Looks like I'm a liar. I'm so sorry that it took me this long to update. I didn't mean to keep you waiting this long, but college is more stressful this semester, which I really didn't expect-
This chapter is more of a filler than anything else, so there isn't much happening, but we get to meet Tommy for the first time (who is surprisingly reasonable). I hope you enjoy this. I'll try to update sooner the next time, but not promises.

As always: I don't own anything. Characters belong to Warner Bros. and DC, and the general idea of this fic belongs to iknowitainteasy.

Felicity | Oliver | Sara | Tommy

June 11th, 2015

3:05 PM

Apparently, Laurel is mean to Thea.

3:07 PM

I'm working.

3:07 PM

Who's Thea?

3:07 PM

As if you don't know. I'm sure her name popped up when you did my background check.

3:08 PM

I didn't do a background check.

3:08 PM

That's what I'd say.

3:09 PM

I really have to work.

3:10 PM

I'm pretty sure they won't mind that you are texting. Aren't you just an intern?

3:10 PM

Yes. Which is why they actually would mind it.

3:12 PM

What are you doing there?

3:13 PM

Fixing computers.

3:13 PM


3:14 PM

I also do other stuff.

3:15 PM

Like what?

3:16 PM

Getting coffee.

3:16 PM

Sounds like a blast.

3:17 PM

I really don't need you to make fun of me. I have work to do.

3:18 PM

I'm not!

3:19 PM

I'm really not! I was just stating the obvious.

3:20 PM

I still have to work.

3:21 PM

Just quit. I bet you can find another internship or even a job for the summer, if you're as smart as you say you are.

3:21 PM

I can't. I need to gather experience for a real job.

3:23 PM

Are you really planning to fix computers for the rest of your life?

3:23 PM


3:28 PM

Then do another internship. I bet I can get you one at my dad's company.

3:29 PM

An interesting one.

3:31 PM

Thank you for the offer. I really appreciate it. But it does look good on a CV if you have a 8-week-internship at Wayne Enterprises. I will take you up on that offer after this internship ends though.

3:33 PM

If you say so.

3:33 PM

And anytime.

3:34 PM

Someone's calling for me. I gotta go.

3:35 PM

But what about Thea?


6:58 PM

Talk to your girlfriend.

7:13 PM


7:14 PM

Talk to her. About being mean to your sister.

7:15 PM

And then what?

7:18 PM

I'm not a relationship counselor, Oliver. How would I know?

7:20 PM

But you're smart.

7:20 PM


7:21 PM

And then you could find a way to fix the problem. Do something so that your girlfriend won't be mean to your sister.

7:22 PM

Okay. Thank you.

7:22 PM

You're welcome.


7:22 PM

How's Laurel?

7:23 PM

Fine. Why are you asking?

7:23 PM

I heard she had some issues with her boyfriend's sister.

7:24 PM

What? Who told you that?

7:24 PM

Does Thea Queen really hate Laurel?

7:24 PM

She does?

7:25 PM

That's what I was told.

7:25 PM

By whom?

7:26 PM

By Mr. Oliver Queen himself.

7:27 PM

You two are still texting?

7:28 PM

I know you're making that face. Stop it.

7:28 PM

He keeps texting me. It's a nice distraction.

7:29 PM

A nice distraction, huh?

7:30 PM

He's your sister's boyfriend, Sara. You shouldn't be trying to get anything like that out of me.

7:31 PM

I'll do whatever I want. I ship whoever I want. You can't stop me.

7:31 PM

Wie aren't fictional characters, Sara. You can't ship us.

7:32 PM

Try to stop me.

7:32 PM

You are unbelievable.

7:33 PM

And that's why you love me.

June 13th, 2015

9:23 AM


9:25 AM

Yep. What's up?

9:25 AM

Are you still in Gotham?

9:26 AM

I still didn't quit my internship, Oliver. Of course I'm still in Gotham.

9:27 AM

I just wanted to make sure that you weren't visiting your parents or anything.

9:27 AM

It's your first time in Gotham, isn't it?

9:28 AM

It is. Why are you asking?

9:28 AM

Any plans for today?

9:28 AM

Why are you asking?

9:28 AM

Just answer the question.

9:29 AM

I thought about catching up with some of TV shows I've missed because of the finals. Why are you asking?

9:30 AM

That's boring. Get ready. You need to be somewhere in an hour.

9:31 AM

I need what?

9:31 AM

I prepared a surprise for you. You need to leave your apartment for that.

9:32 AM

What surprise?

9:33 AM

I thought you were smart. It isn't a surprise if I tell you what it is.

9:34 AM

I know Gotham. And I asked a friend a favor. So would you please get ready?

9:35 AM

Alright. But if I get kidnapped, I'm going to find you and make you regret that surprise.

9:35 AM

You won't. I promise.

9:36 AM

So where am I going?

9:36 AM

Are you ready?

10:05 AM

Now I am.

10:07 AM

Your surprise is in Otisburg.

10:07 AM

Please tell me that you don't make me go to the Amusement Mile.

10:08 AM

Please. I may be not as smart as you, but I'm certainly not dumb. Of course I'm not sending you to the Amusement Mile.

10:09 AM

Where am I going then?

10:11 AM

I managed to convince a friend to give you a S.T.A.R. Labs tour.

10:12 AM

You did what?

10:12 AM

You're welcome.

10:13 AM

How did you do that?

10:14 AM

I'm Oliver Queen, Felicity. I know people.

10:15 AM

How did you know that I wanted to go?

10:17 AM

I didn't. I guessed.

10:18 AM

Why are you doing this?

10:18 AM

I'm not that much of an asshole as the media makes me look like.

10:20 AM

That's not an answer to my question.

10:21 AM

I'm trying to be a friend.

10:22 AM

Thank you, Oliver. I mean it.

10:23 AM

Enjoy the tour! Terry will be waiting for you. Tell him to give you a S.T.A.R. Labs sweater. It's on me.

10:23 AM

You don't have to do that.

10:24 AM

I can afford it, Felicity. It's no big deal. :)

10:25 AM

Thank you.

10:26 AM

Any time.


1:01 PM

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!

1:06 PM

I guess you liked it then?

1:08 PM

It was awesome!

1:12 PM

Glad to hear that.

1:46 PM

You can prepare surprises like that any time, by the way.

1:53 PM

I don't know that many people, Felicity. But I'll do my best.

1:56 PM

Thank you again. It was great!

2:08 PM

You're welcome!


9:27 PM

Did it work?

9:29 PM

Yeah. She thought it was great. Thanks, Tommy.

9:30 PM

Anytime, bro. Although I still don't get why you're trying to please a girl you've never met.

9:32 PM

I told you that I was trying to be a friend, Tommy. I promise I'm not cheating on Laurel this time. And besides, Felicity doesn't seem like a girl who'd be with a guy, who is in a relationship.

9:34 PM

If you say so.

9:35 PM

I promise you. Just don't tell Laurel. She won't believe that.

9:36 PM

I won't. But I think you should. She'll be more pissed if she finds out herself.

9:37 PM

I know. But I really can't deal with her jealousy right now.