Sky Devil Slayer

Disclaimer: I do not own Menma or Raven Tail

Chapter 7

"It looks like you're ready to go Misty" Naruto said as the masked mage approached.

"Was I really that obvious?" The Edolas prince asked.

"You wanted to see Wendy right?" The blonde asked as the bluenette nodded. "Then yes, you were"

"Do you want to leave now or some other time?"

"I can leave now" Naruto said. "Let's go Misty"

"Are you going to fly or are we taking a train or some other way to get there?" Mystogan asked.

"Don't know about flying" He said. "I suppose we will take a train to a nearby town and walk the rest of the way, also where are we going exactly?"

Mystogan walked with Naruto heading towards the train station. "We are going to Cait Shelter" He replied.

"That light guild near Worth Woodsea?" Naruto asked as the blue haired prince confirmed it with a single nod.

"The guild master Roubaul took her in due to the dangers of the Anima when we were travelling" Mystogan said. "I never expected him to be a guild master at first but then again I was still new to this world"

"Just old man Makarov being the master of Fairy Tail" Naruto joked.

Mystogan gave a chuckle before replying. "I suppose so"

The two sat in the train as they were heading in the direction. Naruto was looking out of the window as he looked towards Mystogan and noticed that the blue haired masked mage had a second staff.

"I see you got yourself another staff" Naruto said as Mystogan nodded.

"It will help be out a lot more here in this world"

Naruto grinned. "Who knows, you might become an S class mage using those staves" He turned to look back out the window. "…So it's in the northern part of Fiore right?"

"That is correct"

"Didn't the Nirvits once live in those lands?" The Exorcist mage asked.

"I believe so. They are the race that lived 400 years ago correct?"

Naruto nodded. "Are we getting close?"

Mystogan looked out of the window as they passed by some trees before seeing a large beautiful plain. "We are getting close" He said before turning to Naruto. "Once we reach Amaranth Town we will walk to Cait Shelter, it is quite a walk though"

"It'll be fine" Naruto said as the train came to a stop. "Looks like we are here"

The two got off the train as they entered Amaranth Town. The town had many beautiful flowers, a fountain with cleaning water that was practically sparkling, friendly townspeople.

All in all it was a beautiful town that Naruto wouldn't mind coming to every now and then. "We need to go through the town first" Mystogan said. "If you want to shop for any magic items there is a shop over in that direction, we will also be coming back through the town on the way back as well"

"Right" Naruto said. "I might just get something on the way back"

As they walked through the town Naruto noted how friendly the people were. They all smiled at them, politely waved and said hello as he replied back. It was peaceful, so very peaceful.

"I wish more places and people were like this" He thought as the duo were reaching the path leading towards Worth Woodsea.

"This is the entrance to Worth Woodsea" Mystogan said.

"Pretty inviting" Naruto said. "I'm kind of surprised that this town has no guild"

"It is but I think we both think that this town is better without a guild here…at least for now"

"Your right" The devil slayer said. "Anything we should look out for?"

"I suppose we should look out for Vulcans, maybe some Goblins, Lizardmen, Weretigers, Hodras, and other creatures" Mystogan said. "I doubt we will run into Lizardmen and Weretigers but the others could be free game"

"Sounds like you want to purposely find them" Naruto said as the traversed the Worth Woodsea heading towards Cait Shelter.

"We will be there soon" Mystogan said as they walked as Naruto had a somewhat bored look on his face with his arms behind his head. "I do hope she will be able to forgive me for leaving her"

Naruto glanced at the multiple trees. "Are we there yet?"

"No" Mystogan replied immediately.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"




Mystogan kept walking knowing that Naruto was enjoying his suffering. The masked mage inwardly sighed as he hoped that he was near the guild.

Naruto however had a grin as he looked at Mystogan before turning his eyes to the front as the two were nearing a clearing. "I think that's it"

The two then stepped out of the Worth Woodsea after a long walk through the forest and they saw it, Cait Shelter.

"So that's Cait Shelter" Naruto said taking in the view. "Looks nice"

Mystogan then started walking. "It's time to meet Wendy"

The two walked into the small town like area with a building that had the shape of a cat's head and had the words 'Cait Shelter' written on the top.

Naruto placed a hand on Mystogan's shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked with genuine concern.

"Just a bit nervous" Jellal said as he looked towards Naruto with his mask up.

"Don't worry" Naruto said. "Let's just go in, she will be happy to see you again"

The two then entered the guild's building as a few of the guild members were watching them, the guild's master looked up to see the two mages approaching.

The guild master of Cait Shelter was a small, slim elderly man with a long white beard, complete with a moustache, which extended up on his face's sides, making a large pair of sideburns and had two bushy eyebrows as well. He had a tattoo on his forehead that composed of a dot surrounded by two arched stripes.

The old man was wearing tribal clothes and headgear that consisted of feathers. The guild master looked at the two who approached. "How may I help you two Fairy Tail mages" He said.

Naruto nudged Mystogan who pulled down his mask. Once Jellal done this the old man's eyes widened. "Jellal you returned" He said.

Mystogan gave him a nervous smile. "I…came to see how Wendy is doing" He said. "If that is fine with you Roubaul"

The guild master nodded. "I'll get someone to get her" Roubaul said as turned towards Naruto. "So you're the Exorcist Mage" He said as Naruto nodded.

"It is nice to meet you" The elderly man said.

"Same here old man" Naruto said with a smile, if Roubaul was offended at being called old he didn't show it but it looked more like he didn't care.

"So you joined Fairy Tail" Roubaul said. "I suppose you want Wendy to join your guild?"

Mystogan shook his head. "I don't know" He said. "It is safer for her here"

Roubaul raised an eyebrow. "Why not? She had been looking forward to meeting you again"

The two shared a look before looking at the Cait Shelter guild master. "You don't keep up with the news do you old man?" Naruto asked.

"Fairy Tail is known for its destruction as well as its other factors" Mystogan said.

"I'm surprised you knew who I am but didn't know about the guild's reputation" Naruto said as Roubaul shrugged.

"My memory is probably not what it used to be" He said before turning his head to the entrance. "It looks like she is here"

"Y-You called for me?" A soft voice asked timidly as the two mages of Fairy Tail saw a young blue haired girl.

"Wendy" Mystogan whispered.

"So that's Wendy" He thought with a smile.

Wendy's eyes widened as she looked at the mage with the staff. "J-Jellal, is that y-you?" She asked.

"It's me Wendy" He said as the blue haired girl ran towards the blue haired male as they embraced in a hug. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I hope you can forgive me"

"I forgive you" She said. "I'm just glad I get to see you again" She cried.

"Y-You forgive me for leaving you here?" Mystogan asked quite shocked.

"I think we should give them some room" Naruto whispered to Roubaul who nodded as they left the room.

"At first I thought about why you left, I thought you ditched me her but I was too quick to jump to conclusions" She said. "I realised that you were doing it to protect me, there was no way you would just leave me in the care of a guild so suddenly"

Mystogan had to give it to the young girl and to Naruto, Wendy didn't hold any hatred towards him and she was quite sharp and observant.

"Your right" He said. "I did it to protect you, it was too dangerous for you to go" He said as his eyes started to water hugging her tighter.

"I didn't want to lose you" Those words caused Wendy to cry even more.

Meanwhile Naruto and Roubaul were just outside the building looking up at the sky. "Nice place you got here" Naruto said looking around.

"It is isn't it" Roubaul said. "Then again I have been here since I was born, I seen this place change time and time again"

"Must have been a sight at times" The younger one said.

"Your friends with Jellal correct?" Roubaul asked as Naruto just grinned.

"Me and Jelly are friends" He said. "We are also partners"

"I see" He said. "I have a request of you"

"Lay it on me old man"

"Can you also be Wendy's friend?" He asked. "While the guild members are her friends she needs more friends"

"You can never have too much friends" Naruto said. "But that is an stupid request, it shouldn't even be a request" Naruto said with a frown.

This caused Roubaul to frown. "Why is that?"

Naruto's frown was immediately replaced with a toothy smile. "Because I was already going to be her friend before you requested that old man"

Roubaul stared at the mage with a surprised expression before he laughed with the blonde following shortly after. "You're a good kid" He said.

Naruto turned back to the guild building. "I think we should head back inside"

"I agree" The old man nodded as they walked back in.

After the tearing reunion Mystogan explained the reasons to Wendy as the devil slayer and the old tribal man walked inside. "I see you two are fine now Misty" Naruto said. "I told you she wouldn't hold it against you"

"Misty?" Both Roubaul and Wendy asked before Wendy asked Naruto a very important question. "E-Excuse me but who are you?"

Naruto knelt down and smiled at the blue haired dragon slayer. "I'm Naruto mage of Fairy Tail, nice to meet you Wendy" He said offering her one of his fists.

"Nice to meet you to Naruto" She said as she followed Naruto's actions. Once she formed a fist he bumped his fist together with hers.

"What's that about Misty?" Roubaul asked.

"It is my code name as a member of Fairy Tail" Mystogan said.

"You joined a guild?" Wendy asked.

"Sadly I did and before you ask this one is safer and maybe once you are older you can join Fairy Tail" The prince said. "The guild is pretty destructive and it would be safer for you to be older before joining"

"I understand" She said.

"Where did you get that codename and why use it instead of your real name?" The guild master asked.

"Well you see, there is more than one of me"

"Huh?" The both said.

"If we are around others expect the four of us call me Mystogan" He said before explaining why there was two of him. Mystogan had no reason not to tell Wendy or Roubaul, he trusted Wendy and Naruto and even Roubaul for taking in Wendy.

"So there is a world called Edolas" Roubaul said rubbing his chin. "I suppose not a lot of people know of this"

"That is correct" Mystogan said. "I hope you can keep this between us"

"We will" Wendy said smiling.

Naruto smiled as well. "I think it's time for you to spend catching up time with Wendy now Jelly" He said as Wendy giggled at Jellal's nickname.

Naruto felt a tug and looked down to see Wendy smiling. "Um Naruto"

Naruto knelt back down to Wendy's level. "Yes Wendy?"

"D-Do you want to be friends?" She asked a little nervous.

Naruto smiled as he ruffled her hair. "That's funny"

"W-Why is that f-funny?"

"Because I was about to ask that same question"

"R-Really, is that true?"

"Yep, well that's if you want to be friends of course" He said.

Wendy nodded shyly as the blonde nodded. "Then starting today we are friends" He said smiling. "Oh and Jelly over there told me a lot about you"

Naruto's smile was now a grin, a devious one. "And I know some of Jellal's secrets~" He whispered. "I'll tell you later though" He said.

Mystogan wondered what Naruto was going to tell Wendy but he could tell that he was going to have a possible headache in the near future.

"How long are you and your friend staying here Jellal?" Roubaul asked as Wendy got a hopeful look on her face.

Mystogan saw the look she was giving him and looked at Naruto who nodded. "We will be staying for a few days if you allow us"

Roubaul gave a laugh. "I wouldn't mind, you two can stay for as long as you like" He said.

Naruto gave a toothy smile. "Thanks old man" He said happily.

Mystogan shook his head slighty. "Thank you Roubaul" The bluenette said more politely than his partner.

The other bluenette was having the best day of her life, first Jellal came back and now she was getting a new friend. The day for her could only get better.

As the duo settled in the resident dragon slayer showed the two of them around town or the guild in this case.

"It has a very tribal feeling" Naruto said as the three walked through the guild town.

"I agree it does give off that feeling" His partner agreed.

Wendy continued to show them around and tell them stories that the other guild members told her, both males were interested in some of the Nirvit folklore.

"Misty here told me you are a Sky Dragon Slayer" Naruto said surprising her. "Is that true?"

"Y-Yes, my mother Grandeeney taught me" She said with a sad smile that was turning upside down. "But…"

"She left you on July 7 X777" Naruto said.

"T-That's right, but how did you know?"

"That's because you are not the first dragon slayer I met"

"You met another?"

"Yep, his name is Natsu Dragneel" Naruto told the girl. "He is a Fire Dragon Slayer, his father is Igneel and he is a mage of Fairy Tail"

"I hope I get to meet him" She said as Naruto patted her head.

"Don't worry you will meet him soon" He said.

"Wendy" Mystogan said getting her attention. "Do you want to know something about Naruto here?"

Wendy was about to say something until she looked at Naruto. "Its fine, go ahead and ask" He said as she looked back at the Edolas prince and nodded.

"You see, Naruto is a slayer too"

Wendy immediately turned to Naruto. "You know slayer magic as well?" She asked as Naruto nodded. "What element are you and what was your dragon's name?"

"I wasn't raised by a dragon Wendy" He said shocking the girl.

"But you said you have slayer magic"

"Doesn't mean that it is from a dragon though" He said. "Do you want to know what I am?"

Wendy nodded as Naruto grinned. "I'm a Sky Devil Slayer" He said.

"You have the same element as me" Wendy said quite shocked. "I didn't know there were other kinds of slayer magic"

"Does that mean you were raised by a Devil?" She asked as Mystogan looked at Naruto with interest.

Naruto's eyes looked left and right before leaning in with his hand next to his mouth as the two blue haired mages leaned in as well. "That's a secret!" He said happily causing the two to fall on their faces in a comical fashion.

"Why type of secret is that?" Mystogan asked as the blond helped the two up.

Naruto however just shrugged with a smile. "Anyways I bet we will get along perfectly" He said. "And maybe we can help with each other with our magic, I can help with offensive and you can help with supportive spells"

"I would like that" Wendy said with a smile.

Shortly after Wendy started to finish the tour and they were heading back to where they would be staying until they saw something in the distance. "Hey look it's an egg!" Wendy said as she went over to the egg.

"That is a pretty large egg" Mystogan said as he inspected it.

"I wonder what type of creature is inside" Naruto said wondering what it was. It could be anything like a wyvern or a lizardman for all they know.

"C-Can we keep it?" Wendy asked as she gave the two males a puppy dog look.

"You can keep it" They both said.

Wendy then hugged them both. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" She repeated.

"I guess we should take it back with us" Naruto said as he carefully picked up the egg.

Naruto carried the egg to the where they would be staying, he carefully put the egg down as Mystogan covered the egg in spare blankets.

"That should warm it up" Mystogan said.

"I wonder how long it would take to hatch" Wendy wondered.

"Who knows, it could be pretty soon" Jelly said as he sat down. "It's getting pretty dark. You should probably get some sleep Wendy"

"What if the egg hatches?"

"Don't worry we will be here" Naruto said. "I have a feeling it won't hatch tonight anyway"

Naruto and gave her a thumbs up. "If it does start to hatch we will wake you up"

Wendy nodded before she yawned and Mystogan decided to help the sleepy girl get to bed. Naruto himself yawned afterwards. "God damn contagious yawns" He muttered to himself as Mystogan came back. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine" The blue haired mage from Edolas said. "Turned out she was very tired"

Naruto stayed quiet for a while. "Doesn't this situation seem…I dunno, a bit typical like something from a show?"

"Now that you say that it does have that feeling" Misty replied.

The two stayed up for a while with Naruto checking on the egg and discussing plans about the Anima problem.

"I'm going to sleep, what about you?" The male sky slayer asked.

"I think I am going to stay up for a bit longer" He said.

"Well don't run off now" Naruto said as he went to go to sleep. Mystogan sitting all alone had a small smile.

"It was good to see you again Wendy" He said as he looked towards the egg. "But…why is an Exceed egg doing here in Earthland?"