet eyes. She's 11.

Reed is the 2 month old son. He has magenta hair with azure eyes.

Riven POV

Musa is gone for the week she's staying at Stella's with the rest of the girls catching up.

"Goodnight Reed," I said kissing him on the forehead before placing him into his bed.

Before I went to sleep I went to check on Harmony. I swear that girl is a troublemaker just like Musa and I were way back then.

I poked my head into the room only to find Harmony asleep.

I came in but on my way accidently stepped on her keyboard but thankfully she didn't wake up.

"Goodnight," I said kissing her forehead.

I was about to leave when I heard her say, "Daddy,"

"Yes Harm," I said turning around.

"How did you propose to Mum I know how you met but you never told me how you proposed," she said sitting up on her bed.

"Well it's a long story," I said.

"I'm all ears," she said.

"Ok well I decided to do something special for your mum it was 5 year anniversary to. And it had been 2 years since our last break up and I've decided it's time. It's time I manned up and proposed. All our friends have been married for quite some time now."

"But I just needed to think of a way to propose. Sky had proposed to Bloom during his parents wedding anniversary. Brandon proposed at Stella's coronation. Helia had drawn a sketch of Flora and him with a word bubble which said "Will you marry me". Timmy proposed the moment when Tecna was crowned as the smartest fairy in Magix during their picture he had dropped down on one knee and proposed. Nabu had gone big. He had taken Layla on a day out to all their favourite places in Andros then at the end of the day while the sun was setting he had a skywriter to spell out his proposal. I didn't want to do this just to think of an idea better than them. I wanted to do something special because I owe to Musa for all that's happened."

"Is that it?" Harmony asked.

"There's more to it but I'll tell you some other time, you should go to bed it's half past one in the morning, ok?" I said.

"Ok daddy," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight," I said leaving.

"Goodnight," she replied yawning.

I made my way to my room getting ready for bed. Eventually fell asleep.


I had just went to her father and asked for permission but also to seek his help.

He said and I quote, "Do what Musa does best,"

And obviously the answer to that are many things. But what does Musa love more than anything. Other than the people she cares about and her planet.

My thoughts were cut off when the door was slammed opened.

The guys came in and casually sat down putting their feet up and making a noise.

"Shush, can't you see I'm trying to think," I said.

"Riven thinking? Urm…who are you and what have you done to the real Riven, the grumpy one, the one who opens his mouth before thinking," Nabu said.

"Oh shut up, I ain't gone anywhere," I said.

"Now that's the Riven we know," Brandon said, "but seriously Riven and thinking in the same sentence."

"Anyway I'm trying to think of a way to propose," I said ignoring Brandon's comment.

"You WHAT!" Sky screamed as they all looked surprised except Nabu.

"Why you so surprised?" I said.

"It's just we didn't think you'd propose now," Helia said.

"Why you not surprised?" I asked Nabu.

"I saw it coming," he said.

"You better not have been snooping around in my stuff," I warned.

"Not if you put it that way," Nabu said.

"You DIDN'T?!" I yelled.

"Seriously dude if you gonna keep it a secret at least hide the box somewhere not in your pocket," Nabu said casually.

"Oh," I said.

We began talking amongst ourselves.

"I got it!" I suddenly screamed.

"What?" Brandon asked.

"How to propose obviously," Timmy said.

"How then?" Sky asked.

"I'll just dedicate a song to her then propose," I said.

How could I not have thought of that?

"That's a good idea," Helia said.

"Yes now go I need to go get dressed," I said shooing them out.

Now what to wear?


I was cut off by the sounds of a baby's cries.

It must be Reed...

So much for a quiet night...

I'll right up the next chapter as soon as possible.

Random915 xxx