So, I kind of felt the need to write this. Some things might be slight AU as I'm too lazy to go back and watch the episode. Oh, English is not my first language. I hope you like it.

I sighed and put the phone down onto the table after I had deleted the list of what other people's first jobs had been. Even if they weren't all cleaner or McDonald's. Neither those nor anything else seemed like anything for me. But however, I knew I had to start somewhere…

"Kurt." While my dad started the car Carole had come in and was on her way to fix something when she must have spotted the tears shining on my cheeks. "Hey, it's okay." She sat down by me and rubbed my back. "It's okay."

"It's just…" I started. "…In New York… I don't know where to start and… to me it just seems like most of those who gets their first jobs starts of as cleaners and I was thinking… You know the cleaner at your job? Yeah, he's like forty, fifty somewhere so… what if that is me in twenty, thirty years?" Carole just smiled. "You think I'm stupid and self- pitying don't you. Why are you laughing?"

"Oh Kurt… Seriously, do you think you're the only one who thinks like this? I did the exact same thing. I cried for a week! And the thing is… I never knew what my dreams were before they were right in front of my eyes." She leaned a bit closer and almost whispered. "You do! So if I can, anyone can."

"What if I get one job like cleaner, and get stuck there? I'll be such a disappointment to anyone who's ever believed in me."

"Kurt!" Carole sighed. "So what if you get a job as a cleaner. Someone's got to do that too and I know you and I know that you're nowhere even close to a disappointment. And you WILL NOT get stuck there, because you will be constantly on the move exploring new things and then destiny might put something right in front of you. That sounded better in my head!" I smiled. "There you are!" I decided to ask if she wasn't going to tell me by herself.

"So what was your first job if you didn't know you wanted to be a nurse?"

"I was a cleaner, at an ER apartment. And you sir, do not want to know everything you clean up at an ER." I tried to hide my grimace and Carole smiled. "And now I'm a nurse in the ER and that might not be that glamourous. But it most certainly was my dream. I really couldn't think of anything better. And don't worry honey, you will find something. And if you don't then the ER could always use another receptionist." I couldn't help but laugh. "Just kidding, I meant a cleaner. I know you won't. But gotta start somewhere right? Okay, it's time for you to go. And Kurt? I turned to her. "Thank you…" She looked to my dad. "For everything

"You're welcome…" I grabbed the last one of my bags. "And thank you… for everything you did. Bye."


Okay, and just before anyone is hurt. I don't think there's anything wrong with being either a cleaner or working at McDonald's. I just couldn't see Kurt doing it.