Chapter 0:
A/N: This idea popped in my head suddenly and it was such a great idea that I said 'Hey! Why not turn it into a fanfic?' Please don't question the ages! Just pretend that they are all around the same age. Sinbad's group that is. Aladdin and Ja'far will be female in the first part of the story! I had to revise the chapters because I rushed when I wrote them.
Summary: What if Alibaba, Aladdin, Morgiana, Sinbad and his eight generals all had kids of their own? (Even though Hinahoho already has one...but ignore that fact for the summary). What would happen if those children came from a dark future and came to the past to prevent the dark future from happening? Seven children will take a journey through time and must overcome challenges. But, the most difficult challenge is trying to convince the Ja'far of the past that they are their (past) parents' children. Will they be able to accomplish that and save their future from Al-Tharmen?
There will be gender bending in this story, but not much. Only two characters are going to be changing gender.
Pairings: Alibaba x Fem!Aladdin; Sinbad x Fem!Ja'far; Masrur x Morgiana; Sharrkan x Yamaraiha; Drakon x Saher; Hinahoho x Rururmu; Spartos x Pisti.
In the future:
Blood and fire coated everything as screams of intense pain rang through the air around the Sindrian people; they fled towards the port, away from the destruction of war. Finally arriving at the ships, they tried to board as quickly as possible due to the cloud of arrows advancing upon them. Though many dropped dead, they still managed to get most of the citizens on board and safely out into the harbor.
A dark aura hung in the air around the ravaged, war-torn, and bloody palace; where Sinbad and his eight generals (including Alibaba, Aladdin, and Morgiana) were fighting in the throne room against the dark soldiers from Al-Tharmen. Bleeding profusely, and their breathing ragged, they still managed to barely hold their own against the onslaught.
"They just keep coming!" Hinahoho yelled to his king. Sinbad gritted his teeth as he growled. The sound of half a dozen feet rang out above the violent din.
A familiar shout rang out as another group of people joined the fray. That voice belonged to Sinbad's and Ja'far's sixteen year old son, Shun. Sinbad turned towards the entrance of the throne room and spotted his son and his friends fighting against the dark soldiers.
-{Shun has long dark purple hair that goes down to his knees with a streak of white in it and was tied up in a low ponytail like Sinbad's hair and was tied with a dark blue ribbon. His hairstyle was almost exactly like Sinbad's, but Shun's bangs were side swept to the right and nearly cover his right eye. His eyes were a beautiful emerald green color. Shun wears a black tank top and blue pants with black flat shoes. He also wears a light blue jacket around his waist and plain golden cuffs around his wrists and ankles. Standing to the right of the young prince was Hinahoho's and Rurumu's fifteen year old son, Izaya.
Izaya has medium length, wavy, light blue hair just like Hinahoho and his wife. His eyes were an aqua green color, which usually always sparkled in the sunlight. Izaya wore a light blue tank top that was the same color as his hair and dark blue pants and he wore dark blue flat shoes as well. He also wears silver cuffs around his wrists. Standing in front of Izaya was Alibaba's and Aladdin's 10 year old daughter, Lily.
Lily has medium length golden blonde hair like Alibaba. Her eyes are a beautiful aqua color. Tied in her hair, Lily also has a white lily blossom in her hair. She wears a red long sleeve shirt with blue pants. She also wears red flat shoes as well. She also wears silver cuffs around her wrists. Standing to the left of the young prince was Sharrkan's and Yamaraiha's thirteen year old son, Misaki.
Misaki has the same hair style as Sharrkan, but his hair color is a light blue, which is the same as Yamaraiha. He wears the same uniform as the royal knights around the palace, but his uniform is white and light blue. He also wears silver cuffs around his wrists. Standing next to Misaki was Masrur's and Morgiana's thirteen year old daughter, Ayane.
Ayane has long hair that goes down to the middle of her back and is the same color as Morgiana and Masrur. Her eyes are a beautiful honey color. Ayane wears a simple white dress with long sleeves that are loose at her wrists. The dress goes down to her knees, but never gets in the way when she fights. She also wears white flat shoes as well. She also wears silver cuffs around her wrists and her ankles. Standing on the other side of Lily was Drakon's and Saher's fourteen year old son, Aoba.
Aoba has short, spiky black hair that is a little bit tinted with green. He has black eyes and he doesn't wear a shirt, but a cape just like Drakon. He also wears the same pants as Drakon as well. Aoba doesn't wear any shoes either. On his right ear, he wears three plain dangling earrings. He also wears silver cuffs around his wrists and ankles.
Standing next to Aoba was Spatos's and Pisti's fifteen year old son, Kohaku. Kohaku has short and spiky blond hair. He also has black eyes. He wears the same uniform as the Sasan knights.}-
All of the children stood at the entrance with worried looks on their faces, unsteadily clutching their weapons. Lily, on the other hand, looked about ready to cry.
"Shun! It's not safe here! You must take the others and flee the palace!" Sinbad's wife, Ja'far, shouted to her son.
"NO! We're not going to leave you behind!" Shun shouted back to his mother. As mother and son argued with each other, Sinbad got an idea.
"Hey! I might know how we can fix this whole mess." Sinbad suddenly said, making everyone look at him from the corner of their eyes as they continued to fight.
"Sin, it better be a plan to get us out of this mess we're in at the moment." Drakon said.
"It's not. If successful, this whole war would have never started and Sindria would still be peaceful." Sinbad said. It took the adults only a few moments to realize what Sinbad was suggesting.
"You don't mean to send someone to the past to prevent everything thing that has happened, do you!?" Ja'far asked with surprise in her voice.
"Yes. That's the whole idea, but I wouldn't want to send just anyone to the past. I want to send our children. That way, they can meet us in the past, stop this war, and not be in as much danger as they are here." Sinbad said with a serious look on his face.
"No! We're not going anywhere without you!" Lily called out to them as tears started to form in her eyes as the other children protected her from the enemies. But, the adults ignored her.
"I agree with Sin." Ja'far said after a few moments.
"I second that." Sharrkan said.
"As do I." Drakon stated.
"Me as well." Aladdin said as Alibaba nodded his head in agreement.
"I agree as well." Morgiana said with a determined voice as Masrur just grunted in approval.
"The past will be much safer for them, so I agree as well." Yamaraiha siad as she used her magic to defend against an opponent.
"I'm all for it! I've already lost one of my children, I don't plan on losing another." Hinahoho said with a stern look in his eyes.
"Let our children be safe!" Pisti agreed as Spartos nodded his head as well. Sinbad also nodded his head once everyone except the children agreed with him.
"Good! Yamaraiha, Aladdin, please use your magic to send them into the past!" Sinbad called over the clashing of steel. Yamaraiha and Aladdin raised their staves in the air and focused on their magoi.
"My son! Try to stop the threat that is Al-Tharmen! I hope you will be safe with our past selves... Do try to convince 'us' that you are our children!" Sinbad called out to his son as a large group of magoi surrounded the seven children. As they began to slip into the swirling eddies of time, they stared on in horror whilst the palace and everyone they loved were being engulfed in flames. Shun looked over towards Lily when he heard a soft sob and noticed that she was crying. The others were crying as well, but Shun tried to keep himself from breaking down himself, for he had to be strong in front of his friends; who needed him now more than ever. The young prince held Lily close to him as the scenery around them changed too quickly to see. But after a few more moments, the group was engulfed in white light and, before they knew it, they were all falling from the sky.
The other children landed on top of him, largest first (with Lily on top), all except for Izaya thankfully.'He would have broken some of my bones if he did...' Shun thought to himself as his eyes started to slowly close. But, before they could, he could've sworn he saw their parents running towards them.