As always, many thanks to Guest, bemyryder, and everyone who gave previous reviews! You are the reason I keep writing :)



Henry and Chief Vick quickly got out of the truck, and Chief pulled out her weapon.

It seemed to take ages before they reached the door, and even longer to unlock it. Chief Vick went on ahead, taking the stairs two at a time, while Henry stayed at the base of the stairs to catch the robber if he tried to run past the chief.

When she saw who was inside Henry's house, Chief Vick did not hesitate to fire her weapon.

It was none other than George Ewell.


Spencer was going to die.

Lassiter knew that all three of them were in bad shape, what with the dwindling supplies and no way of getting home, but the fake psychic was a whole other matter.

For the past few hours, the younger man had laid down on the boat, staring up at the sky. He didn't seem to be asleep, but was not necessarily conscious. Judging by Spencer's occasional tremors and his overly pale complexion, he had a fever. And blood loss. Possibly even blood poisoning.

Lassiter sighed.

He had been trying to avoid the matter the whole morning. As the day grew longer, Lassiter grew worried. Santa Barbara better be close.

Juliet, luckily, didn't have any injuries from the storm, but the relentless sun was giving her a bad sunburn.

Lassiter could find no injuries on himself, although he was a tad thirsty and pretty hungry.

Where was Santa Barbara?

There was movement out of the corner of his eye, and Lassiter saw that Spencer was trying to stand up. It didn't work (obviously), but the fake psychic managed to sit up. "Gus! Let's stop for pineapple smoothies! Oh, don't be a rusty nail, you know you want one!"

Juliet looked over at Lassiter, her desperation mirroring his. "Shawn," she tried to get his fevered attention. "Gus isn't here!"

Spencer, however, did not hear her and continued with his delirious rant. "I have a vision, Chief! It's that I'm not psychic! Let's celebrate with Gus!"

Lassiter knew they had to snap the fake psychic out of it. "Spencer," he growled. "You are on a boat with Juliet and me. Gus is not here. Gus is not here."

Spencer cocked his head. His eyes narrowed. Just as Lassiter could see clarity in Spencer's eyes, the young man fell onto the floor of the boat with a loud thunk.

"Get better, Spencer," Lassiter muttered.

"Hey," Juliet said. "That was a really nice thing you did for Shawn. Thank you."

"Well, it's not like I can let him die," Lassiter explained uncomfortably.

Juliet smiled. "Still—"

"LAND!" Spencer interrupted.

At first, Lassiter thought the fake psychic was crazy—Spencer's eyes weren't even open!—but then he saw the speck in the distance.



"So you admit to all the murders and the kidnapping of Shawn Spencer?" Chief Vick asked the man sitting across from her in the interrogation room.

"Yup! Every last one!" George Ewell laughed. He had a manic glint in his eyes.

Henry, who was watching from the outside, could not take the suspense. He barged into the room, ignoring the disapproval emanating from the chief. "WHERE'S MY SON?" Henry yelled, glaring at Ewell.

The murderer only laughed again. "That little weasel escaped from me in Hawaii. Your guess is as good as mine!"

So Shawn was free somewhere. He was alive.

Ewell continued. "He didn't escape before I shot him!"

Henry had been pushed past his limit. The ex-cop lunged at Ewell and was about to hurt him—make him feel Shawn's pain—but Chief Vick's radio went off. "We found Lassiter, O'Hara, and Spencer."

Just as quickly as he had come in, Henry bolted out the door.

Chief Vick followed.

Buzz McNabb took care of Ewell.


Chief Vick drove Henry Spencer to the hospital in a cop car. When the boat carrying the three detectives had been found, an emergency ambulance had immediately drove them all to the nearest hospital.

There was traffic on the way there, but the cop car cleared it pretty well.

When they reached the hospital, neither Chief Vick nor Henry hesitated to jump out and find the detectives.


Lassiter and Juliet were talking when Chief Vick and Henry burst into the hospital room. Unfortunately, Spencer had gone immediately into surgery, so he didn't get to see his relieved dad and employer.

Lassiter briefed them both on what had happened to him and his partner, and Juliet explained what information Spencer had given them.

Right when they finished, a doctor came in to update them on Spencer's condition.

"He will survive."

The room seemed to be bathed in relief.

"Shawn Spencer has an infected gunshot wound, a sprained ankle, a raging fever, a mild concussion, and numerous bruises all over his body. He also had a small case of dehydration and anemia. However, his surgery went as planned, so we have the bullet, and his antibiotics seem to be working. Mr. Spencer will be moved to this room, and he will most likely wake in a couple of hours."

A nurse wheeled Spencer into the room.

He was hooked up to all sorts of machines, but seemed to be doing much better than on the boat. How Spencer had known where land was had to be anyone's guess. After all, Lassiter thought smugly. He himself admitted to not being psychic.


Henry and the chief refused to leave until Shawn woke up, so Lassiter and Juliet were caught up on the status of George Ewell.

When Lassiter heard about how Ewell's shot arm still had to heal, the detective couldn't seem to stop smiling.

At exactly 4:30, the fake psychic regained consciousness.

Shawn opened his eyes and looked around the room. "Where am I?" The last he could remember was being on the boat.

Lassiter spoke first. "You're in the hospital. We managed to drift straight to California."

Shawn thought about it. It made sense. But there was something else. Ewell. He was probably looking for Shawn—where would he be? He must have found out that I left Hawaii. I'll bet he's in California, looking for me. Shawn raised a hand to his head. "I have a vision! George Ewell is in California!"

Chief Vick raised her eyebrows, amused. The psychic never failed to astound her. "That is correct, Mr. Spencer. In fact, we have him in custody and he admitted to the murders."

Shawn smiled.

Lassiter cleared his throat. "Well, Shawn, I…um…I'm glad you survived."

The fake psychic's answer was a testament to how much better he felt. "Oh, Lassie, I didn't know you cared!"

Juliet looked between them, smiling. To Lassiter, she asked. "Since when did you call Shawn 'Shawn'?"

Luckily, Lassiter was spared an answer by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" called Shawn.

And in rushed Gus.

"Oh my gosh, Shawn! Are you all right?" Gus was panicked at the sight of Shawn.

Shawn laughed. "I'm fine. You know me!"

Gus held out a questioning fist bump, and Shawn easily returned it.

"Now who's up for pineapple smoothies?"

Everyone groaned.



Please, please tell me what you think of the ending!

And review if you want me to write any other Psych fics!

Also, check out my other stories if you like Harry Potter :)