Lin was not entirely sure how he came to be at the basketball game. He detested the sport, despite being very good at it in school many years ago.

And yet, here he was, sat watching a basketball game.

He had only two consolations. The first, that Madoka - who he privately believed responsible for this debacle - was sitting next to him.

The second was that Noll had been dragged to this tort- game too. But Noll, whether through some madness or genius, had brought a case file along and was desperately trying to read it.

Why was the second a consolation?

Because Noll was failing epically.

Lin watched with a wry smile as Mai tugged on his ward's arm enthusiastically as the team they were supposedly supporting scored. Yet Noll did not throw Mai off as he would have done anyone else.

Bless. Noll thought he was being so subtle. Yet to Lin it was blindingly obvious that Noll harboured feelings for young Mai.

Besides Mai, Yasuhara was cheering just as enthusiastically as Mai. Lin watched as Yasuhara looked around at his friends with a smile that was all too smug. What was he planning?

Lin narrowed his eyes slightly before looking to Noll's other side, where Houshou and Ayako were bickering under the cover of the cheering crowd. Lin sighed. Would they ever stop?

Probably not.

A whistle blew and a klaxon sounded. The game came to an stop.

"Is it the end?" Lin asked, trying to hide the hope in his voice.

"Nah, just half time," Madoka answered. Lin sighed. "Do you want a drink?"


Lin sighed again and continued to watch Noll trying to read as people filed past him.

Eventually Madoka returned and handed Lin an over-sweetened fizzy drink which he drank one sip of before screwing his face up at the artificial flavour.

Then a fanfare sounded. Lin looked up to the screens.

It's the kiss cam! read across the top of the screen.

Lin groaned and looked to Madoka, who was grinning at Yasuhara. They were definitely up to something.

Somehow, Lin knew what was going to happen before it did. It wasn't any sort of psychic reckoning. Just a hunch that was all too much like something Yasuhara and Madoka would plan.

The camera swivelled round as Lin watched the screen and settled on Mai and Noll. Obviously.

Mai went predictably bright red. Noll glanced at the screen and then back down at his papers.

Lin knew Noll would not partake in something like the kiss cam.

He watched Mai's face fall.


Then Yasuhara - realising the problem - threw himself across both Mai and Noll and grabbed Houshou by the lapels. Before Houshou realised what was happening, Yasuhara had kissed him in full view of the camera and thus drawing attention away from Noll and Mai.

"Get off me boy!" Houshou squealed.

"But I love you Bou-san!" Yasuhara cried dramatically.

"I don't care!" Houshou muttered as he tried to pry Yasuhara off him.

"You can't deny the feelings between us!" Yasuhara continued as he swooned slightly.

"Boy, the camera is no longer on us, you can cut it out!"

"There was a camera?" Yasuhara said, grinning as he returned to his own seat.

Nothing more was said until they were all leaving. Houshou pulled Yasuhara behind a little.

"Thanks for covering up there with Mai and Naru-bou," he muttered. "Though you didn't have to go quite so far with it."

"Covering?" Yasuhara asked innocently. "Who said I was covering for anything?"

He grinned at Houshou's shocked face, then slapped the older man's butt before skipping after the others.

Houshou just gaped after him.

"Damn you, boy."

Author's note: So when it says Humour Week, I am literally aiming for you to giggle, snigger, do that slight half laughing cough thing when something almost makes you laugh but doesn't really.

Humour is really hard. So I commend anyone who takes on this challenges and manages to make people laugh!

Please review - and tell me if you laughed in any way at all!