As if it had never happened in the first place, everything returned completely to normal the next day. Imayoshi smiled politely as he walked into the chemistry lab, but it wasn't infused with salacious intent and his tone as he greeted his teacher didn't promise things that Harasawa felt guilty just considering. Each time that his eyes flicked towards Imayoshi's seat he could see that the boy's head was down, trained on his notebook as he copied the notes that Harasawa was writing on the board.

He felt off-balance without that heated stare following him, and he was certain that the students could tell that something was wrong. Still, he tried his best to maintain normalcy, not wanting Imayoshi to sense his weakness.

Training sessions became easy all over again, Imayoshi no longer flashing his body at the slightest provocation or dramatically bending over. No one else seemed to notice that anything was different, but Harasawa knew.

Although he wouldn't go so far as to say that he missed Imayoshi's casual friendliness, it was certainly odd to have the boy suddenly switch to maintaining careful, measured distance between them. He actually felt a little bit ill about the whole thing, knowing that despite the lack of outward signs he had quite possibly managed to hurt the normally unflappable boy.

And if sometimes, hidden behind the securely closed doors of his apartment, Harasawa still touched himself like a teenager to fantasies of Imayoshi riding his dick as if he was born to take it, then that was his own business and nobody needed to know about it.

And so the rhythm of the school year returned to normal, with Harasawa and Imayoshi leading the team to their unfortunate defeat at the hands of Seirin during the Winter Cup, and then the lead-up beginning for final exams.

Imayoshi didn't interact with him unless he absolutely had to, and so from his rejection until graduation they discussed little more than basketball and chemistry. The knowledge that despite everything, Imayoshi had managed to get into a top university didn't make Harasawa feel any less guilty, though.

He considered pulling the boy aside to apologise at the graduation ceremony, but he couldn't drag up the courage to talk to him alone and let the opportunity pass him by, simply congratulating Imayoshi at the same time as he praised all of the third years from the basketball team.

The captain position was passed onto Wakamatsu and although Harasawa gave a sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to repeat the year's issues with the new, straight-as-an-arrow captain, he knew that he was going to miss Imayoshi.

But the boy was going places, and Harasawa wouldn't allow himself to stand in the way of that, so he simply praised Imayoshi's hard work and left, resigning himself to most likely never laying eyes on Imayoshi again.

And he didn't, for a while at least. His days went back to the usual steady rotation of teaching, coaching, grading and drinking, with none of his new first-year admirers coming anywhere close to the brazenly obvious seduction attempts of Imayoshi. The new school year ticked by, nothing out of the ordinary happening until a nondescript day in October.

After a training session that was more like an hour of Wakamatsu screaming at Aomine over the stupidest things, Harasawa was glad to be retiring to his home where he could enjoy the peace and quiet. He had removed his tie and rolled up his sleeves before collapsing in front of his television, but he was still wearing his black pants and had foregone his house slippers in favour of bare feet, feeling too lazy to change any more than that.

The sound of his doorbell ringing made him groan in frustration, levering himself out of his chair with more effort than a fit forty-something should have needed. If it was someone trying to sell him something, then they were going to be in for an unpleasant surprise.

When he pulled the door open, though, he froze in place as he took in the sight before him. Imayoshi Shouichi stood in his doorway, hands casually tucked into the pockets of his jeans that were possibly just a little tighter than was strictly necessary. His hair had grown slightly longer since Harasawa had last seen him, but that just meant his face was framed even more nicely than it had been before, and Harasawa had to admit that university life was clearly agreeing with him.

He should have guessed that Imayoshi had given up too easily back then, and that it had apparently all just been some sort of long con.

"Why do you know where I live?" He finally managed to ask, ignoring the clearly mocking smile that Imayoshi had taken on the longer that the silence had stretched between them.

"Good evening, Shouichi," Imayoshi said in a voice that was just slightly imitating Harasawa's own. "It's been such a long time and it's lovely to see you, Shouichi. Won't you come in, Shouichi?"

Imayoshi moved as if to slip past Harasawa and into the apartment, but Harasawa just crossed his arms and stood steady in the doorway, making Imayoshi pull up short.

"I'll ask again. Why do you know where I live?"

Imayoshi grinned, and the familiar sight made Harasawa's stomach flip uncomfortably as he was struck once again by just how attractive the boy- or really, man- could be without making the slightest effort.

"Everybody has a price, Sensei, and I'm sure you know what some people will do for a pretty face."

Considering that Harasawa himself barely knew how he'd ever managed to say no to Imayoshi, he couldn't exactly blame whoever had blabbed about his address. But having Imayoshi at his apartment felt uncomfortably intimate, and he didn't know what he would do if he let the other man inside.

Except when Imayoshi moved towards the doorway once again, Harasawa wasn't prepared for the hand that touched his waist and then slipped around to touch his ass, and he took a step back in surprise. Imayoshi seized the chance and slipped past Harasawa as surely as he did any defender, leaving the teacher to watch in dismay as Imayoshi surveyed the apartment from the inside.

"This is nice," Imayoshi murmured as he skimmed the titles of the books on the shelves, "Cleaner than I was expecting from a long-term bachelor such as yourself."

Harasawa couldn't help but bristle at the assumption, knowing that Imayoshi was playing games with him but completely unable to ignore the bait. "You said yourself that it's been a long time. I might have picked up a partner since you graduated."

"You haven't," Imayoshi replied with unflappable confidence, wandering over to look at a picture hanging on the wall. "I doubt you've even had sex since the last time I saw you."

Harasawa wasn't sure why he felt the need to lie, but Imayoshi was targeting his pride and he couldn't allow that to happen. "Not that it's any of your business, but I have."

"Oh?" Imayoshi said with feigned surprise, turning away from the picture and actually looking at Harasawa. "Male or female?"

"Male," Harasawa automatically responded, knowing that he'd walked into yet another trap when Imayoshi's grin widened.

"Did he have black hair? Was he shorter than you, but still tall for a Japanese man? Athletic build, grey eyes, maybe wears glasses?"

"I know what you're getting at," Harasawa spat out, feeling attacked, "and I haven't been pining after you or whatever you seem to think. He wasn't any of those things, and he was thirty-eight; a much more appropriate age for someone like me."

"I think you're lying," Imayoshi said pleasantly, his eyes hidden from view. "It's not nice to lie to people."

"Think what you like, just do it somewhere else. I want you to leave."

"Don't be like that," Imayoshi cooed, wandering towards Harasawa until he was standing just a bit too close to the other man. "I just want to catch up with my favourite teacher."

Shuffling away from Imayoshi, Harasawa glared down at him. "I thought you were over your silly fascination with me."

"I know that I'm younger than you, but please don't treat me like a child. I'm not your student any more, and that means that now there's nothing wrong with me doing this." Before Harasawa could react, Imayoshi had a hand curled in the front of his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. Even though Harasawa was too thrown out to react, Imayoshi flawlessly took the lead, pushing against Harasawa's lips and even letting his tongue flick out against them.

Once Harasawa had gotten over the initial shock, he gripped Imayoshi by the upper arms and pushed him backwards, frowning at the taste of the other man on his lips. "I already told you, we're not doing this. Go home."

Imayoshi was silent for a few moments, removing Harasawa's hands from his arms but not bothering to move either closer or further away. When he spoke again, his words lacked his usual polite cover, his actual emotions starting to shine through in what was a very rare occurrence.

"I know that you want me. I've wanted you for too long for this to just be a childish delusion, and now that we're no longer teacher and student there's nothing wrong with the idea of us. You keep talking about our age difference like it's some insurmountable barrier, but it's not. You're just using it as an excuse because you're scared, scared of connecting with another human being when you've been on your own for so long. You're a coward, Harasawa Katsunori."

"So what if I am, hmm? So what if I'm worried about the consequences of being with someone who is too young to legally drink? You think everything is going to work out perfectly just because you want it to? Well let me tell you something, Imayoshi: if you think it's that easy, then you really are nowhere near as grown up as you think you are."

"I don't care," Imayoshi actually snarled, his perfectly maintained mask falling away completely as he stepped towards Harasawa, forcing him back against the wall. It wouldn't have taken much for Harasawa to get away, but despite his words he couldn't bring himself to shove Imayoshi away, the man's body up against his just as tempting as it had been back at Touou. "I don't care what might go wrong, I care about what might go right. I like you more than I probably should, and you ruin me. Why are you fighting so hard? We both know that you want nothing more than to have me naked in your bed."

This time it was Harasawa who initiated the kiss, surging forward and grabbing at Imayoshi, spinning them both around to press the other man into the wall while their lips were still connected.

"You don't know what you're asking for," Harasawa forced out between kisses, pausing to take Imayoshi's lips again. "You don't have the slightest clue, but I can't keep saying no to you. Not even when you could destroy my reputation and possibly my life on a fucking whim."

Seeing flashes of Imayoshi's true face, the one that was normally hidden behind layer upon layer of fake smiles and bland politeness, had ripped away Harasawa's misgivings and made him throw caution to the wind. He didn't know whether Imayoshi was after a one time thing or chasing a more serious relationship, but he was tired. Harasawa was so tired of not being able to have what had been dangled in front of him for so long, and he felt like he'd finally snapped.

From the way that Imayoshi smiled into their kiss, accepting Harasawa's tongue into his mouth, it didn't seem like he was going to complain about it. The hand that groped at Harasawa's crotch backed up that idea, and Harasawa buried a hand in Imayoshi's messy black hair, humming against Imayoshi's lips as that clever hand continued to massage him through his pants.

"I always knew you wanted me," Imayoshi grinned as he pulled back from the kiss, lightly squeezing Harasawa so that there was absolutely no doubt what he was referring to. "The other boys would talk about the students they wanted, but I could only see you. And then one day I realised that you could see me back."

"Shut up," Harasawa muttered without heat, wanting to see Imayoshi as a man and a lover without being reminded of their former student-teacher relationship. He knew he'd have to deal with it at some point, but right now he just wanted to do what he'd been fantasising about for months. "Do you want to fuck?"

"You've changed your tune," Imayoshi mocked lightly, hand stilling on Harasawa's crotch.

"I can still change it back," Harasawa warned, even though he knew he wouldn't. But he needed Imayoshi to clearly agree to whatever they were going to do, even if it was just to soothe his own guilty conscience over hooking up with someone so much younger than himself.

"Don't be like that, we both know that I want you to shove your cock up my ass so hard that I'll be feeling it for days." The unexpected vulgarity coming from Imayoshi's mouth was so hot that Harasawa felt his dick jerk in his pants, Imayoshi also feeling the movement and grinning like a true predator.

"Is dirty talk is one of your turn-ons? I'll happily tell you all of the different ways I want you to fuck me, just as long as it keeps you interested."

"That's not necessary."

Hooking his fingers into Harasawa's belt, Imayoshi tugged at it a little, just enough to be a tease. "So what do you say? Will you take me to bed?"

Harasawa didn't bother answering, just pulled away from Imayoshi and began to undo the buttons of his shirt. Taking the hint, Imayoshi tugged off his dark sweater and dutifully followed when Harasawa led him towards the bedroom, both of them stripping as they went. By the time Harasawa was taking off his underwear, leaving him completely naked, Imayoshi was already lounging on the bed like an opulent king, his legs spread and shamelessly showing off his flushed, hard cock.

"You look good for an old man," Imayoshi teased, lightly running one hand over his dick. "Got lube?"

"Second drawer," Harasawa replied absently, utterly distracted by the sight of Imayoshi wanking in his bed. He put out a hand for the bottle that Imayoshi grabbed, only to be thrown off when Imayoshi just shook his head.

"I'm going to open myself up, and you're going to stand there and watch."

Harasawa groaned and Imayoshi laughed, looking altogether too pleased with himself as he slicked up his fingers. His movements were too confident as he relaxed back, one hand playing with his balls as his other index finger gently prodded at his hole, apparently answering Harasawa's much earlier question as to whether Imayoshi liked to finger himself while masturbating.

His dick hurt when Imayoshi finally slid a finger inside himself, his body opening up to the intrusion in a way that no virgin's body ever could.

"You've done this before," Harasawa said, watching the light flash off Imayoshi's slightly askew glasses as he smiled far too knowingly.

"Does that make you mad?" Imayoshi grinned as he slipped another finger inside himself. "Oh, that's nice."

He sighed happily as he moved his fingers a little faster, Harasawa's eyes trained to the spot between his legs. The sight made Harasawa's dick jerk uncomfortably, and he wanted nothing more than to fuck Imayoshi until he screamed.

"I prefer my men experienced," Harasawa finally decided to answer, gently squeezing himself in an effort to lessen some of his tension. Imayoshi didn't take the bait, just humming absently as he continued to open himself up.

Finally, when Harasawa thought that he was going to go crazy from being allowed to look at but not touch the man who had been parading around in front of him for far too long, Imayoshi pulled his long fingers out of his hole and propped himself up on his arms, looking through the fall of his hair like a fucking sex god. Harasawa didn't wait for an invitation, grabbing a box of condoms and throwing them onto the bed before quickly following afterwards.

Imayoshi's clean hand was possibly a bit too tight in his hair as they kissed again, naked bodies sliding together and making them shiver whenever their hard cocks caught the right places. Harasawa was looming over the younger man when he finally remembered to pull off Imayoshi's glasses and set them on the bedside table. He couldn't remember ever seeing Imayoshi without his glasses for any real amount of time, and it was with almost reverent hands that he pulled them off his face, making Imayoshi blink a little as his vision blurred.

He actually looked a little vulnerable without the layer of glass hiding his eyes, but Harasawa had to admit that he was still utterly gorgeous. Young, too young for Harasawa to be touching, but gorgeous all the same.

Maybe it spoke volumes to just how fucked up Harasawa had somehow managed to become, but it was far too easy for him to ignore the guilty shame he felt at the reminder of Imayoshi's age. When they were naked together, Imayoshi ready to take his dick for the first time, it didn't matter that there was decades between them.

He was a bad person. He didn't care. He had a condom ready to go on his dick and his hand out for the lube that Imayoshi had been using, kissing and licking at the other man's neck while he slicked himself up.

"You ready?" Harasawa asked as he settled himself between Imayoshi's legs, a brief flash of sentimentality making him brush Imayoshi's long fringe out of his uncovered eyes. He almost immediately regretted the decision, because he knew that Imayoshi was judging him for the intimacy of the gesture.

Imayoshi grinned evilly, shaking his head so that his hair fell back down to cover at least a little of his gaze. "Fuck me, Sensei."

"Please don't," Harasawa muttered, but his point was lost when he hauled Imayoshi's legs up regardless, exposing him wide and then wrapping one hand around his own cock to guide it inside.

The first slide into Imayoshi's slick hole was simultaneously the best and worst thing that Harasawa had ever felt. The other man was tight and warm and perfect, but god, he'd had meetings with Imayoshi's father. He'd taught Imayoshi's sister.

He was going to hell for this one, wasn't he.

But stopping now wasn't going to make him feel any better about himself and he forced those unwelcome thoughts out of his mind, focusing instead on the hot body around him. One of Imayoshi's hands was around the back of his neck and the young man rolled his hips, dragging Harasawa out of his daze and back into the present.

"Katsu," Imayoshi cooed mockingly, still moving his hips even as Harasawa took the hint and started to slowly thrust. "Pay attention to what's happening or I'll get offended."

"You know damn well that no one can ever take their eyes off you," Harasawa grunted as his hips slammed against Imayoshi's body, exposed grey eyes challenging him to the point where he had to duck his head away from that gaze, sucking a dangerously possessive mark just above Imayoshi's collarbone.

"I wouldn't have a clue," Imayoshi said with only the slightest bit of breathlessness in his voice, hand holding Harasawa's head close to his chest, "I told you that I never saw anyone except you."

"From anyone else," Harasawa muttered before pausing to press his lips against smooth skin again, "that would almost be sweet. From you, though, I'm not sure."

Imayoshi laughed, the sound rumbling from deep in his chest and making Harasawa shudder. "If you can still talk, you are clearly not fucking me hard enough."

That was a challenge that Harasawa wasn't going to turn down, particularly from one of the most infuriating, impertinent nineteen-year-olds he'd ever had the displeasure of dealing with. His hands tightened around Imayoshi's narrow waist and he squeezed once as a brief warning, before thanking his lucky stars that he'd kept fit and beginning to really drill into the body underneath him.

Imayoshi laughed again but it was more breathless than before, sounding composed but happy to be getting what he wanted. He was dripping against his own stomach but Harasawa didn't make a single move to help him out, knowing that if he gave everything to the other man then he would never be able to get it back.

Imayoshi either didn't care or didn't notice, making happy little noises that were obviously measured and deliberate to the slightest sound. Harasawa knew that he would probably never be able to break that mask but he tried anyway, slamming into Imayoshi until he knew that he just couldn't hold on any more.

He was only forty-two, but Imayoshi was nineteen and at the prime of his athletic life; it wasn't surprising that Harasawa came first. Imayoshi's smile became triumphant when he felt Harasawa lose his rhythm and just shove his cock as far as he could into the body underneath him, riding the older man through his orgasm and taking charge the minute he felt Harasawa go a little slack.

Harasawa barely got to appreciate his afterglow before Imayoshi had him rolled onto his back, slipping off his dick and straddling his waist, hard cock in hand. All Harasawa could do was watch as Imayoshi jerked himself off, muscles tensing beautifully as he eventually dragged out his own orgasm, splattering come all over Harasawa's chest with a little even falling on his chin.

It felt horrifically like Imayoshi was marking his territory but Harasawa let it happen without complaint, and if he was a younger man then maybe the feel of warm liquid hitting his skin would have been enough to get him hard again. As it was, he felt done and Imayoshi seemed to sense that, still straddling Harasawa's waist but settling back more casually.

"Are you going to throw me out?" It wasn't unsure or even curious, Imayoshi once again sounding like he knew what the answer would be. Harasawa wasn't willing to play his game, looking away under the pretence of returning Imayoshi's glasses to him.

"You've got enough on me now to ruin my life, there's really no point in tossing you out, is there?"

"You have such low opinions of me," Imayoshi drawled once his glasses were back in place, immediately looking far more in control than someone who'd just come all over their former teacher's chest should have. "Why are you acting like I'm always planning something?"

"The innocent act is getting old, Imayoshi. What do you want?"

"I want you," Imayoshi purred, tapping his fingers against Harasawa's messy chest. "I want you over and over again."

Harasawa sighed and looked off to the side, his sense of shame finally reappearing to struggle with his desire. Imayoshi wasn't his student any more, and despite his age he really was one of the smartest, most mature people that Harasawa had ever met.

The fact that they were both men would probably cause more outrage than their previous relationship, regardless of how dirty-bad-wrong the whole situation was making Harasawa feel. Imayoshi had dug his claws into Harasawa now though, and it was with a heavy sigh that the older man coaxed Imayoshi off his waist, pulling the other man's body until they were laying next to each other.

"You can stay tonight."

You can stay for as long as you want.

"Your generosity is just endless, Katsunori."

I know you can't let me go now.

"Shut up and go to sleep."

You're right, and it terrifies me.

Imayoshi grinned and the expression filled Harasawa with a truly bizarre mix of fear and anticipation, yet he still couldn't force himself to believe that he'd made a mistake. He wasn't sure how things would work out between them, but it was too late for him now.

He'd walked into the spider's web months ago, back in his office with Imayoshi looming way too close over the desk, and apparently he was still caught in it as hopelessly as any insect.

But tomorrow could wait, particularly when Imayoshi had pulled his glasses off again and slung his arm over Harasawa's naked body, the possessive gesture obvious. It was too late to back out now, so he resolved to appreciate that he'd taken what he wanted, and see where the future would take them.

Maybe one day he'd even get another glance at what was going on beneath Imayoshi Shouichi's constant, unmoving smile.