Hi this is my first fic and i hope you like it. i hope to update regularly and will do one fic at a time so i will not leave a story unfinished or with an abrupt ending. Disclosure: I DON'T own TVD or TO. i have not made any protagonists up and any characters used are from one or both series.

Slamming the door to her bedchambers behind her, princess Caroline stomped her way over to her Queen size bed and flopped onto it in a huff. The conversation she had just had with her father still fresh in her mind...

"Since you're almost 20 years we thought it best we tell you now rather on your special day princess. You knew that this day would come darling," the king of France calmly informed his daughter

"I knew it would come but I was hoping later rather than sooner," the princess whined "I am still but a mere child father!"

"Caroline Forbes do not shout at the king; your father in that way! He and I have raised you to be a respectful and proper lady! And you are not a child any more! Now stand up straight young lady!" Queen Elizabeth Forbes lectured

"But I don't want to marry anyone!" Caroline exclaimed "Especially not that Baron Tyler Lockwood. I've never liked him since he laughed at me because I wanted to play sword fighting with him!"

"Your being over-dramatic again princess..." Bill chuckled lightly before making a straight face filled with seriousness as he looked at his unamused wife.

"I was nine and I hated being a girl!" she countered "and the boys always had more fun than I did!"

"That's because girls don't fight sweet pea, that was then, this is now, and your all grown up!" Liz sighed

"Besides you don't have to marry the Barron if you don't want to..." bill started

"REALLY OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!" she shreiked jumping in the air

"I wasn't done Care, you don't have to marry Tyler because we are giving you the option of four suitors, Baron Tyler Lockwood of Vienna, Austria. But i can already tell your answer for him..." Bill continued

"Count Matthew Donovan of Warclaw, Poland, Earl Lorenzo Aug-..." Liz got cut off by her daughter growling

"NO! why can you not understand! I DO NOT WISH TO GET MARRIED!" The princess yelled

"Lemon drop you haven't heared about Prince Niklaus yet" King Bill chimed

"I don't want to know! I am not getting married!" with that Caroline turned on her heel and stormed out of the room in a huff without another word...

Caroline had been in her room contemplating her prediciment for two and a half hours before her maid knocked on the door.

"Come in" Caroline grumbled sitting up on her bed as she watched as her chamber maid entered

"Hello Caroline do you want me to clean anything or get you anything?" the brunett asked smiling the whole time

"No, but I could use your advice on a very vexing matter" Caroline replied motioning forthe girl to sit besides her

"On what matter m'lady?"

"Oh Bonnie, the King and Queen are making me get married after I turn 20!" she sighed tears forming in her eyes

"Care do not be sad, you will marry a rich husband and have beautiful children" Bonnie reassured her. "at least your parents didn't marry you off when you were 16"

"I know Bon,but I'm still not sure if I want husband because well... what if I do not please him... you know on our wedding night and on all the other nights after that!" Caroline stuttred tears rolling down her cheeks at the thought of leaving her parents and being unhappy.

"Care do not think such things, I mean you can't stay a virgin forever now can you?" Bonnie joked "If you do you'll probably end up like Jemma the spinster."

"I guess but she seems happy being unmarried and a virgin. Plus she looked after Jeremy when he needed and looks after Elena and Katherine now" the princess defended

"Yes but they are her sisters children not hers and she is unmarried by the will of god and fate."

"True however I'm not sure god willed there to be poison in her husbands goblet of wine" Caroline answered with a small grin of victory.

"Just meet the suitors before you decide to dedicate your life to celibacy" Bonnie sighed

"Fine but I am still not happy about all of this!" she frowned arms folded across her chest in a huff as she watched Bonnie leave the room

"Oh and if you don't like any of them of if they try anything impropper I'll just turn them into frogs" Bonnie giggled closing the door

"I'd like that" Caroline grinned thinking of how there would be four frogs jumping around the castle and her mother skreeching holding her skirts above her head and her father trying to calm his wife down.

"Yes," she thought "this will be fun!"

That's it for now! Sorry its short... Next week will be better but for now please leave a review giving me suggestions on what to do for the story line and thank you for reading! :-)