Hey it's Cutimist! This is going to be one of my new stories called Band Wars! I hope you all like it! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the InuYasha characters and I do not own any of the music lyrics that I tend to use for this story!

Chapter 1: Heartbreak

It was the middle of the afternoon and a young woman with chestnut brown hair tied up into a high ponytail was sitting at her computer. She was in the middle of working on some music for her band to perform. She was wearing a hot pink Avril Lavigne t-shirt and black shorts that hugged her thighs. The woman smiled as she clicked on 'I Love You' by Avril Lavigne.

Meanwhile a woman with long raven hair that reached the middle of her back and had one red streak on the right side of her head was on a date with her boyfriend of three years. They were at this new restaurant called Italliano, which of course is Italian food. Kagome loved Italian food! The restaurant was so fancy looking with beautiful chandeliers hanging here and there, the satin red carpet was nice, every round table had candles in the middle of them, there was even a balcony at the top of the building. It was simply romantic. Kagome was eating her fettuccini alfredo while her boyfriend had himself chicken parmesan.

"Kagome?" The man caught Kagome's attention. She took her napkin and delicately wiped her mouth. She took a sip of her white wine and looked at him with a smile.

"What is it Hojo?" Kagome asked. Hojo had a serious look in his eyes that began to worry Kagome. Her smile faded into a frown.

"What's the matter Hojo? Is something wrong?" Kagome asked with concern. Hojo intertwined his hands together and leaned his chin on his fingers. His expression looked somewhat bored.

"We should break up." Hojo said in a monotony voice. Kagome felt her heart drop and break to a million pieces. Tears started to fill her eyes.

"W-What?" She whispered, not believing what she just heard. Her body started to shiver as she felt hurt and anger at the same time. Hojo sighed with no emotion.

"We should break up Kagome." Hojo repeated. Kagome slammed her hands flat on the table.

"W-Why Hojo!? Did I do something wrong!?" Kagome cried out as tears began to fall down her cheeks. Hojo looked up at Kagome with a dark expression.

"Sorry Kagome but you're no good for me. Which is why I have been seeing someone else, and honestly, she's a much better lover than you." Hojo told her flatly. Kagome's eyes grew wide and felt her chest tighten with even more hurt and anger.

"What!? Y-You cheated on me!?" Kagome chocked out. Everyone at the restaurant turned their eyes on the young couple. Hojo sighed with annoyance.

"Calm down woman! You're making a scene!" Hojo hissed out at her. Kagome's blood boiled.

"Calm down? Calm down!? You cheated on me with another woman and you expect me to calm down!? NO! As a matter of fact Hojo..." Kagome took the rest of her food and dumped it all over Hojo.

"Go crawl in a ditch somewhere with your slutty whore!" Kagome stormed out of the building and got into her green Mercedes Benz. She tried to calm herself down a bit before she started driving back to her dorm at Shikon Music Academy.

Back at the dorm, the woman with chestnut brown hair was working on her music. She wanted to make sure that the song she chose was okay with the rest of the girls, Ayame Tsukino, Rin Tachibana, and Kagome Higurashi. Kagome was the lead singer, Rin played the keyboard, Sango played the drums, and Ayame played electric guitar.

"I hope Kagome and the rest of the girls of Acid Love like the song I chose." The woman smiled to herself.

Kagome burst through the door and slammed it shut running and throwing herself onto the mattress burying her face into her pillows. The woman stood up from the computer desk with a sad expression. She rushed over to her best friend and roommate sitting down next to her with a hand on her back.

"Kagome, what's wrong?" She asked rubbing Kagome's back comfortingly. Kagome looked up to her best friend with hurt in her eyes and threw herself on the woman as she cried.

"Oh Sango, it was awful. Hojo broke up with me!" Kagome told her. Sango's eyes grew wide. 'What the hell!? Damn you Hojo!" Sango cursed to herself.

"And to top it all off... He cheated on me! He flat out told me he was seeing another woman! He said that I wasn't a good enough lover for him as that woman was!" Kagome buried her face in Sango's lap. Sango glared out the window while running her fingers through Kagome's hair. 'That bastard! I knew he shouldn't have been trusted!' Sango hissed to herself.

"Shh, Kagome. It'll be alright. Just forget about that prick, you don't deserve him nor does he deserve you. You'll find someone better than him, I just know it." Sango assured her.

Kagome looked up to her best friend, her cries calming down. She wiped away the rest of her tears and smiled at Sango.

"You really think so Sango?" Kagome asked. Sango smiled and nodded.

"Of course Kagome. There are some pretty good looking guys here at Shikon. You don't that Hobo guy from Magasumi. That place is a joke anyway." Sango smirked. Kagome gave a small smile and giggled. She gave her best friend a hug.

"Thank you Sango. You're the best." Kagome said.

"Don't mention it, and I know I am." Sango smiled with a wink. Both girls laughed.

About two doors down, a man with long silver hair and dog ears heard the commotion. He couldn't quite hear everything that was going on cause his roommate had the music up a little too loud.

"Would you turn that down a bit Miroku! People are trying to work you know." He hissed at the man with short black hair. Miroku wore a purple and black t-shirt with zigzags at the chest and black slacks. He turned from his desk to stare at his roommate.

"What's wrong Inuyasha? I thought you would like this music. It's Nickelback you know." Miroku said with his arms crossed and a smirk playing across his lips.

Inuyasha was wearing a black Nickelback t-shirt with red slacks. He turned around to face Miroku with a smile.

"Yes, Nickelback is awesome! But you could turn down the music a bit, there are people working on their school work." Inuyasha explained. Miroku sighed and turned down the music on his laptop.

"So what are we going to perform for the class next week?" Miroku asked. Inuyasha put his hand to his chin to think.

"Hmm, I'm not sure Miroku. We need to form a band meeting with the rest of Silver Moon." Inuyasha told Miroku. Inuyasha was the lead singer of Silver Moon, Miroku played the bass guitar, Koga played the drums, and Sesshomaru (Inuyasha's half brother) played electric guitar.

"We have to think of a song that we can all agree on." Miroku said. Inuyasha nodded.

Meanwhile Sango and Kagome were doing the same thing. They were both looking on their laptops looking for songs to perform for class next week.

"I found one song while you were gone. I wasn't sure if you would like it though." Sango said. Kagome looked from her laptop with a raised brow.

"Lay it on me." Kagome said with a smile. Sango smiled.

"I was thinking that we could perform 'Invincible' by Kelly Clarkson." Sango said. Kagome's eyes widened with excitement.

"Oh my gosh Sango I love that song!" Kagome shouted with excitement. Sango giggled at her best friends reaction.

"We need to call Rin and Ayame for a band meeting to discuss it with them first." Kagome explained. Sango nodded getting her phone out.

"I'm already on it." Sango smiled.

"Perfect! Tell them to meet us at the courtyard tomorrow morning." Kagome said.

That's all for this chapter guys. Please tell me what you think of it so far, I deeply appreciate it. I hope I can make this story just as good as my other stories. Maybe even better! ^_^ Next chapter will be up as soon as possible! Until next time, Ciao! ^_^