Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon Series or it's character but I do own this story and the refined tweaks to the characters personality. No story follows Manga cannon or Anime cannon perfectly. All rights reserved.

This is the second story of a series! Please go to my profile to start at the beginning, if you favor this couple and don't want to hear the rest... well I guess I can't stop you... but I warned you.

Jupiter and Mercury were both talking in the royal kitchen. Jupiter was working on some food and Mercury was taking some down time away from work.

"So what's it like having Nephlite's memories back," Mercury asked making light conversation. Jupiter paused her cooking to think, her face went into this dazed dreamy state.

"It's... wonderful. I think it would of been different if we didn't fall in love without his memories back," she said looking back down at the food she was mixing, "I don't think any of us could expect the guys to just live some past life without having some feelings before the memories." Lita started putting the food into small containers.

"I know! Venus is so mad at me right now for not just boxing up Kunzite with a pretty ribbon and delivering him on her doorstep memories and all. I just hope, well I don't know if Zoicite likes me," Mercury said blushing at the last part; she didn't want to confess her fears. Jupiter just gave a small laugh,

"Yeah right, I don't think he could help it," right then Mercury's cell phone started ringing. "Speak of the devil," Jupiter said with an all-knowing smile. Mercury shot her a raised eyebrow and answered her phone.

"Hello, this is Ami," Mercury stepped away from Jupiter trying to be polite but Jupiter was certainly still in earshot. "That sounds like a wonderful plan I would love that. Um yeah I think at my house? It's not that far out of town. Ok then it's set, I will see you down town at four ish? Ok, Yep, he he ok yeah bye," Mercury hung up the phone she looked down at it with a smile and a faint blush. "That was Zoicite," she said walking back over to Jupiter.

Jupiter had a hard time not rolling her eyes, "I knew it was him, he invite you out?" Jupiter already knew the answer. She told him to ask her out soon so they could get it out of the way before he visited Venus.

"To a picnic. Oh but I don't have tomorrow evening off. I have a meeting with the agricultural farmers," Mercury said trying to shuffle her day around to fit her new plans.

"I can cover your meeting for you. As long as you get your man," Jupiter said with a wink. It didn't really help Mercury's confidence.

"Thanks Jupiter, I don't even have food at my house! I don't stay there too often," Mercury said creating a new wall of issues she needed to sort out. Jupiter smiled and grabbed the food she just put into containers and handed it over to Mercury.

"Then you can have this, it's great for a picnic and you can keep it chilled till you two eat," Jupiter said with a smile. Mercury raised her eyebrow,

"You seem to have this all planned out," she said with suspicion in her voice.

"So? You want me to not cover your meeting and have ya make the food yourself? Because we can go that route too," Jupiter said grabbing her dishes and walking over to the sink area. Mercury's eye got big,

"No no! Thank you Jupiter, doing this much for me means a lot," Mercury said following Jupiter to say sorry quickly.

Jupiter had a cheeky smile, "it's alright. You would do the same for me, all you have to do is get your man!" Jupiter said with a pat on Mercury's back. Mercury looked down at the ground food in hands,

"If it was only that easy," she said. Jupiter kept patting Mercury on the back,

"No really. It's going to be that easy..."

Zoicite was standing outside of the coffee shop as instructed at four pm also as instructed. Zoicite was suddenly distracted by some noise he herd down an alley,

"She is my mother!" he heard a girl cry. Zoicite rounded the corner to see a small girl with pink hair being cornered by two boys her age.

"Your lying, you don't even look like her," said one boy the other one just nodding. Zoicite came up to the kids rather quickly,

"You two do know bulling isn't accepted," he said his tone deep and stern. The two boys almost jumped out of their skin ran away not looking back. The small girl cleared her tears smiling up to Zoicite.

"Thanks Zoicite, you the best!" the girl turned on her heal and ran. Zoicite blinked several times, why does everyone know his name! He walked back over to the street corner waiting for Ami. His brow was scrunched together in some unknown concentration. His thoughts went back to Ami and the picnic basket in his left hand. He did exactly what Lita said; Ami seemed really excited about the idea of this outing. She even invited him to her place! That kind of confused Zoicite, if they were going on a picnic why not go to an apartment? Zoicite was distracted by this blue sports car pulling up to the cafe. Cars during this time were very rare. Only the very rich kept them and even then it was only used for driving out of the city. Zoicite was floored when Ami stepped out of the drivers seat.

"You ready to go?" Ami was kind of happy by the stunned reaction she got from Zoicite.

"A car? Um I mean yeah," he said then realizing he was standing there like an idiot. Ami got back in the car and got on the road.

"My mother gave it to me as a graduation gift, I don't use it much so I thought I would take it out for a little drive," Ami said as she went down the streets. Even the people down town were pointing and watching the car drive by.

"Graduation? You went to school for book editing?" Zoicite felt like he was being introduced to a whole new side of Ami. How much things did this girl know!?

Ami slightly laughed at his comment. "No I didn't, I got this car when I got out of med school," Ami then totally forgot she had not told Zoi much of anything about that side of her.

"Med school? My gosh why are you not a doctor right now?" Med school? Who goes to med school and is not a practicing doctor. At that thought maybe it was rude of Zoicite to ask. It might be a touchy subject; she obviously didn't bring it up the times they spoke.

"It was mainly scheduling. Being a doctor locked me into a rather intense working lifestyle I am just not ready for. Did you go to school for being an investigator?" Ami asked trying to drop the doctor subject. Ami loved helping people get better. She just couldn't't be a doctor and rule a planet. It was a hard choice she had to make. Ami always hoped she could find a way to practice medicine even in a small way.

"No, no it was just something I picked up. I didn't really go to school, well, I went to a college but I tested my way out of a few degrees. So we are going to your house? I'm assuming it's not in town," Zoicite said looking out the window and starting to see the city core in the background.

"I don't live in town, I actually live by the beach," Ami forgot that was another thing she didn't mention. These things were really starting to add up. Maybe it was best they go on a picnic and get to know each other well. It wasn't long before the buildings were becoming trees and you could see the waters shimmer. 'She really lives out here?' Zoicite questioned to herself. Ever since people moved to other planets the 'national forests' grew in size. People are really not aloud to have a house out in nature to give the planet room to breath since it was rather over populated. If you wanted a house in these locations you had to follow certain rules on living and the land was so expensive no one really wasted their money on the inconvenience.

"We are here," Ami said pulling onto a dirt road leading up to a two story traditional Japanese structure sitting right on the beach.

"You live on the waters edge?" Zoicite couldn't be more astonished. How could Ami afford this life style? If she actually practiced medicine and saved for years she might be able to afford land in a place like this but not build, not keep it updated.

"It's a protected structure. So I get to live here for free as long as I follow the laws," Ami said but she added in her mind 'and I'm the one who wrote the laws so it's really easy to follow' "Come on in," Ami said getting out of the car and feeling the ocean breeze on her face.

"It's very pretty out here. Can you only get here by car?" Zoicite asked following Ami down the path to the house.

"There is a transport pad. If I'm away for too long I get ancy to make it back, it puts everything into a wonderful perspective," Ami said turning to Zoicite with a smile. Zoicite couldn't help but smile at Ami. She seemed so happy about her life, passionate about her beliefs and would even work at a job that might not make a lot of money just to be happy and have the life she wanted even if she was well educated. It was amazing to him what all this woman could do. They entered into the building and everything looked clean and well put together. The kitchen was in the back part of the building, stairs on the side by the entry door and the rest of the lower level was used for living space. There was a bookshelf that spanned a whole wall of the house, large windows facing out to the open water. It looked like it's own form of salvation. "You brought some food I see. My friend Lita made some food for me I will grab it now so we can go out on the sand and eat," Ami went over to her kitchen area and grabbed the bundle of food Lita so wisely prepared.

"So your friends with Lita and Rei, how about Venus? I'm expected to having a meeting with her tomorrow," Zoicite said he could almost see Ami jump a little in surprise.

"Yes I do know Mina, you mean the queen of Venus? Doesn't everyone know her? She has her own tv show for a while now," Ami said walking up to him leading him to the glass door and out to the beach.

"Well yes, I meant personally," He still wanted to know why she didn't send him to Venus in the first place. Even though he knew Lita said she was too busy to get a hold of and Venus was even harder to get time with he was sure with all of Ami's wit she could get him to see the queen of Venus.

"Yes, a little bit. We aren't the same kind of person," Ami paused looking over to Zoicite as he sat down the basket in their decided spot, "You want to know why I didn't just send you to Venus first," Ami knew Zoicite wasn't stupid. Actually that was why she liked him from the start on the moon, Zoicite paused pulling stuff out of the basket that was enough of an answer for her. "I couldn't just give you all of the answers to the puzzle. You're the detective, you have to solve the case not me. Anyways Mina and I aren't really talking right now. You get to meet her tomorrow? Are you worried about meeting royalty?" Ami asked sitting down on the checkers blanket that was placed out on the sand. Zoicite did see some sense in what Ami said, he was the detective on the case and he really shouldn't expect his witness to know everything going on with the body. She just found the body, he should be happy she remembered knowing the victim through Rei. Zoicite sat down and pulled out wine glasses and poured some thinking about Ami's question.

"Not really, I'm sure she gets a lot of people ogling over her royal status but she is just another person wanting to get to know others that live on the planet with her. I'll probably be a little frazzled when I meet her in person but that would be the same with any high up official," Zoicite said handing Ami the wine glass, he had no idea how intense Ami was listening to him right now. "I didn't know if I wanted to call her Queen Venus or Mina," he said offhandedly it was the name Ami kept using for Venus, was it a friend thing? Ami laughed at this question,

"Call her Venus, until she tells you otherwise. Though she likes being called Mina, it was her given name. At the palace all the queens get called by their planet name even Serenity has a different birth given name she likes to hear from time to time," the two talked through most of their meal laughing and talking facts. It felt like home, it felt like the kind of moment you never wanted to end. Zoicite knew then and there, while watching Ami laugh her cheeks lightly flushed and her shoulders rolled back in joy Zoicite knew he wanted her in his life for the rest of his life. True he didn't know her long, maybe just a month but he knew. He knew this better then any lesson he was ever taught.

Suddenly it started to rain, a few drops here and there and before they knew it both of them were quite wet. Ami made a noble effort to grab the food as Zoicite grabbed the wine and blanket as they both rushed in the building. Ami sat down the box of food and turned to Zoicite who was totally drenched, she laughed a little. "Hold there one second I will get a towel," she then scampered off in the house and came back quickly. Zoicite said thanks with a half hearted smile and started to dry his hair. Ami went over and grabbed a blanket from her sofa and placed it on the open floor putting the picnic inside. Zoicite paused for a second. Ami wasn't wet, actually it looked like not a drop of water hit her, he shook his head maybe it was because of her short hair. It's not like she absorbed the water... Once he felt like he was mostly dry he joined Ami on the floor. "At least we can look at the beach," Ami said looking out the window as the storm clouds continued to roll by.

"Where do you like better here or Mercury?" Zoicite asked he remembered the fist time they had dinner together she spoke if the gray planet closest to the Sun.

"Both are my home. I've spent most of my time on Earth. I don't know if I was given the choice to live on Mercury full time I could. My job is here my friends are here so it's hard considering one over the other. I love Mercury though, there is no other place like it in the galaxy," Ami said sounding like she was debating the matter right then, she let out a faint laugh at the end, "oh I'm sure there is other planets like it in the galaxy I know but it's special to me," she said poking some of her food deep in thought. Zoicite leaned in to hear, her voice was rather faint. "Why do you like the planet so much when you weren't born here?" Zoicite asked softly not wanting her to move away.

"My parents were from there and they gave me the planet so to speak, being there reminds me of my childhood, it was a long time ago but I loved it. I wish you would visit," Ami turned to Zoicite and blushed. His face was just inches from hers, Ami just looked into his eyes, she didn't know what to do. Zoicite smiled, "I would love to," and with that he leaned in and kissed her. He didn't expect this odd pleasant tingle from his lips but he certainly wanted more. He almost felt like he had come home, he knew this feeling didn't come from everybody. They pulled apart and just looked at each other. Almost like they both feared if they blinked the moment would be gone,

"I think kissing my only witness might break some rules," Zoicite said off hand.

"Well if it is, it's a rule I plan on breaking a lot more," was Amis reply as she leaned in again. Ami was so happy, how could she not be? She had been dying to kiss him again since she saw him the first day, heck even hearing his voice on the phone would pull on her heart strings. To be this close now felt like a well-earned gift. And it was a gift that kept on giving. The two for the rest of the night did a lot less talking but still kept things light. As the night wore on Zoicite was shocked when he asked the time, "I have to go so I can be ready to meet with Venus tomorrow," he said leaning up, Ami who was using him as a nice pillow stretched at his movements. "Oh yes, that's really important for you. I will ah, show you where the transport unit is," Ami said also getting up kind of sad her perfect night had to end. After getting his things together they stood in front to the transport unit. "So um tell me if I'm wrong but does this mean we are dating?" you could tell by Zoicite's tone the question had been weighting in his mind for a while now. Ami smiled and replied,

"Yes, that's exactly what this means," she said softly looking down at her feet shyness taking hold.

"Good because I wasn't going to leave until you agreed," he said with a sly simile. He kissed Ami one last time before stepping on the transporter and leaving. As soon as he left Ami smiled big and did a happy dance in her place. Nothing could make her more happy right now.

Zoicite still had to go see Venus and even though it was the final key to solve this case he still wished he could spend more time with Ami. 'Now that we are dating,' he thought a cheeky smile on his face. At least she would now answer his calls. Venus said to meet her at the sound stage. Now he wasn't quite sure they would let him into the filming lot. True he did break into the palace steal secret information and get out unscathed but this felt like a different beast. Venus filmed her show in a studio building where other TV shows are filmed and some movies were being made. Zoicite walked up to the main door where the guard stood.

"Hello, I'm Zoicite, here to see Venus," the guard raised an eyebrow, clearly people said this a lot. He looked on his list for guests today and actually saw Zoicite on the list. "Yes looks like you have an appointment," the guard gave Zoicite directions to the right building and sent Zoicite on his way. 'This is so much easier then breaking into the palace,' Zoicite thought to himself walking through the building. He got to the correct level and was rushed off by an assistant. "Hi are you here to see Venus? Of course you are! She is waiting for you in her office, let me show you the way," he was practically dragged into Venus's office. The room looked comfy and lived in, her main desk sat back next to a window with two guests chairs in front of the desk.

"Zoicite it is so good to see you! Oh I'm so happy to see you," Mina said rushing over to Zoicite and gave him a hug. Zoicite was slightly taken back, he didn't expect Venus to be so... Venus.

"Hello Venus, I guess you already know I'm Zoicite, your friend Lita suggested I visit you," he said walking over to a chair as Mina bounced back to her desk. Mina waved her hand like anything Zoicite was talking about didn't matter.

"Yes yes, please call me Mina! Lita told me why where going to visit what I really want to know is," Venus smiled and drew close over her desk like she was telling some secret, "Are you dating Ami?" Venus rated her eyebrows trying to egg him on for dishing out the dirt. Zoicite raised his eyebrow.

"You are really asking me that? If she is your friend then she should be the one to update you on her relationship status," Mina flopped back in her chair.

"Well we aren't talking right now," crossing her arms in dislike of his answer. "Well, we are talking, I'm just mad at her. Anyways if you two were dating that would be a wonderful thing. Ami is a great person, far better then I could ever be, I just want to see her happy," Venus said laying it on batting her eyes ever so lightly. Zoicite gave her a weird look, is all royalty this... Weird?

"If you must know, yes, as of yesterday we are a couple," Venus almost bounced out of her chair in excitement.

"Yes! That means I'm one step closer to Kunzite," she said going into this odd la la land. "Kunzite? Is this a friend of yours?" Zoicite asked, Venus stopped smiling and gave him a dead pan look.

"You mean you two didn't grow up around each other?" did Ami really go through the effort of putting all the generals in different orphanages?

"I haven't met another person with a jade name. Well other then Jedite, we were in the same orphanage but no one by the name of Kunsite, sorry" Zoicite said rattling his mind for the name, it did sound distantly familiar.

"No matter, it just proves Ami is a genius, well we don't need proof for that. It was known ever since she was thirteen," Venus calmed down, her attitude now was like night and day to the bouncing bunny that she acted like a second ago. A light knock came at Mina's door and Zoicite turned to see the same assistant who pushed him in the room peaking their head in the door.

"Sorry Mina but I have that list of people to fill the new production manager job. If you could look at it," said the assistant almost scared to bug Venus. Venus shook her head,

"No you make the call on that, I don't want to see anybody to make the choice. Oh and can you please hire from in house? I don't want someone who isn't use to the way we do things here so they can start sooner," the girl didn't look like she favored Venus's answer but agreed and closed the door. "Sometimes my life feels like nothing more then a collection of busy moments," Venus said with a sigh.

"Do you normally come here on your day off?" Zoicite asked, from the looks of it she kind of submitted herself to this added stress.

"Oh certainly, the queen of each planet are given one day off a week to do ask they wish. Almost all of us spend that in normal society. Oh under an alias so no one knows us but we all like spending time with our people. Most of the time it's a job that you only need to be there once a week. The queen of Mars actually likes to have odd jobs, anyways mine obvious requires more then just one day. Serenity said I can be a tv show host if I do planetary work while I'm here, thus the office," Mina pointed to the large space they were sitting in. Once Zoicite looked around it did have a lot of official files and looked like more work came out of here then just script and production notes.

"So! You came to talk to me about Blue," Venus said now allowing Zoicite to talk about the real matter at hand.

"Yes, as I said Lita suggest I speak with you because you were Blues parental guidance after her. I wanted to know a little bit about him," Zoicite pulled out a note pad. Mina leaned back in her chair; this was going to be hard to talk about without talking about Blue's past and why he died.

"Yes when I got Blue he was a very good child. Lita is the best with kids, no denying it. Things didn't really happen until he started getting memories from his past life," Mina said looking off in the distance.

"Happen? What do you mean? Like hanging out with the wrong crowd?" Zoicite asked, this is the closest he has been to figuring out his victim in a while.

"Well, he was working for the palace. Blue was very smart, that's why I was suppose to take care of him, it wasn't that he picked the wrong people but he was, finding things out about his past and making the wrong choices," Mina sighed, they all hoped Blue would of worked out. "So I took him off the staff, that didn't make him happy and he ran away. I never saw him again," Venus did sound a little sad but not shocked by the news.

"So he was living by himself? Did you know of anyone who didn't like Blue that might kill him?" Zoicite pushed, finding out that he had run away was a big clue. Maybe he was killed.

"Not that I know of, he really was falling apart mentally I wouldn't be too shocked if he was killed," Venus sighed, she really didn't like not telling Zoicite the full truth but it was in his best interest.

"Thank you for answering my questions," Zoicite said putting away his pen and paper.

"Is that all?" Venus asked slightly surprised.

"Did you expect another question?" Zoicite asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well nothing about Blue but a little about Ami for goodness sakes," Venus said "I am the queen of love," she added in crossing her arms.

"So you really do have special powers?" he asked Zoicite always wondered about that.

"Certainly! All of us do, Mercury can control water, don't get close to Mars when there is fire around, that kind of thing. I don't control people's hearts but sometimes I wish I could," Venus said her eyes lighting up with the opportunity manipulation could bring to her life.

"Probably best you can't then," Zoicite said suddenly worried about this lady having such control over people.

"Speaking of control, I had better get back to work before I get scolded by Mercury for getting my paperwork in late. It's been wonderful meeting you Zoicite and don't worry things will work out with you and Ami, I can feel it." Mina said standing up and leading Zoicite to the door. Zoicite smiled and left, well a vote of confidence from Venus herself wasn't bad. Maybe if he got back to the station and finished up fast he could see Ami for dinner. He wasted no time getting back to the office.

Ami opened the door to the police station. It had been a whole since she was here she went up to the information desk,

"Hello where is the chiefs office?" Ami asked with a smile.

"The chiefs office is down the hall to the left but he is a little busy," Ami didn't pay much attention to the last bit the front desk clerk said, she went straight for the room still not hearing the lady calling her to stop as she went into the room. Inside was the chief and two other officers working on some paperwork. The chief looked up and about fell out of his chair.

"I'm sorry mam but we are in a meeting," one of the police officers said but the chief held up a hand to silence him.

"We will continue this meeting later. If you could both leave my office," said the chief not moving his eye contact with Ami. She just smiled as the other men scoffed in shock at the sudden arrival of this stranger and their sudden dismissal.

"So you do remember me," Ami said as the door shut sitting herself down in one of the chairs.

"Citizens cloths or not I can still remember the face of the queen of Mercury," he said bowing his head a little to show respect.

"If you could not tell anyone who I am. I'm rather attached to my civilian life so please call me Ami. I actually just came here to tell you I won't be the head of police services soon." Ami never really liked making royal calls when she isn't in her royal attire. The last thing she would want is the life Venus has… Being a queen everywhere she went.

"I totally understand the desire for security of identity Ami. Is another planets queen taking over the role?" the chief asked confused on why Mercury would suddenly stop being the head of the police force, in his eyes she did rather well.

"No, someone else quite different. I can't name names of course but there will be changes in the next few months," Ami said standing up which gave the chief a sign that the conversation was certainly over. "Oh and one other thing," she said as he walked with her out of the office and stood in the hall.

"The queen of Mars will be causing some ruckus here soon, please make sure Mars and anyone she travels with won't be harmed. Mars will be on a special mission and can't use her powers. Of course protect the citizens first but no kill shots on her please," Ami said as if she was talking about the weather. The chief was nodding eyes slightly big at the rather surprising warning he just got, they weren't normally informed about special missions this must mean Ami expects something.

"Ami!" both Ami and the chief looked up at hearing the surprised voice of Zoicite just getting in the office.

"Hi Zoicite I was just looking for you," Ami said smiling and giving Zoicite a kiss on the cheek when he got to her. The chief was floored, did he just see Mercury kiss his detective.

"I didn't know you would be here," Zoicite said looking down to Ami and then over to the chief.

"I wanted to surprise you since I have the rest of the day off and I just started talking to the chief," Ami said giving the chief a look.

"Yes, she was just asking after you," he said trying to sound normal Zoicite nodded and looked back to Ami.

"Well I can just put this paperwork away and do you want to go out to eat?" he asked holding Amis hand as they walked down to his office. The chief sighed, 'I don't think he knows he is dating the queen of a planet, the poor sucker' the chief thought as he started looking around for those officers again to continue his meeting.

Serenity stood outside as close as she could be outside the castle without leaving the protective barrier she knew too well. Suddenly she saw Rini running up the stairs and Serenity couldn't help but smile, her daughter was her everything. Serenity kneeled down and opened her arms wide for Rini to crash into them.

"I missed you Rini," Serenity said into Rini's ear as they hugged. Serenity daughter pulled away giving her mom a weird look, "I was only at school mom," it just made Serenity smile. Her small child didn't know, Serenity could vaguely remember how annoying her mother when she would say the same thing when she got home from school. "Your not crying today, those boys stop picking on you?" Serenity asked grabbing Rini's hand as they went into the castle.

"Oh yeah ever since Zoicite scared them away a day ago they haven't made fun of me at all!" Rini said with glee. Serenity laughed,

"Rini don't be silly you know Zoicite isn't alive. He hasn't been reincarnated," Serenity loved the imagination of her child but this was a touch outlandish.

"It was him I swear. I overheard Mercury talking about him to Jupiter in the kitchens the other day," Rini said trying to provide solid proof to her mom she wasn't lying. Serenity's jaw dropped, how could Ami do this? Without her knowing? Was that legal? Pfft, of course it was Ami probably wrote the laws so she could get away with it. 'Mercury does that all the time,' Serenity thought then a sly smile graced her face, 'well two could play that game it isn't against the rules to invite him to the castle to meet him myself then,' Rini looked up at her mom and sighed. Rini knew that look all too well, her mom was dreaming up an plan, Rini knew she wasn't going to get much attention out of her mom. "I'm going to find dad," Rini said running down the hall looking for the King, Serenity saw Rini run off but her mind was already on all the questions she had for the ex general.

"I can cook," Ami said defensively holding a tomato while Zoicite and Ami were shopping for fresh ingredients to make dinner. Zoicite smiled down at her but knew she was pressing her luck. "Right and who made that food you had ready for the picnic?" he asked in a slightly sing song voice already knowing the answer. Ami blushed, ok so she was caught, "Lita," was the only reply she had to give. Zoicite got a cheeky smile leaned down and plucked the fruit from her hand, "And that's why I'm cooking. Don't worry, it will be my gift for you helping me with the case," he said then leaning down and kissing her forehead. Ami blushed again, she really wasn't use to this attention, her last boyfriend was... Zoicite. "So what would you like to eat?" Zoicite asked looking at the wide selection. Ami drew close holding on to his arm like she was some young girl with her new fling, "Anything as long as it isn't yellowtail," Ami said scrunching up her nose to show her distaste this made Zoicite laugh a little. "Ok, silly but ok," Zoicite and Ami settled on some food and started walking to his apartment to make some food. They walked down by the Tokyo Park on their way to his house; Ami looked out on the small body of water and thought about her childhood that was riddled with crime fighting. If she told her younger self then Ami would be holding the hand of the man that was attacking her when beryl was alive her younger self would consider her mad. Ami wasn't mad, she was incandescently happy because she knew his man was her soul mate. "What are you thinking about?" Zoicite asked noticing Ami got a little quite as they passed the shinning water. Ami looked up to him with a kind smile, "I just have a lot of memories here from my teenage years," Zoicite just nodded not really having a similar childhood.

Zoicite opened the door for Ami into his apartment, Ami looked around. To her it looked like Zoicites style, hard dark oak wood walls, very rich tone and color. "This is a very nice apartment," Ami said as Zoicite locked the door behind them. Ami followed Zoicite into the kitchen as he spoke, "It was an old office space and the building was here before the revolution. I always had an attraction to old architecture so I was happy when I found this place. Anyways how about that dinner," he said emptying the contents from their shopping trip. Both of them talked all afternoon Zoicite cooked a wonderful meal, Ami wondered how he learned but she guessed some time living in a orphanage and alone can have its effects on ones culinary talents. They talked about all the books they read, haven't read and wanted to read. Ami had not been this happy in a long time. Even at the palace everyone asked something of her, she was everyone's go to girl, it was nice talking to someone who didn't expect something in the end. Zoicite seemed blessed to be in the company of this amazing person, dating her was just icing on the cake. Ami leaned in and gave Zoicite a fare well kiss, she was leaning on the doorframe rather tired, it was late.

"Why don't you just stay the night? I have a spare room," Zoicite said with worry ringing through his voice tried and true.

"No, I have to go. I have an early meeting about bio engineered transport units that I can't be late for. I've had a wonderful time thank you Zoicite," Ami kissed him one last time leaning into his warm body almost making the choice right then to forget her meeting and stay, but her well trained mind said no and pulled away leaving Zoicite slightly dazed by the kiss. Zoicite saw Ami shuffle down the hall to leave, he had a sappy smile on his face then suddenly got confused, 'did she just say bio engineered transport units!?'

Zoicites head was leaning over some paperwork he wanted to get all his facts settled about his case so he could take the information and use it to solve the damn thing. Saphire Blue was a Celtic raised by both Lita and Mina so he could work for the palace but his memories started coming back. Mina said he was mentally disturbed by these memories and ran away. It accounted for no one really knowing him but those icy burns on his body still didn't make sense, he rubbed his face with his hands trying to click his brain into detective mode. Zoicites mind fluttered back to Ami, it still confused him how she had a house by the beach and how water just didn't hit her. Like she absorbed it. Ami found the body in the alley and called the police; he felt any sensible citizen would do something like that. She said it was cloudy but that doesn't account for the icy death the poor soul faced. All the sudden Zoicite herd a knock on his door, the chief walked in passing over a note, Zoicite raised his eyebrow in confusion as he accepted the note.

"It's from the queen, from Serenity, I don't know what you did but she wants to meet you. Today," said the chief as Zoicites shocked face looked down at the note for confirmation. There written in the queens hand was a note requesting Zoicites presence at the castle for a private conference. "Do you think it's about the case?" Zoicite asked looking back up to the chief.

"Well you haven't solved it yet but I wouldn't assume anything," said the chief already guessing it was about Mercury visiting him just the other day but the chief wasn't about to go against a request from a royal and say something. "Make sure your not late and I don't expect you back for the rest of your shift," he said allowing himself out of the room Zoicite still in shock.

Zoicite walked up to the tall gate entry to the palace this time as a guest and not someone breaking in. The tall guard halted him at the gate. Zoicite had an odd feeling just showing the note from the queen to the guard was all he needed. The assumption was right quickly the two guards lead him into the castle directing to him to sudden doom. There was no doubting it, he was worried. He had never herd anyone to be requested to a private meeting like this from the queen. Through all the worry he was still calm, he was directed through a lot of large hallways grand ceilings large open areas that lead into rich gardens but he didn't look, he was rather determined. A large golden door appeared in the distance, once they reach it the guards halted.

"The queen is to be called Queen Serenity unless she says otherwise, make sure to bow when you enter. Don't go closer then 20 feet from her unless she comes to you," said the guard ratting off all the rules Zoicite must follow before entering the room. Zoicite gave a short nod. The guards then opened the large doors opening to a massive room straight ahead he saw the queen of the solar system, Neo Queen Serenity in all her glory sitting on a high grand royal chair that sat slightly above the ground floor. Zoicite walked in and herd the doors shut behind him, well there is no running out. Large windows were to his left looking over to the large city, on the right a small hallway with pillars, he guessed this was the royals way of getting in the throne room, several royal chairs made a crescent shape Serenity was is one of the chairs in the middle, he bowed.

"Greetings detective, I am Neo Queen Serenity, do you know why I called you here today," Serenity said sounding very regal and powerful.

"No I don't queen Serenity," he said trying to avoid eye contact. Being in the queens pressense was much more foreboding then his interview with Venus could ever be.

"Well Zoicite I have a few questions for you," Serenity said but stopped when she saw Zoicites shocked face, "What is it?" she suddenly asked, people didn't normally look at her like that, well no citizen and Zoicite was still considered a citizen.

"It's nothing," Zoicite said but then his annoyance got to him, "Actually it's just annoying, why does everyone know my name? It's not like it's Jim or Mike or even Lee! And yet Rei, Lita, Mina, Ami even a little girl on the street knew my name, what did I do to get all these strangers knowing my name!?" Zoicite almost shouting he couldn't take it anymore, just one more person knowing his name was the thing to push him over the edge on this issue.

"You have meet all the girls? And Ami wasn't planning on introducing me to you? That is just not fair!" Serenity said standing up from her chair, Zoicite was taken back.

"Er not to be rude Queen but you didn't know Blue Sapphire," Zoicite said with a raised eyebrow, Serenity was starting to remind him of Mina.

Serenity looked at Zoicite with shock,

"How in the world do you know about Blue Sapphire, I thought he is dead," Serenity said, now she was confused. Had Ami really thought this was the way to win Zoicites heart, why did Ami reincarnate the generals without asking Serenity.

"I thought that's why you invited me here. To ask about the case I'm working on the death of Blue Sapphire. Is there another reason," Zoicite said really not knowing what he had gotten into coming to see the queen.

Serenity started walking around the room thinking, it took her a while and Zoicite dared not speak, once she came to some sort of resolution she sat back up on her chair.

"Zoicite, I did invite you here to talk but not about Blue. If you must know Blue Sapphires life and death is an internal matter with in the palace. Blue Sapphire was special, the queen of Mercury herself worked on his generic coding, he was reborn. For anyone with celtics is just someone the royal family decided to bring back for another chance," Zoicites eyes got big. This was rushing into his mind all too fast. His case was an internal matter, Blue was genetically altered, all celtics where chosen to be reborn...by the royal family. "Yes Zoicite, from you face I can tell you have connected the dots. You were always very smart and it gives you credit. Even you were given a new life, you wonder why all those people knew you by name. It is because they knew you in your past life, Rei, the fiery girl you meet is actually the crowned queen of Mars, Lita the lady who owned the small restaurant is the crown queen of Jupiter. The small girl you meet in the street you saved from the young boys was indeed my daughter Princess Serenity, even you Zoicite. In your past life you were General Zoicite second in power to Prince Endymiond's guard during the moon kingdom," said the queen her voice seemed to ring louder in his ears as more facts came out of her mouth. He, he had meet all the inner planet queens without knowing it, he was reborn by request of the government, he was a royal guard himself in his past life, this all amazed him how could this be? But he was just Zoicite an orphan living a normal life not some powerful military mind raised to protect anybody.

Right then Ami, in her royal flowing blue gown was seen walking down the side hallway, Zoicites eyes were going to fall out of his sockets. What was Ami doing here, in cloths like that.

"Mercury, just the person I needed to see. Please stop a second and explain something to me," Serenity called sweetly, Mercury stopped looking down at her notes and up to the queen nodding then over to Zoicite and staged back a little in surprise. Ami's eyes never left Zoicite as she walked over to the queen. "What is it Serenity," Ami said looking up to Serena a slight smirk on Amis face only Serenity could see.

"For goodness sakes Mercury tell him who you really are, he deserves your love and honesty," the queen said Zoicite looked up to Ami and then to the queen, back and forth wondering what in the hell was going on.

"Zoicite," she bowed slightly, "I am Mercury queen of the planet Mercury, also known as Ami Mizuno, I am sorry for the lack of information but it was for both my safety and yours," Mercury said as he could see her resolve crumble. "On the moon palace I was in love with General Zoicite, my one true love. I have only loved one person so when you were reincarnated I had to find out if you would love me without your memories and if I would fall in love with you, which I have," Mercury said, an honest loving smile gracing her face.

"So Zoicite when you asked about Blues death I was shocked because Queen Mercury was the person I ordered to end Sapphires life," Serenity said Zoicite was down right shocked. He was dating the queen of her own planet. She didn't tell him not because she wanted to be deceitful, lie, or loose his trust. She did it to make sure their love was true before he got his memories were back, so he wasn't forced to live a life he started in the past. Ami, his one witness was in fact the killer, the person who was ordered by the queen to end the life of a man who was relapsing on his past.

"Not normally my job but we believed Blue only trusted me and would agree to meet me, which he did, I made his death painless with using my powers to quickly freeze his body. Not my favorite mission Serenity, next time can you send the royal guard to do that?" Mercury said looking back to Serena slightly pouting.

"So," both girls looked to Zoicite, this was the first time he had spoken since he was bombarded with facts, "So this case was put in my hands so you could get to know me as natural as possible," Ami nodded a smile on her face. "So am I aloud to, can I still date you even if your the Queen of Mercury?" he asked making sure he had the facts. Serenity giggled a little at what he just asked,

"Yes, if you will have me," Mercury said a big smile facing her face. "Well yes, I will. I love you," he said shyly Mercury ran up to him and into his arm giving him an earth shattering kiss. After a while they herd Serenity cough and they broke apart.

"Now Mercury, you have put this poor man through the ringer, can you please for my sanity give him his memories back," Serenity said waving her hand as if she was shooing them off. It was Mercury's turn to be shocked, "but he just found out all of this, it might be too much to bring back memories," she said with concern. The queen held up her hand again to silence Ami.

"No it has to be now, any doubt he might have about you, Blue Sapphires death, or being a general will all be answered. Now, like right now Ami, go," Serenity said glaring at Mercury. Mercury didn't wait for Serenity to get mad grabbed Zoicites hand and pulled him back down the hall she came in.

"I'm sorry," Mercury said in a small voice, Zoicite looked over to her. It seems this has been weighing in her for a while and she felt bad.

"If you didn't love me you wouldn't of put me through all of this and if you hadn't fallen in love again you wouldn't be feeling regret so please Ami...I mean Mercury, don't say your sorry. Thank you for finding me in this life time," he said kissing her hand.

"I would find a way to you no matter what," Mercury said kissing him once again in the middle of the hall she didn't care if there were maids and guards looking, she didn't care if Venus herself came out from a door, she was happy Zoicite knew all accepted it and loved her for who she was.

"Now is there anything else shocking and life changing you need to tell me?"

"Well, we are about to go see the king,"


The End

The next story is Rei and Jedite.