Bones, I sinned again, I went to bed with another male, now the ship won't understand, but are you still going to be by my side, holding my hand?


:Are you mad?"

Say, first officer, I broke the rules (For the 100 time), gotta face those old fools. It felt cool when they heard the news, I guess I better let them step in my shoes.

"Negative Captain."


"Captain we will discuss this later. Alone."

Oh, Spock what's the use? We all saw what they've done to us, you felt the stares when the heard the truth, even Bones heard the truth.

Oh Spock….are we alone?

"Captain….you please stop pondering such thoughts." Spock murmured suddenly, his fingers pressed against Jim's wrist, causing the Captain to still suddenly.


"We're not alone Captain."


Spock…I'm scared. I haven't felt like this since I was kil-

"You have the Enterprise. And me. So you do not need to feel such strong emotions." Jim didn't respond and just let out a soft sigh.

"Yeah, yeah I know."

Spock just raised an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look. OKAY! Let's start this mission!"